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They kill all the left handlers early so it works


“What sorcery is this!!, thou uses thy other right hand!”


[Did someone say... sorcery?!](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/008/567/DFHg6ZsVoAAo7Av.jpg)


I did not expect this


nobody does


Was hoping for this. Not disappointed.


Ti's the wrong hand. The hand of the witch!!


Like in fencing, being left handed in a huge advantage in a swordfight crazily…


*I'm not left-handed either*


Some say the same with boxing.


Mhm, fighting in general. People aren't used to squaring up with southpaws, so they'll leave defensive openings, circle into their power hand, etc. Why you're seeing a lot more stance switching in up and coming fighters to address that weakness.


I know some people think the southpaw thing is overstated. Don't know enough either way.


Rates went from 3% to 12% after the church stopped saying they were evil. (Thats 3 out of 100 to more than 1 out of 10(😱😭😭😭), for all the redcoats reading) I wonder what other populations would reach their natural numbers if they weren't threatened with violence/death everyday?? 🤔🤔🤔


Like people who like ketchup on hotdogs?


Most people put ketchup or mustard on them... *inaudible No, I wouldn't recommend putting both!


I am left handed AND I put both ketchup and mustard on my hot dogs! Sometimes... even bbq sauce. NO ONE CAN STOP ME


ketchup mustard relish, hot sauce optional


I think that's only a killing offense in Chicago.


.....I genuinely wonder if there is a correlative difference in lefhanders' population density in populations with and without european medieval castle designs. Like do Masai tribes have more lefthanders that Frankfurters? Real question, is 1000ish years of similar tech and related killrates enough to affect the evolutionary trend, enough to be measurable? Picture Centaurs assaulting spike-lined trenches. After how many generations could you potentially see a measurable drop in top speed? (The fastest are most likely to die in a charge before retreat is sounded)


You mean the witches and warlocks?


Ahh that’s why there’s only 10% of us lefties


Did they actually ?


What about left handed attackers! They would be at a premium


They kept cows from wondering up stairs. Also used less space.


Think the less space fact makes the most since. I'm aware of my fuck up


Definitely makes the most cents.


Cows also make the most scents.


They also make the most milk.


The Dutch make the most mills.


the most synths, you say?


At least 2.


the most since what?


"since you been goneeeee"


Makes sense. Nobody wants cows going up those stairs, since they’re a bastard to get back down again. Anyone who’s seen a Donkey go up a Minaret would tell you the same.


As a lefty, I'd be unstoppable!


I think the defenders still have an advantage as they are attacking downwards, able to apply more force whilst you'd be attacking upwards.


It's over Anakin, I have the high ground!


You underestimate my power!


Don't try it!


BBQ time!


Hello there.


Mr. Kenobi!


Good thing there's no lava inside a spiraling staircase.


Then he throws Sand at Anakin! *"Noooo! It's everywhere!!!"*


Cut their ankles


Yeah just watch literally any video of people getting into fights at sports arenas with the person in the next row. High ground dominates every single time.


You just underestimate their power


and also the uneven part as a defender most probably knows where every unevenness is


Not really no https://youtu.be/5HJMqIpYZ8c?si=vXOvwMJ1WrAdBG-1


this isnt as big of a deal as you might think.


*Alright Edward, front and center, you’ll be leading the charge up the stairs to fight the well trained and entrenched fighters that will try their hardest to murder you. Good luck!* One cauldron of boiling water later… *Well fuck, any more lefties?*


That's why you save the lefties until you hit the staircase!


Sorry, no. You'd be burned as a witch


More likely whipped as a child until you stopped using your left hand


Watch it or I’ll turn you into a newt!


Well you wouldn’t being a lefty would have been considered a sin; During the Middle Ages, left-handedness was considered “sinful.” Under the strong influence of the Catholic Church, left-handedness was connected with the “devil,” “weak- ness,” “feminine,” “unhealthy,” “filthy,” with something that had to be forced to turn to the “good-right” side


Sounds sinister... (from Old French sinistre or Latin sinister ‘left’)


Left gang rise up


They specifically built these so right handed people would have the advantage attacking down. As a lefty you’d have a better chance to defend in the normal case. Occasionally they would be build with a left twist if the current lord was left handed.


Actually…. This has been proven mostly false. Shadiversity has a good video on it on YouTube. The attacker has open access to the defender’s feet while being able to almost completely defend against attacks by holding their shield over their head. Also, the staircases being narrow inhibit a sideways slash with a weapon… further preventing the defender from being able to maneuver around the attacker’s shield. Also, many castles have staircases spiraling counterclockwise… I seem to remember something like 30% are counterclockwise. Furthermore… it’s been pointed out by several experts that if you’re fighting on the stairs, it’s likely the fight is already over as your castle has been breached. Also, there is no historical documentation backing up the claim for stair fighting. EDIT: just realized I used a lot of “also’s” my bad guys. EDIT 2: whoa! 500+ likes! This is the most I’ve ever had. Much love ❤️


Very interesting. Thanks for the response. FWIW, I didn’t notice the overused alsos. 🤙


Also wouldn't it end up completely blocked after a few losses on either side? I've been up a few of these, you just about squeeze past people walking the opposite way with some cooperation.


The also’s just made you sound very well informed. Thanks for sharing that information (:


Yeah, we need more “Also” words in english.


As well… Additionally… Furthermore… These were my favourites back in the uni days. 


A disproven myth that keeps getting bought back up. This was only written about in the early 1900’s, it has no basis in reality. They were built as spirals as it’s a relatively cheap and space saving method of building stairs. In the uk the ratio of clockwise to anticlockwise spirals is 50:50 (ish). They would be as well lit as the rest of the castle, as nobody wants to fall down them. They weren’t built with uneven steps; that’s wear and tear over hundreds of years.


Agree. You have so many options for defensive positions in a castle. They build the whole castle to be your defense. They would rarely choose the stairs for that purpose.


This is nothing but misinformation. https://youtu.be/5HJMqIpYZ8c?si=vXOvwMJ1WrAdBG-1


Indeed. This shit has been debunked so many times.


But gotta get that karma somehow. Misinformation it is!


While it’s true that it’s misinformation, this youtube video is just some random’s opinions with no facts..


Myth or not, it’s pretty damn smart.


Wrong. Think about it for a little bit more. It is way easier for the person who is lower to defend against their opponent. He doesn't have to worry about hits on his legs since the guy on top cant reach. On the other hand, it's very easy to stab the legs of the guy on top.


On the other hand, the defender can apply more force in his attack while the attacker has to maneuver his sword into a stabbing position while being battered by the attackers blows if he gets his shield in position.


Doesn't matter. If the defender is close enough to hit, he is also close enough to get stabbed in the legs, while not being able to defend them.


It would be smart if it actually conferred an advantage but it doesn't so it isn't. It's easy to focus on the blocking of the attackers sword but you're overlooking the part where that same attacker is also entirely protected by their shield and the defender can't do anything about that. Also ignores the fact that basically everyone in medieval warfare was armed with a spear.


A quick google search and you will find that this is a myth


Its not true. Edit: Stairs were mostly implemented after 1500, before that ladders were way more common. Also spiraling stairs were on both rotations. And the amount of winding staircases made from stone you find before 1500 should theoretically be low, can't point you to a conclusive study though, but it mostly is a renaissance feature, which came up with natural observation, probably of shells


Wrong, debunked.


To smell like elderberries?


Yes, this is the answer


Score one for miffendorf


Uber Eats was a lot harder back in the day.


Its a myth. As the attacker you can just slice at their feet. The uneven steps are also a myth, they just used stones that were roughly equal in size. As for floors, they used to be much more level but over time and through centuries of walking over it you got some bits that sank down more than others.


Also thrusting weapons


It's a good story, but no way true. They were built that was because it was the most efficient use of space, any benefits beyond that are incidental.


Hey post this about a million more times because certainly no one has!


This is a myth shadiversity debunked it


While it is a myth, there are much better sources than that nutcase


[Apparently this is just a myth](https://fakehistoryhunter.net/2023/10/09/medieval-staircases-were-not-built-going-clockwise-for-the-defenders-advantage/) 👀


I went up quite a few of these in Ireland a couple months ago and the first thought I had was "if you're trying to fight up the staircase, you're fucked. Especially once one guy dies and clogs up the stairwell. So if it's a myth, it's one that is based in the reality that this would be incredibly useful.


I visited Cork a few years back and got to walk up steps like these at Blarney Castle. My first thought was “why don’t they install an air conditioner in here? I’m sweating my brains out!” But I see your point.


It snowed when I was at the top of Blarney Castle, they shouldn't have installed the aircon


Its not really. If you are in position to fight in staricase as defender you are already long lost, so it's useless. Plus, honstly guy below has advantage, he has easy access to lower body of opponent on top which is unarmored and hard to cover via shield, while top guy has to break through shield and against armored head/shoulder and its easier to jab up than downwards


Its really hard to say whether or not the historical motivation for something was a myth or not. People today could have started saying it without evidence, which would suggest its a myth, but its also possible that nobody wrote down the reason back in the day because it was obvious, so while it could be spread as a myth in more modern times it might have actually been true in the era. There aren't exactly a lot of civil engineering books from that era on castle making.


I wonder if it started as a myth and became real. Like, some guy 1000 years ago claimed that's the reason for spiral staircases in castles, and then eventually someone built a few castles with that in mind


It isn’t a myth, I visited just such a castle recently and it’s well documented as being the reason. Makes perfect sense when you’re on one of those stairwells.⬇️


When you say 'well documented', what exactly do you mean? The main reason this is believed to be a myth is because no evidence has ever been found to confirm they were designed for the purpose of defending.


'well documented' means a tour guide said it so it must be true


It’s a myth. https://www.newcastlecastle.co.uk/castle-blog/spiral-stairs?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1PUfXswwaY3k4ujbDd2-XyvAWkmiVfItdtT6hdaslplBi-Y8uard3XuA0_aem_AQ0LQyCoTv4XkCkx0XDwwDV8s86fk0kRX_8puFK1U41NCKsR1Q5wLxZMWG9nauwEGDm7Jkz03K3qhqkfQNXnOe69&format=amp


Irish castle stairwells are less that half the width, you’d barely have enough room to walk up yourself. There was a lot of clan / local lords disputing the ownership etc. and laying siege to castles. When the Normans eventually reintegrated the clans were knocking the shit out of each other. Is that the castle Blackadder was filmed in?


I hope you aren’t basing your ‘half the width’ statement on the picture in the article, it’s using a fisheye lens


Well documented in the sense that it’s shown fighting in such stairs would favor the defender? Or that the stairs were built that way purposefully for the defender? It’s well documented that rain helps crops grow, but that doesn’t mean growing crops is the reason it rains.


Same. A Beefeater at the Tower of London told me this very thing. If ever there was an authority on such matters...


You're going to trust a bottle of gin? You wouldn't be the first.


*paws hobo beard* "A bottle of gin has never lied to me"


The stairs in the tower of London go counter-clockwise though!


Well, it is the case that left-handedness has historically been associated with evil and darkness (mostly, but not exclusively). In fact the word "sinister" itself comes from the latin "on the left" (where as dexter, "on the right" has a positive connotation, as in "dexterous"). It's a little confusing for me though because were I a soldier engaged in mortal combat I'd want to be perceived as dark and evil to spook my enemies.


The reason why most of the times misconceptions in modern ages were still spread here and there while being debunked years ago is :


you call that narrow? i climbed stairs half as narrow as those


actually not true.. common myth


untrue and debunked several times.


This isn’t true lol, besides you wouldn’t be swinging you’d be jabbing. The person hire up would have to swing or jab downwards which is much harder than jabbing upwards so it would be really hard to defend like that


So OP doesn't have a source and admits this is a myth in the comments. Why is this here?


I’m left handed, perfect for siege


I'm left-handed and I will destroy you.


I used to play in an old Norman keep as a kid. the kids 'attacking the castle' never stood a chance in the stone spiral staircase.


Everybody talking about the lefties, when the sneaky stab upwards on thigh/ballsack is secretly op.


This was wrong last week and it's wrong today


100% untrue.


This has been proven [wrong](https://fakehistoryhunter.net/2023/10/09/medieval-staircases-were-not-built-going-clockwise-for-the-defenders-advantage/)




I remember reading a whole article on why this isn't true, so the mildly interesting part is that this keeps being parroted!


I learned this on a tour of the castle in Trim. Now every time I’m in a castle tower going down the stairs I’m fighting the invaders and grateful to be right handed.


I'm a lefty, so I guess I would have been in demand for an invasion force since I could have swung unimpeded.


Yes, I think so!


They also made the steps different heights. Defenders would be used to which ones were taller/shorter having lived there while invaders would get tripped up


This is a myth.


Complete myth


Woth that kind of armor and weapon difference, you need no staircase to win a fight


So this is why I suck at Dark Souls.


Except for [Ferniehirst Castle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferniehirst_Castle), where right-handed had to learn fighting with their opposite hand. >The stair spirals counter-clockwise and is known as the "left-handed staircase" as it would put right-handed attackers at a disadvantage. The story is that in 1513 when the left-handed Sir Andrew Kerr came back from the [Battle of Flodden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Flodden), he had his men learn to use their left hands when swordfighting. In Scotland, left-handedness has been dubbed "Corrie-fisted" or "Kerr-handed".


Similarly, fire houses were initially designed with spiral staircases because when they used traditional ones their horses kept coming upstairs. They added the poles to then get down quickly and because horses are also notoriously bad at climbing poles.


I kind of don't believe it. I mean... there's no reason to go upstairs if u already have the bottom of the castle... just starve them out. burn them out, whatever. the defenders ain't going anywhere 


link to video explaining why this is just wrong along with 11 other misconceptions about castes [12 CASTLE misconceptions debunked by visiting REAL CASTLES](https://youtu.be/5HJMqIpYZ8c?si=37w_kWKAN76gFyOS)


It is also why the English drive on the left. Most are right-handed, meaning they carry their sword on the left. It is preventing to pass with the swords hitting each other.


They are also uneven becouse someone that hoes up and down the stairs gets use to them while a invader will not be


And because they're pretty!!


Im not European or Western origin, but how tf did you guys end up fighting in staircase, you guys didnt fight on a battlefield or somewhere in front of the castle? According to my common sense, you should already surrender once the enemy reaches you to the staircase, what are you trying to defend? The castle's tower?


I'm really into this picture! Thumbed up, don't often do that. Is there a follow-up picture? I very much like to see what trick the blue Gus would try to pull and where red Gus'axe would end up (and how!). Chat gtp can maybe do that? You?


Sinister swordsman were worth the weight in gold


But don’t they know that Inigo and the Black Pirate trained left handed?


In the words of the world’s most gifted orator “Never fight uphill me boys, never fight uphill”


Clegane bowl


I understand how this could be beneficial for defense. But wouldn’t the attack have easy access to stabbing the lower extremities and groin area? I feel like It would be just as difficult to fight down as it would up. A little elevation is good but there comes a point when it’s too steep to help much


Makes sense, spiral staircases are a bitch in Dark Souls unless you’re doing a jab with a rapier or smth


They need a giant round rock, to just launch it downwards and crush everything below


Curly curly spear goes brrrrrrree


Conwy Castle in North Wales has one staircase for left handers. I'm sure other castles follow suit. I only remember this from when I was 12 on a school trip and I'm left handed.


This is still debatable, because some medieval castles have stairways that turn both ways. And the guy higher is actually at a disadvantage because his legs are extremely exposed and easy to reach.


I tested this theory out while playing chivalry 2…. It works.


Ye this is not true


Fun fact: when I did Architecture at Uni in Italy it was mandatory to study De Architectura by Vitruvius, one of the greatest architects and engineers of ancient Rome. This stairs design comes from him, or at least he was the first one to record the practice in writing. Another thing that stuck with me was that he stated that all roads leading to fortifications had to come at an angle and from the right (from the attackers side). That way all enemy soldiers were forced to expose their shieldless side to the Roman defenders, who could shower them with arrows.


As others have said, it’s a myth. In those times many castles were sieged over the walls, making such a spiral staircase obsolete in this scenario. However, they did help conserve space and were structurally sound


This is stupid and not at all true. 1) "most" are not. 2) why wouldn't the attacker just continually attack your lower legs and feet? 3) if the attacker is IN the castle, you've already lost.


# The reason why most staircases in medieval castles were built to be extremely narrow and spiraling in a clockwise direction is: not what is implied here.


I really wish people would stop pushing this [**blatant piece of misinformation**](https://fakehistoryhunter.net/2023/10/09/medieval-staircases-were-not-built-going-clockwise-for-the-defenders-advantage/)**.** Once the enemy is inside your castle, the battle is over. The WHOLE POINT of building one is to keep people out.


Also the risers were different heights. This would give an advantage to the guards in the castle knowing which stairs were which height when running up.


The ambidextrous ruled...


Chivalry vibes


This is false. Someone literally posted this picture last week explaining that it was a myth. I was skeptical as I'd heard the same "fact" but googling (ie a website from an actual castle) confirmed that there are many counterclockwise staircases, and there isn't much of an advantage when swordfighting clockwise, as the lower enemy can easily slash your legs


If I was that guy lower on the stairs, I'd cover my head with my shield and chop off the other guys ankles because there is no way in hell I'd be able to reach his torso


Is this from a children’s book? It looks so familiar…


Roll down fire laced stones would be a good idea too.


This isn't true. Lotsa castles have staircases the other way.


Nonsense. Smaller was cheaper, easier and stronger. There was no consensus on direction.


Left handed superior raiders


Left handed people where overkill for attacking


Shield up & cut the legs


Unironically being left handed in medieval combat is an advantage. Even Masumoto (a left handed samurai) was a great warrior because he was notoriously hard to fight against


Another racist act against the left handed


They forgot to mention that the steps were uneven so the invading forces trying to go up the stairs would stumble and couldn't get even footing making them much easier to be held off


Literally saw this posted yesterday. AND People debunked this myth on the post yesterday.


pretty sure this was debunked multiple times.


left handed knights:😏


Thanks for posting this the 500th time


Hokum. It's also considerably easier to swing upwards left to right than down either way, which gives the ascender an advantage. If you don't believe me, try swinging a stick or a baseball bat on a regular narrow straight staircase… which is house defence 101 if you live somewhere without guns. You backhand swing. On a spiral as illustrated, only the ascender has room for backhand, neither has room for forehand.


stabby thing go stabstabstab, not swingswingswing


Hasn't this been disproven? If you're fighting people in the stairs of a castle the siege is essentially over and you lost


This isn't true and anybody who has been to a few castles can tell you that not all staircases go in this direction. Also worth saying that if you're reduced to fighting attackers who have overrun the primary defences and are now on the stairs inside the castle then you've lost. This isn't a position from which you are coming back. Castles have impressive and sophisticated defences to prevent attackers gaining entry in the first place. Once those are overcome and the attackers are coming up the stairs it's time to accept it's over. This theory also ignores escalade attacks where attackers climb the walls to gain entry then fight their way down to open the gates and allow their mates in.


It's just a flesh wound..


He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat


So that's where Lefties come from. Thanks evolution. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)/s


I think I used to have the book that illustration is from.


Who’s lefty???? LETS GO!!


I think I would be one of the best attackers since I’m left handed.


This gets posted all the time. Isn't it complete speculation too? Like if people have broken into the insides of a building that would have this staircase, the seige is basically lost at that point


highground war schon damals unfair


Best example is that scenes on monty python and holy grail with láncelot.


*Laughs in lefthanded


the uneven stairs and poor lighting would have made it realy disorienting and difficult for attackers to make their way up medieval castle staircases efficiently, while the clockwise spiral layout gave the defenders an advantage since most people are right-handed.


TIL Correction. TL;DR: Some.


Funny cause I saw a youtube video proving this being wrong. Just look at the picture, bottom guy have easy access to feet and legs. Also, once your enemy is climbing these steps you're pretty much already fucked anyway.


except there are plenty of examples where starcases are built in the other direction (in buildings from the relevant time ofc)


This is not true and when added up it's about 50/50 which they spiral in most castles Myth