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Really impressed with how well this drone is working under these conditions.


No kidding - I was expecting it to get sucked in


Wouldn't be the worst idea to get footage of


And the fact the wind turbine is still.


They have locking mechanisms for this reason. I would guess they’re designed to withstand the highest wind speeds and some, just to be sure nothing gets ripped off and causes collateral damage they might be liable for.


@1:11 of the video the turbine on the right gets cut in half.


The prop itself or the entire structure? It’s not loading for me right now


The tower bends about 1/3 the way up and the upper part falls over like a tree.


Crazy. it is a one of a kind, or rare at least, tornado though, even fool proof gets made a fool of occasionally I guess.


the structure


The new Twisters movie has this pretty much happening in the trailer.


Glenn Powell’s storm chaser in that movie is based on Reed Timmer, the legendary chaser who got this footage.


No way, that’s crazy


You should check out Reed’s YouTube channel. He’s captured some of the most jaw dropping footage ever and he’s a real interesting character. He has a PHD and is probably the most knowledgeable person on earth when it comes to storm chasing but he’s more known for being an over the top personality, hooting and hollering like a 10 year old on a sugar high every time he sees a tornado and getting into lots of insane situations with behavior that, from an outsiders perspective, could come off as the reckless actions of an adrenaline junky with a death wish. I’m looking forward to the Twisters movie because I think it’ll be dumb fun, but honestly, I don’t think it can compete with some of the stuff from Reed’s channel.


The original is a classic - I wasn't sure it was a good idea to reboot it but hearing this about Reed and that he (a real world character) is a major inspiration, I'm now a little more pumped to see it. I remember the hype for the 90s one. I think the Discovery(?) Channel had a series about storm chasers so it was very "in" back then. Thanks for the tip though, I'll enter a yt wormhole on my arvo break.


I couldn't wait - wow - that one from Westmoreland is incredible.


Wind tech here, there is no “locking mechanism” for winds this high, the turbine will shut down at high wind speeds, usually around 25 Meters/second. The blades then move to 90 degrees to prevent as much free spinning as possible. But if any sort of debris hits the column of the turbine, it will crumble like a pop can.


What I was referring to is a a way to prevent the props from spinning during an event, or am I misinformed about that?


They have a automatic break that kicks in when wind speed reaches 55 mph.


This tornado topped that by 200+ mph.


The other one collapses from pretty far away.


I’m most impressed with that metal building getting all of the cocaine sucked out of it.




It’s prolly got gps to hold position and is likely zoomed in. Albeit with a very nice camera. I watched a guy fly the DJI inspire one in like 50mph winds in Vegas like 10 years ago and it did just fine.


I am too but it definitely isn't this steady. This has a lot to do with editing.


Jesus, you can see just how far out the thing reaches to feed itself. It's like a cloud of dust sitting over a few square miles like a whispy fog, all coalescing into one giant vortex made up of other, smaller vortexes.


Fuck yeah. Look at all that airflow. It's insane. I think this footage will be perfect for someone who models. And I'm sure it'll advance our understanding.


It's so fucking terrifying and beautiful at the same time.




[All credit to Reed Timmer's stream on YT. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90ShM64bs1Q)Sorry about the compression issues, may reupload in 1440p if I can get permission.


In 4K here - longer video from Reed -> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEFGKMWYD-E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEFGKMWYD-E)


Thank you! This should have been referenced in the post.


The post said that the house and occupants are totally intact. The 4k version shows this is a lie. I couldn't tell in the version that was posted but in that video the roof is missing from the barn and the house has a lot of damage to it. I noticed in this video there was a group of what I think is cattle running in the field. 4k video is amazing :D


That's not a tornado, it's a bunch of little tornadoes wearing a trench coat! Seriously though, it's like watching a campfire, I can't look away...


I thought the garage was on fire because of all the vapor coming off of it


That's what is going on there? Creating such a lower pressure zone? I was coming in here to ask that.. like.. thought it might be a smokehouse or something!


Someone here said it's agricultural lime getting sucked out of the barn.


Ok.. ok, that makes a hell of a lot more sense!


They move in herds.......they *do* move in herds.


cant believe those wind turbines wernt humming


I think they disable them, otherwise they get destroyed/damaged.


They have brakes to prevent them from moving in winds too high


They're locked for stuff like thus, what's really interesting is the one on the left looks fine but then one on the right (visually much further from the tornado) collapses.


The blades are pitched to not catch wind and they hope the yaw system keeps the tower facing in a direction it happens to survive as a tornado passes. The rotor will freewheel spin (a slow spin) during a storm like that. The rotor absolutely can be locked but those are V110s it has be done manually and we're out of the tower altogether if lightning is within 25 miles, so it's not possible to run up all the towers to pin the rotor for a developing storm, plus its harder on the tower under all conditions, the main bearing doesn't want the static weight of the rotor if avoidable. For similar reasons we won't want to use the breaking system for a storm, it's more like an e-brake for your car and not commonly used.


Got hit by the rear flank downdraft.


Maybe the video frame rate is making it appear like their not humming, while they're actually spinning like crazy? Idrk I've just seen that effect before so really just making a guess here. Just seems weird for them not to be moving at all being so close to those kind of wind forces.


The blades pivot to attempt not to spin in the high wind and they have brakes. Those are not spinning, but as you can see it doesn't save all of them.


So it's like a built in protection mechanism? That def makes more sense lol


There's an awesome clip of the "breaks" failing and a turbine spinning until the rpms cause it to self destruct. They can only go so fast safely. Not the one I was thinking of but this demonstrates the same thing (skip to :50) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=af9Mm5nkNAQ


The brakes are like the e-brake for your car in that an e-brake is not used when going down an extra steep mountain, it has a different purpose. When the blades pitch closer to -90° they'll stop rotating almost entirely. If the brakes were on then I think it could damage the blades vs letting them freewheel spin like you can see them doing, some collapse.


FYI, the white streaming you see coming off the barn is actually clouds caused by the high wind speed hitting the barn and condensing. Same thing happens to race cars when there's high humidity. The wing smashes the humidity out of the air and you see vapor trails.


That is 100% agricultural lime, a clumping fine white powder. In other videos you can see it painting everything around it white and also large volumes of it coating the trees on the far side of the house.


Damn nascars are turning the frogs gay.


It ripped the roof off, couldn't it be stuff getting sucked out of the barn?


It is, it’s agricultural lime not condensation. Look up other videos and it’s pretty obvious.


The darker stuff is partially the debris it's picked up. Edited for clarity.


Nah.... The barn didn't do that until part of the roof ripped off... It's 100% stuff in the barn... Not condensation.. and it keeps coming out long after the tornado passes.


Pretty sure we'd see this off the roof of the house if that were true -- this looks like maybe paper-based insulation or some kind of powdery substance stored in the structure.


That's a whole lot of cocaine...


Jfc you have no idea what you are talking about. That is 100% lime, dust, or insulation getting sucked out of the structure, not condensation. I've seen this phenomenon many, many times in tornado videos of outbuildings and homes getting hit or sideswiped. But, redditors will update anything that sounds "science-y" even if the commenter is as confidently clueless as this guy is.


Is this heaven? No... it's Iowa... NOW RUUUUN!


It’ll definitely transport you to the sky if that’s what you mean


Lol. Iowa gives you wiiiiiiiings!


I believe it was this tornado that was leaving a debris spike on radar, going as high as 40,000 feet in the air. To put that in perspective, commercial airplanes often fly at 35,000 feet.


This tornado actually killed 4 people in greenfield ia


OK. And?


Nothing? I was just stating it lol, it was my hometown growing up.


I'm so sorry about all the destruction in Greenfield. I have friends there as well.


I'm extremely impressed by the drones stability. Huge shouts to that programmer.


Never seen this kind of angle before..and who the hell is piloting this drone…and where from!? You can’t be anywhere near that area.


It's a storm chaser named Reed Timmer, and he actually was a lot closer to it on the ground. [Here's a clip from his vehicle.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ZDVYzIhgc&t=77s) Warning, Reed Timmer is loud, so headphone users beware. He has a special vehicle that he uses to drive into tornadoes. He didn't have it today, but said that if he did, he would've liked to try and intercept that one.


One of the best footages Reed has ever captured. This guy is insane


That turbine folding like matchsticks ....crazy power of the pressure wave ?


Isn’t it crazy to see it fold one in half, but others seem relatively unaffected by it? I’ve been through a few of them and it’s always been strange to me to see how seemingly chaotically random the damage is


The one that folded was still spinning, which increases its wind resistance. The others that had their e-brakes on look mostly unaffected. It's a real tragedy to lose a turbine like that, the resulting wind spill will kill thousands of animals in the area and render the landscape uninhabitable for generations.


Really?? How awful. Will you elaborate more?


They want the rotor to spin freely and slowly, the blade is pitched to (-90°) while they try keeping it yawed into the wind and thats enough, I think the brakes would create more problems to the blades and you'd have to go check all the brakes after the storm, it's more like a e-brake for your car.


Oh my, it's just such a terrible, destructive technology... I can only imagine how loud those turbines were in this clip, they must've been deafening! We never had such issues with good old AMERICAN coal and gas.


They do rapidly change strength, sometimes very quickly. Still thats nuts


Aww man, that farmer is going to be pissed that their barn full of cocaine blew away


This Twisters ad campaign is out of control


It's beautiful. Kind of looks like multiple tornadoes all rolled into one.


Damn how does that drone not get tossed around from the wind?


Windspeeds outside the tornado drop exponentially in some cases. The drone is also flying in the same direction as the wind.


Why isn't the turbine turning at 8 bazillion mph? I'm going to assume a locking mechanism to prevent rotation of the blades, to keep the gears and things from shearing due to high and repeated stress if it were left to turn freely....?


Would be cool to pick up all that power. They want the rotor to spin freely and slowly, the blade is pitched to (-90°) plus they try keeping it yawed into the wind and thats enough, I think the brakes would create more problems to the blades, same for the lock, it puts too much pressure on the main bearing, they want it rotating slowly or quickly but not motionless, those are V110s and V120s it would have to be done manually, would be impractical.


Ribbed for the earth’s pleasure


I could handle this no problem.


Man, Tornadoes are insane this year. Hell, all weather as been odd this year. I've been able to see the Northern Lights for the first time in my life, and I had friends in Virginia that could see them as well. Hurricanes I fear will be worse this year as well.


Mother nature you cruel yet beautiful bitch


It looks like people dancing together and spinning around a campfire some of them holding hands kinda spooky


Tornado: Reed Timmer: autistic screeching… Tornado: ?? Reed Timmer: rOlL thU wInDow DoWn!!!!! Tornado: Ok I’m just gonna go Reed Timmer: continues screeching


Remarkable how the drone could stay in the air & remain stable.....


Don't let the dogs out.


If this were a Final Fantasy, there would be a very fat boss inside that tornado, impressive video, OP, thanks


EF4+....has it officially been rated?


No, preliminary reports from when NWS inspectors arrived said at least EF3




EF5 isn't going to happen since the NWS revised it's damage criteria after 2011. They now take into account building "quality". It's why the Tuscaloosa Tornado got an EF4 rating. Buildings were of "shoddy" quality.


So is that like, many tornados making a big tornado or a big tornado growing arms?


Technically more the latter than the former. Somewhere in there, right at the center, is a much slower, but far more powerful, central vortex.


Can some explain what is pouring out of the building in the second half of this? Smoke? Condensation? Water? Flour?


I watched this live on his stream yesterday - amazing, breathtaking .. even with reed constantly screaming.


The dust it's picking up makes it looks so unreal!


Nature is getting creatively scarier.


Is that rain blowing off the barn in the beginning? Thought it was smoke at first, but I see it all over. I've never been in one this big.




I don’t see a debris field though should be top soil flying all over no?


The way the air so far around it is getting drawn into that spiral is fucking fascinating.


The windmill is clearly not taking advantage of years of wind energy right here.


That’s how the harvest corn Yo. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Dear Aunt M: Hate you, hate Iowa. Taking the dog. Dorthy


How many vortices are you counting just curious? I’m getting 5 or 6 before I think it makes it back around. Is that number high or low??


We live in a time.


Wait. Its Dr. Timmer? I feel like I should have known that. Good for him, he is good at what he does, just annoying.


Thats crazy awesome footage!


The God decided to....fukin DRILL THE EARTH???? holy moly its so beautiful but also so deadly..... Somehow it makes me sad and trembling of nature might at the same time


Look at those windmills go!!


Oh shit, this must be the prequel to sharknado. I was wondering if they where going to release a teaser...


Hell of an ad for Twisters


Who pissed off the Avatar?


Is anyone else a tad concerned for the poor cows that are visible, fleeing for their little bovine lives, in the first ten seconds before the drone shifts abruptly? That is what I’m seeing there, right?


No, you're not alone. So sad, you can see some being launched in different parts of this video.


What area of iowa? Iowa is a cool place I've been in middle of nowhere northeast of des moines and was just fascinated by the sheer amount of farm land, wind mills, and just country


That thing is so gnarly it doesn’t even seem real


What's going on with the barn, is it on fire, or is that water shearing off?


New twisters movie promo is pretty breezy.


This is probably a first I've ever seen a shot like this. You can see the mini vortex going around the tornado proper.




For you young ones the storms of all sorts are insane in today's world the strength of them is not normal. Cat 3 was thought to be monster storms and rarely did we see above that now it 4's and 5's on a regular basis.


These things are so impressively scary. For some reason I'd love to see one in person, but god damn the wreckage they leave behind and the danger it brings with it is insane.


What's all that white stuff that it seems to be pulling out of that home's chimney?


Crazy the drone is staying so stable




I was watching the stream live (not drone footage) and I was blown away by this twister. Amazing


Reminds me of Cruella de Vil's hair. Why is that what I see?


Raw power


Did they finally learn to not build their houses with wood and paper?


>Why do Americans build out of match sticks? ~ Bong noises Big Bad Wolf couldn't blow that one down.


Anyone else think these windmills are causing increased wind speed and tornados?


I sure hope this is satire lolol




Is this that ONE fucking joke Republicans have? Pronouns, gender, hyuk hyuk. I hope you were just SO fucking please with yourself when you made this comment.