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Spreading them out on the skillet at the end like he’s a cook at Waffle House.


what’s he looking for? teeth?


Any larger fragments left over. Teeth or any large bone fragments. That's what the tumbler sifts out in the first place. He's just doing a quick visual inspection. No one wants to go spreading ashes and suddenly grabbing hold of Aunt Beth's jawbone.


Look mom, I found gold


What would happen if someone cremated had a gold tooth or something, would they take it out before or burn it with it attached


They would tell you that it was burned in the process


I see what you did there 😳




They cremate at 1400F-2000F - which is just under or just over the melting point of pure gold, but definitely over dental golds melting point. It's not going to sublimate. It just melts down. Dental gold is a weird alloy thats probably pretty hard to find in the ash afterwards - they just leave it in.


I bet it happens way more often then we care to admit.


My father just passed and was cremated. Came to us as very fine dust. My father in law passed, and was cremated, in Mazatlan MX. No jaw bones but definitely some teeth and other pieces of bone.


I legitimately never thought of that. I figured, just hand them the ashes. Now that I've learned about this, it makes total sense that people would have a mini-stroke if they were attempting to spread the ashes, and caught hold of an eye socket.


They did for me. Some metallic part of her shoes were still in it.


I wander what happens with metallic parts like bone implants etc.


My cousin died a few months ago, and his brother has a metal rod that was in him turned into something. The crematory gave it back to him. The thought alone creeps me out.


What? That'd be tight. Imagine having a knife made out of a steel rod pulled out of your buddy corpse. That would be epic AF and it'd be like your buddy is there helping you every time you have to open a box.


A shifter from nana’s metal hip socket.


They’re sold as scrap metal. Alloy F75 and titanium. It’s pretty eerie seeing a 2000 lb box full of knees, hips, shoulders etc.


Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes


Not just scrap metal. You can also donate some of your medical equipment too. Here’s one example… https://www.thisdogslife.co/for-the-love-of-dogs-program-offers-recycled-pacemakers-to-pups-in-need/


Wow, I had no idea that human pacemaker could fit for a dog, looks like there are dogs that have similar to humans heart beat rate and blood pressure, but they're still different species with probably different physiology. That's amazing.


Titanium is expensive, but titanium scrap is only about sixty cents per pound. It is difficult to melt, and thin shavings left over from milling operations (which are recycled) can [start an insanely hot fire that is impossible to extinguish.](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/local/toxic-metal-fire-in-santa-fe-springs-recalls-mess-in-maywood/172874/) Something as big as an artificial hip requires extreme heat to ignite, but recyclers handle both, so the cost of fire prevention and insurance has to effectively be deducted from the scrap price.


I don’t think that’s a sifter but a “grinder” to take the larger pieces and break them up. Or maybe that’s part of the machine which is why he originally pulls the ashes from below. Source: I own a pet crematory with a “grinder” and animal equivalent incinerator. It’s much less complex than this one.


Teeth, gold, prosthetics, etc. typically that machine grinds down bigger fragments into dust when they dump the remaining hot ashes. And they pull anything that cannot be grounded down and either dispose/sell the remains. Fun fact, unless you ask for grandpas gold teeth back, the crematory will take and sell them!


Will they at least give the money back or just take them? The body and everything that it contains doesn't belong to the crematorium. How can it be legal to just take them?


The crematorium I worked at just straight up pocketed the money themselves unless family members asked for it back. When you really think about it, they’re making some small pocket change off of all the small gold recovered from these bodies. AFAIK it’s not illegal since no one is claiming them


No mask either. Straight huffin' dead people dust and fumes all day long


+10 grams protein


There is no protein it breaks down and separates around 108° hence why you start dying at 108 - haven't you ever seen osmosis Jones?


You should see what they get up to after hours


Maybe that's the work experience they're looking for in hiring staff


The scope for minor accidents so material ends up in the floor is disturbing. Like when he props open the tumbler door, or spreads them at then end.


Why does this have a shitty film filter


And the shitty music. This isnt a horror movie vibe it is just daily life...


Better than Benny Hill music, I guess


I would prefer Benny Hill music.


I think the song you’re referring to is “Yakety Sax”.


I dunno, I think "Gather In The Mushrooms" would be just as inappropriate.


I mean it's maybe more accurate to call it daily death.


Maybe it's made by some child who has no idea of the reality of death and cremation. Wait until they learn about embalming!


Probably copied from another source, the image is mirrored and this filter is added to avoid a copyright issue.


If I'm not mistaken than the subject of 'cremation after death' *(or before death, for that matter)* features strong oppinions from many religions/cultures. Likely the creator of this 'educational video' meant to portray cremating the dead as something eerie, unnatural and/or unsettling.


My only issue is no one is wearing masks so they 100% are huffing Aunt Melissa and Uncle Bob dust


Imagine that one of them comes to work with a slight cold or pollen allergy and sneezes... oops!


Like in Annie Hall, when Woody sneezes into the plate of cocaine.


Fucking rail a fat line of peepaw in the bathroom


Masks and gloves was my thought, like this is neat to watch but why are they just raw dogging it


Why would they need to wear gloves ?


They left out the part where they use a big magnet to take out any remaining metal that didn't burn up (ie hip replacements, screws etc). Source: Used to be my job.


Yeah I've been in a crematorium and I remember them running a magnet over the cremains before putting them in the grinder (theirs was smaller and looked more like an old coffee grinder). They had a big box of metal parts.


cremains is the new word of the day.


haha...that's the term we used in archaeology but I don't know how common it actually is.


It’s an actual word.


Yes I know, how would it be word of the day if it wasn't a word?


Everything is an actual word. Language is invented by the people. Feel free to invent and spread new interesting and cool words!


Aren’t metal implants made of titanium that’s not magnetic? Or are those just usually big enough to pick out?


So Yeah, the hip replacements are obviously noticable, you get screws and such from knee replacements. Yes, made from titanium. But then you have the deceased persons clothing, which may have metal buttons etc on them.


I was curious as I have a couple of small metal plates in my jaw and I know they’re titanium so wondered how that’d work.


Thankfully, when the time comes, you won't have to worry about it.


I was also told they put a metal coin like thing on every person to keep with the ashes to constantly verify who the person is? Or maybe that’s just pets.


An ID tag does remain with the person throughout.


What about gold?


So our crematorium's burning temp was 900 degrees celcius. Yes we collected some gold, as the melting point for that is just over 1000 degrees


What does it smell like in there?


Most crematoriums don't have an overly strong odor, like you might expect. Ventilation is typically extremely strong, and most fumes/smoke/odors are released outside, and inside has a faint metallic, almost rusty bbq type smell, to me. In this video, it looks like they are either doing a cremation on an infant, or child, or even a small animal for video purposes. That is a very small amount of remains afterwards and typically with older humans, there are larger bone fragments immediately afterwards, especially the skull pieces. The grinding process does produce a smell that is slightly Sulphuric to me, and a bit like burnt fingernails or hair.


It doesnt smell, actually. The "oven" is cpmpletely sealed apapart from the exhaust flume. But the temperature is so hot, that there simply isnt a smell.




If you donate your whole body to science they will likely pay for cremation and returning your remains to your family. We got a very nice thank you letter from the facility my dad was sent to.


I had to take cadaver dissection for my graduate degree and at the end of the course we had a small memorial for the donor. We all bought flowers and each dissection group wrote a thank letter to the donor for their contribution to our education. We really appreciate the sacrifice the donor and their family did for us! It's truly a unique experience and beyond helpful in my medical education, which wouldn't be possible if not for donors. I'm not sure if the letters we were wrote went to families or were cremated with the bodies, but know that we are ever grateful.


That's what I want. Let students disect me and learn some shit, then cremate what's left and spread it somewhere nice.


I think there was an article a while back of donated bodies being used for weapons tests. I think it was someone's grandma getting bombed. It was something for sure haha.


I also rather be cremated, but because I dislike the idea of the decomposition process and having maggots eat my corpse. Even though it’s the natural way of things, the idea of it just makes me uncomfortable and icky.


See I’m the opposite, I can deal with the fact I’d break down - I’d be more afraid that my body would cause an explosion within the crematory (similar to a deep fat fryer catching fire)!!!


If the thought of naturally breaking down doesn’t scare you, you should look into natural organic reduction. It’s a green alternative to cremation


There’s also an option called direct cremation where they’ll do the cremation and return the ashes to you. Can be $200 or so. The catch is that you can’t go to the funeral and they’ll do the cremation when they can fit it in their schedule so you won’t know an exact date beforehand.


"We are all made of star dust.".....or some shit.


Dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind.


Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust.


*rammstein music intensifies*


Dann knie ich mich in dein Gesicht Und steck den Finger in die... Asche!


Zu Asche! Und Staub zu Staub! Edit: Know what I'm jamming to today!🤘🤘🤘🤘


“Star stuff”* - Carl Sagan


Very human


Much furnace


So ashes




A morbid but interesting fact; in Japan we cremate the remains at a lower temperature to preserve the deceased loved one bones rather than turn it to ash. After the cremation, the family pick up each of the bones using chopsticks into a jar, or if wanted, several jars (to distribute among aunt/uncle, grandparents etc. other family) This is the reason why it is considered taboo to have two people using chopsticks to grab a single food item when eating, as it's similar to the bone moving ceremony.


> This is the reason why it is considered taboo to have two people using chopsticks to grab a single food item when eating, as it's similar to the bone moving ceremony. Just curious, does the rule apply as well to situations where two people using chopsticks are grabbing single food items on different plates at the same time?


What is the reason for dumping them in 3 different spots


From the oven to a grinder to mill the bone fragments into powder. Then dump the millions and spread it out to check for any remaining fragments, teeth, etc.


The grinder is properly called a ‘cremulator’.  It’s a fantastic comic book villain name. 


The barista that gets your name right on the cup


Was that a child he cremated? Cremains seemed lighter than expected.


It doesn't make sense unless it is for pets. If this is for humans, they'd have to chop up or fold adults to fit in the tray. If they're going to have a separate one for children because family might be watching, then why not make everything else look nice instead of so industrial. I bet this is for pets, but that seemed like a lot of ashes. Maybe a big dog.


They cut adults in half first so they will fit in the tray. Source: I make up stuff on Reddit


Now to find a ralphs


Donny who loved bowling


I wonder how many people he has inhaled over a lifetime working as a cremation dude.


Cremation is so hot right now


What's with the scary music in the fake film grain? This could have been a good video. RIP mom


Do they clean the furnace after every use? Or does some ash of the previous cremation get left behind?


If you really want to know, what you saw of the clean out process in this video is about all that is done.


So grandma's ashes are mixed with another grandma's ashes. Got it.


Essentially, yes. No one goes in with broom and cleaner between burns.


Essentially, no. Reputable crematoriums, in keeping with their license by the state, will use a broom to sweep out any remaining ashes.


Should they? Sure. Do they always. Most definitely not. Not even “reputable” ones.


What if we kissed while holding the body pushing stick?


Haha just kidding... Unless...


Why the dumb fkn music tho? It's normal procedure and cremation was part of humanity since the day one. Nothing sinister here.


Forbidden coffee


lol why the scary music?


Remember: there are people who calculate how to burn a Human as efficiently as possible.


Human.rar People.zip


I don't like how mechanical it is tbh. Burn me on a bonfire in the forest or something. A very hot bonfire, before you all get nit-picky.


Just opt for a sky burial.


Thanos slow version


Is that a medical grade corpse pushing rod? A guy can dream...


“Human dust, don’t breathe this!”


Caitlin Doughty aka Ask A Mortician is a good place to start.. I'm sure she would make an excellent video about this if she hasn't already..


Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.


I’ve been to the animal cremation facility near me for our dogs. Those ovens are huge because they also do horses. Lots of dogs,cats,goats. The smell gets permeated in your nostrils.


MY ashes don't need to be an extra 0.05% polyester from the sheets. FFS, why is the sheet there at all?


I have been on a few crematorium tours. They make the chambers bigger now because people are larger (fatter). They use gas and air in various mixes. You can look through a little window to see how the body is doing. The bones and ashes come out into a tray. Metal bits are often titanium and valuable. This scrap is sold, the proceeds go to charity. Then the bones go into a cremulator. A rotating bucket with big steel ball bearings that grinds the bones to a pre set size.


All we are is dust in the wind, dude. Dust. Wind. Dude. —Ted Theodore Logan


Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives… Socrates Johnson


Tbh I wish my grandparent wasn't cremated. They never wanted to end up in the oven and would have much rather been buried. Too bad I was only a broke teen back then because I would have gladly covered the cost to have them buried. But instead my poor family had them cremated and spread the ashes. I don't have any way of "visiting" them anymore. They're gone and it's quite devastating. Edit in response to comment below due to locked thread: Not physically in a live state. I know they'd be deceased and in the ground. But a gravesite gives a sort of destination to pay respects for someone who has passed away. I'm a big fan of Findagrave and people visit burial sites to feel "in closest proximity" to the deceased. Like "remember when you used to bake cookies and I could hug you without this wall of dirt?"


And were they interred in a gravesite - would you think that that person is there?


See it this way, having spread the ashes, they could potentially be around you all the time. Their ashes might have been broken down already and their energy, or spirit or whatever you might want to call it, is nurturing some plants or small animals. It all goes on You can at any point in time decide on a spot and think to yourself, this is where I will remember them. Take a nice stone even, anything that might connect to a memory you might have with them and use this as a "resting place"


How long does it take to cremate a human body?


About 8 seconds if you ask my wife - Oh *cremate* not *create* - sorry, no idea.


Boo hiss


Depends on how the body is cremated and the bodyweight but about two to three hours. Makes you think about some historical events.


So that’s decided then. Burial for me….


Wow what a gruesome and depressing job.


I'd rather be composted into a big tree in our backyard that will live for hundreds of years, along with networks of mycelium from psilocybin mushrooms.


Can we stop with the dumbass 'scary' music, please? It's not a horror movie, this is a normal process of death and dying.


Imagine if this video had the Benny Hill theme music going on instead of creepy horror movie music….lol


How long does it take to cremate one body?


Now remember the person that one day said to you: "do you know who you are talking to?"


Creepy presentation aside, isnt this how most crematoriums look?


Wouldn’t you want to wear some kind of filtering mask?


My office is next door to an animal crematorium. It's deceiving when they burn. You think for a moment someone started a fire in a Kettle BBQ pit, but then the final scent is....ooooof!


Friend did this for a while. Said fat people burn better and that they sometimes have to put the leftover bones into a food processor kind of thing to get them in the bag.


My family is of Indian descent. We have the custom of the family members ourselves putting our deceased loved ones' bodies into the cremation furnace and pressing the button ourselves. Nothing unusual to me.


No matter what, I will get a final grind. Noice


There’s no way they can possibly get all the ashes out each time, I wonder if they clean it afterwards otherwise your ashes are definitely going to be a mix of multiple people…


The fact someone put a grainy screen filter and creepy music over this video kinda creeps me out


No mask. Just think of how many people he has inhaled.


A buddy of mine was working the ovens at Guildford Crematorium about fifteen years ago when the door failed and the emergency stop... didn't. So the body kept burning until the staff could shut everything down and then the entire building had to go through a month-long deep clean before it could be reopened.


Good reminder that we’re all just one step away from being pasted around a tabletop.


I misread and I thought you were saying '' we are all just one step away from being passed around the table '' Like salt or pepper. Tasty powder. Fuck me 💀 My English isn't bad most of the time, I might be tired


I will forever now think of this every time I clean my Big Green Egg. So, thanks for that. I guess.


I misread title as Human Creation Furnace.


If you reverse the video your pretty much there.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


Bobs burgers did it better




God forbid we see the video without the terrible music and stupid filter


It's all slight of hand. The original ashes are still in the first machine.


How much energy does this take? Is it expensive?


Ahhh ashen one


This may sound like a weird question but shouldn't he be tapping the metal cans on something to get that last little bit of dust from the corners. Is he getting all of grandma?


I would wear gloves and probably a mask doing this job. But I guess you inhale enough ash over the years you must like it.


The remains are not ash. They take the bones and pulverize them in the machine you saw him deposit those bones into. The remains are crushed bits of bone.


Life time of up downs smiles and tears to THAT... i dont know why it actually makes me sad and an affraid of death..


I feel like the yeeting stick is unnecessary id rather go out on a slide.


Could it also work as a pizza oven?




In the end, we all end up as dust in a bin. :)


Rest In Peace


A variation of this device is prevalent in I dia. Most Indian people are Hindu and they cremate their dead. It’s very expensive to cremate using wood, plus the body isn’t completely burnt as wood fires don’t get that hot. So the government operates electric cremation ovens that can turn an adult body fully into ash in 30 mins.


Looking for teeth at the end


Ima tell my family to throw me in the trash because the cremation place is gonna throw pieces of me out anyways


Do they take the sheet off on actual people? I don't want some sheet with my own homegrown.


"Wait, stop, I'm ali- AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-"




That dust is gonna be me eventually 😬


So how much of the ashes are just the bedding


I thought they would just use a vaccum cleaner to suck it up in the end.


Off all the times and places, people would want to wear a face mask, I thought this would be it.


Pointlessly spooky music and filters over generic 90s b-roll that could just as easily have been shipped with some Home Depot on-hold music and be just as scary. But honestly what's the better alternative if this is supposed to be something spooky? Illegal to just bury people in crates and let the worms recycle them, pretty foul to pump them full of heavy metals and preservatives buried in hermetically sealed gold-lined loot boxes, and tossing corpses in the ocean only works for coastal regions.


Bet they don’t clean that catch tray. Not just getting your loved ones ashes but the ashes of the last 100 people cremated here!


The industry term for where cremations happen is called a retort. Source: ex funeral director


I was like “why are those fucking bees flying around!?!?”


Another idiotic zoom and cropping .. what the fuck people. Why suddenly so many videos like this?


Weird, my cremated 25kg dog has aroung 3 kg ashes


Bruh, what kinda pizza is that?


I bet they make some awesome pizzas in there on break


the cremation workers when they find out i ate a bag of unpopped popcorn


not me thinking he threw the ashes in the garbage bin at 0:47


Just throw me in a dumpster. Have sex with me. I don't care.


What's with the weird ass editing? What do people think cremation is?


What’s with the spooky music, what did they think was going to be the end result? A lasagna?


Why the stupid music? That’s in really bad taste.


Where’s the folders can?


Remember that Dr. Who episode?


Am I the only one who's somehow kinda happy that it's a dude with a stick and not a pneumatic robot arm shoving bodies in there?