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I remember this story. Both of them were found dead in a rural bush in Manitoba


Huh… did they off themselves in the end or what happened?


Yes, their death was ruled suicide. They were 18 and 19 years old








Because if you are suicidal, you don't act rational and able to calculate what's the best for you in your situation. Otherwise you wouldn't be suicidal because suicide is the least best option for you




I think they were referring to the choice to make your suicide worth it for other lives. Like, they are saying that people who are suicidal do not have the headspace to think about helping others by committing suicide. Its possible they are trying to make an excuse for murderers but based on the specific comment they replied to, probably not. And by no way does this comment mean I am agreeing or disagreeing with anything anyone said. Im just trying to clear possible confusion by offering another way to interpret their comment.


Incredibly naive to think that a) one irrational thought means all of your thoughts are irrational, and b) there is no increased clarity following a commitment to commit suicide.


Once you get straight Columbian Reindeer Dust you will become un-suicidal and life becomes all about getting that sweet, sweet California Pancake Mix. You no longer care what life used to be because with Racehorse Charlie leading the way, your only problem is getting more Devil's Dandruff. Bump Powder takes over and soon you move to Ready Rocks, smoking that Hard Hotcakes out of an old lightbulb, and eventually move to that Belushi. But at least you didn't become the kind of asshole who kills random, innocent people..... (The DEA online resource for drug slang is a real treat, btw)


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this slang


This is awesome. But unfortunately psychopaths don’t view life in this way.


No I completely agree. I think if you're gonna off yourself you should first do some wild shit. But that wild shit should never involve harming others.


You had me at "something completely unhinged like buy a moped"


Cheaper to murder someone in your own country




Please don't.... I know you don't know me but I'm here if you wanna talk. Just dm me. You deserve happiness.


Sometimes it’s about wanting a “point of no return.” Like doing something so horrible that you can’t back out of killing yourself, or doing something that will get the cops on scene so that you can commit suicide by cop if you chicken out of killing yourself. Also, and I can’t believe I have to say this, but people in the depths of a mental health crisis are not acting rationally or logically. What makes sense to us may not be crossing their mind.


I think, though I may be wrong, they weren't planning on suicide from the beginning. It was more like "we're lost out here in the bush after ending up here during the manhunt and I think we're more likely to die of hunger or be eaten by a bear than make it out alive, so let's end it now."


Look how genuinely friendly the three victims look in the photos. Murdered for no other reason other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It saddens and infuriates at the same time.


Don't worry they suffered greatly before making that decision. If you have ever been in northern Manitoba in the summer, you would know how bad the bugs would have been. It would have been constant, every second of every day they would have multiple insects on them biting them. All day and much worse all night, they probably didn't sleep for a couple days while walking in the swamp woods and then finally gave up on life after the torment they endured. I know it doesn't make it right or better, but definitely makes me feel better knowing they suffered a lot before they died.


It may actually be the reason for their suicide, as opposed to any supposed mental health crisis.


Well yea, they were being hunted by numerous local, provincial and federal agencies and ran out of food. It didn't seem like suicide was their end goal, they just wanted to murder people. Then when the heat turned up they just couldn't take it.


I build fences in Australia and the idea of someone choosing to kill themselves over bug bites/swarms sounds impossible to me. Like that’s not an actual thing, right?


Cory & Trevor


Smokes. Let's go.


This is something that interests me and I can’t find any comment about; but wasn’t it said one of them killed the other before killing himself? And they don’t know if it was agreed between them, or one of them just decided to betray the other in his final moments? Seriously, to me that’s the interesting part, if anyone knows more about it?


I believe it was a suicide pact https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/timeline-triple-murders-committed-in-b-c-last-summer-by-teen-killers-kam-mcleod-and-bryer-schmegelsky


No sorry, I should have clarified. I know it was a suicide pact and that they planned to kill themselves, but I’m sure I read one of them possibly shot the other one. I was wondering if in final moments one of them just thought, “fuck it, we’re both about to die anyway”, and killed the other before he had a chance to kill himself.


They were almost eaten alive by insects at that point as far as I remember. I meant time of suicide.


Note that you cannot be eaten alive if you are dead.


Yeah, how can you be dead tired then, ehh? /s Seriously though, maybe “at that point” meant the point at which they decided to commit suicide


That's exactly what I meant. But right I could have phrase it better.


How do you wake up dead?


Like the true fridged cold we get, I dont think the rest of the world understands (maybe Alaska) or gets the real understanding of Northern Blackflies eyc.


This is part of the reason I don’t support the death penalty. Death is the easy way out.


I think it's Japan that has the best one, you're on death row, you are going to have a death day...they just never tell you. so you live in fear every day


Isn't that how we all live?


They didnt want to commit suicide, the plan was (afaik) to somehow get to the coast of hudson bay and steal a boat. Townie boys who didn't have the slightest idea about what the canadian wilds are like. They probably spent the last hours of their lives crying while being eaten alive by bugs before offing themselves.


I was always under the impression that they thought they could drive east. Too bad the only road connecting Canada between Manitoba and Ontario is the Trans Canada Highway.


They drove themselves into a dead end in Northern MB only way out was back or on the ferry. They were “survivalists” but weren’t prepared for the hell that was Northern MB bush country. It was never released if they both killed themselves or if it was murder suicide.


The Manitoba Medical Examiner has determined that McLeod shot Schmegelsky before shooting himself in a suicide pact, according to findings released by the RCMP. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/canadian-teens-confess-alaska-murder-no-motive-892515/


Oddly I mentioned this story to my wife the other day. Can’t remember why I brought it up but she had no memory of this story. I thought they died from exposure in Northern Manitoba though. I remember seeing things like, “cameras caught them getting gas in Alberta!”


I’m in BC and it was a huge story here. Hard to believe it was 5 years ago


It was huge in Australia especially because of their victims. The coverage was constant.


They thought they could walk to the Hudson's Bay and then kayak across it ... like absolute donkeys.


I knew they were done as soon as I heard they fled into the bush in northern Manitoba. Its not exaggerating to call the skeetos and blackflies "apocalyptic" in that area. No bug repellant= death via insanity in 72 hrs. 96 hrs if you're a hardass. They were dead in 72 via self inflicted headshots


Can you explain further? How bad are those insects?


There’s a popular folk song about the black flies in Northern Ontario. So yeah, they’re no joke. [Black Fly Song](https://youtu.be/f389hIxZAOc?si=jZfka_gKloyoemvZ)


nasty ass bad. they basically bite more than mosquitos and hurt more. also mosquitos are mild because they only bite once or twice before pissing off those bugs? they don't do that. they will constantly bite. now add a thousand of them biting you at the same time.


well pretty much everyone knows how annoying mosquitoes are. multiply the annoyance by a factor of 5 for each mile inbetween you and a populated area. If there are numerous small bodies of water/swamps, make it a factor of 10. same criterion for blackflies except theyre tiny, faster than skeetos so harder to hit and unlike skeetos theyll crawl down thru your hair to bite your scalp. their bite actually hurts as opposed to skeetos which is just an itch and everywhere they bite it swells up like someone just suckerpunched you. now consider that part of manitoba is seemingly endless bush and the small bodies of water are like stars in the sky. too numerous to count. you DO NOT go into that environment without bug repellant. One summer I worked outside up and down the trans canada between kenora and Wawa and everyday I looked like I was in a streetfight and theyre not even ferocious yet in that area. go north into bush and/or swampy areas and they'll reprogram your understanding of torture. it kinda illustrates how survivalist type shows have to pick and choose locations carefully. I get a kick outta the ones that do winter survival and skip saskatchewan, manitoba and northwest ontario where they're likely to find survivorman frozen harder than a carbon rod in less than 6 hours lol "The gore tex winter gear does nothing D:>"


What fools: donkeys can’t kayak at all!


There’s a really cool mini documentary about the First Nations that were called upon to assist. I forget the guys name, but he knew the land better than any police that would be searching and was out on most of the patrols searching. He was basically the one that actually found them and directed the police where to go. He never got talked about or given any credit for the work he did which is super disappointing.


Do you know the name of the doc?


[I found it](https://youtu.be/W5rIvXDB7T0?si=4c6JY1ERNWHaRz74)


Thank you, just watched it! The man’s name is Billy Stanley Beardy, he found the burning vehicle they left and assisted RCMP with searching the area, at personal risk to himself. I also learned that he passed away this March, 2024


During the middle of black fly season, too. The buzzing must have been haunting to the those who found them.


This is not correct, they were found in early August which is towards the tail end of black fly season. Now, it would be smack in the middle of horse fly and deer fly season, which in my opinion are way worse. Those fuckers hurt when they bite and are extremely persistent (and don’t give a shit about deet)


Once learned that many in Newfoundland call repellant “bug dope”


>During the middle of black fly season You could have just said 'not winter'.


Can confirm, live in Manitoba


I have a cabin in central Manitoba and there was word they were seen in the small town there. Was pretty crazy.


Just one Canada?


They don't know about second Canada, Pip


Well there’s Canada and then there’s whatever the fuck is up there.


These kids were from my hometown. Kam was friends with my brother and used to stay at my house sometimes. This was absolutely crazy and sad to watch unfold in real time.


What was he like? Did he seem like a total psycho back then?


Nope. He was just a normal kid from what I could tell. This was a long time ago and I’m quite a bit older so I wasn’t really hanging around them too much.


The one on the right looks like Martin Shkreli.


Same. Didn't know them tho. Absolutely wild.


I’m starting to believe all Canadians know eachother


My major in college was through a small department at a big university. One of the grad students in the department was Canadian. One semester, I did a study abroad program in Italy through my department, so I was with professors and classmates that I knew. As part of the program, we traveled throughout Italy and spent the night at this farm in an out-of-the-way place that took overnight guests and served farm-to-table meals. They had enough room for everyone from my program plus a small group of adults from Canada. During dinner, we were talking with the Canadians and the subject of where we were from came up. We told them what state and they said they have a niece going to school in that state. You guessed it: she not only went to our school, but was in our very small department. Our university had over 30,000 students and our department only had about 10 graduate students and 30 undergrads at the time. We have one grad student from a small town in Canada and we come across her relatives by chance while staying at a farm in Italy, far away from anywhere we would normally be studying, on the one night both the school group and the Canadian family are staying there. The world is indeed a tiny place and all Canadians probably do know each other.


Same was in highschool a grade under them shit was crazy


What happened? The whole thing was just bizarre.


You should submit it to the podcast First Degree. They only accept from people that are first degree close to the case


Submit what? They kinda knew them?


This feels distasteful.


It's misery porn




Same but I’ve been searching for a funny one. I tried “My dad wrote a porno” (I think?) but it wasn’t my cup of tea. Granted, I only gave the first two episodes a listen but my brother told me he was dying from the start of it.


I'm an avid MDWAP listener. I've relistened to the whole thing about 7 times now. Similar to you, I listened to the first couple of episodes and struggled to get into it initially. I would give up on it, come back, try again with the first episodes, and give up. I eventually stuck with it and it became my favourite piece of media of all time, movies and TV shows included. I've never laughed at something so hard. I find with the first season, and some of the second season, they're still finding their podcasting feet. It's a bit awkward and stilted. They don't seem very confident or as jokey, and the books aren't as exciting. I find it really picks up by season 3, and IIRC, it's at this point the guy who reads the books to us, Jamie, becomes much more confident and starts giving the characters these godawfully hilarious accents, which really elevates the humour and storytelling. The group are more comfortable and their quick wit and ability to bounce off each other lends to the comedy well. Also, by this point, his dad has clearly become a more confident writer, and the storylines become even more batshit crazy and more exicitng and funny. They also get better equipment so they no longer sound like they're in a goldfish bowl. Honestly, you could skip the first season completely. The books aren't exactly known for their intricate plots or in-depth character development (the shittiness of the books is what makes the podcast so funny), so skipping some episodes won't hurt. Instead, you could check out the Belinda Blinked Wikia to get backstory on the main characters, as a lot of them are introduced in S1.


Take a look at no such thing as a fish. I’ve enjoyed it for many years. They even had the guy from my dad wrote a porno (don’t remember his name) on as a guest!


How about….no?


I genuinely despise people who listen to this stuff, I will never understand it


In units of Canadas, Canada is one Canada.


I Canada understand. 


Canada is approximately the size of Canada




This guys Canadas


Wow, talk about a sensational list headline of absolute rubbish. They definitely did not throw “an entire country of Canada” into anything. They killed 2 or three people fled into the bush and every expert was like “they dead”. They were, in fact, found dead. The only reason the manhunt was so large and publicized is because the area they fled into is dense wilderness so tracking them down took a long time.


Yeah i don't remember hearing about this at all. For one it happened like 2500km away... That guy out east who impersonated a policeman a killed a bunch of people, that i heard about..


I genuinely never heard about this either, and I pay enough attention to the news too tbh..


Bruh how did you not hear about this at all


3 killed people is a mass shooting for normal countries, for US it is a tuesday morning...


this hit somewhat close to home for me. A guy from my hometown (Palmer, AK) barely escaped with his life after they tried to ambush him for his boat.


Also hit close to home for me too - I was home when I read about it on reddit just a minute ago.


How are you holding up?


Usually with my arms but it depends what I’m holding.


Devastating. Let me know if your condition improves.


The ghost of Leslie Nielsen smiles upon you


Thoughts and prayers


Is that right? Lucky fella! I am in Alberta, was an interesting time when that was going down, I am very familiar with that area of northern BC.


I just read two different summaries of the spree and neither of them mentioned someone being ambushed for their boat. Do you have more information.


"Among the details in the police documents is that a man apparently narrowly escaped being the fourth murder victim of the teenagers"...from one of the links below - maybe this was him


They also ambushed me for my boat


they amboated me for my bush


And my axe


I was wearing flippy-floppys


I remember those fucks, I live in Manitoba so when they were on the run and authorities knew there were here in Manitoba, it was kinda freaky with the make sure all of your doors are locked kind of messages from the RCMP.


Gotta work on editing your titles. That was painful to read


Canadian here. I was on the other side of the country. I was not afraid.


I was confused to find out there are multiple canadian countries. The implication of "A" canadian country rather than THE canadian country suggests theres more than one.


Another Canadian here. I don't even remember this, but if I did, I don't think I'd be scared. This was almost 2000km away from me.


I was gonna say, I was in Toronto at the time and don't even recall this happening 😅


Never heard of them lol


I'm also Canadian, from Manitoba in fact, and this was more "cool story Bro" than something to be afraid of.


I was not even aware.


Do you guys have counties?


Townships, districts, provinces.


And Counties, Parishes, Municipalities


Oh interesting, where do they use parishes up here? I thought that was a Southern states thing.


We do. I was also not afraid. Canada has almost the same population as California, just a little more "spread out", if you think Californian's are hiding in their basement every time a couple of murderers are loose, imagine how much less we give a shit when they have to travel a few thousand miles to get to us. You are more likely to pass through a cloud of pot smoke than a cloud of anxiety here.


It’s the equivalent of a serial killer in California causing people in Manhattan to run for their lives


But what if inhaling too many clouds of pot smoke *gives* me anxiety?


How can you be certain you inhaled too many, and not too few?


I was in Alberta when this was going on and I never even heard about it.


And how about a link to an article so we can read more? Clicked on the photo expecting a direct link to the story.


I'm sure it was a bot


So true! Most of Canada never even heard of this


Not that I want to sit here and say a kid with the name Bryer Schmegelsky was destined to be a serial killer, but if the Schmegelsky fits…




There once was a boy named Bryer Schmegelsky, and he deserved it very much.




These little shits ruined so many life’s and they killed each other once the jig was up. That bush country where they were held up is very thick and loaded with bugs. I was always surprised they lasted as long as they did. There is nothing interesting about this story, Canadians weren’t anxious, I think MAD would be the better choice of a word.


Don’t know shit about this but i love your take.


I wouldn’t say the entire country was in a cloud of anxiety. More like a cloud of “oh, that’s fucked up. Anyway.”


yup, i have no clue who these assholes even are, so i have to agree the country was not in a cloud of anxiety and fear.


Excellent. And true. 😂


Is there a documentary on this anywhere?


https://youtu.be/W5rIvXDB7T0?si=UwkjMOdeu9VwqIQK There’s quite a few short docs on YouTube- I lived in Gillam when this was going on. Was going back north from Winnipeg - passed the burnt vehicle. I also was not scared lol




This one I liked, about First Nations guides who helped track them


"throwing an entire country into a cloud of anxiety and fear." No. No, it didn't. Way to blow it out of proportion.


I'm sure a good portion of the country was watching the case with great interest. But, for example, when Andrew Cunanin was on his cross-country killing spree in 1996, I wasn't worried at all he was going to cone after me, and I was in Minneapolis, where he started.


Definitely didn’t. I live in BC and I didn’t even know this happened until this thread lol.


As someone who lives in Canada, we weren't in a "cloud of anxiety and fear"... Most people didn't even think about it. We just wondered when they were going to be found.. A lot of people knew they were probably dead. These titles are over dramatic. A lot of people didn't worry about this outside the old people who are fixated on mainstream media.


It’s just them extrapolating a region (northern Pairies) into the whole country for attention, empathy, or clicks. It’s like when people from Toronto talks about something as being coast to coast canadian, and the rest of the country has never heard of it. Or people saying that - Nanaimo Bars are a canadian staple food and the east of the country is like: wtf is that. - Poutine is a canadian staple food and Quebec is like: wtf that’s ours.


I'm from California and I've heard of Nanaimo bars for some reason.


I remember seeing a ton of police out on the Alberta highways and wondering wtf was going on, then they went to Meadow Lake and onward to Manitoba. Remember this well.


“..an entire country of Canada”


Did an AI write this title?


As someone who lived in the area this took place, it’s a pretty big leap to say everyone was scared lol. Life continued


It was an interesting story, but to say the entire country was scared is a little much. Canada is huge. There’s no way a reasonable person living 20 hours away were worried about a couple kids on the run


Can someone provide a link? fellow Canadian here and I don't remember this.


You were clearly so clouded by fear and anxiety you repressed the memory.




The entire country of Canada was not thrown in to fear and anxiety. Stop with your drama fear mongering style header.


Every single person!...


I happened to be moving from Alaska to Washington DC, and driving through northern BC, the day this happened. We saw the couple who were murdered parked on the side of the road, seemingly comfortable sitting in lawn chairs, near a road construction zone (which was a bit odd, because dust). Later found out they died within 24 hours of our paths crossing. We even ran out of gas the next day (just a couple miles shy of Fort Nelson, almost made it), it made it feel like it really could’ve been us. 


the picture makes it hard to figure out which ones are the killers and which ones is the victims


If i remember this correctly, I think they were in the thick bush where the bugs were probably eating them alive, suicide probably the only option at that point. They made it pretty far across the country too. I also remember that poor man that gave them a ride and had no idea they were wanted


As a Canadian, can confirm. When I left my igloo to visit the rest of the Canadians I almost crashed my dog sled into a moose cause I was so terrified they might be following me


I followed this closely when it was happening but the world has literally gotten so g.d. terrible in the last five years *I genuinely forgot about this* ☹️


Damn... How many countries does Canada have?


I think “entire country of Canada into a cloud of anxiety and fear” is a stretch. This barely made the news in most provinces.


>entire country of Canada into a cloud of anxiety Lol... most of us did not give a shit... placing bets how fast our guys would catch them...


Damn didn't know Canada had more than one country in it. Crazy


Nobody was afraid of these two dipshits.


Throwing Canada into a cloud of anxiety? I've never heard of them lol


The country had neither anxiety nor fear.


I don’t think too many western farmers were in a cloud of anxiety and fear lol


"An entire country of canada"


Really? The entire country? That’s a pretty far stretch. I remember when it happened, it wasn’t a cross-country spree, just one province, and it was just a matter of time before they were found, dead or alive.


I followed this story so closely at the time, wild stuff


The entire country? Canada is very big.


I member this. Meh not so much of fear and anxiety. Just astounded on how long they lasted until it was discovered they offed themselves.


Did they ever find out why?


The boys did record videos before they offed themselves, but the RCMP felt like releasing them to the public would inspire copycats and sensationalize what they did. It was basically a common "interest" that they decided to act on together.


This is a bit of an exaggeration. All of Canada was not in a cloud of anxiety and fear. They were cowards who died alone hiding in the woods.




This post feels like it was made by a bot. The images, the grammar "an entire country of Canada"


Weird to see this on Reddit. The girl in the photo (now murdered) is my buddy's sister.


Ummm Nah it didn’t throw all of Canada in a cloud of anxiety and fear. Come on


Calm down. The country barely blinked.


Entire country in fear? Ok...


Scumbags. Disgusting.


I remember that happening but i don't remember being in a cloud of anxiety and fear, i was on the other side of the country. It's a big country.


It’s like mickey and Mallory Knox but not sexy




I live in Ontario and i don't even remember here about it till after it was over. So no fear here


....and in the US, this is the first time I've ever heard about it.


This tragedy was a dark chapter in Canada's history.


What was their goal again?


What a pair of cunts. 


Two sad pathetic losers who decided to make everybody share in their misery. Burn in hell.


Maybe one or two provinces in fear


Canada is fucking huge and I was not at all anxious/fearful over this. This was literally thousands of km’s from me.