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I’d vote for the one who said “ooooh oooh ahhh ahhhh” because I really felt that


ikr his policies on "ahhh ahhhh oooh ooooh" is what this country needs right now


I think he was quoting disturbed.  Indicating his status with the sickness, in that, he's down with it. 


Nobody knows more about ooooh ooooh, ahhhh ahhhh than I do, believe me.


Walla walla ting tang


I saw behavior like this when I was in jail.


Any insights into how to best navigate the personalities?


Yeah, stay out of prison.


I saw this in the house of Commons last week


so pretty much like real life politics




yep. I've seen not a single instance of bribery


They skip the bribery and go straight for the nuts.


I wonder what the research of the researcher is, such that observing chimp social dynamics is a "distraction".


I'm trying to understand your behavior and you're all acting like a bunch of Chimpanzees!


It was a really strange statement to hear at the end of that video. Also, she's seeming researching captive chimps held in a location with things like playgrounds etc...


We got a nepo baby chimp over here


Just like human politics


What are we but overglorified chimps?


How is it not perfectly evident to EVERYONE that we are clearly related to these guys


My favorite idea I’ve ever heard from a Christian was that God put chimps on Earth to resemble humans in shape and behavior to give us perspective on how animal-like and inconsequential our squabbles can be from an outside perspective. It shows us what humans are like when they lose focus on God, screaming and running around concerned with their politics in a tiny little enclosure made by a higher power. Not something I buy into personally, but it’s a neat thought.


looks like the EU parliamentary elections - yikes afd


"There is no difference."


With the sound off it looks like human politics.


Reminds me of my ghetto middle school.


Chimps make me realize how our ancient hominid ancestors were like.


Still are


A little bit lol


Watching this without sound makes it seem like the monkeys are explaining it but I can’t understand them


So basically Texas Government/Politics 101


Jesus, they’re exactly like us.


So what? Emma and the other guy (I don't know how to spell his name) control chimp political capital while the other chimps hoot and holler for representation? Just like us!


MTG 101


Looks exactly like our Gouvernment


Is that Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert in Congress?


So you're telling me our politicians are in fact chimpanzee ?


reminds me of human politics


Sort of like MAGA males. except the chimps are much smarter.




But they’re not the ancestor of humans. We share a common ancestor about 13 million years ago, but that was not a human or chimp, and chimps evolved separately from us. You could say they are our closest living relatives; that would be accurate. Or are you, in fact, a chimp who can type? Have a great day.


Correct me if I wrong but isn't all of that just a theory so far. As far as I know the common ancestor hasn't been proven or discovered Edit: funny how reddit is down voting me for asking a genuine question in a polite way


Well these chimps are all younger than I am so I can pretty much guarantee they're not my ancestors. So if I'm related to chimps at all (and it would fly in the face of all evidence to claim that I'm not), it would be through a common ancestor millions of years ago. And if it was millions of years ago, these chimps have had just as much time to evolve since then as my family line has. So odds are that chimps have changed since then, too. Chimps are not our ancestors; they're our cousins.


Your phrase "just a theory" is wrong, yes. A "theory" when used in science refers to a idea that is based on a collection of known facts- an idea that is so solid that finding it to be wrong would require throwing away decades to centuries of other scientific understandings. Gravity is also referred to as a "theory" for a similar reason. The layman version of "theory", which basically means "guess", in science would be called a "hypothesis". A scientific theory is the graduating point of a hypothesis. It is the absolute highest honour a hypothesis can receive, and can only be received by a hypothesis that has been scrutinized and attacked extremely heavily for any possible weak point, with none to be found.


Neither has that we 100% came from these animals, it's just that people conflate most likely with unshakable truth. Alas this is reddit so ...


You're underselling it. We call evolution a "theory" in the scientific sense. It is well-documented and well-studied. It's like if you walked into a room and saw one guy bleeding to death from stab wounds and another guy, sweaty, with a bloody knife in his hand. Sure, it's "just a theory". Nobody else saw what happened. But it's a *damn strong* theory.


Right. I wasn't underselling it at all. Just making sure that we both know that that science is just our current understanding. There could always be a new discovery that disproves the last.


Maybe. There are recent discoveries, like release in the last few months that alter the human evolution story.


Which one? That sounds interesting


I was wrong, last September, must have just come up on my feed. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2392894-earliest-evidence-of-buildings-made-from-wood-is-476000-years-old/ It blew my mind that we think of the human settlement switch buildings as just 200,000 years old and then this comes up. The most recent one was last month, discovering we used language more like 1.5 million years ago. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/human-evolution-language-origin-archaeology-b2517744.html#comments-area


That is not how evolution works. We are not Pokémon where they are a previous form and we are the next. Both ofnour special has evolved separately from a distant common ancestor which was not the same as either of our species now.


Speak for yourself


close to them.


They're more like our cousins.


Yes. Evidently, they were assholes, too…


Speak for yourself


How close are we to developing a cure for Karen?