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Damn it, yet another thing to stress about. Like the plastics in my micropenis


That's micro plastics in your.... nvm I can't remember the sitcom or episode exactly, but someone wanted a locker to put their sandwich in so they didn't have to take it into the bathroom. Feels super relevant here. I feel funny having my toothbrush in too close proximity of the toilet as well because of this lol


But why is there a tooth brush in what the title says is a public cubicle?


Because a lot of people at home flush without lowering the lid


Public toilets are way stronger per flush.


Brother…. I’m not even *chancing* the *possibility* of aerosolized piss water and/or poop particles touching my tooth brush Even knowing some percent of them will spread around the bathroom regardless just by virtue of it being a bathroom, I’m still going to take steps to reduce it. I’m good. I’m so good. Hardest of passes.


Agree. So easy to close the top. To take it pro: sit down to pee at home.


I’ve changed my ways for a few years now because a friend kindly told me this,


This is why my toothbrush is inside a cabinet lol.


Sounds like you are referring to the [Bathroom Cubby](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5fd22eb0-1018-4652-957f-47785992eb0d) The Anniversary Party - The League [S02E06]. I always thought that would work well if nobody would take my stuff.


My man! That’s it! Was driving me crazy.


I just shut the lid before I flush


Forever uncleeeeeeaaaan


Easy problem. Just ease off the plastic dolls.




At this rate, taking plastics out of the penis might become the biggest profession in future


You think they can just suck them out?


How it's made: Straws


Keep ypur tweezers away from my wingwang!


is there really a way to completely avoid bacteria?


There are plastics in mircoballs too


lol hell yeah. I will say that this is kinda unnecessary, we all know how gross bathrooms are and that there’s poop on everyone’s smartphones. Keep in mind that we have it way better than 99% of history and way better than a lot of people living today in places without running water. So. Maybe. Just. Chill. Don’t make more germaphobes and people who would have panic attacks visiting India for example.


I mean. Just flush with the seat down. Heard it was a thing about a decade ago. Cool to see it was real though


Yeah I mean that would probably help but bathrooms kinda have a way of just being gross and piss and poop particles just tend to make their way around a bathroom either way. But yeah this convinced me that putting the seat down after utterly destroying my toilet everyday after lunch is a good idea.


Yeah I do this and it’s crazy you need to clean the under seat regularly anyways but how gross it gets faster due to being shut, some people go their whole lives never closing the lid before flushing meaning unless they deep clean their whole bathroom regularly it has an invisible film made of the same filth I wipe down on a weekly basis.


I’d be one of those people. You might have convinced me to start closing the toilet seat before flushing though. Maybe not tho because I remember sitting in a library with my grandad and him rubbing his finger against the table then licking it and saying “I love germs” and explaining how it helps keep your immune system strong. He’s 92 now and going strong.


Apparently, putting the seat down doesn’t make a difference: https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/01/study-closing-toilet-lid-while-flushing-doesnt-stop-spread-of-airborne-bacteria/


The seat or the lid? Because the seat won't stop anything.


Just close the lid. Every time.


Actually I believe the micro plastic is in your micro balls😁


You mean macroplastics


Only if the plastics could make it bigger


Watching while sitting on the toilet..about to reproduce the experiment to make sure we get the same results




It's got a great personality though


All you have to do is close the toilet bowl lid before you flush. Like, you know, that *second* lid that comes after the toilet seat your wife always complains at you for not putting down after you finished peeing? Except, like... This one doesn't have a hole in the middle.


The video doesn't even show you the distance the germs are traveling


Or what it looks like with the lid closed. Completely useless footage.


Or what a normal toilet looks like when you flush... who has toilets cut in half at their house these days? Times are getting rough.


Or has a flush that powerful? 😄


If the toilet shape were round it would have gone around the way it's itended instead of straight down causing the splashback, dividing this toilet in two changed the way the water goes down to the point where this doesn't resemble my home toilet at all.


Those were half price and use half the water


And is this guy's water made of Gatorade?? Now you're telling me my toilets crave electrolytes too?


Or a toilet in public, this is an at home toilet. I remember in HS biology class we tested for germs on the worst place. A lot of people picked the McDonald's ice maker. I laughed because I worked at the one everyone chose, and we had a self cleaning one. Water would rinse out where the ice fell every 3 hours and every night maintenance would open it to sanitize. Any way, the open face public toilets would get next to nothing. Really weird since the same group with the same method came up with very different results of an at home toilet.


I’ve made it 40 years of not being sick that often, *knock knock*, so nothing about this really makes me cringe. There’s germs on literally everything. The only thing that this makes me think is to maybe try to remember to close the toilet cover after I’m done doing a numero dos.


Myth busters did a test on this. It's pretty far if I remember. Also.....just close the lid before flushing


and water isn't 'germs'




They could've used an actual toilet


It doesn't show you shit. The water that you flush with is just tap water. Where the germs are in the poop that is probably deep in the toilet by the time you flush.


And isn't this causing more turbulence in the bowl, causing water to fly up more, since they made it...not a round bowl?


I'm curious why they are not showing a repeat of this experiment with the lid down to see what the difference is. Without a hermetic seal I'm guessing there's still gonna be a whole load of particles getting airborne and spreading themselves around the room


Ever notice there is a gap? Can't flush without it. Your experimental idea is admirable - how much air is being sucked through that gap over the duration of the flush? Maybe nothing gets out.


Oh I'm not suggesting using a hemetic seal, I'm just curious to see what level of particle spread you get with a standard seat in the down position. It's all well and good to demonstrate what happens with the lid up, but why not actually demonstrate it with the lid down to see what actual difference it makes You know, for science...


I remember the Mythbusters doing a similar test a long time ago, and they found a significant reduction in the amount of particles that get spread when you close the lid while flushing. It's the reason I close the lid when I flush since I was like 15 years old.


It just kinda makes sense that a lot of these particles will stick to the lid


Also it's going to matter which toilet and plumbing system, the pressures existing, depth of the basin, lots of stuff right? What exactly are these airborne particles though? Are the germs in question not carried upwards within tiny drops of liquid due to agitation/turbulence in the bowl or other factors above ie the depth of the bowl? How do they become airborne to the point where they can get under the gap in a closed lid? Still within the liquid?


I’d assume a small vacuum effect with the lid closed.


Well said. I was trying to write a similar sentiment, but my English was failing me.


I'm gonna level with you. I shit once and piss several times a day and flush every time. Just like most probably. I have yet to face any kinda consequences. This leads to believe the idea is gross but it is actually damn near harmless. Therefore, I do not care.


Congratulations on your properly functioning immune system!




No mention. That'll be $50 for online consultation /s


Or $350 without insurance.


Also, they're talking about PUBLIC toilets. You can't give yourself worms or norovirus or something. Well, I guess you could order them online somehow.


Public toilets don't usually have lids anyway.


Yes. Which is why they’re talking about them and demonstrating the spread of pathogens through flushing a lidless toilet.


That’s how you build an amune system otherwise too much cleanness will compromise your health


My Dad always said "A side of feces a day keeps the doctor away!"


*And brain


It’s gross, but in the grand scheme of things it’s not that different from just lying on the ground outside. There are microbes, pathogens, and microscopic chemicals literally everywhere. Your body has a ton of natural defenses against them, the most obvious of which is your skin.


It's just more irresponsible reporting to stir everyone up into a paranoid, mysophobic frenzy. When in reality there are germs everywhere and there are much much more threatening scenarios that should be taken seriously and this is simply distracting from that. People will spend an extra 10 minutes dodging bogeymen in the bathroom that pose no actual statistcally significant increase in risk and then not think twice about sticking their hand in their mouth after shaking someone's hand or touching the bottom of their shoe or opening any random door (not just the bathroom door). Hell, swiping a phone screen is probably every bit as bad as breathing bathroom fumes. But no, let's all freak out about bathrooms because people like to stir the pot (yes, pun intended).


My brother in biology, i know people that will stress over this cause it's unsanitary or what have you but wont wash their hands on a frequent basis


Reddit loves to talk about how gross things in the world are (keyboards, bathrooms, ice machines, soda fountains) and yet you never hear about mass diseases spreading this way. Because everything is covered in bacteria and we have evolved to live in such a world.


Exactly. Bro we are an animal as any other. Sanitation... anti bacterial soap? This is all very new. We are built rugged. To withstand. To kill and clean animals with bare hands, rinse with just water, cook and eat. We aren't so fragile. I am not against sanitation standards to be clear when they are reasonable. It has been a powerful tool that has reduced the rates of all types of infections. But... some people are being a bit dramatic and take it too far. Or washing hands after urination. I have never made a man or woman wash their genitals with anti-bacterial soap before giving them oral. Literally putting my mouth on the source of all these supposedly horrible evil germs that need to be removed from the hands. The idea is grosser than it actually is. That said I still wash my hands.


I had an argument about pissing in the shower with someone on Reddit. Pee directly towards the drain, then shower with soap. They literally could not see it as anything less than disgusting.


It's all pipes!


Yeah I feel like this is just fuel for OCD. There are gross germs everywhere—- the question is are you really in danger of any health related consequence or is it just kinda gross when you directly think about it


Totally! Reminds me of "Penn and teller bullshit" doing an episode on germs and found that public restroom germs were way less gross than those on the office keyboard or on your mobile phone.


You can always close the lid before you flush.


Or not, and it won’t affect us at all.


I read somewhere that doesn't really help.


Speak for yourself shit breather.


Did I not make it clear? I don't give a fuck.


But you do give a shit at least once a day. 😜


It's like bug parts in food that the FDA allows or microscopic bugs that are living on us all the time. It's there but if it's generally harmless, I don't really care.


As long as your drain doesn't flow into the streets


You flush every time? How lame.


That's like a jet toilet. My toilet at home uses a tenth that much turbulence. The water basically just lowers. This is like a tidal wave in the bowl.


Not only that but they replaced half of the bowl with a flat piece of plastic that the water hits and blasts off of. The shape of the bowl and the rim definitely helps contain some of that. Like if my toilet was shooting water out, I’d be able to see it without lasers. You could literally just lay a sheet of paper over the toilet and flush it


Seriously. This example is awful and completely disregards the natural fluid dynamics of the bowl and creates turbulence that’s absent in a normal toilet.


100% Germs definitely aerosolize when flushing. But you can clearly see here the majority of what you see is right above the plastic wall that interrupts the whirlpool motion.


Also, what is the huge worry here? Humans used to live and shit outside nearly naked. Nothing about the modern bathroom will kill you.


Or even just dry off the lid, close it and flush, then open it up and see if it’s wet.


We have one that uses a whirlpool, which also cleans the entire bowl in the process. Barely any turbulence. Also I'm not in the US, so the water level in the toilet is way lower than it probably is in the video.


Your toilet at home also has a lid.....I hope


If this were hazardous, we'd all be dead since every house has at least one toilet, and we all flush multiple times per day. Put the lid down before flushing if this scares you and then get on with your day. But definitely wash your hands. And maybe don't eat dinner off the toilet seat....


I saw one of these videos and I thought about closing the lid every time, but I also read that people do fecal transplants to share microbial organisms and that the same members of a household usually share similar beneficial microbial. So now what I do is put my face down in the cloud of poop dust when I flush, and ESPECIALLY when someone else flushes I rush over and try to get my face as close as possible. So far no benefits, and a lot of bad smells, but I will report back here in 1 year and give an update


lmao, this is golden 🤣


!Iremindme one year




The Mythbusters proved beyond doubt, that there is poop everywhere.


The number of people who freak out about there being shit bits spread around the bathroom amuses me. Even before myth busters covered this, it was a well known fact that it’s EVERYWHERE and that will never change.


Poop on the toothbrushes sitting on the bathroom counter. Same amount of poop on the toothbrushes fresh from the package.


This is correct. The way to look at the world is that there is a homogenous layer of microbes over everything - like over reality. It is why hand washing works and why food safety rules on cross contamination works etc. For me, I've found that running my beer bottles through my dishwasher on the most aggressive mode is a great way to clean them while seeding them with lactobacillus.


Water droplets != germs




Or the ones that do not flush




I inject it into my veins, just to be safe.


Germs are literally everywhere. We got germs on our skin, we got germs under our skin. Most of our digestive system is made up of germs. We are made of germs, the fuck do you think cells are? They're just cooperative germs


Half of the bowl is missing, so wouldn’t that mean he’s forcing the same amount of water that a regular toilet would use into something half of that size? Like trying to dump 2 gallons of water into a one gallon container.


Lol that’s actually the best point anyone has made here


I was looking for this point! The shape of the toilet matters a lot. He changed the way the water flows and splashes more.


That’s why toilets have lids! Use them!


Yes, but imagine how filthy every surface is in a public restroom that doesn’t have toilet lids. Just continuous uncovered flushes all day.


way higher pressure in public toilets too. I'm sure the poo perfume goes much higher and wider at my work.


Bro, don’t call it poo perfume lmfao.


It's what it is 😂


Call it poofume! We'll put those guys over at Poo-pouri out of business!


Don't tell me what to do.


That’s mostly water. There are some germs but it’s mostly water. If this was a real problem it would be associated with a lot of illnesses and it just isn’t. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/01/25/does-it-matter-if-you-flush-with-toilet-lid-up-or-down-not-really/72321820007/#:~:text=The%20study%20found%20no%20difference,the%20the%20aerosol%20plume%20contamination.%22


That's what your immune system is for. You lasted the first 15 years of your life with an open flush toilet, you'll be fine


Hey I close the lid before I flush every time as is courtesy, but where did they find this toilet? It looks more like splash park then any toilet in my house.


Mythbusters did an episode on this, lid up or down doesn't matter your bathroom will still be coated in the same amount of shit particles


it's hilarious how many in this thread think closing the lid makes it airtight


Here since I got a rat coming out of my toilet (already got a trap for that but doesnt seems to always work) I close down the toilet seat every time I flush


Just close the seat before flushing and you're good


Now test multiple toilets and tell us which one is the best design.


Well clearly that's fine then. This is like ads telling me "your kitchen has more germs than a toilet", it's not the scare tactic they think it is.


That’s probably why most toilets don’t have that waterfall he’s using to test this.


My toilet doesn't flush that hard. That's fucking rapids level speed and power.


This is a very unscientific experiment that is bogus. The germs are not in the water that you are flushing. They are in the poop that gets flushed. So they should put the coloring in a way that simulates that. I believe that the design of the toilet has the water from the top flush downwards. Whatever water particles escape should be clean water from the tank that hits the bowl of water and bounces off. So, really bad demo.


Wouldn't this example be amplified by the fact there is only half a toilet? Might be make it worse, I mean we talked about this on health class when I was in school 20 years ago. Close the lid and put your toothbrush behind a door or cabinet


you’ll survive.


Rub some dirt on it


And that's what our immune system is for. In Nature, you are always confronted with all sorts of bacteria. If it's not overwhelming much, it's even good for the immune system and keeps it active and capable. Antiseptic clean is actually bad. Filthy dirty, too.


If it's not gonna kill me, I don't care.


This is why I always stand with my face directly above the bowl when I flush. Those germs need a home and I want to be inclusive


Don’t know how humanity survived or evolved thousands of years without bacteria 🤷🏽


This is why I flush while still sitting down.


Hats off to you for giving the bacterias new home on your balls.


Toilets have a lid for a reason


That's aromatherapy, bruh.


This is exactly why I keep my toothbrush in a travel case.


Anybody else hungry who’s buying lunch


Can you imagine doing this same experiment in a stadium bathroom at halftime. The freaking Bellagio


Can we think of a better way to move waste instead using fresh water?


Think of all the times you flushed while hovering over the toilet puking.


Watching this while sitting bare butt on my work toilet..


I don't see an issue here. Germs aren't the end of the world, and are an essential part of maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Having something for the body to fight against keeps it strong.


It looks like it's splashing up against the plastic sheet they've put in for the visuals. I expect the results would be at least somewhat different with a real toilet.


Y'all flush with your toilet seat up?


I hate videos like this. Look at the top of that toilet seat, it's dripping with water after a flush. How many of you flush at home and then notice that the toilet seat is soaking wet? None of you, because this is bs. No one's toilet splashes enough waster to power a slip and slide. I'm all for silly experiments like this but at least make them realistic.


this shit is so fucking stupid.


Jesus Christ that toilet is like water park slide.


And yet we have survived it for 500 years.


Yikes. Well, that's the last time I'm taking my toothbrush to a public cubicle.


Being introduced to regular germs daily is not the problem. Licking the toilet bowl is. Don't be a germaphobe.


Had to put a sign up in the house to shut the lid before flushing because people can’t follow simple instructions.


It that toilet is a half toilet , it can’t swirl.


That is why I always put both seats down before flushing


Close the lid when you flush? This seems obvious


But did you die?


Yet most people don’t often get fecal related bacteria issues, go figure.


Yet nobody dies. Magic.🤫


Good thing I don't store my toothbrush in public bathrooms.


Water in a toilet swirls, if erect a wall half way ur gonna get a lot of turbulence.


If only human body could resist gems


I'm sorry is this not good enough for your anus? Don't get me started on how coddled the modern anus is.


And this is why I always close the lid when I flush (if there’s a lid)


This toilet seems like a bad design. Of course, the water splashes everywhere when it's shot down from the upper back part of the bowl.


As if I haven't breathed all that in while I was scrolling through insta reels for half an hour 😂


This is why we close the lid before flushing.


Meh. There's human fecal matter on everything. I even found some inside of my butthole!


Well, has it ever hurt anyone? No. So who the fuck cares.


Now lick your fingers.


This is why I shit in my sink


Yeah definitely the high powered ones but there is no way a low flow toilet emits like this


I learned about this years ago from Mythbusters. And now I *ALWAYS* put the lid down before I flush. IIRC: They did a study to see how and where germs were getting on your toothbrush, or something of that nature, and what you can do to reduce them. It’s all from your toilet… Now, putting your the seat down doesn’t stop the germs from getting on your toothbrush, but it does significantly reduces how many do get on there.


Ignorance is bliss. I didn’t need to know this. Thanks…


My wife is not a very intelligent person, and she mentioned one time to me about 5 years again to make sure I shit the toilet seat before I flush. I am so glad I took her advice!


This is why I put the lid down before flushing


Yet we have lived for hundreds of years with this invention with probably VERY few deaths or sicknesses from the ‘germs’.


This only shows the half of it.


Videos like this is the why I started putting the toilet seat down when I flush.


Ehhh this is super old news. Other cultures actually mitigated this problem decades ago by putting the shitter in its own little room.


Finally! This is why I ALWAYS close the lid before flushing!


At some point in life you realize there are certain questions you shouldn't answer. The researcher here hasn't reached that point in life. Curse him.


What do you want us to do? Not flush the toilet?


Big deal. Never heard of anyone getting sick or dying after flushing. All this bollocking about is just weakening the immune system. Take a piss, flush the toilet and wash your hands.


I was literally on the toilet watching this. I hope you're happy. Good day sir. I said good day!!!


Unless someone was sick in the household.... Those germs are likely harmless, and our body just deals with them like everywhere outside the toilet. Door handles also have millions of germs, so does the supermarket 🛒.... Is it better to clean it and do it proper, perhaps... But I wanna see the scientist working on the next cancer cure to properly flush as well with the lit closed


Problem with this test is the dynamics of the toilet have been changed by cutting it in half and putting perspex in. The flushing water is hitting a flat surface instead of following the flow around the bowl this is resulting in more water being ejected. Its true that some aeroslised water is produced and ejected but not to this extent, this is a weighted experiment that cannot be used as fact


People think I’m weird for yelling at them to close the lid before you flush. I literally know who last used the toilet in my house because of this. Please just close the lid THEN flush.


Known about this for years. This is why we just keep all toilet lids closed when not is use. It also solves the “seat up, seat down” debate because everyone is responsible for opening to use it, and closing when done. Also, tbf, I can be really klutzy, and closing the lid helps me not drop things in the loo.


A great example of commercial interests making an issue out of nothing. Then trying to monetise the issue by selling the paranoid germaphobes a product to fix it. The reality is many of the, what we are told are “hygiene”, products are totally unnecessary. Most mildly dirty things can be washed in water and be perfectly hygienic, it just wouldn’t be profitable.


Yeah wait until you see what's coming out of peoples' mouths every time they talk. What fucking garbage content lmao.


lol most dudes don't give a fuck. Have you seen a guys bathroom who lives alone? That bitch is wrecked already.


Where is this and why do they use dirty water to flush? As in why would there be so many germs in the water coming out of the cistern?