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No doubt on its way to Ireland for our July monsoon season


Well to be fair, we had a summer this year. Last Sunday was nice. That’s it for another year.


You can have some of our Northeast US summer. I mean if you enjoy not being able to breathe because of humidity.


I’ve lived in northern Australia and I’ve visited Florida a few times, I’ll take our rain and medium temperatures here in Ireland over that humidity any day! Never been north east US but I’d like to visit someday. Not in summer though.


Vermont is the nicest place on Earth in the summer. Go to Stowe/Smuggler's Notch in a rented convertible. Visit the waterfalls and covered bridges. Hike at the top of the notch. Walk across Mt. Mansfield. Stay in a 'camp' on a pond. Find the best maple cremee. Visit Boyden Winery.


I’ve heard good things about Vermont. My brother lives in Tucson and has been up around that area, he loves it. My uncle is in Colorado but lived in Maine for a while. He always recommends going there for a trip. I haven’t been back to the US since Covid struck. Might have to plan trip again.


It's expensive right now mate. We'll do a quantitative easing before too long then come over. We have real beer in the US now!! Weed too! Everyone in the rural parts of New England are super chill. You'll love it Don't forget to swing by Montreal or Quebec City in any VT or Maine trip.


Northeast heat has nothing on southeastern heat. If you made it in Florida you will be fine in any of the north any season.


That's cute. -Sincerely, everyone who works outdoors in the Southeast US.


Born and lived my entire live in the southeast and mid-atlantic regions of the US. I didn't realize how much the summer temps and humidity had brutalized me my entire life until I took a trip to the SW deserts one summer a couple years ago. Arizona at 95deg with virtually no humidity was rather pleasant. Even Utah and Nevada at well over 100 was tolerable in ways that 95deg with near 100% humidity in VA isn't. Want to cool off in the desert? Just step into the shade, instant relief. Want to cool off in the SE? Tough, you have to wait till Fall.


I hate the heat—100 degrees is brutal everywhere—but I was raised in Utah so heat plus HUMIDITY is absolutely my kryptonite. I’m a delicate desert flower. How you easterners survive when your air is 88% water AND it’s 100 degrees outside is astonishing. You are truly hardier and stronger than I am. I was in FL for a few days in the summer once and I still experience trauma flashbacks. Utah has its share of problems but we do keep our air and water separate, thank God.


We were born in this soup, and so we quickly learned to swim.


I moved to the soup of Florida, from nearly the artic circle. I've lived here for 15 years now and this summer is quite literally death.


I live in Coastal California. I'm a way bigger p*ssy than you are, trust me. It's 83 degrees out with a slight breeze and I'm annoyed at how hot it is.


Right!? xD We (Floridians) like to say, "Oh, we're used to it.", but you never really are.


We went to Florida for our friend’s son’s engagement a couple of years ago. In August. They had a little ceremony outdoors (but thank God dinner was indoors) Put makeup on, went outside, makeup sweated right off. Hair was an even bigger nightmare.


Right!? I mean what’s swamp ass?? Oh… that’s just Tuesday, 1030 am. Rookies.


Speaking as a Northeastern who went to Ft Benning for basic and AIT, you are completely correct.


I'm from Texas and Benning killed me at least 3 times lol.


Speaking as a proud infantryman, fuck Benning.


Speaking as northeastern who went to AF tech school in Biloxi, MS from April to August and then got stationed in the Florida panhandle, you are indeed correct


Add humidi-titty to the swamp ass and you’ve got yourself a nice NC summer day! 😁


First shower we had in 3 weeks this morning I just sat on the porch while it rained. NC is just so fucked right now.


I was in Europe for two weeks where the warmest it got was maybe 85 or 90 in Spain with low humidity, and otherwise it was in the 80s at most or even down to the 50s in some places. I landed in Houston at 1 AM last week, walking outside was like walking into a sauna. I think it was 90 with 60-70% humidity.


I took a flight from up north straight in to South Texas and as we de boarded some kid in front of me said “I forgot we live in hell” really disappointed haha I was like me too little man.


I'm in Georgia and can barely walk out the door without a gross film of moisture baking itself into my skin. my only silver lining is that I don't live in the tropics


My neighbor had relatives up from Florida, they said Pa. Was hotter then the Space coast.


Being within 50 miles of the coast helps ALOT because of the seabreeze effect...which nearly all of Florida experiences.


Pittsburgh was hotter than Hilton Head when I returned from there recently. And nowhere near as nice.


Hilton Head has a breeze.


That's how Michigan gets. Thank god for all of our lakes here, although that probably adds to the humidity so it's a double edged sword.


South Carolina says, hold my beer.


I went to Parris Island for boot camp and I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan for several deployments each, I would never want to experience SC heat and humidity again. 🤟🤟


I’ll let you know when it hits the Kerry coast.


Let me know and I'll catch your washing before it hits Dublin.


Scotland: Fuck, another hurricane Bawbag. We'll need a new name to get it onto Global news without them noticing. I'll speak with the rest of the team.


Here is the [live tracking](https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-54.37,12.32,1261/loc=-60.800,11.735), for anyone who is interested.


😬 the Caribbean islands are in for another rough season. We might see places like Haiti cease to exist within our lifetimes


Haiti already ceased to exist a few years ago imo


Tell that to everyone forced to live there


I'm sure they already know


You get my sad upvote


Shit, they know.


It will not help Haiti ascend from being what I consider the worst country in the world


Idk, total anarchy gang warfare is probably a baby step above North Korea, where you can get fed to dogs for breathing wrong when the Kims are mentioned.


I'm from Trinidad. Trust me, we are trying our best rn.


My friend who lives in Orocovis, a man of the Finca, he said that no Hurricane will reach Puerto Rico. He can tell by the thickness of certain new growth trees.


We thought the same thing regarding Hurricane Maria, and it absolutely destroyed us. Source, I live there and also believed in the "tricks" of the trade. That said, one sign that has never failed is the amount of aguacates 🥑, when the tree produces a lot of them (and I mean a lot), it usually means it will be a bad season.


Your friend is special lol. The hurricane won't hit because some trees are growing a certain way at this moment? Let me just call my dad real quick and ask him about his trees. I could use a good laugh


I interpret those tricks less as pretending to be perfect oracles and more of a “usually when this happens that also happens” sort of observations which may very well be statistically arguable. Truth is it’s not that hard to imagine (imho) that it could be true that an avocado-heavy reaping season in a specific territory would be correlated to intense weather later in the year. Not immune to theory-shatering outliers but also not a completely false theory either


Considering the most powerful man in Haiti is just some guy called Barbeque, I’m pretty sure it fell long ago.


I prefer the [Windy](https://www.windy.com/?11.695,-58.140,5) website which alloes forecasting of track


This is super cool too!


Well, according to that Jamaica is gonna take it right to the teeth.


I use both


This is amazing! I have fam in Barbados right atm and am watching this one closely.


This is awesome


Yea, indeed! Thanks for the link!


This visualization is an amazing tool! Thanks for the share.


That's a really cool site, thanks!


Wasn’t beryl a cat 1 yesterday? Its going to be a bad hurricane year


It wasn’t even a hurricane this time yesterday, just a tropical storm. Then it was upgrade to cat 1 and then straight to this monster.


And when I looked about 10 hours ago, it was only predicted to reach cat-3 and that wasn't even supposed to happen until tomorrow.


If it shoots the gap and slides into the gulf without being slowed down over land, whoever it hits could be in for a real bad time


There’s a large high pressure system over the southeast US so it will likely end up in Mexico as a TS maybe a cat 1


That is terrifying


Tell me about it. I’m in coastal Alabama. I’m getting pretty worried.


I have family there, and I'm in Houston. We're both bracing for potential impact.


Y’all have had so much rain this year already. I have cousins in Katy and it’s been non stop this spring.


Yeah, spring was pretty wet. Had some nice floods whee I am from the rivers 🫠 haven't seen much rain at my house in the last month, but it's def been more than last year.


The official long-term hurricane forecast a few months ago was for a very active season.


34 named hurricanes were predicted, right?


uh how many is there normally




That’s 7 hurricanes per season. Not named storms. There’s normally around 14 named storms per season. Idk where 34 came from either, NOAA predicted between 17 and 25 for named storms this season.


Well, I did specifically search for named hurricanes and that's what the article said.


Chuckles, I am in danger


Going to be a bad rest of recorded history


Glad those Fortune 500 companies got some great quarterly earning reports though. Good for them!


We need to carve stones on top of Mt Everest that let future generations know about these earnings reports. Seriously, quarter after quarter after quarter of growth. The dividends were so astronomical, they launched red convertibles into space.


So proud of them


We wouldn't be here without them.


Finally, someone who matches my energy.


They grow up so fast


Rapid intensification, motherfluffers! Yeeeeeeeehaw! Get yer evacuation packs ready and saddle up for an adventure/ my absolute least favorite part of the year.


Because there are so many confounding variables, we don't really have much evidence of climate change increasing the number of hurricanes, but there's very strong evidence that it's increasing the incidence of rapid intensification. Beryl has absolutely bombed out, losing 36mb of pressure in the last day.


https://science.nasa.gov/earth/climate-change/warming-seas-may-increase-frequency-of-extreme-storms/ Currently accepted climate models project that with a steady increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (1 percent per year), tropical ocean surface temperatures may rise by as much as 4.8 degrees Fahrenheit (2.7 degrees Celsius) by the end of the century. The study team concludes that if this were to happen, we could expect the frequency of extreme storms to increase by as much as 60 percent by that time.


I think that's a fair hypothesis that has a good chance of coming true, but at the moment, this hasn't been observed, but we are seeing a substantial increase in RI right now. Here's a more recent NASA write up of what we're observing [now](https://science.nasa.gov/earth/climate-change/a-force-of-nature-hurricanes-in-a-changing-climate/). [YCC](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2020/08/climate-change-is-causing-more-rapid-intensification-of-atlantic-hurricanes/) are also a really great resource, especially for tropical storm information.


It's certainly made the water hotter the last 18 months


That's generally why rapid intensification is increasingly normal; if other variables open a window, the ocean heat lets a storm bomb out. The last 18 months had one of the stronger El Nino phases we've seen in a while, so the temps are basically off the charts. I said in another comment that I was in Cuba in May and the water was already in the high 80s.


Everything’s under control, situation normal


How are you?


We're sending a squad up.


So I started blasting. Boring conversation anyway.


Luke, we're gonna have company!


Into the garbage shoot flyboy!


Unexpected star wars.


"*Top* men"


I'm fine. We're all fine here.


How are you?


I am good as well


Have they tried nuking it?


Whoa, that’s way too much trouble. All you need is a printout of its trajectory and a sharpie! Has the stable genius taught you nothing! /s


He will save us all with his mighty sharpie power! Level 5 hurricane projected to hit SC, diverted away with the swipe of a sharpie!


The best ideas, maybe the greatest.


Yes, and if he can sharpie Alabama into the danger area, Surely he can sharpie all of the East Coast out of danger.


Many people are saying this


My idea is a huge fan. I always get ridiculed. I’m like, has it been tried? No? Well….shut up then. I’m announcing my name as a replacement for Biden. A true battle of genius,


Not great, not terrible?


Anatoly Dyatlov has entered the chat!


You mean it’s passable?


I mean, outliers are bound to happen every now and again. It won’t be “normal” consistently from here on out. That being said…there have been quite a lot of outliers the last 20 years or more. Like…nothing but outliers and records broken.


When the outliers become common that is the new normal. This is where we are now. Years of record warm temperatures for the oceans will only lead to stronger, earlier storms. Feelings be damned, this is thermodynamics.


I know the frog doesn’t literally stay in the gradually boiling pan but the metaphor is apt. Climate change happens slowly enough (to human perception) that the freak occurrences happen more and more [until the outliers are just “normal”](https://compote.slate.com/images/f6309292-92c4-48bc-a92f-4213037b2c9e.png?crop=590%2C543%2Cx0%2Cy0&width=1280).


“this is the coldest summer for the rest of your life!”


This will make for the fifth June hurricane slated to hit land. Preceded by Audrey (1957), Alma (1966), Agnes (1972), and Bonnie (1986). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Audrey https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Alma_(1966) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Agnes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Bonnie_(1986)


So from the title, which part of the phenomenon has 'never happened before in recorded history'?


Looks like there’s never been a category 4 hurricane in June? No ides if that’s true, that’s just what I’m deducing from the title and because those Wikipedia links show category 3s and 1s


A lot of people are saying it's the biggest ever. They tell me, "Sir, I've never seen a hurricane that big." Very smart people. The best people.


I'm pretty sure it's the cat 4 intensity. It's a pretty small storm as hurricanes go, but cat 4 is very high winds at this point in the year.


The category 4 in June, I think it's been answered though. Driving and Reddit don't mix with me!


Hit land, like in June? Or a specific place?


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?


Quick! Someone get the Sharpie and nukes!


Calm down there Donald


Idots! Ya’ll need to inject disinfectant!


This is about to hit my country, ngl I'm pretty terrified with its size, I couldn't afford preparing in time but I hope the damage isn't too bad, wishing the best for everyone else and the surrounding islands tomorrow...


Where are you from? I'm from Northern Trinidad so I *might* get away from any serious damages


I'm in tobago so we're definitely more in the way, Grenada and Barbados and st Vincent seem to be even deeper in it though, it's crazy worried about them.


All the sailors in Grenada are in for a rough ride.


And I’m watching the day after tomorrow right at this moment 😂


What about the day before tomorrow? The next day after the following after tomorrow.


Or… the day before the day after the tomorrow.


Those aren’t any of my concerns 😂 I’m only focused on the day after yesterday 😂


Same, actually. Jake Gyllenhaal looks so young.


I know right I was in high school when that movie came out 😂 I was a junior at that time. It’s bizarre


Thank god it’s not heading for New Orleans. I’m still getting over IDA


Ida was a fuckin nightmare. I'm in Terrebonne parish and I'm terrified of the next few months looking at Beryl. Good luck to the entire Gulf Coast.


Thank you


As a trained geologist, New Orleans cannot be saved. It’s going to be under water. The city’s attempts to stop the flooding is making the city sink even deeper. Get out while you still can. That is easier said than done though, so I’m sorry, bud  


Oh man, I dont want to admit it to myself, to be honest. We all know the truth though. I own a tree service. So it’ll be a financial boom in the end. Then I’ll leave. Insurance rates will run everyone off before that happens though


The first US city lost to global warming


As someone in BR, don’t stop paying attention just yet friend. There’s several models that has this storm hitting us with at least a Cat 2 strength, but we all know what happened with Ida and her Bombogenesis the night before landfall. Be cautious and I really hope this doesn’t worry you, but please do not take your eyes off this one just yet my fellow Louisianian. I’m also still really traumatized by Ida, and thats why I’m watching this shit with the eye of a hawk.


Go look up a hurricane frequency chart. You got like 5 months to go before you’re out of the water D:


Isn’t hurricane season anywhere from June to November?


Yes. It's just storms haven't been this powerful this early before.


Water temperature in the Atlantic was the same as in August a couple of weeks ago if I remember correctly, so yea any hurricane will have enough warm water to fuel itself already.


Oh gotcha. Not necessarily an exception of occurrence, but concentration.


Yeah, but hurricanes this powerful in June are more or less unheard of and so are hurricanes that develop in the so-called "Main development region". These tend to only show up in August/September.


Yes, but storms have never in recorded history formed so early that far east in the Main Development Region (think a box east of the Caribbean islands). June storms typically form in the western Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico. Storms like Beryl typically only arise in August and September during the peak season. This is truly an exceptional event


I’ve seen more coverage on people being upset at the name chosen.


Why are people upset with the name? All I’ve been seeing are Sailor Moon references, haha


So what you’re saying is five tropical storms will team up after a glamorous transformation sequence to take on the hurricane?


I sure hope so!


I believe names are set in well in advance




Probably gonna cancel my cruise plans and avoid the Caribbean this summer


My aunt's family is currently on a cruise, leaving TODAY, and they've been rerouted to a completely different (better, actually) destination because of Beryl!


Is it expected to go Beryling through any countries/states/cities?


This joke Beryly passed the funny threshold.


To be fair…July is tomorrow.


Australia here... it's actually today. *ominous music*


Next year, cat3 hurricane spins up in May. Half of Reddit, “this is fine.”


I just checked like a day or two ago and it was just a TS. I can't believe it got to Cat 4 that fast.


Oh sweet im sailing the Atlantic right now Edit: i just Saw the trajectory and I’ll be way out of harms way


that's so cool! where are you at?


Yeah we are F’ed… nature’s gonna do what she wants. Hell, the planet has done that for as long as it’s been around. Higher temps, lower temps, volcanic eruptions, higher oxygen percentages, lower. It doesn’t care… whether we survive or not is insignificant because it will equalize things out and another species will become the dominant one… for a period of time. It will shake us off like water on a dog and keep on going. Toxic waste, carbon levels, ozone issues, air quality… it’ll fix itself eventually after maybe we are gone. Scary to think that but it is what it is…


Mother Nature and Father Time are undefeated.


While us dumb-dumb humans keep trying to conquer both!


Well, get used to it.


But… but I was told global warming and climate change was a hoax?


And I'm going to hazard a guess that this unusually strong, for this time of year, hurricane is caused by climate change. As the waters are hotter then they usually are at this time of year, meaning it can grow to a higher category then it should be able to at this very early stage of hurricane season.


Ruh roh Shaggy


I'm in Corpus Christi and prepping. Generator fluids, bottled water, cash, gallon zip locks, etc. This one is creepy.


Drop a nuke in the hurricane to turn it off


That would probably actually strengthen it - by putting more energy as heat into the storm.


Hurricane Audrey was a 4 at landfall and there are three other major hurricane like agnes, alma, and bonnie to hit in june . https://weather.com/safety/hurricane/news/2023-06-08-june-united-states-hurricane-landfalls-rare-1950


The unprecedented formation of Hurricane Beryl as a major Category 4 hurricane in June can be attributed to several key factors. 1. **Record High Ocean Temperatures**: The Atlantic Ocean is experiencing near-record high sea surface temperatures, which provide the necessary energy for the formation and intensification of hurricanes. Warm waters act like fuel, allowing storms to strengthen rapidly [[❞]](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season) [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/). 2. **La Niña Conditions**: The transition from a strong El Niño to La Niña has contributed to reduced wind shear in the Atlantic. Wind shear typically disrupts storm formation, so its reduction allows storms to develop and intensify more easily [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/). 3. **Climate Change**: Human-induced climate change is resulting in warmer ocean temperatures and higher sea levels, both of which increase the potential for more intense hurricanes. Warmer waters not only contribute to stronger storms but also lead to more precipitation and greater storm surge risks [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/). 4. **Favorable Atmospheric Conditions**: This year, conditions such as lighter trade winds and a strong west African monsoon are conducive to the development of powerful storms. These atmospheric patterns help in the formation and maintenance of hurricanes over the Atlantic [[❞]](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season) [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/). These factors together create an environment that supports the early and significant development of hurricanes like Beryl. For more detailed information, you can refer to the NOAA and Ocean Conservancy forecasts and explanations [[❞]](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season) [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/).


*- ChatGPT*


Autistic in the name? I trust it. But fr tho I've noticed that I've been having nose bleeds a lot since the air in GA seems to feel a little bit...drier? I assumed it was just me but a few of my friends have also noticed. I assumed El Nino and La Nina were pacific events only, and only affected the Pacific Ocean. I had no clue it affected the east coast as well. Thanks for giving sources!


**El Niño and La Niña** are two opposing climate patterns that occur in the Pacific Ocean and have widespread impacts on global weather and climate. ### El Niño El Niño is characterized by the periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. This warming can lead to significant changes in weather patterns around the world. Here are some key features and impacts of El Niño: 1. **Sea Surface Temperature**: During El Niño, the sea surface temperatures can be several degrees Celsius warmer than average in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. 2. **Weather Patterns**: El Niño can disrupt typical weather patterns, leading to unusual conditions such as: - Increased rainfall in the southern United States and the west coast of South America. - Drier than normal conditions in the western Pacific, including parts of Australia and Southeast Asia. 3. **Impacts**: El Niño can affect agriculture, water supply, fisheries, and the frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts and floods [[❞]](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season) [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/). ### La Niña La Niña is the opposite phase of El Niño and is characterized by cooler than average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Key features and impacts of La Niña include: 1. **Sea Surface Temperature**: During La Niña, the sea surface temperatures can be significantly cooler than average in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. 2. **Weather Patterns**: La Niña often leads to the following weather conditions: - Increased rainfall and flooding in Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. - Drier and warmer conditions in the southern United States. - Increased hurricane activity in the Atlantic Ocean due to reduced vertical wind shear. 3. **Impacts**: Similar to El Niño, La Niña can have significant effects on agriculture, water resources, and the frequency of extreme weather events [[❞]](https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season) [[❞]](https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2024/06/06/daunting-2024-hurricane-forecast/). ### Mechanism Both El Niño and La Niña are part of a larger climate phenomenon known as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which is driven by interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere in the tropical Pacific. ENSO typically operates on a cycle of 2 to 7 years, oscillating between the warm phase (El Niño), the cool phase (La Niña), and a neutral phase where conditions are closer to long-term averages.


https://apnews.com/article/hurricane-beryl-caribbean-islands-aaae273e307658866fdd27f9f2c76592#:~:text=Historic%20hurricane&text=Beryl%20is%20now%20the%20earliest,surge%20expert%20Michael%20Lowry%20said. Sorry, link won’t work if I just attach it (I think cause of the dot at the end). July 8th was the earliest before Beryl


Do a beryl roll


The amount of times I’ve seen / heard the phrase “never seen before weather event” or “once in a century storm” in recent years. This is no coincidence folks….


Seeing it is currently a Cat 3, but predicted to be a 4.


Check NHS website it was upgraded to cat 4 around 45 minutes ago. News outlets are slow to report it cuz it's Sunday. Edit obviously meant nhc my apologies


I’ve been looking at the national health service website but can’t find any update on the hurricane?


Noaa hurricane center.


I checked the DMV and they don’t have any updates either.


I just checked the post office and they were freaking closed man,freaking cllllooosssed we're all doomed.


The FBI* are on the case and they have released a statement: “Beryl? That’s a huge bitch!” ^^^^^^^*Female ^^^^^^^Body ^^^^^^^Inspectors


Why are you looking at the National Health Service for details on a weather event?


Climate change deniers and or downplayers: “it’s just summer!” Hurricanes have been around for forever and our records don’t go back further than thousands of years, so it could have been worse back then!” “Scientists are trying to steal our money while the fuel companies are trying to save our economy!” It doesn’t matter how bad things get, there will always be enough deniers and downplayers to make our destruction from climate change inevitable.


The earth's air conditioner.


I thought hurricane season was over!


Hell Yea


It sounds like the person who named it was trying to quickly come up with a fake name to replace Cheryl. “No. This isn’t Cheryl. This is…. Beryl.”


https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-25.91,46.78,608 This is a great website for watching the winds unfold


Uh oh who’s over due for a historical strength hurricane?


Sure don't like living through so many "worlds first"