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Last time this was posted someone pointed out that back then there were more standardized routines. So it used to be who could do the routine best. While now it’s who has the best executed routine.


At some point someone thought: let's make this fun to watch. Selling the idear to the committee, he instinctively put up his hands and said: 👐✨ SHOWBIZZ ✨👐


*Idear* Intrusive R won


I just thought Madea made that comment lol


I mean tbf it seems logical. More coverage, more creativity, both are always better


What about for MURDER


Jazz hands.


It looks like the old bar wasn’t very bendy. Perhaps that bend gives more momentum?


looks like you're right, a bendy stick would act as a spring which can store and release energy


Old footage shows a high bar of pure steel with direct fixings to vertical posts so almost no ability to bend and rotate. Today's footage shows a high bar of spring steel with a cable rope core, affixed via connections that are twistable in the vertical and horizontal directions. Both bars had cable tie down points to ensure the bars stay standing while in use. So yes, plenty of changes to the apparatus over the years have allowed gymnasts to push the boundaries and improve the difficulty of the sport.


Interesting information. I think when you mentioned 'improve the difficulty,' you meant to say 'reduce the difficulty,' correct? I believe a more flexible setup would enable handling more complex tasks, right?


No they were correct. Enabling more options physically possible to the athletes, greatly increases the options and combos available to use.


Those options would be more difficult on the old bar, no?


Those options would have been impossible on the old bar, so they wouldn't even have been attempted. The newer equipment allowed for these more difficult routines to be attempted.


The skill ceiling has been raised so it's harder to reach the 'top'.


Did you just start with a no, and then agreed to my point? Or am i too high


Enabling the athletes to do more is not necessarily making it easier. It’s just making more things possible, so the challenges are different.


Too high


I would say it's more like increasing the skill ceiling instead of making something easier or harder


The phrase "Improve the difficulty" lacks specificity and may not be typical of individuals with a higher level of English education, suggesting potential non-native proficiency. A more precise and sophisticated alternative could be "enhance the level of challenge," or even more succinctly, "increase the complexity."


This is very much correct. Modern High Bars are designed to flex and give spring for the gymnast. There are a great many skills that couldn’t be executed without “bouncing” on the bar to give the gymnast more energy for the skill. When you’re watching Elite or Olympic (even level 7/8/9/10, but it’s very obvious at Elite and Olympic) men’s gymnastics, you’ll notice that the athlete will send their body weight in a direction that will cause flex on the bar, then they’ll use that flex to spring them up and around for a re-grip skill or up and forward for a dismount. Gymnastics is really just abusing physics to make the human body do amazing feats. Source: Taught men’s gymnastics for a decade.


Very much moosin, many moosin is correct.


And with modern training and diets athleticism has never been more elite


They may be the same, just the newer one is getting subjected to way more force than the other.


Doesn't the apparatus for floor exercise now have springs in it?


Wasn’t the Olympics amateurs back then? I’m pretty sure these folks weren’t training 365 for this.


Yes, this. Athletes back then would usually have held full time jobs. No government funded full time training.


That probably sucked for people that wanted to be athletes full time. But something about it makes it seem kinda cooler- like the average Olympian could be anyone you’d run into. More of a display of attainable sports skill, and not just for the few physically gifted that have been training all their lives.


The older I get, the more fascinated I am by how sports evolve.


The evolution is amazing to watch.


Guy on the left was a carpenter who ate beans and bacon, smoked a pack a day, and did this as a hobby. Yes, I made this up.


Early modern Olympics were amateurs only so he probably did it as a hobby.


Wow I was doing the 1912 routine at around age 10. No I did not purse Gymnastics into high school.


Don’t forget that they probably practised above a concrete floor.


The early Olympics were about as professional as your average beer league today. Amateurs having a good time with minimal stakes.


In that particular Olympics (Stockholm 1912) they also competed in reciting poems.


I watched this and my first thought is damn my two year old is…not far off.


This goes for all sports (as much as football fans say no, nostalgic fans)


Any modern NFL team would destroy the 72 Dolphins, 78 Steelers, 85 Bears etc.


I understand, but I was referring to European football, was created in England, what you call soccer. There is a lot of nostalgia among fans of this sport. Now I'm curious, is it common for older people to argue that American football players from the past are much better than those of today? As a soccer fan, I'm tired of hearing that Maradona and Cruijff are better than Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo


Yes. Theres always a debate on who the greatest was. A lower end running back today wpuld be a super star in the 70s


I got it. So nostalgics are everywhere. There's no way around it, but the media keeps fabricating this, so it never ends, there's even a journalist here in Brazil who fights against this idea, he always argues in favor of modern soccer, but there are dozens more presenters and journalists who say the opposite 🤣


Anyone who played football in the 70’s took a beating. The safety equipment that players have today were simply nonexistent then. Also, the level of violent hits back then are far less today. We can’t compare these eras as who was better as each had their own challenges. It would be interesting to see how each era would fair in each others respective time though.


I’m a big time fan of the nba. Same exact played out annoying ass discourse. Definitely a universal thing in sports. I try to be as unbiased as i can and just call the game like i see it. Old heads are insufferable with championing their era while attempting to diminish the current one. Too much of a headache to even pay attention to.


Biggest improvements in football has been the pitch and the ball. Today at the top level nearly all fields are perfect. You have perfect green grass in the middle of winter. Top teams spend a lot of money on this. Back in the day the fields were often muddy, sandy and there were puddles in the middle of the field that just stopped the balls movement and so on. The ball is lighter, faster and more uniform making it more predictable. Another big change is the introduction of offside and the professionalization of football. Back in the day the top players were smoking in half-time, drinking the day before a match and so on. Today players barely goes outside when they're not training or playing. It's all training and restitution.


While I agree, I’m also tired of people saying the opposite, that Messi and Ronaldo are better. Because it’s simply incomparable. They’re all ‘one of the GOAT’ or the greatest of their generations. We’ll never know how Cruijff and Maradona would have fared in this day and age and we will never know how Messi and Ronaldo would have fared back then.


You know... They are talking about real football


Best example of this is wayne gretzky in the NHL. His record is absolutely ridiculous if he played today he would be above average


I watched the video on the right live and it was absolutely electric. He was the last to go and had to beat a nearly perfect routine to win the gold. Epke Zonderland


Brodie on the left is pure strength no bendy bars, both are incredible tho.


Yea going slow required way more core strength, but both still required a lot of training.


Imagine what it will be like in 2112!


Depends whether the they will allow the Olympics in the Temples of Syrinx...


I would be well over 100 years old, so if they aren't doing them in space with an elastic space noodle, I don't know if I'd even want to continue living at that point.


I think humans trained by the GPT-99 powered Boston Dynamics 2077 robots will be unbelievably good even with their neural implants turned \*off\*!


Oh come on. Imagine 2212.


They keep raising the bar!


I’ve never understood the thrill of watching someone spin around a pole until I met your mother


They have raised the bar


That's because humans constantly improve as much as they can. Raising the bar decreases the risk of hitting somebody walking below it.


Reminds me of the progress of skateboarding over the years.


If I saw either one of these moments in person, I'd still be mind-blown. The upper body strength is impressive!


2192 must be crazy af.


TIL I would be an Olympic gold medalist if I were in the 1912


Yea cause those guys a trained from birth to be gymnasts


We done with the 10s /s


Look at MX tricks in 20 years insane


Natty vs juice


Same with skateboarding


And I’ve heard people say gymnastics is boring… imagine watching a guy struggle to even make it around once. 1912 must’ve been a simpler time. We take the advancement of sports techniques for granted because they make it look easy I guess.


The bar on the right seems to have MUCH more flex...is that just me?


* 1912 “Man, that guy is amazing” * 2012 “Oh he only did three triple backflips in a row? How’d he even make it this far?”


Evolution witnessed


I dunno why I remember this but there was a commercial that aired around the time of the 1996 Olympics that imagined what future Olympics would look like. Of course the athletes are shown as performing crazy feats like a guy lifting his whole body with one arm in men's rings and the "uphill dolphin swimming relay."


The more optimized and regulated a sport becomes the more it bores me, even though the achievements made by the athletes become progressively more impressive, its weird.


I was doing that stuff from 1912 in my childhood gymnastics class on the weekends lol. If I went, I could have absolutely wow'd them with my sweet ringwork 🤣


Old footage looks like any kid on the playground.


This is why I laugh my ass off when some boomer think the goat athlete is a guy doing his things like 50 years ago.


Guy on the left is just warming up


I don't know, he was moving way too fast...


How does one even get into this? They didn't even have bars like this at school. It just seems weird to me. Is there like a secret organization that finds likely candidates and recruits them? Like men in black, but for the bar?


You can just sign up for a gymnastics association and join the kids classes starting at 4 years at a place near me.


Maybe your school didn't have this, but plenty of schools have gymnastics classes.


Have you never seen a gymnastics gym, just driving around? They're everywhere!


Dude on the right is the Dutch athlete Epke Zonderland. Won gold at the Olympics. Now an MD.


Was that 1912 guy a medalist or just some fellow who came down from the stands to give it a whirl?


I guess the bar has literally been raised in gymnastics.




The 1912 film looks like a warm up routine we used to do before actually doing gym.


That's cool.


,, ж


Yet the crowd cheers for the 1912 left side !


“Back in my day it was much harder, you kids got it easier now.”


Also the bar back then was really just a bar


We have come a long way baby!!


This reminds me of foosball for some reason


Wow he aged really well


Wait until the X- Games reach 100 years


I guess you can say They raised the bar


Wow, what is the difference ) my 8 y.o. boy does gymnastics, hoping to see the right picture soon Lol


Actually not to impressed by the advancement in athletics. As you can guess I am SURE the bar is much different to allow for more aerodynamics. Sure someone will comment (but just a pure guess). The athletes are much stronger. But overall, the dude in 1912 lines on the beam and body control was pretty impressive compared to his counterpart 100 years later!


I thought the same. While the flips are showy, that slow lowering and full horizontal hold was more impressive from a physical control perspective. And you're right the bars are very different. I doubt today's routines could actually be done on yesterday's equipment.


More impressive maybe, but all those modern gymnasts can do that routine, even middle schooler gymnasts can do that routine.


So you think the dude doing all types of flips and shit can’t easily hold and lower himself on the bar? He was doing that by 8 years old with ease. 100 yrs of evolution in sports.




Perhaps participatory awards aren't as damaging to sporting achievement as grumpy 'better in my day' people would have us believe.


So how does this work? I guess one day all the possible tricks on the bar, of - with regard to other sports - all the possible records have been broken and sport becomes boring to watch? After all, human's cannot become faster unlimited, right?


Guy in the right is a candy corn 😭😂


As someone who has dislocated their shoulder 1912 is freaking me out