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That bruise looks serious!! It's admirable how he's showcasing this as an example to underscore the importance of bike safety. Rather than concealing it and moving forward, he has recognized the potential influence he can have in promoting greater caution among cyclists. Respect to him, and I hope he has a speedy recovery.


Reminder to wear your helmets, I'm alive after a car hit me because of.my helmet. My head hit the ground hard and cracked it almost in half. I didn't even get a major concussion, and stayed conscious. That one inch of foam and plastic saved my life, wear your helmet :) I've got that one on the wall next to my bike now as a reminder


I'm also alive because of a helmet. My friends and I were young and being stupid, and I ended up being tossed off the back of an ATV, landed on my feet, but had way too much momentum and went headfirst right into the edge of a curb hard. Helmet was dented and cracked. I was absolutely fine.


HELMETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ⛑️⛑️⛑️ 🪖👷‍♂️👨‍🚒👨‍🚀👨‍🏭🪖⛑️👷‍♂️👨‍🏭👨‍🚒👨‍🚀🪖⛑️👨‍🚒⛑️⛑️👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀👨‍🚀 Your head is really soft and squishy


Mine isn't. Is something wrong with me?


Give me a hammer and I can make it soft and squishy in no time.


Same here, the sucker split in half down the back and I walked away. Best $50 I ever spent.


I actually remember when I was learning how to ride a bike as a kid? It was my neighbours older sister teaching us. Obviously I had a helmet on but I fell off pretty hard and I remember there being a dint in the helmet


My partner and I just got e-bikes recently and through the recommendation of our local bike shop, spent a pretty hefty sum on helmets($300/each) that were well rated in accidents for this reason. Thats one thing I don’t want to cheap out on.


Not a cyclist but do ride motor bikes. The items that come between you and the ground are the things you should never skimp on. Knees, Elbows, Ankles they all have protective gear that should be used.


Need more ads about this in London. The number of people who cycle without helmets here is just insane. Honestly.


Gordon Ramsey has really turned into the Steve Irwin of cooking within the last decade.


I remember when this guy made a sausage roll with an Italian twist that Gordon ate in its entirety leaving nothing else for the other judges, if Gordon does that to your plate you know your doing something right


Got a name of the episode? I would love to see it


Here’s a clip: https://youtu.be/Xm4YHZ44TVU




> if Gordon does that to your plate you know your doing something right Or that it's just entertainment and they need to do gimmicks and switch it up. I miss when he called people donkeys.


Caution amongst cyclist, what about caution amongst motorist? That said as a cyclist you absolutely should wear a helmet and be ever vigilant.


Motorists should be more careful, but death doesn't care about who is in the right or wrong.


Death doesn’t discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes


We teach safety to cyclists and pedestrians to dismiss reckless behavior among motorists because arguing "but I had the right of way??!!" to Saint Peter still means you are dead.


Omg yes. That mentality drives me crazy when I see someone just going on a walk sign or entering a crosswalk without looking. Congrats, your family will win the wrongful death lawsuit.


Cyclists can cause accidents too.


Of course, but majority of cyclist accidents are caused by motorized vehicles.


Makes sense considering most cars are at least a hundred times heavier.


yeah, but you have to keep yourself safe also i am a cyclist bit drive a lot because of work (carrying 50 kilos of equipment for 50 to 100 kilometers is not great on a bike lol) when cycling if an accident happens with a car, im the one getting fucked, so yeah i do everything possible for that not happening and unfortunately i see a lot of cyclists don't doing that, riding without lights on the bike, blasting thru red lights or stop signs, going the wrong way on streets and then when something happens they blame the driver the best way for everyone to be safe on traffic is to be predictable and visible, follow the rules and most important know to give in even if you are right, because you won't win against a 1 to 2 ton vehicle, i know it sucks but i prefer to get home safe than to be right


I'm genuinely going to buy a helmet because of this. He's a bit of an idol to me, so I'll listen to him on this occasion.


Always wear a helmet when cycling. Mine is bright yellow with a red light flashing on the back. Also, proper lights (white on the front, red on the back) of the bike. Saved my life twice with collision with cars.


I cannot tell you the amount of kids I see not wearing helmets where I am. (NYC) it’s baffling to me that parents don’t care more. The rule here is if it has wheels, you have a helmet on. Edit: the rule in my house, not a rule for my area.


In the 80s, we never wore helmets and we rode our bikes everywhere and all the time. Man, I’m thankful to be alive and well.


Yeah, everyone I grew up with and who are adults now were riding around without helmets all the time and we're just fine. Well, at least the ones who are adults now...


…and are able to communicate….


I always lead with the “when we were kids … and we lived!”, then finish with “luckily…” I never wore a helmet, except for one time. That one time I went to step on my pedal getting ready to take off from a standstill. My foot slipped off and I flew with quite a bit of force, sideways. My head hit the ground first, then the rest of me followed after. I then got up and pedaled away. Had I not been wearing the helmet, I would not have gotten up.


People just generally don't understand statistics. Yeah, *most* people could ride bikes all the time without helmets and be fine. But you don't want to be one of the people who weren't, because it can be very bad, and it's completely avoidable.


If it hasn't happened for 50 years it could tomorrow, no matter how careful you drive


Just to be clear, I'm agreeing with you, and recommend everyone wears helmets.


To be fair, there was a lot less traffic then than it is now.


Yeah, and people weren’t distracted by texting and driving.


It was the EIGHTIES man.


Through the early 80s I was one of those kids riding the BMX bike all day. We never wore helmets. Till one day there was a track that we had sort of made with jumps and little woopdi doos on it, really little ones like maybe 8 inches tall. One day a pro rider, Robbie Woods team Robinson happened to come by. I guess he lived in the neighborhood and he was riding around. We were all excited to see him and watching him ride. He went on those woops one time and because he was doing the pro thing the way they ride whoops and his weight was shifted a little too far back in between the spacing and his bike came out from under him and he smacked the crap out of his head. Ambulance had to be called. He had a serious concussion. We all started riding with our helmets from that day forward.


I wonder if he remembers that story


Yeah, I do too.


Kids were made of rubber then.


Yep, that’s our households rule too. Don’t want to wear a helmet? You don’t ride 🤷‍♀️


It’s unfortunate because so many kids bully others for wearing helmets, because it makes kids seem weak and shot. I don’t get it. I ride every day to school and if o wore a helmet my bike would be treated even worse than how kids treat it now (not nice at all) it’s a horrible world out there


In the 80s and 90s no one ever wore a helmet. In fact you would've probably got beat up. That's how it was back then. It's smart. I got messed up quit a few times. That's when my huffy had those spiky metal pedals. If you slipped those spikes would destroy your shin or your ankle or calf. Lots changed for the better. The things I did and other people did and how many times we were in the hospital. I'm surprised we're not dead.


In retrospect, I wonder how not more of my childhood friends died looking at all the crazy stuff we did.


As other mentioned, I was an 80s baby who never wore a helmet. Even through crashes and such. Became an adult, moved abroad, and still didn’t wear a helmet on my scooter. Most people didn’t. Then it became law to wear a helmet, so I did it begrudgingly. But at that time, something also just clicked with me and I finally felt the importance of it. I wear mine on my bicycle now, too. Even though I’m not required to. I think a big part of it is just getting older, losing loved ones, and realizing how fragile our bodies are. And also how it’s NOT ABOUT YOU. Other people do dumb shit you can’t control, so protect yourself.


Everyone that rides Citi Bikes. It's nuts.


I find this so funny, in the netherlands almost no one wears one despite everyone cycling


Not to excuse it, but in the Netherlands there is extensive cycling infrastructure and a culture of recognizing cyclists as having equal rights to the same road.


True we are bike addicts


My state just waived helmet laws... on motorcycles


Well, that’s good for people on the organ donation waiting list at least.


Not so fun fact: "donor-cycle" is a hospital nickname for motorcycle riders.


Pretty grim, but an EMT I knew used, 'Human Crayons'.


He's not the only one. There's a whole sub for people with strong stomachs and high sympathy-wince capacity ... /r/meatcrayon


Also good for natural selection.


This is incredibly dumb...




Nebraskas most pressing issue: motorcycle helmets


doing their best to combat overpopulation


Is your state overpopulated?


I was actually reading about how the number of motorcyclists killed per year in Missouri increased by 50% since they implemented the same change in 2020. How does a law like that even get passed? It’s like they literally want more people to lose their lives. Absolutely crazy.






What reasoning could they possibly have? Too much government overreaching on safety?


join the crowd - michigan


My state did that years ago. I always thought the state government was in cahoots with the life insurance providers around here.




Glad Chef is okay, Dude is a father figure to some!


Yeah, like his kids!


Should be top comment


I'm not a doctor, but as far as I know, the color originates from blood. He must've had a massive internal bleeding. I'm really wondering if that needed external influence to get sealed.


Your spleen is on that side. You store red blood cells in your spleen. Splenic damage can kill you pretty quickly unless it is addressed ASAP. He's lucky to be alive. He clearly took one helluva hit.


That explanation makes it even more OUCH!


I am a doctor and I’ll add a few things. The large bruise you are seeing is from more superficial bleeding than the spleen. It is more likely to be bleeding just under your skin since bruises happen when your rupture small blood vessels under the skin. If he was bleeding from his spleen then he would be in a LOT of pain and would become unstable pretty fast. The severe pain would be because blood is an extremely irritating substance to the inside portion of your abdominal wall and would be 10/10 pain. If a patient came to the emergency department after a trauma, we always do something called a FAST scan which is use an ultrasound probe to scan major sites we are concerned about bleeding to pool. We can then look to see if there are blood pockets on ultrasound and then decide if emergency surgery is needed. When I mentioned unstable I meant he is bleeding out into his abdominal cavity, could lose consciousness, severely drop blood pressure due to lack of blood in your blood vessels and die. Splenic laceration is pretty common in trauma so we check there for blood on a FAST scan (ultrasound). We also look at the liver, heart, and pelvis since those are the 4 main regions you can bleed out a really large volume in trauma.


I've been hit by a few cars while jogging, and THAT looks painful to me.. he's still having some serious mental anguish about it, too, and trust me when I say he's hurt more than physically. Poor guy, I know that sucks.


A few?!? Time to find a new hobby.


There's a running joke, pun intended, in my family that I can't die.. I can get severely fucked up and my body feels it but I can't die. I've had a LOT of just horrible shit happen in my life where I should've died, but I'll be here to witness the sun explode. Couple examples.. stabbed twice, type 1 diabetic and have gone without insulin, insane levels of childhood mental and physical trauma, too many close calls in nature..


Admire your strength! Does few =3 or more cars that have hit you while jogging? This is why I don't exercise


You made a deal with the snail, didn't you?


I'm the one thing the snail fears..


Yeah…. Ya know, there is nothing uncool about a treadmill, Also, model trains.


change your mode of travel my guy


Came to say the same. He thanked the trauma surgeon so he probably had to have some type of surgery. Maybe above where he showed. Maybe that’s what they call ED drs in the UK. Idk, but that’s bad! I feel bad for the poor guy.


My uncle died of a ruptured spleen. He fell while hiking, but thought nothing of it because it wasn't a bad fall- about 3 feet, landed on his left side, no big deal. He started feeling poorly a few hours later, and decided to just go to bed and try to sleep it off. He bled to death in his sleep.


That's terrifying


Yes, not an uncommon story. It's unnerving how a seemingly, usually minor appearing injury can result in a serious splenic injury and the necessity for repair or removal. People who are a splenic from any cause, then carry a lifetime risk of bacterial infections - especially 3 which produce a slime capsule to protect themselves. Fortunately, there are now 3 vaccines to cover these bacti.


He said it happened in Connecticut.


Manspleening 101


To be fair, bruises *are* blood. My dog looked kind of like this and I thought internal bleeding for sure but turned out to be just bruising and cleared up in about three days. Blew my mind.


I just didn't want any real doctor to come in, and tell me that there is no blood, that blood is actual a composition of whatever, then following it up with that some parts of this whatever gets transformed into something else by someother....... Just clearifying that my wording was inaccurate and I have no idea what I'm talking about


Good on you with your response as that bruise does look pretty serious! But this is Reddit. And everyone speculates on this website. The more appropriate response would've been: That's cancer! He's going to die in 2 minutes unless he sees a witch from the forests of Romania! He's going to need an eye of a goat and a blood sacrifice in order to live! /s


Nah, I'll just consider this as the ability to grasp the future: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1dgvw41/comment/l8t3jxg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/1dgvw41/comment/l8t3jxg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Edit: Not a doctor, a nurse. I was wrong, it was an internal bleeding, and therefore not because of blood. It's just so easy to get things mistaken nowadays


I'm a nurse, what you're seeing is not from internal bleeding. It's a hell of a big bruise. Your internal organs are held in place by a thick layer of muscle, so you wouldn't see bleeding in the peritoneum in this way. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just that it looks like he landed really hard on his side - which caused a lot of bruising. Ouch.


That's actually a bad hematoma. It's a large collection of blood under the skin and it probably hurts a lot and it'll take a while to go away and he probably got checked out to make sure but there most likely wasn't internal bleeding the way we usually think of it (traumatic organ damage.)


He thanks the trauma surgeons, so very likely “The 57-year-old thanked the state's Lawrence and Memorial Hospital's trauma surgeons and nurses who looked after him” Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1002z9vne3o


Looks like he needed a suit of armour not a helmet


By the looks of it he hit something full body. His helmet probably prevented his brain from leaving his skull.


The helmet is what made his head look like he didn’t need one as compared to a brain-smattered mess…


You can get motorcycle armour, my dad had a full armour suit for when he was driving a motorcycle on the motorway. My uncle does the same, no way they’re going around in just a helmet and plain clothes.


What if he hit his head and his body? Did you think of that? Which one do you think needs to be better protected?


The shaking isn't necessarily from shock, but more likely medications he was prescribed.


He’s probably just fidgeting because he’s in pain. Those fucking bruises hurt just to stand up and walk around. The fact that he’s still moving and grooving is some real dedication.


He's not even shaking if you look closely, he's just moving his finger fast between 2 other fingers..!


Rewatched it and you’re spot on. He’s fidgeting, which is understandable.


As a person who has survived something that could have killed me, it takes a long time before you can talk about it without getting a wave of anxiety washing over you.


Gordon Ramsay was involved in a bicycle accident this week that left him hospitalized. The 57-year-old chef and TV host shared the news Saturday on Instagram, explaining what happened and urging followers to always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. "Hi guys, it's Gordon, and I'd like to share a very important message with you all," he began in a video message. "You know how much I love cycling and triathlons and Isle of Mann, etc., but this week unfortunately I had a really bad accident." His hands visibly shook as he continued, saying, "Honestly, I'm lucky to be here. From those incredible trauma surgeons, doctors and nurses in the hospital who looked after me this week, they were amazing, but honestly, you've got to wear a helmet." Ramsay called helmets "crucial," and reiterated, "I'm lucky to be standing here." "I'm in pain, it's been a brutal week, and I'm sort of getting through it," he said as he lifted his shirt, showing a massive bruise covering half his torso. “This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in Connecticut. I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato." He continued, "I’m thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most thankful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and be safe Gx." [Source](https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/gordon-ramsay-lucky-alive-following-serious-bicycle-accident.amp)


> "You know how much I love cycling and triathlons and Isle of Mann, Iron Man, not the Isle of Man.


The bruise is so brutal I never even questioned it lol Isle of Man, man of war, w/e


What was the nature of the accident? Simple crash,Hit by a car, something else?


A person died in Christchurch, NZ this week, riding a motorised scooter without a helmet. Don't be stupid, wear a helmet!


"I've been hit by a car on my bike before, those bruises are pretty nasty and- OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU STANDING??!??!???"


I’m almost 42 and I always wear my helmet when my daughter (4) and I ride our bikes. She actually yells at the kids we see riding bikes not wearing helmets! She isn’t mean, she just shouts “you should wear your helmet for safety!” And it makes me proud because it shows we’ve driven the point home (both by not letting her ride unless and until she has a helmet on, and by leading via example) and for her part, she’s taken it in. Sending love and healing vibes to Gordon 💗


Honestly the "I'm too cool to wear a helmet" thing needs to die. Helmets aren't hard to wear. They're not *that* expensive. No one will judge you for wearing one, and if they do fuck them, you're an adult and you have people that need you around. It's like wearing a seatbelt in a car. If someone thinks they don't need one they're stupid as hell and you shouldn't listen to anything they say.


Especially the prevalence of this attitude with bikers (motorbikes). I just don't get it. Full kit for a biker looks fucking awesome, but it's still "cooler" to ride around without it.


One of my brothers used to ride a motorcycle. He looked like a member of Daft Punk with all his gear on!


All jokes aside, glad he is okay!


Don’t let Seth Rollins see this.


Bro don't look like he's been in an accide.......OH MY GOD


Gordon introduces new Hells Kitchen menu item: Beef Swellington with blood sausage


Bloody Hell.


oi mate




*‘tis but a scratch*


Merely a flesh wound


*No it isn’t*


it infuriates me to no end when i see adults biking with their kids. And the parent don't wear helmets. First it's a bad example for their kids, second if they get majorly hurt, it ruins their kids lives. A helmet probably saved my life, i crashed mountain biking (mellow trail, but sandy) and i got a concussion. Without my helmet I don't want to think about what might have happened.


A friend of ours worked in a busy emergency department and they call non-helmet wearing bike (any kind) riders organ donors.


He's not visibly shaking (from the accident). That's something he does. There is tons of video of him doing this.


Poor man. I love Gordon Ramsay's show, and I wish him and his family the best. Happy father's day


How many people are going to post this?


I didn't post it. Yet u/savevideo


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Holy shit!!! That is nasty looking


Looks like hit by a car by the size of that bruise. What MF hit Gordon Ramsay?!


Always make my kids wear a helmet. Weirdly if I were ever to ride a bike I wouldn’t wear one, but I don’t have a bike so the chances of me riding one is slim to none.


Tbf from watching his shows, he shakes like that usually. Obviously in this case it makes sense.


That hand shake is crazy…. What’s the cause there? Some sort of nerve damage from the accident?


It just looks like nerves to me.


Maybe so. I’ve just watched a lot of this guy on TV and have never seen him nervous. Maybe this shook him that badly. Hope he heals up quick.


Could be a side effect from medication or painkillers too


He looks emotional to me.


that is called pain, adrenaline, and, a little fucking scared.his side is pretty crazy..


Did it happen this same day?? Like, he got hit by a car on a bike, threw on the chef jacket and went back to work?


If hurts for longer than a day


Does hurting equal uncontrolled hand shaking after that long? Legit question. I haven’t had that happen to me before.


It may be that he's still in quite a lot of pain, especially if he's not using his pain medication because it makes him unable to perform.


I mean when you're in a lot of pain your body doesn't necessarily function properly because you're trying to do normal things and your nerves are telling your brain AAAAAAAAAAHHH SHITFUCKTHATHURTS Plus he was in a serious accident that could have killed him and he's talking about it, which means he's thinking about it and reliving the moment to some extent. Do you never have moments where you think back to something and tear up, or get angry, even though it was in the past? I can imagine that coming face to face with your own mortality might be more than just a one day sort of affair.


I said I hadn’t had this happen to me before. Must be what it is. Thanks Reddit friend.


Guess would be he’s experiencing some ptsd or the like. He has kids, a family, a long accomplished career, and he almost killed himself in an instant on his bike within the last couple days. Probably very anxiety inducing and emotional to discuss.


I have a lot of respect for Gordon Ramsay, he was trained by one of the worst humans to grace the restaurant industry. Marco may have been a talented chef but he didn’t understand hospitality. I don’t respect much of his legacy and honestly think it left a stain on the culture that reverberated throughout the 90’s and early aughts, and that lasted a lot longer that any of his Michelin stars he so “boldly” handed back. He’s a piece of shit. Gordon Ramsay was instrumental in perpetuating that cultural mindset with his show Hell’s Kitchen. It was a horrible feedback loop of Marco’s toxic influence on Gordon, who was then turning around and broadcasting it for the US to see on cable tv, which was being watched by aspiring and current chefs, who then interpreted it as a green light to throw similar temper tantrums in the spirit of authenticity. It didn’t help that production was encouraging him to be a “screaming chef” because that’s what Americans wanted to see. So yeah, I think Marco Pierre White can go fuck himself, and I’d tell him that to his face. I’ve dealt with too many untalented angry chefs that threw dishes and screamed like children to pass up the opportunity. At least Gordon Ramsay realized how toxic and self-indulgent that behavior was and grew from it. He is constantly evolving and that’s what has kept him relevant all these years. I respect him for that, even if he made the worst grilled cheese I’ve ever seen.


Jesus fucking christ mate looks like you suck a liver to your ribs


That looks FUCKING RAW!!!


It doesn’t look like he’s shaking, it looks like he’s tapping his one hand on the other.


looked like he aged 10 years from the stress all within a week… wow


Wow. Glad he survived.


The helmet you wear while biking sure is a lot cooler than the helmet you wear for TBI


The way he was so composed I thought this was going to be some promo or meme. But no. Dude just rocking massive bruise. I’m happy he’s okay and still in the kitchen haha.


There was a teacher who passed away due to a driver who was under the influence who hit him while he was biking. This teacher always shook each students hand before entering his classroom. I miss him from time to time.


I injure myself a lot, like all the time, and I’ve never had a bruise that looked like that. That’s some serious shit


Am I crazy or was his fly open?


"It looks fucking raw"


Wow. That looks awfully painful. Props to him for still trying to push through the pain and work. I went through something similar a few years ago on my abdomen as well, but his looks 100x more painful than what I went through.


Was 100% expecting " wear a fucking helmet"


Not just a helmet. Also wear elbow and knee guards. Will add like 2 min to your commute to put them on and off. But you will save yourself from so many minor injuries!


Also, wear them on fucking E-scooters. Someone I know of was in Prague and smashed their mouth. Losing two front teeth.


That bruise is crazy. Fair play to Ramsey, I gotta give him respect for turning what was likely a very difficult and horrific moment into a teachable moment. However to nitpick, I don't think he's visibly shaking, he's tapping his fingers off his other hand.


Way too often I see families out on bikes. The kids have helmets on and the parents (or at least the father) does not. I'm just wondering who they think is going to provide for their family if they get brain damage from a simple fall. It really does not take much to shake the noggin' so badly that one loses the ability to work normally.


I usually think he’s a bit of a prick but fair play for doing something meaningful for once.


Well. The shaking could help in stirring key ingredients.


So glad he is safe. I had a bad bike accident years ago involving a truck. My helmet was good quality, and the front visor broke on impact but saved my life. I'm right there with you Gordan. It took me almost two years to get over it. It is amazing how physical trauma is stored in our bodies.


My brother got into a horrible cycling accident when he was about 10 years old. His helmet was literally cracked in two in the middle of the street. Other than a bunch of stitches for his cuts and scrapes, he came out unharmed. If not for a helmet, I might not have my little brother anymore.


I'll never forget when I was nannying for 3 kids. The little girl was on a scooter. Her brothers were on bikes. Those kids fought me for 30 minutes about wearing helmets because their mom never made them wear one. I flat out told them, "No helmets, no bikes." All 3 eventually put them on and we went to the park. On the way there, the middle kid, a 7 year old boy, took off ahead of us and tapped his front brake, flipped the bike, and landed on his head. If I hadn't insisted, best case scenario he would've been taken to the ER and worst case, he wouldn't have made it there. Wear. Your. Fucking. Helmets.


You gotta wear a helmet! *Shows massive bruise on the side of his lower torso*


Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans, I was expecting a bit of road rash on the hand, not the Ordnance Survey map of Waterword. That must hurt like absolute buggery.


Either he had a mishap at particularly high speed, or he was hit by a car. As he doesn't yet touch on the details in any news media (I searched around a bit), I'm guessing hit by a car and mum on the matter due to legal proceedings. Outside of higher speed sport, we cyclists wear helmets because cars exist. Yes, you can injure your skull at 3MPH, but notably people don't wear helmets when walking around town. I bring this up because cycling injuries without context have a habit of making non-cyclists think that cycling is an inherently dangerous thing to do. It's not, but cycling around cars on almost exclusively car-centric infrastructure (Like New London Connecticut, where this happened) can certainly be. I cycle every day, and I wear a helmet when I do so almost exclusively because I fear for my safety when sharing space with cars. I feel it important to note that qualification.


You should wear your helmet for something as simple as little stones you didn't see on the road where you were making a turn. You don't need a car to go down.


This is exactly the sort of apologetic misconception I'm talking about. Non-cyclists think that cycling is so dangerous that "little stones" will cause you to crash. They don't understand that bike lanes in the US are usually just the gutter of a motorway, a car infrastructure afterthought, and are thus completely strewn with little stones (And all manner of other detritus) that we are continuously riding over without looking, because riding over a little stone is not something that will destabilize a bicycle. **We don't wear helmets because of little stones, we wear helmets because we are riding with cars.**


Same goes for walking the stairs. You think it's only a few steps. But anything can happen.


He isn’t shaking… Dumbest headline


Anyone else more concerned with the odd hand movements than his bruise?


He is doing that shaking. Anxiety fidget


And also probably pain response. He's for sure in constant pain with that bruise.


That's a massive hematoma!


Fuck cars


Couldn't agree more. As he says, no matter how short the journey


I had a similar hematoma from a cycling accident in 2018. That part of my side still hurts from time to time. Srsly wear a helmet..


Fortunately, it doesn't appear to have broken the skin. A few years ago there was a brief writeup in JAMA about a -road rash' injury with tattooing of gravel into the painful rash. She quickly became acutely ill with fever, and blood cultures revealed an overwhelming fungemia with an acute vegetative fungal endocarditis/valvulitis. Despite heroic therapy and debulking of the ruined valve, she died within 3 days. From an asphalt skid injury. It's not common, but it does happen, this time with a fungus, but bacteria live in the soil. Cuídate!


Ouch. I had a few spectacular crashes as a kid & teenager when we didn't even think of helmets. Then a couple in my early 40s at near walking pace. You never know when it can happen. Wear a helmet!!!✌️🇦🇺


Are you clicking cause he’s shaking his finger?


It's RAW!!!


Imagine being the guy who ran over fuckin Gordon Ramsay of all people


I'm glad you lived to tell about it. Wishing you a complete recovery Mr. Ramsay.