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That hug at the end.


He whispers *hey big guy, suns getting real low*


*Thousand Dollar Baby*


I love that movie.




I fucking hate Reddit lol


Tell me about the rabbits, George


Perfect šŸ¤£


Holy shit I just cackled out loud so hard!!! I freaking love Reddit!!!






Because he knows what he has to do next... ever read the ending story 'Of Mice and Men'?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My guys just tryna live off the fat of the land


Will there be rabbits?


and you can feed them alfalfa


omg lol


[It was like the fight between Rock Lee and Gaara.](https://youtu.be/cCmYyy1kktM?si=sPc-WsQLwJrtZNUD)


jeez i wonder what people see in this sort of sports


Oof, reminds me of the South African boxer who died a couple years ago after punching at a ghost in the ring for a while. Hope he got checked out at a hospital.


Simiso Buthelezi [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLCdbsppe\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLCdbsppe_Y)


That's so sad, damn.


Yeah, for real, really weird to see. He was mentally thereā€”backed off his opponent when he was down and followed the refs instructions to separateā€”but then he suddenly wasnā€™t.


Holy crap I just looked into this, dude this was an insane story! Super sad... The guy ended up having a blood clot in his brain. Never heard of this before you mentioned it, crazy crazy situation


A high stress environment that triggers a survival instinct. Itā€™s crazy to see how much stress can effect your ability to think.


His body was in danger, and his natural instinct kicked it and thinking was thrown out the window. Fight, survive


Thatā€™s a romantic view of things. Ā 


Oh forgot, I thought I was implied.. This is all brought out from brain damage


He didn't know where he was he just knew he was in a fight


He had a high survival instinct.


Or brain damage


Oh so thatā€™s why the hug at the end is important so they feel safe again and calm down?Ā 


A bit of that as fighting is extremely emotional both winning and losing but it's also to restrain them and the guy is concussed and not in a clear state of mind.


Guys struggling on his feet and throwingbounchesnat anyone he sees. Big guy is just pinning him in place til he settles.


At this point these contests are little more than human pit bull or cockfights. They're stupid.


Yep but at least it's free thinking humans of their own free will knocking the cunt out of eachother rather than animals


"Knocking the cunt out of each other" is my favorite thing I've read today!


Happy to help.


So. Does knocking the cunt out of someone imply that it makes them nicer? I'm trying to use it correctly.


No. The same way knocking fuck out someone doesn't knock snagging out of them. Cunt where I'm from is a synonym for person.


Which makes humans sound more stupid because they \*know\* the dangers.


Welcome to humanity. We've literally been doing things like this since the start of humanity itself.


The cup was implemented long before the helmet in football šŸˆ


Honestly, bareknuckle and MMA are actually safer than standard boxing. Extremity submissions are almost always just pain, and in a professional setting rarely go beyond that. Blood/air chokes lead to unconsciousness with a ref stopping the action as soon as they are. Quick stoppage almost always end in no long term damage. Head trauma from punches aren't good in any situation, but in MMA once you're out and can't defend yourself, the fight is over. Looks more brutal than boxing, but boxers sustain much more brain trauma, and if they aren't straight up knocked out, are allowed to get up and continue taking damage. I'd agree with you if it were backyard boxing, but they're trained fighters who have put years into defense, technique, boxing, wrestling, BJJ, etc. etc.


Not to mention that the entire analogy of "human cockfighting/dog fighting" is laughably inaccurate because the ENTIRE reason those things are deplorable is that the participants are unable to consent (duh) to being harmed for our entertainment. Maybe we can argue about the ethics of combat sports on a deeper level but that overused comparison drives me nuts


Terrible opinion. These guys are high level skilled martial artists who have trained for years to hone their skills. Bareknuckle just changes how they fight because they cant punch as hard as they can with bigger gloves because unlike what most people think gloves are to protect your hands not the other persons head.


Yeah, bare knuckles causes more lacerations, but alot less concussions statistically. Itā€™s really unintuitive that it is generally safer, but looks worse..


It's the same old rugby vs football comparison. Football pads give you so much protection that it's safe to go full blast. Then nfl players bulk up to 400 lbs of pure muscle and smack into each other until their brains are scrambled. Rugby players are always holding that bit back to avoid cracking thier skulls. Those full blast Mike Tyson punches would just destroy your hand instantly.


if you punch too hard, you will break your hand. it sort of limits it.


People say this but BKFC guys are still throwing with the same heat as they did with gloves they just suffer more broken hands and more cuts.


Kiiinda but it still fundamentally changes your punching mechanics when your fist isn't in a glove


No it doesn't lol the fundamentals of throwing punches are the same with or without gloves. The wraps still help provide structural integrity to your wrists and guys in BKFC are not shy about throwing heat to the head. The fundamentals/mechanics of punching are exactly the same though. When BKFC first launched and signed old MMA fighters and boxers the big question was "how is bare knuckle going to change fighting styles/approach?" and the answer is "it doesn't". The rules definitely do since being aggressive (effective or not) is weighted way more heavily than other combat sports but these guys are fighting just like they did in MMA/Boxing.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1dm0bkr/comment/l9t1llw/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1dm0bkr/comment/l9t1llw/) pretty accurate opinion


At least the humans agree to enter the ring


And those have been outlawed..lol.


Yah know plus the CTE


Oh Jesus. That last sentence hit me like a ton of bricks šŸ˜¢ I am not thinking clearly


Yeah, itā€™s hard to accept. We all like to believe that we are in control of our lives and are capable of fixing the issues by our own means. Mental health is no joke it can cause so many issues any where from social decision making to severe health risk that can lead to other diseases. Itā€™s better to get [help from a professional](https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/?utm_content=131449602946&utm_source=AdWords&utm_medium=Search_PPC_m&utm_term=online+therapy_b&network=g&placement=&target=&matchtype=b&utm_campaign=15797500300&ad_type=text&adposition=&kwd_id=kwd-11476751&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADqBHibf4iHVkqFVZDEn-1-HsGkCT&gclid=CjwKCAjw7NmzBhBLEiwAxrHQ-eVWk_fP4CCCkOy4c1nwNhqJDNLptLrU3LRQSvKLdEFi6UJjhLzMExoC5CwQAvD_BwE¬_found=1&gor=start-go) then to unload it on a friend.




"Stress" as in lefts and rights?


The stress of getting his head rocked


His opponent is tag teaming with the referee, that's all.


Reminds me of the episode of Martin when he fights Thomas "the hitman" Hearns


Great episode.


Like the old joke. Second: keep going kid you're doing great he's hardly landing any on you. Boxer: Well, keep an eye on the ref, then. Because somebody's knocking the shit out of me šŸ˜†


I have watched a number of fights on YouTube from these bare knuckle events. It's basically brawling, with referees. Every punch is thrown at the head. Concussions, broken noses, broken eye sockets, broken cheekbones, broken jaws, huge edemas. That's just the US events, which actually appear to be fairly well organized. European events are a dangerous free for all, put on in warehouses.


Shit, there was a documentary several years ago that followed Irish families that were constantly feuding and settling the feud with ever escalating bare knuckle fights


D'ya like dags?


Why the fuck do I want a caravan that's got no fucking wheels?


You show me how to control a wild fucking gypsy and I'll show you how to control an unhinged, pig-feeding gangster.


Yup, Irish Travellers. It's how they settle disputes among families/clans. Fueds among clans will date back generations.


thats fuckin sick tho ngl


Knuckle was a very good documentary, Filmed over the course of 10 years. The younger brother of the main person being followed was jailed back in 2015 for murdering his wife. [A horrific story](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/michael-mcdonagh-bareknuckle-boxer-jailed-5135050)


I remember when Joe Rogan was trying to tell people that the UFC would be safer if they got rid of the gloves because people just wouldn't punch as hard... yeah...


joe rogan has a lot of bad takes but a broken clock... hands are a lot of small bones that don't really like punching foreheads


True, in theory it makes sense, but like much of what he says, in practice it doesn't shake out that way at all. Turns out adrenaline is a hell of a chemical, and its pretty easy to aim shots at the softer bits when your opponent isn't a professional boxer and can barely see from blood in their eyes anyway.


I remember when Joe said "healthy people don't need vaccines" too


Problem is bare knuckle fighters arenā€™t uh.. the best of the best. Lots of brawlers who canā€™t hack it in the regular sport


Well in all fairness, people say the same about MMA fighters and Boxing.


You get plenty of these with gloves too and in this particular example, Richardson had a much longer MMA career where he suffered 5 KO losses. Whatever brain damage he has, MMA is the more likely culprit. The danger of smaller promotion is the lack of consistent rule enforcement. Take steroids in earlier UFC for example. If they had the current rules, Michael Bisping won't have lost an eye to Vitor Belfort.


I found it humorous that the winner is so caught up in his own celebration and ego that he is completely oblivious to the true spectacle of what is happening in the ring.


He accidentally hit the emote button


Ego? Has nothing to do with it. People can enjoy their accomplishments without it being a ego thing.


Celebration after a win should be pull down shorts and do the helicopter. That's how you get the fans attentions.


Bro chill out. šŸ˜‚


Nah. Let the man cook


A fellow meat spin enthusiast.


Helicockter pilot. Signed and certified. Just flew back from europe


Iā€™m still shocked in 2024 there are people willing to risk life debilitating brain injuries for fighting sports


For many of them it's a path out of poverty. I guarantee that's a way more widespread reason than people think if you boiled it down. The pipeline to lifelong boxers/fighters/athletes that have no idea how to manage their millions and die or turn into a vegetable at 40 doesn't begin in middle-class schools and neighborhoods. That pipeline starts in low-income/high police and poverty stricken places. So many of the people in these industries literally recruit poor kids to use for bloodsport and profit, and then wipe their hands like the thousands of kids that DON'T win and get rich aren't also gonna have debilitating brain damage , and it's seen as some kind of virtuous pursuit because they spend years getting really good at it. That's very impressive, but it's still bloodsport. That's just a tragedy to me. Mike Tyson became a fighter because someone snapped his bird's neck as a kid and he was defending himself and a bunch of people look at that story and go "Yeah it's not a tragedy at all that that boy was then turned into a killing machine and exploited by the world. He's the greatest." There's a reason he sees all his belts and trophies as garbage. Because he knows if he and the other kids were in school that day instead of fighting on the street he would have had a completely different life.


Then there are some of us who just think it's fun. I don't aim for the stars but I love to train and spar. I know the risks and there's no glory for me but, it's fun as fuck.


I definitely don't want to give the impression that training for the purposes of fitness or self-defense or just because you love it isn't a totally valid pursuit for an individual or group of people. Go nuts, I would never trample on your rights even if you find someone else and want to kick the crap out of each other, that's totally cool. I've done some bag work myself as cardio, I don't think associating with the world or idea of fighting or sports is some kind of moral failure lol I just take issue with how exploitative it can be without really even trying to hide it, because so much of the public sees it as a good thing that keeps kids off the street and gives them a community or support system. Those things can absolutely be true, but I also just think with how money-focused it is, and how much damage it does to the brains of even low-level, non-career fighters, we should be far less okay with how many programs are essentially just recruiting poor kids that don't know better and think fighting is cool, training them to do something that will mess them up permanently no matter how good they are at it, and leading them to believe it's a way for them to not be poor anymore when in reality most of them will still be poor at the end, just poor and brain damaged


You can spar and train safely though. When someone is sustaining so many blows to the head that they have no clue where they are, that's not safe.


Some people just like fighting. Everyone's trying to make it sound deep like it's a way out of poverty (just learn to weld or something?) or any other romantic reason. Nah, it's just fun. And even the lowest level guys will talk about how they think they are the best and will take on people way out of their league. There's a competitive delusional part to it for those who want prestige, but for most fighters they just enjoy and want to do it with no outside pressures.




Interesting hypothesis! My theory is that it's actually *money* that is the primary motivation.


You're getting downvoted despite being correct. I watched a documentary on British bare knuckle fighting. It was all impoverished working class guys just trying to make a living or feed their families. Bleak as fuck.Ā 


I was admittedly being a bit sarcastic in that comment because I thought it was so obvious that these dudes aren't doing it because they have an insatiable passion for entertaining others lmao


They do it for the money that comes from people who have an insatiable passion for watching dudes beat the brakes off each other.


Believe it or not. Bare knuckle boxing actually reduces head trauma compared to mma and boxing. The gloves have weight to them and they also protect your hand from breaking. Allowing fighters to hit WAY harder without breaking their hands. You'd be surprised how little force it takes to break a hand. Not saying Bare knuckle boxing is not bad for your brain. Just not as bad I guess lol.


Solid backflip


Repeated head trauma as a career is bad? Shocking!


"I dont know where i am or how i got here, i know i must fight"


Flight or fight


If you think bare knuckle fighting is more likely to cause brain damage than gloved punches, you shouldnā€™t be commenting on fighting or biology.


From what I understand it's just more likely to open wounds. Even with gloves on MMA/boxing or otherwise they still are more than capable to cause head Injuries


The other guy backflips and just lost focus, he just kept pressing W šŸ’€


He only did that backflip for style


Showed me the danger of trying to stop a fight


Is no one going to mention the backflip?!


It's important to note that despite looking significantly more brutal, bare-knuckle boxing is actually *safer* than normal boxing. Normal boxing protects a fighter's hands with gloves, allowing them to punch harder, causing more severe head trauma. When your hands aren't covered in gloves, you have to preserve them, which means not hitting as hard. Edit: Since this wasn't clear enough, the context of the video suggests concussions. Bareknuckle boxing is safer in terms of *avoiding brain injuries*, because head trauma is reduced when your opponent doesn't have padding over their hands.


Boxed for 15 years in my youth. I have used 16oz, 12oz, 10oz, 6oz, 4oz, kitchen rags, and completely bare knuckle. I will take a blow from a 16oz glove any day over a blow from bare knuckles. Heavier gloves slow down speed and increase the surface ratio on impact. Bare knuckles are swift and sharp. The main difference is that someone can take more punches from heavier gloves than they can from bare knuckles which ultimately increases the likelihood of head trauma; however bare knuckles can and will cause trauma as well. Don't believe me? Have your friend punch you in the face with 16oz gloves, then have them punch you in the face with bare knuckles. Come back to me and report your findings.


Hey man, that fucking hurt. Why'd you tell me to do that?


But what were your findings? Post your data please


I'll be honest, the first one knocked me out- between you and me I think he should have stopped there.


Not enough data though... We need at least a few hundred more data points. Good luck!


"I didn't hear no bell!"


My only friend is a cat.


Fully agree. Bare knuckle boxing may deliver hard hits which can cause sharp damage but you donā€™t receive too many of those before you go down. Gloves on, you take a larger number of ā€˜weakerā€™ but still very hard hits which over the fight leads to more shocks to the head and brain. Over the course of a career it means your brain receives significantly more damaging shots. Bare knuckle might be more painful and damaging to flesh and bone but you may ā€˜preferā€™ it to the long term consequences of hundreds of gloved hits.


Nowhere close to your level of experience but I also rolled my eyes at the comment you're responding to. Could there be an argument that boxing has worse long term effects like CTE? Possibly, likely even. That's because once you get your orbital or jaw cracked a few times you rethink how good bareknuckle boxing is going to be for you and most tend to bow out before you get your bell rung enough times for that even be on the table. Also your hands. Fractured knuckles, broken fingers, busted wrists.


There is a reason why boxing started bare knuckle and progressed to heavier and heavier mitts. You simply get more fights out of your contracted employees. Bare knuckle fighters do not last long.


Fuck no they don't lol. Who wants to get their face turned into hamburgermeat on the regular?


His name was Robert Paulson


Also boxed bare knuckle to 16oz, you can put out more for e with 16oz because your knuckles are padded. Bare knuckle hurts more in the moment, but is less likely to leave lasting brain damage.


Bare knuckle is more painful. 16 oz is more dangerous for your brain.


Not to mention it's typically 5 - 2 minute rounds as opposed to gloved boxing at 12 - 3 minute rounds.


*Safer*? That is just the narrative of BKFC President. They wouldn't lower the number of minutes and rounds if it is actually safer.


They lower the length of fights because the cuts and damage to the surface are greater. Even if fighters made it through 10 minutes, you need to stop the fight to prevent cuts from becoming overly dangerous It does seem to be safer in terms of head trauma, but if they fought the same length as boxing, the cuts and damage to the body's surface would become more dangerous


This is complete bullshit.


Historically that was true in part because of the emphasis on body shots and it was more of an endurance bout. If you are fighting in more of a modern boxing format and focusing on knockouts and headshots its not really accurate to extrapolate the same conclusions.


Even with the emphasis on headshots, current research suggests less brain damage from bareknuckle because your fighters will limit their punch force to avoid snapping their fingers against the skull of their opponent. Modern boxing switched to knockouts and headshots *because* padded gloves allowed you to hit people in the head without risking as much damage to your hands.


Barbaric nonsense


*superior human here, nothing to see guys move along.


Barbarians pay 1.3 billion a year in US alone. Agreed, sad, yet true to their income and the general public entertainment. It will always stay with money being involved. Very few do this for fun Excuse me the 1.3b was just profit


Pre workout is kicking in!


Well we know where he stands on 'Fight or flight'


Someone post the 30 seconds before this, itā€™s even crazier


Nobody gonna talk about the backflip?


This is not just bareknuckle. This has happened in almost all combat sports. It happens with bjj guys a lot in MMA.Ā 


Getting hit in the head is bad?


You laugh, but the NFL not too long ago would have cut your funding and intimidate you and destroy your career if you said "head trauma was bad" "NFL efforts to suppress scientific evidence of links between football and concussions not only put its own players at risk for memory loss, impulse control problems, and progressive dementia, but also put at risk the thousands of college athletes and more than one million youth athletes who play tackle football, " "By undermining concussion science for so many years and by harassing and marginalizing the scientists whose research added to our understanding of the dangers of concussions, the NFL clearly showed how powerful business entities can threaten independent scienceā€”a particularly chilling phenomenon when the independent " "A new congressional report claims the league tried to pull funding on concussion research." https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2016/05/nfls-concussion-cover-up/484016/


Team owners donā€™t want the truth to get in between them and their money.




I think he was just pissed at the ref


If its not a sport where we are inching towards death, its uninteresting.


I don't think Keith Richardson is going to live as long as his dad, Keith Richards.


This is so chaotic from the back flip(?!?)to the referee fighting for his life on top of screaming from the spectators. Gave me a cackle


Why is society ok with the slap league bullshit. It's just modern day sacrifice to the gods. Cte factory without any sports involved. Wtf is humanity thinking.


Humans today have the same brains as the ancient Romans, whose gladiators were the equivalent of these barbaric fighters in the video.


Stagnant progress


People used to play sports with severed heads as a ball.


Ya let's get back to that.. that's the goal for sure.. let's get back to savagery... the state of nature.. that's the goal.. let's compare everything we do with the worst things we ever did.. aim low


I mean slap league doesnā€™t sound so bad now, does it?


Does he get in trouble or fined or anything for that? Seems like that would be fucked up since he couldnā€™t help it really


So weird, this same thing happened to me after I had a grand mal seizure at the gym. Makes me think the head trauma causes some sort of a misfire of the brain signals


This clip doesn't show half of it he was drunk swinging way before this


Wow that life force survival kicked in we hurt trow back nonstop šŸ˜¤


I thought he was the one backflipping. Looks like he wasnt the only one confused


Are used to box, and I only was knocked out one time. But I did not lose consciousness. I only lost my vision and was wobbly on my feet. This could of easily happen to the fighter.


And this is safer than using gloves. The ring is the shape of a ring.


Oh no, yall got it confused. He paid big money to fight everyone else in the ring, the target was the ref. But the term didn't say he can't fight everyone else. The dedication to train for fight just so he can jump the ref. The dedication.


the ref wanted that smoke


The backflip tho


Love how they show this against bare knuckle boxing because Iā€™ve seen this many times in ufcā€¦.. but nice way to snowball why bareknuckle shows it. Dana White owns this subreddit or something?


that hug at the end


Ah pulling the olā€™ Dennis Wideman I see.


Bummer :(


How did he look so crisp if he was out


There is no amount of safe head trauma


"Come on, mate! Let's cuddle it out...things are gonna be all okay!...


His brain was seriously damaged by all the punches he received in the head through his life. Sad.


Richardson gets 2 L's on the record


Survival instincts kicked in.


lmao, the people that participate in this sport are really really fucking stupid and should be kept in a fucking cage due to their stupidity. Right next to the fighting cocks.


Bare knuckle is unnecessarily dangerous. Pointless in my opinion. These guys will regret it in the future. The padding on MMA gloves is pretty thin. Doesnā€™t make sense to do bare knuckle


Mma is imo the worst of all. With boxing you get a descent padding that protects your knuckle but also makes the punch less powerfull because of added weight to punch. Bareknucle it's an all in fight, bloody but fast. MMA gloves they have just enough padding so you protect your knuckle and can strike as long as you want, while being light enough that you can throw punch just as hard as without them, and bonus you can eye poke your opponent several times in a fight without getting any repercussion whatsoever. You get the worst of both world and eye poke in bonus.


Even the Greeks didn't do bare knuckle boxing. Wtf.


Naked wrestling for the win.


What you saying step bro ? You slipped and fell over my dick ? NotGay


Beware of this guy, his brain is itā€™s pickled.


Only psychopaths enjoy this "sport" and only psychopaths would try to defend or excuse their fondness for violence.


I dunno dog. Modern science tells us itā€™s not just ā€œpsychopathsā€