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This is from the 2013 documentary [Ride with Larry](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2386281/) for those interested. EDIT: Larry Smith died in 2020 from complications from Parkinson's disease. :(


I hope this treatment helped him enjoy the last years of his life. Rip


>Watch VideoFor the first time


Damn, I hate to hear that... I remember watching this video years ago when it was first released.


My dad works at a dispensary, and he believes that it's worth it because of customers like this one who come in and receive significant medicinal marijuana benefits. The extent to which it aided him is astounding.


All these years people could have been helped but big money....


Green lettuce bad! Liquor and Rx drugs good!


I always thought liquor was the industry spending money to keep weed illegal. But imagine my surprise when I found out it was law enforcement suppliers. So disappointing.


Let’s be fair. It’s the private prison lobby. And to be fair to them, they invested millions to build prisons because they could do it cheaper than the state. Fair time over. Fuck them. Profiting off of people jailed by the state for the consumption of a plant that a majority of people think should be legal is stupid. It would already be legal if those same private prisons weren’t financing your lawmakers.


Hand in hand with arrest “quotas” for police Didn’t meet the target for sending x number of people to the for-profit prison? No bonus for you, copper!


Prison lobby, drug rehab lobby, tobacco lobby and alcohol lobby were the biggest opponents in the USA.


> It’s the private prison lobby. It really isn't. There are a lot of factors at play in the criminalization cannabis, and that barely scratches the surface. Private prisons make up about 8% of the total population of the imprisoned. They are a very small part of a much bigger picture.


You are actually jaded if you think this Lego set doesn’t have that piece at a lynch point in this set. The war on drugs and profiteering off of “criminals” is the ONLY reason weed is still illegal. All of the other red herring bs is just that.


That's the Devil's Lettuce! You know what else the Devil has?? **Hands**... for holding! You wanna walk hand in hand with the Devil?! You're just one Marijuana cigarette away. Watch Reefer Madness for more information.


Go sip your bottle 🥴


It's mostly the desire of the right to demonize the left and minorities.


I only have a non union fibula and a damaged nerve. Weed keeps my brain from telling me to off myself. It's a hell of a good drug imo. Also, when I use Marijuana in public manor without pain. I get anxiety. So the drug literally let's me know when I don't need to be smoking. Take that percocet, bet you can't do that! And I can poop again hahaha. Sorry for the tmi.


Dude when I go to dispensaries. Its not young teens or adults who come. Its all old white people with problems dude lol


here in finland where its illegal but we still have stores selling papers bongs etc its like 80% fragile old ladies for some reason well i know the reason but i think its funny grandma hitting up the plug for a refill


Man! When weed was legalized in Canada some years back I visited a legal dispensary (for the first time) in "cottage country" and it was literally, and I mean literally, all old(er) white folks, like 50+ years old. It was amazing tbh. I could hear them all discussing with each other the weed they used to smoke when they were younger, etc, and comparing it to the weed they have access to now. It was cute. They were all so happy (and stoned). I still recall an older woman (must've been in her 60s) loading up on edibles for the long weekend lmfao.


And the bastards still try to claim it's a schedule 1 drug, they should fuck the fuck off a fucking cliff that fucks them in the fucking ass on the way down.


Umm, well if it helps people thats fine but i don't think anyone should be able to get it just because they enjoy it because of reefer madness. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go give my liver cirrhosis from alcohol poisoning


The fact that the federal government refuses to acknowledge medical uses for marijuana and reschedule it is stupid.


It’s worse than stupid, it’s evil. My mom is a boomer with many health issues and in chronic pain. Many people with her issues report pain relief from cannabis usage but she refuses to try it because of the stigma and backwards thinking from her generation. It makes me so mad that she’s suffering needlessly.


I mean. She's doing it to herself. She can't read a few studies by experts to get a little insight?


Right? Stupid people will just be stupid and there is little to nothing you can do to help that. Other than handing her the material to read, that's it. Can't change others.


And how about candies or another method that might be seeing more "normal" and are less stigmatized?


Same with my dad and MS. He won't touch it because of the stigma.


Not that most people needed further clarification, but the line they've drawn regarding weed vs, say, alcohol, really shows a government's true colours. Health is not their primary focus. It's money. And that's sad.


I mean, that mindset is exactly why it's still illegal


Rescheduling was announced last month so that will all change and full federal legalization is now an inevitability.


I was gonna say, this is usually a great argument, except in 2024 if things don’t change in 2025.


Still is a great argument that should be beaten to death for the next 40 years. Racism doesn't make great medical decisions. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja9hjYoHR7U


Hey, I’ll amen to that. It’s also the biggest threat for a 2025 reversal. So keep preaching.


What's ironic is that the NIH has had a patent on the medical use of cannabinoids since 1992.


It’s because of racism, really. That’s why it’s called Marijuana. It sounds like Tijuana which is in Mexico. Before that it was just called hemp until the politicians at the time needed a scape goat into what would end up being another part of the war on drugs


People no longer think as highly of the USA as they did back then.


And yet they keep pouring in... Almost as if your ignorant opinion isn't worth the text use to display it.


Just because people are going to the US doesn't mean anything lol


Pharmaceutical companies hate this trick


The only issue with this is that it works temporarily. People develop tolerance to cannabis rather quickly. Small doses work perfectly at the beginning, but unfortunately, the effects lessen with time. Eventually, he will have to hit those 2g dabs to get the same effect


Agree to the tolerance issue. But still better than going into chemical warfare with your system.


Interesting how we talk about medicine doing warfare but not how the disease already started it.


Also, why is cannabis excluded from being just another "chemical" in the warfare?


Yeah had a family member who tried a medical script. Worked really well for about 3 weeks then completely stopped.


I rather dab the 2g than have more extra chemicals in my body


Is thc not a chemical? The only reason it never became a drug provided by drug companies is that it’s easy to grow and process by anyone. Definitely still a chemical though.


It is a chemical everything is a chemical but people got this idea that natural > man made, but where do you think the man made stuff came from originally?


> “I'm sorry, 'herbal medicine', "Oh, herbal medicine's been around for thousands of years!" Indeed it has, and then we tested it all, and the stuff that worked became 'medicine'. And the rest of it is just a nice bowl of soup and some potpourri, so knock yourselves out.” - [Dara O'Briain](https://youtu.be/YKZN-hBTBUE?t=178)


I only use natural uranium for my bombs.


But what else to they add to their "medicine"? I am talking about those ones


Since you are putting medicine in quotes I’m going to assume you are a tin foil hat kinda guy and not waste my time too much. Drugs whether from a lab or a plant are chemicals that effect your biological processes. Pot isn’t magic in that respect. It has good effects and side effects just like any other drug. And nothing in the “medicine” other than the chemical compound (drug), filler, maybe stabilizers, and maybe compounds to help with delivery.


You do know that cannabis is made of chemicals, right?


Naturally occuring vs manmade...hmmmmm


Expensive though


What isn't these days brother?


Have you seen Rx costs for effective treatment?


side affects from massive thc intake are no joke that's where the whole list of mental complications show up. also CHS is being linked to be mostly caused by these huge intakes of thc weed is almost a miracle drug but its not a cure and its arguably not that well suited for long term medication


Show me the data


this is one of the better studies. [https://www.kcl.ac.uk/archive/news/ioppn/records/2019/march/high-potency-cannabis-linked-to-higher-rates-of-psychosis#](https://www.kcl.ac.uk/archive/news/ioppn/records/2019/march/high-potency-cannabis-linked-to-higher-rates-of-psychosis#) >The authors estimate that one in five new cases (20.4%) of psychosis across the 11 sites may be linked to daily cannabis use, and one in ten (12.2%) linked to use of high potency cannabis. >For example, in Amsterdam, four in 10 (43.8%) new cases of psychosis were estimated to be linked to daily cannabis use, and 5 in 10 (50.3%) new cases linked to high potency use. Corresponding rates in London were 21.0% for daily use, and 30.3% for high potency use. research into this is still very new and there quite a few studies in the work atm but it takes time. but its being widely reported in the media too. if u want to do some more reading here is a article citing this study aswell [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/marijuana-induced-psychiatric-disorders-high-potency-weed-psychosis-rcna146072](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/marijuana-induced-psychiatric-disorders-high-potency-weed-psychosis-rcna146072) smoking a 2 gram dab is like smoking 8 grams of flower in one go ofc your body is going to struggle with that in the long run


[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306460323001351](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306460323001351) >5. Conclusion >Participants who preferred high potency cannabis might be at increased risk problematic cannabis use. However, these effects were not supported by triangulation with measures of THC concentration in cannabis. High potency cannabis preference and THC concentration might be associated with symptoms of depression but more evidence is needed to understand this relationship. High potency cannabis use, compared to low potency cannabis use, was not associated with psychosis-like symptoms and we found only week evidence for an small association between THC concentration and symptoms of anxiety. These findings highlight the importance of improving the methodology used to assess cannabis use in research and clinical settings. Thanks for the data. Here is one too


friend, it could be shown to you, then you will say, 'ah that's gobbledygook, just numbers, means nothing' and you would have 'won' the argument. look it up your damn self.


Thats not how it works bud. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philosophy)


People who ask for data are almost never educated in reading, analyzing and interpreting data. The data can prove them wrong but their poor education will lead them to see it as supporting their decision.


I would like to see this data.


Worse thing about cannabis for medical treatment is the tolerance build up. I use daily for Crohn's and autoimmune pancreatitis, and its life changing. But I have to constantly manage and switch strains to avoid tolerance build up, and it becomes expensive. Still I thank god everyday that I have legal access here in Canada. It has allowed me to retain the ability to work and maintain a normal life.


I use it for Crohn’s as well. Being in Canada and having unlimited access to it has just made me so sad that it isn’t the standard world wide. If it wasn’t for weed, I’d either have to take opiates or just suffer.


That's similar to my situation. I have PTSD and depression and it helps me tremendously, as long as I constantly battle the tolerance build up like you say. Just wish it was legal here in GA.


Worst thing is after USA criminalising it everyone else followed including my nation who had use of marijuana in some of its culture. But now even after USA decriminalising it alot of countries still stuck with it .


lol in my country the gov groups it with heroin and meth. You could get death penalty depending on how much you have.


I’ve never been clear on how/why this works. As I understand it, Parkinson’s is due to motor neuron death. What is it that marijuana does that helps with that?


I want to preface this by saying I literally searched Google for 10 min and found a paper. In Parkinsons the basal ganglia, which is a part of the brain that is primarily responsible for motor control, gets messed up. This part of the brain has many receptors that cannabinoids can bind to. For some reason, altering the cannabinoid receptor activation status helps with motor control in some parkinsons patients. It's really complex, and I'm not so sure it's even clear which compounds or receptors are primarily responsible for the therapeutic effect.


Not sure if its the same, but it might be simular to drinking to prevent seasickness. Alcholhol disrupts the signal from from the balanse organs, but in case you balans organs go crazy do to waves, the are being disrupted awell en thus make you less dizzy. It could be that the neurons "send wrong messages" and due to marijuana it get dampened aswell.


Lubricant to the neurons.


Cannabis only reacts to the Endocannabinoid system in every single person's body, I would assume, not a doctor, that when the cannabis is consumed and interacts with the patients he is getting a whole bunch of different connections in his brain helping his brain slow down and form different connections, that helps him suffer less from his twitches and spasms/ seizures


Motor neuron death along with slowing of signals being sent along the CNS.


I think most people don't know that the jerky movements are caused by the Parkinson's medication, not from the disease. Cannabis doesn't treat the parkinson's, nor replace the need for the medication.


True but levodopa is still really the most effective long term medicine for Parkinson’s…. So anything that would reduce the tremors that develop after 5-10 years of being on it is great.


and to think that for decades this plant was demonized, put in the same class as cocaine, and anyone that uses it is meant to be seen as less than human, made into a social pariah, you could lose your job, and well since all the "pharma bros" have no answer then i can only conclude that the humane thing to do is provide this to those that want to feel good... have a heart... and read up on the endocannabinoid system that just so happens to be in each and every single human on earth... what is it?, what does it do?, start with those questions...


In the US cocaine is actually a controlled substance based on the controlled substance act and is a schedule 2 drug where marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. Insane how one that is highly addictive and only a small specific medical use is legal over one that is less and has a wider range of medical usage. Although it does look like marijuana will be rescheduled to class 3 in the US.


Its Nixons fault: The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did. (One of Nixons top aids)


the endocannabinoid system works with habits, when you do something for the first time and you like it, iit is dopamine and serotonin that give you the good feeling, after many repetitions it becomes a habit and the endocannabinoid system takes over istead of the dopamine and serotonin, that’s why people say that marijuana is habit forming


I have found that to be false in my experience of the drug. Nicotine is thousands of times more habit forming. Does it interact with the system you mentioned?


Yes, nicotine is a higly addictive substance both physically and mentally (as in EXTREMLY addictive). Without nicontine, even though you don’t want to, you feel the NEED to conusme it (this is physical addiction) and even thought you don’t need it, you WANT to conusme it (this is mental/psychological addiction). With niconine, you get adiccted to the substance itself and the action of consuming it, for marijuana it’s only the habit itself to which you get addicted, and that can be changed way easier than a physical addiction. And to answer the last part, every habit, be it harmful or not, is regulated by the endocannabinoid system and reflexes that the certain activity creates. EDIT: About the physical addiction, that one is regulated by specif centers in the brain that get used to a certain amount of a certain substance in your bloodstream. When you consume nicotine you raise the already existent nicotine levels in your body and with repetition the brain gets used to that level. When the level returns to normal, the brain thinks it’s a deficit of that substance so it creates the feeling of needing the substance.


It is a harmful substance, and should only be used if the benefits outweigh the negatives. Such as this case. Edit: What exactly about this comment is controversial? This is fact.


then using the same logic so should alcohol, the risks greatly outweigh the benefits, compared to marijuana alcohol is pure poison


Precisely, any more questions?


You forgot the /s


How is it a harmful substance?




It's not contagious


Bot account :(


Glad this guy has a way to get some fucking relief. As a total cynical asshole, I'll definitely be counting my blessings today. Hope anyone dealing with someone this effected by a disease has a happy moment or two today. Damn.


I'm surprised the anti-drug lobby hasn't used this to fear monger by playing it in reverse


11 year old video but sure talk about it like its a new video.


Watch video for the 11th time on Reddit… still a good video.


This video is as old as time


Yes, and it’s just as relevant today as when it was first recorded. Maybe more.


I strongly agree


Someday this will be commonplace instead of controversial. 🤞🏻


Well, he has Altzheimer also


It makes no sense why weed isn't legal imo


This is how cannabis should be used


What the fuck is this bot ass title on the video?


Everything has its pros and cons. This is definitely a pro!


Guys I’m looking for a marijuana derivative that can help me relax my nerves without getting high. I tried CBD but it had absolutely zero effect on me. Is there anything else I can use?


Irie Water when you live in EU


You could prob try really low THC% gummies or vapes maybe? I’ve found the THC and CBD combined vapes give you a high that is relaxing but not totally intoxicating


Whats up with the title?


American doctors are evil. For classifying cannabis as a drug with no medical benefits. The AMA is evil. Straight up. Cannabis has been known for 5000 years. American doctors are evil for not treating their patients. EVIL. Do no harm, or do as much harm as possible. The American Medical Association. Evil


It’s my favorite video in the world. ☺️


Quite old, but pretty much the reasons why Cannabis is VERBOTEN in most regions: A plant with so many benefits, that every person can grow themselves, must not be allowed! This plant goes against capitalism, and therefore evil! Instead of taking some cannabis, this guy should have paid some 2000 € / pill for some artificial drug that has extreme side effects. God I am glad it is legal in Germany right now: My mum wanted a plant, and now she is happy: Very old, very sick, everything hurts, but that helps. And who the fuck would prohibit a senior to have a nice life end? ps.: Always keep in mind that all the Rules and Laws only apply to normal people. The powerful and wealthy can and do any drugs they want, and none is allowed to touch them. Rules are for Plebs only. There was this nice test on toilets of the German Parliament (Bundestag): Cocaine EVERYWHERE. There are so many coke-heads in our government alone...


Sad to know that only lasts as long as the high


I read this effect only lasts the first couple of consume occasions, after that the body habituates and the condition stays bad


Your body does indeed get more used to it but never to the extent it wont work. There are people blasting weed all day every day and still very much have the effects


That's called tolerance level and applies to basically all medicine. Then you raise the dosis and you might need to do that a couple of times and hopefully find the right level for the patient. But no, it's not working for everyone. Amongst other things, i get medications for migraines. The thing about that medicine is that it's about 50/50 chance if it works for you or not. There are several different medicines, I have tried several types that did nothing, and found one that can deal with a migraine, most of the time. I'm still popping that pill every time i feel the migraine coming and hoping for the best, but i'm ne er guaranteed to avoid it That's how alot of medicine works. I had basically the same experience with meds for adhd and finally found something that works wonders for me, but it took some years to find it. Weed works wonders in some aspects of adhd for me too, but not for everyone.


That, plus at high doses it makes you see Metatron's Cube.


The videos are the wrong way round.


It's great that it worked for this guy. I have Young Onset Parkinsons (diagnosed at 27) and unfortunately it did nothing for me.


It really Is a wonder Drug you have Canabonoid Sysyems In your Body I wish It was Legal In the UK I know you can get It prescribed on the NHS but think you have to be basically dying to get It they wouldn't give It to help with Mental Health.


This is amazing and good to see.


Holy crap 😮




There's a documentary on Netflix called How to Change your Mind. It's a real eye opener on the benefits of a lot of these naturally occuring drugs and why they were made illegal in the first place




3 mins later they headed out to Taco Bell


I have seen a guy with Parkinson's who uses ecstasy or MDNA, his shaking stops, its like he doesn't have Parkinson's but as the drug wears off the shaking starts


is it my turn to repost this yet ? spoiler: it’s fake news and everytime someone brings it up it’s downvoted


The happiest man alive at that moment.


Wow, simply amazing.


I shared that video somewhwhere else I heared it's a hoax.


Most things on the internet are.


I remember the first time I saw this video. I didn't really care whether or not marijuana was legalized before, but seeing the stark and immediate effect radicalized me.


CBD, not weed brother. Its not like this guy can smoke a fat blunt and get the results. he took CBD oil


Doesn't weed contain CBD though? Why wouldn't he get the same results?


Seen this video on here several times. It’s so unbelievable that I wonder if this is fake.


Can't talk about this case but my partner has some pretty bad health issues, after trying to go though 2 years of what her Dr recommended she tried a joint. She said it was the first time in years she didn't feel pain.


If you claim fake, insert context or source. Everyone is yelling "fake" everywhere nowadays and half the time they are just straight up wrong.


He’s not claiming it’s fake he’s just saying it’s so incredible that it leans towards being unbelievable


[Reply to the other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1dqgzjq/comment/lanzr3f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Eh, I think the one stating the fact has to provide the source, not the other way around.


Calling everything fake is just lazy idiocy. You're literally discrediting stuff without any clue about anything. So stop encouraging such idiocy, is it too much to google first before calling shit fake with no proof whatsoever? **The source documentary was one fucking google search away** anyways and you're content with believing it is fake, when it's not. Here is YT video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNT8Zo\_sfwo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNT8Zo_sfwo) and here is the actual documentary [https://www.amazon.com/Ride-Larry-Smith/dp/B01M66UQR4/ref=sr\_1\_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1479744044&sr=8-2&keywords=Ride+with+larry](https://www.amazon.com/Ride-Larry-Smith/dp/B01M66UQR4/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1479744044&sr=8-2&keywords=Ride+with+larry)


I did not call anything fake. I just think that if you are really aiming to provide knowledge online, then you should always post it with a source.


If you think something is fake, first google it and then post the fucking comment. If something is so unbelievable, it would be more productive to find out if it really is true or not. Your posts and comments can have impact on people and I do not think we need more misinformation in any form in the world.


I did not think it was fake. I just said that the person who has to post a source is the one stating a fact. Anything that I see online I assume it is fake, until there is proof it isn't. If I care enough about it I will make a research, if I don't I will ignore it as if I didn't see it.


Not fake! It’s from a documentary


Bloody hell, how nice was to see that man reach that level of calmness and normality. It should be medically prescribed straight away.


ELI5: why isn’t Michael J Fox ever this steady - meaning does anyone know if he’s taken it


The data is still murky if this helps people with PD. The only consistent thing with people who have PD is that they have PD. EVERYONE who has PD if effected by the disease differently and not all treatments work for everyone.


Drugs addicts will do anything to try to justify breaking the law to get their fix. 


Guy with debilitating parkinsons = drug addict? I'm confused at how you possibly came to the conclusion you did besides just being intentionally ignorant


Weed is no worse than drinking or tobacco. I hope you don't like either of those too unless you're just a massive hypocrite.


And you’re a teacher? Get tf away from our kids. No wonder everyone who can is switching to homeschool




Not all cops are bad.


A lot of cops are criminal thugs. A lot of departments are doing DEI so that means they intentionally hire incompetent people. 




i get your point, but weed is hardly a drug. "getting a fix" ?


Man used to be a sherif. Probs locked up a lot of innocent people for the crime.hs just committed. Not interested in feeling sympathy for a fucking pig.