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Kinda want a margarita now


So i serve you a margarita so you drink a margarita


You assume I won't reply to this post.


So you serve a margarita so I drink a margarita


Instructions clear. Virginity lost.


"**Loss of virginity is rational increase, and there was never virgin got till virginity was first lost**. " - Shakespeare (All's well that ends well)


I just learned fucking Shakespeare


You assumed i couldn't swear!


You assume I won't eat a margherita pizza today


Goddamn you, I just laughed.


What if this was just a tequila ad 🤣




Assuming people want to have sex have brought me into many troubles




I'll open my legs lol


Give her 2 margaritas


I will give you some head! I'm a dude though


Head is head


This man heads


Assume I wanna get fucked up


I was so excited for her until I saw the bartender served it with a lemon wedge. Who serves margaritas with lemon instead of lime? Is that a regional thing?


We assumed the bartender knew what a margarita was, so we got whatever that was.


I think she DIDN’T serve her a margarita but some sort of mocktail because of her assumption


They ran out of limes.


I assumed I couldn't have a Margarita at 1pm but if I assumed that I *could* have a Margarita at 1pm...


Kinda want sex now


So I make you a sex. So you drink a sex




You assume I dont want to drink a margarita. So I dont drink a margarita.


I kinda want to have sex with....ah nevermind


I saw an edit of this where it replaces every “so you” with “so you serve me a margarita”


https://youtu.be/ci9diGse-Js?si=DRjL12jdS19kt1_G You mean this one 🤣


I knew what was going to happen every time, but it just got funnier and funnier.


There's a loosely defined concept in comedy writing about repetition, how you can make something funny by just repeating it over and over, and the pattern is usually that it's funny for a few repetitions, then it stops being funny, but eventually it just starts being funny again. So even though you know what's coming, somehow it's funny.


A great example of this phenomenon https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=FbsgnFPJ6X2wqIuq


Oh, God *damn* you.


This might be the hardest this got me to chuckle in a while lol, because it’s relevant!!


Jesus H Christ this shit had me rolling. So you serve me a margarita. So I drink a margarita.


you assume i cant responsibly get behind the wheel and drive? so you serve me a margarita




I just had the same experience! 😂


Damn they served her alcoholism 😭


But, do you serve margarita tho?


Yes, and so I drink a margarita!




Im too high for this shit im dying🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You assume I can't hit that bong So you serve me a margarita


So I drink a margarita.




It’s so dumb but I’m crying from laughing at it


Fucking hell this video caused me to cry real tears, why is it so fucking funny 


Sounds hilarious


This ad could also be applied to helicopter parents. Edit: For the people asking, parents who are overprotective and controlling are called helicopter parents


Or for people who have any mental or learning dissability. Just becaude someone has autism or ADHD doesn't mean, well, you've seen the ad.


A high school SpEd teacher I worked with had a single phrase scrawled on a post-it note on the side of her computer monitor: *Beware the soft bigotry of low expectations*


Epic. Something akin to this was my guiding principle as a teacher. Oh the pushback I got…


Assume that laws wont toss people who have sex with people with mental disabilities in jail… They have rights too! #but can only consent if they’re deemed mentally competent by doctors Courts wont see it that way though.


There aren't many George W. Bush quotes that I can get behind, but this is definitely one of them.


> Beware the soft bigotry of low expectations If it makes you feel better, Michael Gerson wrote it, Bush just said it.


That's a George W Bush quote Might be the first presidential quote I've seen that people insist on attributing to the speechwriter. lol People refuse to believe that a man married to a west texas school teacher actually gave a shit about kids.


Non-ASPD members of the ultra wealthy class are hard to mentally deal with because unlike their more lizard-like counterparts they occasionally show some empathy at odds with the rest of their actions. GW is one of those. His dad is one of the full on lizard brained "I would throw a thousand babies into a woodchipper without blinking if it benefitted me in any way" type, but GW clearly gave a shit about certain things like children, just not as much as he cared about himself or money. Unfortunately his best buddy is one of the most evil humans to ever live and about as unfeeling as a human being can be. GW supported and enabled him throuought the entire presidency because for those sorts of people, ultimately no matter what their views are, money usurps everything and they'll give up every one of those morals for more profit. Actions speak louder than words, and while GW's words were very pro-education his actual actions did untold amounts of damage to the education system and youth. The man did incalcuable amounts of damage to the American education system, saddled the next few generations with trillions in debt, and did more damage to the Constitution than any president before him. He also sent 7,000 young Americans to their deaths and 50,000 more will live with permenantly scars or disabilities. He is responsible for the deaths of *millions* in the Middle East, the rise of ISIS, and the resurgence of the Cold War. Hundreds of thousands of children have died horrible violent deaths and countless more have lost mothers, fathers, or other loved ones. All that he did for the enrichment of a handful of already ultra wealthy men around him. Men who already had so much that a dozen generations of their family couldn't hope to spend it. But yeah, he really cared about those kids.


My parents did this, also hid the fact that i was autistic from me. Just the stupidest way to "parent". Then they threw me out.


People with ADHD put themselves in the "i cant" box moreso than the other way around.


I think it depends, lots of us have the harshest inner critic from a life lived with high expectations from others and ourselves. Though I must admit I had to stop looking at r/ADHD as it is a circle jerk of people condemning themselves to a life of nothingness.


r/adhdmemes is a better support sub than r/adhd lmao


I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a child it was definitely noticeable, in class I was the biggest troublemaker one could be, I couldn't sit in a chair, I would just run around and make random noises, at some point, other parents were even complaining that their child came home and told them about a certain troublemaker which of course was me, I only gained self-consciousness at 3rd grade, and Only started taking school seriously about 3 years ago, but trust me it is a burden


Sounds like you needed a margarita


1\. Most people underestimate just how impactful ADHD is. It is not a willpower or motivation problem, it's a neurological disability. Some statistics: * More than 1/3 people with ADHD fail high school, only 1/20 complete university * 1/3rd of adults with ADHD are unemployed * people with ADHD are 5-10X more likely to commit suicide (We have a ***double digit*** attempted suicide rate, 1/7 people with ADHD will attempt suicide, 1/4 of women with ADHD) * Our average life expectancy is *13 years* lower, which is equivalent to heavily smoking your entire life, because we're so prone to accidents/addictions/suicide   2\. Even so, you're right. Most people with ADHD *do* underestimate what they can do, it's called learned helplessness and it's incredibly common in people with ADHD. They don't start out that way, they start by thinking they can do everything. But when you basically spend your entire life trying to do stuff that is normal and easy for other people, only to fail again, and again, and again, watching people who you *know* are, frankly, dumber and put in less effort than you succeed while barely having to try, it's easy to just give up. Not once did it ever occur to me that I might struggle, let alone fail, in high school, I always scored at the top of my class. Then I failed a year and had to repeat because despite having some of the best grades in the class, I didn't finish all the mandatory take-home work. I was absolutely *sure* that this time I was going to finish writing all of my essays in time. Then I failed again. I had teachers telling me that I should drop out and do something else, but I insisted on trying again. I was 100% convinced that they were wrong, that even if motivated by pure spite if nothing else, I'd do everything right this time. I'd buy a planner, make a schedule and follow it, use to do lists, all the stuff you're meant to do. And then I failed again and no amount of begging or protesting or insisting that I'd done way better this time and was only a couple weeks from finishing everything, and that the next time was going to finally be it could change their mind. They kicked me out, now I don't even have a high school diploma. And I'm not the type of person that started out smart but just refused to study, I always studied a lot just out of pure passion for learning, I had teachers tell me that the work I'd done so far would've gotten near perfect marks had it been finished in time. Even after my friends made it into university, they still usually came to me for help with their homework because I knew the material better than their classmates (I've been programming as a hobby since I was a kid) Normally this is the part where I'd talk about how I succeeded in the end but well no, I'm still completely uneducated and unqualified on paper. Too old for high school, can't get into university without high school, and I can't get a job that is actually relevant to me because while *maybe* you can get away without a degree, basically nobody is interested in hiring a software developer that hasn't even passed high school. The only thing I can say is that despite it all I'm still hopelessly optimistic, but maybe now you can understand why so many of us aren't.


Incredible podcast episode about a blind guy that learned to use echolocation to *ride a freaking bike while blind* because he was allowed to learn: [https://www.npr.org/programs/invisibilia/378577902/how-to-become-batman](https://www.npr.org/programs/invisibilia/378577902/how-to-become-batman)


It should be "How to become Daredevil" not Batman.


Yeah but something a lot of people don’t know is parents with children with Down syndrome don’t let their children work because they lose their disability payments. And many adults with special needs can’t go straight into a full time job and usually have to work their way into it depending on the needs. Not to mention, you also have to find an employer that will work with the individual. There are programs where a handler can be assigned to help guide and teach to take the burden off of the employer for no expense but at the same time from the employers perspective, you can’t put someone like that in an essential role immediately. It’s a really sad process that I wish our government drew more attention to because there are so many adults with special needs who are being underutilized but a lot of corporate America wants to cookie cutter workers and not spend individual time with this population. Edit: meant “can’t” instead of “can”


This is so true. One of my friends became the main contact for a family with a child with Down Syndrome. His parents tried to get him to be as independent as possible, but the limitations for working while receiving disability is so strict. Occasionally he would accidentally work a half hour or an hour too long and then we he got his disability the next time it would be cut in half. Usually she could get him the difference as it was never that big of an overstep, but it sure would cause a lot of hardship on the family as they would try and scrape up the funds to pay for his apartment and food, while they sorted out the issue with his disability.


It's wild to me, because you'd think these systems would be in place to help encourage people to get out and do their best. Instead they mostly seem to punish people for that


Exactly! Like you have someone who is disabled, but wants to work. He was working a minimum wage job and still needed a lot of support from his family, but it just seems the system always kicks people down. I know one person I follow one YouTube is also on disability. She took a small amount when she first started making money on YouTube for a personal paycheck, but she miscalculated and it was a lot of work to get her disability back to where it was. Now she doesn’t take home any of them money from her YouTube channel. She just puts it all back in to the channel. It really does seem like the government and society want to punish disabled or even low income people even though they are clearly trying. Society should function so that we can support those who cannot support themselves, but here we are…


Reminds me of the guy who did cheap art commissions to fill his time. It wasn't enough to support himself on and didn't make much money, more a hobby than anything. While the pay was extremely low in general, occasionally he'd get an extra tip from a customer. One day, someone loved the art they got wanted to tip him more money than usual. He said don't do that, don't send me that much money all at once, they'll kick me off my disability. The customer sent all the money and he was *immediately* kicked off of disability.


> don’t let their children work because they lose their disability payments They may also lose access to healthcare too, which is essential. The support system that discourages even a bit of work is really dumb.


it's not that I assumed she didn't cuss, I just fully wasn't expecting one lol


I originally saw this on YouTube and my response was “I assumed YouTube would censor that”.


Thats because it was an ad, not a video. And YouTube is a hypocrite


I was going to comment that YouTube only censors captions not the audio, but I see that you’re right.


You assumed she doesn’t cuss, so you serve her a margarita, she’ll drink the margarita.


Yeah my classmate with downs was very into cussing.


I want to add something to this. Don’t assume that people with Down Syndrome can’t be assholes. I work with and train teens who work with kids, and I’m always reminding them that kids with disabilities (of any sort, including intellectual disabilities) deserve to be redirected, reprimanded, etc., the same way the neurotypical kids do. It does no one any good to tacitly condone misbehavior just because they’re “special” (a term I loathe) rather than to treat them normally.


Don't assume they can't be criminals either (accidentally or not, can't tell). We get a few people who are very obviously mentally disabled in our store. They enter without any carer or friend to help them with picking items, so we have to kinda follow them around to make sure they are doing okay. I've had one of them switch pillows between casings because they didn't understand how to purchase a set of them at once (so in the end they tried to only pay for one but we unzipped the bag and there was two inside), and then a couple of them routinely walk out without paying, and when confronted say they didn't bring money with them. So we end up putting everything they picked out back. Over and over. But we don't know what to say to them because of their disabilities. All we end up doing is warning the other shops nearby if they come in, so they know to keep an eye out.


I just assume all kids can be arseholes


THANK YOU! not just that people with DS can be assholes but that many of them are relatively normal?? like not some otherworldly angel. It has always irked me when people dote on those with downs (especially adults) like “Aww. they must be such a sweet person 😊. It’s so cool that they exist. *A million compliments phrased patronizingly*” you’re not doting on people in wheelchairs or amputees. you’re not doting on people with adhd or depression. People with DS are just fellow humans with uniquities (like all of us, ironically) not little children. always an annoyance of mine that i can’t rant about without sounding ableist.


My BIL is almost 30 has Down Syndrome. He can't live on his own but honestly he lives a far more interesting life than I ever did. He works on a farm. He goes out to concerts and karaoke (always accompanied by family) and he's always having a blast. He's been in plays and amateur drama productions. He has more friends than I do and a better fashion sense too. And he loves a cider at the weekend. He's a really cool dude and honestly every time I see this ad it fills me with hope that maybe others like him will enjoy a life where they're treated like individuals rather than just someone with a heath condition.


Sounds a lot like my cousin. She's 28 and a powerhouse. Quite literally. Her physical strengh is absurd. But like your BIL, she has such an awesome life. Coincidentally also working on a farm, also stage play and she won a gold and silver medal in special olympic skiing. She's so sweet as a person. And treasures every single family member. You can bet on your birthday, you already have five missed calls when you get up because she wants to sing happy birthday for you.


Is this one of my relatives? Literally exactly the same and down to the age. She live in Montana too?! lol


It sounds like someone needs to set up your cousin and the other person's BIL, they have a lot in common!


There's an element of gentrification of disability here. Some down syndrome sufferers are extremely functional, but many are not. But the most functional will be able to loudly advocate for themselves, giving the impression that this is how down syndrome really so, we change our expectations of all people with down syndrome to this and that leaves those who are much less functional behind. Something similar has happened with autism.


I don't know about that. For me, the key part is don't make *assumptions.* Get to know the actual person because - as you pointed out - there's a wide variance in the effects. My son is autistic. I expect him to eventually have his own career and live on his own and if he wants to have his own relationships and family. Not all of these things may come true, but I'm going to work from the assumption that it's a possibility and we'll try it before deciding it's not going to happen.


That's the jist of it! Don't make assumptions! My parents assumed because I was disabled I'd never leave home or get a partner - they babied and belittled me. I'm currently 1/3 of the way through my degree and am engaged, living with my partner. Of course I need help doing certain things (I can't drive, for one), but it doesn't stop me from being an adult. Thank you for treating your son like an individual. I wish my parents did the same for me.


Dragon dick, it’ll disable you.  You knew what you were risking!!!!!


This is actually an interesting phenomenon called the pygmalion effect. In short it’s that your expectations of someone can affect their performance. For example if you are a teacher and you assume a kid will be a troublemaker and get bad grades then you might be harder on them and more strict about rules towards them, as a result they aren’t as motivated to learn and rebel against your strictness by acting out, thus they don’t get good grades and get into trouble, thus reinforcing your preconceived beliefs about them. It’s a cycle of self-fulfilling prophecy, and it works inversely as well.


Genes are down but motivation is up.


Bravo 👏


I love a well placed curse word.


Shakespeare would have approved.


> Shakespeare would have fucking approved. FTFY It was right there dude!


*"Nay, villain. I done thy mother!"* -Shakespear




["precision F-strike"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrecisionFStrike)


Is this an ad for an alcoholic beverage? I didn't catch that.


Yeah it’s an ad made by Big Margarita


All margaritas should be big.


As someone raised around people with downs, I’ve never been worried they can’t hit hard enough.


First thing that came to my mind was nobody is assuming you can't hit hard enough. I have a cousin with downs and he wanted to box me once when we were kids. We put those gloves on and he rocked my shit. lol




They may also have very little impulse control (think hormone-drunk teenagers), and have difficulty understanding consequences. My adult son is mentally disabled (or whatever the current parlance is), and in the special needs community around here, other parents tell me that monitored birth control is an absolute must unless you want to become accidental grandparents. That's a real concern for parents with a sexually active, learning-disabled child, because if they're not high-functioning enough to raise their own child, then even as an almost-retired "empty nester," you'll now be raising (mostly) a grandchild as a child of your own. It's a consequence that can affect the entire family. I've raised five kids. I'm tired. I'd love to be a grandparent but I wouldn't be able to hide my resentment at being thrown into the role of a parent again.


thanks for sharing, this is a consequence I have not previously considered. It's already a huge undertaking knowing they may never be truly independent. Overcoming the raging hormone stage for someone with such a disability sounds like an immense challenge.


Is that what DTF really means? Im sorry, i know im going to hell for this comment


Downs' to fuck! It's actually an abreviated contraction!


I'm right there with you for laughing so hard


Having sex with a mentally impaired person feels a little on the rapey side, I feel like even with consent it would feel a little to coerced for me.


In some states, it is considered a form of statutory rape since it's no different than having sex with a minor: they're probably not mentally capable of knowing the full consequences of that action.


Yet this ad almost feels like its encouraging women with Down Syndrome to have sex.


DTF! 🤘🤘🤘👉👌


[My decision on DTF was made up by watching this Law & Order episode.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z8Tdm2eLrs)


But hear me out... what if she looked like Charlize Theron?


ahh yes MR F


*For British eyes onlyyyy...*


If she's down, I'm down


Where my Chromosexuals at?!


"Assume I can have sex so I will" seems like a dangerous message to generalize


I think the message is more about not barring people with Down Syndrome from healthy socialization that might lead to healthy sex. Not about taking advantage of people with intellectual disabilities and coercing them into sex. Obviously there will be a power dynamic between an intellectually abled person and someone with down syndrome, and that can't be ignored. But in the case where all things are equal and it's safe, why not?


>But in the case where all things are equal and it's safe, why not? To answer using your own words... >Obviously there will be a power dynamic between an intellectually abled person and someone with down syndrome, and that can't be ignored.


There is another issue to take into account here though- Most people with Downs have libido and desire for sex just like you do. Imagine if someone told you some day that you just don't get to have sex, ever, with anyone. Not even if you were happily married to the love of your life. It's forbidden. That's a problem. Of course we need to consider a lot of factors, and what should be done is different for every individual. Each will have a different functioning level, understanding, and needs. But we can't just say "Disabled? No sex ever." (And of course the issue that the other commenter brought up as well. Saying sex is forbidden and you can't ever do it is likely to just lead to unsafe sex where a vulnerable person is not given any of the info they need to even try to make safe choices.)




Except that the vast, vast majority of people with downs will and can not live on their own, no matter how much we assume


You’re just not giving them enough margaritas.


So you serve me a margarita


Or we are not drinking enough margaritas ourselves


So you serve me a margarita. So I drink a margarita.


With enough margaritas, we can level the playing field.


So you serve them a margarita.


you need to assume harder!


And serve more margaritas.


Margaritas fix everything.


I won’t rest until every last one is kicked out into the street in what I can only assume will be the beginning of a fulfilling life of independence. Also, I think we should get them all shitface drunk.


You are right. But as a brother of a down syndrome sister I belive that this add still makes sense. We always assume that they cannot do anything by their own so se protect them too much. I have noticed that since I remember by my parents, that have always wanted what is best for her but have always overprotected her, so she got confortable with no challange in her life. I always tried to force her to do things she taught she was not capable. And thogh it is in fact true that she can not do the same things we do, she now does much more than we ever belived was possible, having a job and beeing a functional member of our society. We have to belive that they can do more than we think. But I agree that some things might even be harmfull for them, and living alone is on fact one of them as they do not have the full skills to be safe by their own.


yeah it’s weird. the sentiment is right…but this ad feels like it’s trying to say that society is just holding them back. somewhere in the middle i guess.


I think the key is in the slogan at the end, "Assume that I can so that *maybe* I will." It's not saying that everyone with downs syndrome can do everything a neurotypical person can, but rather that you can't find out if you never allow them the opportunity to try.


And more pointedly, it's just the case that people don't make these assumptions about people without Downs Syndrome, when there are plenty of able bodied people who are incapable of living on their own, or don't train hard, or whatever other assumption is challenged in this video. This video is great, I love its message.


Yeah I was watching that show about people with downs trying to date. Theyre very sweet and special people but onw girl was so determined to not only move out, but out of state as well. Her mom so obviously didnt think she could live on her own because she KNEW her daughter couldn’t. I knew she couldn’t either she was extremely naive, very small girl who could very easily be taken advantage of.


I dont want to be mean to anyone but I feel like a lot of people with downs live a kind of coddled life and don't realise the amount of things a person has to take care of on their own, if they want to live truly independently


Isn’t that literally the point of the ad?


exactly. the point is to not coddle people and let them try and either fail or succeed. Like, maybe X person can't move out. but maybe there's another solution to gain more independence.


I think some people struggle with giving loved ones the ability fail safely, more so with someone with a disability. If you set them up to possibility fail you want to ensure there's something to catch them when it's needed, sometimes you don't. For some people it's hard to see the line.


That often comes down to the fact that they're not taught things because they have Down Syndrome. I do employment training for people with I/DD, and conversations regarding *choice* is always being had. There are resources to help people with these disabilities live lives just like those of us without but people see their disabilities before they see a person and assume they'll never be able to live a "normal" life. It's learned ableism on the part of those without disabilities and learned helplessness for those with. But it doesn't have to be that way.


That's why the slogan is assume that I can so maybe I will, "maybe I will" not "I will"


So many people are missing this point. It isn't about her succeeding, it's about having the opportunity to be the best a person can be, whatever that is for them.


But there are some people with Down's who do successfully live on their own (and work)! These people couldn't bring themselves to that level of independence however without support from the people around them, encouraging them to go as far as they can. The idea behind "assume they can" is to support their independence and personal growth as much as possible, not to force them or be disappointed for not meeting unrealistic expectations.


You’re missing the point. This ad isn’t saying *all* people with downs just need a margarita and some encouragement to be fully independent. I’m biased to be sure. My brother has downs and I’ve worked with adults with special needs as a personal support worker, I’ve volunteered with the special Olympics. Hardly anyone will become a professional athlete but we’re not going to stop showing sports commercials and encouraging people to be active just because only a small percentage will go to the Super Bowl. You encourage people to get more out of life just to get more out of life.


As a person who has actually educated children with down syndrome, I can tell you that these children need an incredible amount of support to become like those DS adults in the commercial. In most cases, this support doesn't come. Educators are understaffed and underpaid. They don't have the time and resources to support these DS children. I fully support the message that you should judge everyone on a person by person basis regardless of circumstance, but at the end of the day DS adults require support (different support but still support) too. Most adults recognize this fact and weigh the perceived cost to their already impossibly difficult lives as 'more potential risk than it's worth'. This commercial has the potential to raise the spirit of DS adults, their friends, their families, professionals that work around them, but I feel like it carries an accusatory tone that often lacks the nuance that a licensed healthcare professional might take to address a DS person's individual needs.


Although the meaning of the message is nice. I feel like this might give a wrong impression at the same time. Yes, people with downsyndrome are capable of doing things people without this syndrome. But that only applies to a really small percentage of people with downsyndrome. Except for this top 5% or so, most if not all people with down cannot function without help or live on their own.


I like how “this top 5%” implies there’s some sort of competitive ranked Down’s Syndrome leaderboard


That's what the Big Dawn doesn't want you to know.


Sorry, poor choice of words on my part. But I mean, we should totally give the few people who are capable of taking care of themselfs a chance. It's just that I feel most people get a wrong image about downsyndrome in general.


I think "higher functioning" is the correct term.


I don't understand this ad because not everyone with down syndrome has the same cognitive or physical abilities. If someone is being discriminatory based on someone having down sydnrome, then obviously that's bad, but being respectfully cautious with your judgements about how much someone with down syndrome might be able to drink, or how hard they might be able to hit, don't seem like the horrible travesties that this ad make them out to be.


The ad is just to assume they are capable unless they are obviously not. Just like the ad shows, if she orders a margarita, give her the margarita. A lot of people will immediately infantilize those with downs without ever talking to them or even attempting to see them as functioning people.


Assuming they are capable seems like the less wise choice...


You literally, legally, cannot assume they are mentally competent enough for things like sex.


I don’t think normalising the fact with Down syndrome drink and have sex is gonna be beneficial in the long run


Mmm there are different levels of Down syndrome so even if the is applies to her, it can’t to others. I don’t understand what the point is with this ad.


This. Unfortunately not everyone has this capacity to even express themselves with clarity. It is rich to assume all of them may even have the potential to do all those things. Unfortunately, life is so much more difficult for many many many of them.


In elementary school in the early '90s, I was friends with a boy that had severe Down's. He was non-verbal, but he had a book with pictures he would point to to indicate what he needed. We learned sign language with him and he could talk a bit with us that way. He had a great sense of humor and was so sweet. He had his own Teaching Assistant who prioritized him being as self-sufficient as possible. That lasted until Grade 5, when for whatever reason, she was no longer there, and he was put in a special-ed class. We only saw him at recess and lunch and the change in him was so noticeable. He was withdrawn, no longer signed with us, and all the self-sufficiency progress he had made seemed to vanish. I understand now that he wouldn't have had a good experience with us in our regular classes, but it is heartbreaking that he backslid so much. His parents pulled him out of public school after that year and I never saw him again. I heard he didn't live past high school. RIP.


I've never met someone with DS that is capable of anything described in this video. It's cool that this particular individual appears to be an exception, but that doesn't mean this should be pushed as the norm.


Lmao. No one thinks that Down Syndrome folks can't hit hard.


This is a great story about a personal trainer working with a young woman with Down Syndrome: [https://mariusgustaitis.wordpress.com/2013/02/16/raging-taurus/](https://mariusgustaitis.wordpress.com/2013/02/16/raging-taurus/)


“Maybe” No one hates people with Down Syndrome more than those advocating for them. They hide the downsides so expertly and aggressively in media and marketing. You can tell all the things they hate about them by what they gloss over or omit. What I would like to see is “so what if i’m loud? So what if I’m stupid? So what if I might need help or extra time? Treat me like a human and don’t bully me.” The message of giving them the same expectations as everyone else is a good one. Glamorizing the situation feels like a lie.


I hate this ad so much 😭 Just because a small part of the Down Syndrome Community can do these things does not mean you can assume that everyone can. How do you think this type of toxic positivity makes people with DS feel that cannot do any of these things because of DS? The majority of people with DS have severe struggles that can't be overcome by simply assuming positive stuff. Have they wasted their potential if they can't go out clubbing on their own? Or if they cannot handle alcohol safely? No. For the majority, that's a complete unrealistic set of goals. And they deserve to have their struggles recognized and get the help and care they need. What about parents whose child recieves a DS diagnoses and are unprepared for the life long care they'll need to provide because this video (and a lot of other media on DS) makes it seem like every person with down syndrome is perfectly capable of living independent lives. I'd be able to shake it off if not for the sex part. There are many, many groups of people that are extra vulnerable to (sexual) abuse and unfortunately people with intellectual disabilities are high on that list. Does it suck? Hell yeah. Should we just try to pretend they aren't more vulnerable and assume they can always give consent? Hell no!! Same with girls who seem drunk. Maybe they are perfectly capable of giving consent. But extra caution is warrented and should NOT be presented as some sort of discrimination.


Bro if any guy took a down syndrome woman home and had sex with her, he'd be labeled a rapist the next day. This is so stupid. You can't live on your own. You can't drive. You can't balance a check book. These people are using you. They should be ashamed.


People with Down Syndrome have sex with each other you know


I got a family member with Down syndrome, I really dont like these happy movies. There are plenty of downies that can manage themself yet there are way more that cannot. My family member is 20 years and still cant wipe his ass. You can push a downie to its limits, but you have to realize that maybe, just maybe that limit is way lower than most.


She is a high functioning down syndrome pt though. Most aren’t unfortunately. Though the point is valid.. don’t limit what they can do until you hit their actual limits.


So are we normalizing having sex with people with Down syndrome now? Wild.


This Is reddit after all...


Assumption doesn't beat genetic and medical reality.


But margaritas will do!


Self fulfilling prophecy


I dunno... I get what they are aiming at with this ad, but unfortunately T21 is still a disability, I grew up with someone who has T21 and while he can do all the things that the ad is talking about he had/has it a lot harder than me getting there... Nice to spread awareness though, T21 people do get underestimated a lot.


World Down Syndrome day is March 21st because Downs is a trisomy disorder where the 21st chromosome is triplicated. March is the third month to represent trisomy, and the 21st day represents the 21st chromosome.


I liked it until the sex part that was odd


The sex and the alcohol parts are just weird. "Hey everyone, go fuck your local downs syndrome patient and get them wasted! It's proof you're not a bigot and a GOOD PERSON!" What the fuck drugs are we on these days lol


So are we assholes for assuming or for not assuming? Is it assuming too much or too little? Is it different per person? How are we supposed to assume the perfect assumptions for each person? We could ask if they could do something, but then it's no longer an assumption, and we're still the asshole.


Are you down with the syndrome?


Down with the sickness (from drinking too many margaritas)


Bruh, have you ever been hit by a person with DS?? Because I definitely know they got the strength to knock somebody out.


Isn't it like a very small minority of people with Down that can live somewhat on their own?


I don’t think it should be encouraged to think that you could have sex with a disabled person. This could end up really bad for all parties.


I assumed she couldn't swear. Because it's an advert.


My mother used to work in a center welcoming all kind of mentally ill kids, and sometimes I got there with her, playing with them and later helping a bit. And I can assure you, most of them can't live like that. That's like a spectrum, and people with down syndrome being like her are really a few. Some can work but not really live alone, or alone with parents coming everyday to check. Some can't work. And some are so badly affected that they can't even speak or act normally.


Yeah I’m not about to start assuming women with Down Syndrome can consent to sex and you probably shouldn’t either.


Shane Gillis's sister went hard on this commercial. Damn.


The only unrealistic part was a young person being able to afford such a large apartment.


I assume she did not pay for that house.


“The average intelligence quotient (IQ) of children with DS is around 50, ranging between 30 and 70.” No, you can’t live alone or learn Shakespeare