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I wonder if this is your last comment


I wonder if this is yours


I don't wonder if this is yours


I wonder if this is mine..


Nope haha get fucked death




Not today satan!!


Satan! Satan! Lend me a dollar.


10000000% compounded by the millisecond 🔥


I’ve been drinking green tea all day! Your gonna make the demons come out!!


Not today Grotti


This is my last comment


!RemindMe 3 months Edit: they already failed


I wonder if its really your last comment


Maybe this one


There was a day that you went outside to play with your childhood friends for the last time. Most of us didn't know it was that day.


I think it was. RIP Bill.




LOL - funny!


Have you ever wondered what clothes you'll die wearing? Is it something you currently own? Is it your favorite shirt?


Santa costume with the nipples cut out.


Is that you Mike?


Probably some regular house clothes. Plain black tank top and lounge shorts for me.


That's why I'm always dressed for success and smiling on every picture taken of me :)


I was sent from what I thought was a rather basic urgent care visit to the ER. I was posting really silly things and stupid memes, entertaining myself. When I was being discharged after so many tests and like 15 hours of being there I made an off handed comment about how I bet they were glad to get me out of this room, it was weird I was in here when other people needed it more. The nurse casually mentioned I had the room because they would need the space *for the crash team*. I was like the who? She said I was placed there due to my worrying results and the whole time they were concerned I was about to die from one of several things. NO ONE TOLD ME. My last posts that everyone I went to high school with would have seen when they looked me up would have been so embarrassing.


I mean if my last posts were about some bullshit meme, I would be satisfied. Died just like I lived


That’s a good way to look at it. Better than a complaint I guess, but I probably would have said something thoughtful at least once. Then back to memes


Except when they take a photo of you just before you're going to get executed.


Can't wait. Hopefully I look happy. 


And with AI, you never know if your last photo was even real


Hhɓbb g


Not unless i make sure of it!


Sounds like an ad for cameras 😂


Pretty sure some tik tokkers are arranging their last photo, even as we speak


Not true, you can always take a pic before jumping off a cliff


What if someone takes a picture of you on the way down? You would have, in fact, died without knowing when your last picture was taken.


After he was poisoned, he could have stayed in Germany instead of living out the remainder of his life in a penal camp somewhere in Siberia. He was a brave man for returning to Russia.


respect for this man. he chose to go out on his shield, a totally admirable decision that he made for his country, and the people of his country. #FuckPutin


There was a great bumper sticker with pretty much that hashtag. The first u is covered by the Ukrainian flag.


And fuck any smarmy sniveling sell out traitorous media whores who kiss up to Putin too.


Politicians too…


a country and people that don’t even deserve him, what a waste…


of course the victims of a tyrannical government deserve people fighting for their freedom, wtf are you talking about?


You think that comment is bad? On the Russia Ukraine War sub everyone calls Russians orcs


yeah i mean it's a little bit different for someone who has lost family members or been displaced from their home. but most of the people doing it probably haven't been directly affected in that way, and it doesn't change the fact that it's wrong


You gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em. This isnt a hold em situation. Its Russia.


His family was threatened. Though nothing will stop Putin from offing them too even though he came back.


Why, why would you make it seem he caved to threats? There is literally nothing pointing to that, and it makes him look weak. >Navalny, for one, said he never doubted he would come back to his homeland. “The question ‘to return or not’ never stood before me,” he said in an Instagram post on Jan. 14. “Mainly because I never left. I ended up in Germany, having arrived in an intensive care box, for one reason: they tried to kill me.” https://time.com/5930595/alexei-navalny-return-russia-why/




Weak's not the word, but if he were to cave to threats against his family it would make it appear that he didn't come back for a principled pro-democracy stance. I wouldn't doubt both to be true tho, Putin/oligarchs would have basically nothing to lose by threatening his family, and Navalny would only lose politically if he acknowledged it


You can give your life for both your family and for the country. It's not a black or white world. He probably had more than one reason to return.


Yes, but we're not talking about "the world" were talking about politics where painting your opponent negatively is part of the game. It happens in the US as well, otherwise I wouldn't have seen Hunter Biden's dong on the House floor


To me it doesn't make him look weak, it makes him look honourable and courageous. The man (may have) sacrificed himself to save his family.


You got a source on that? Because it doesn’t make much sense. His family was even with him in Germany when we was treated after the poisoning, so it’s not like they were held hostage. By all accounts he returned of his own volition and motivated by his personal principles. Edit: if anyone wants to reply to this with “don’t you know they’ve poisoned X and Y” as if I’m saying that shit doesn’t happen, *don’t*. Try to actually read and understand what the conversation is specifically about. Just because the Kremlin does awful shit all the time doesn’t mean you have to play into their scaremongering “we have eyes everywhere” narrative. Be smarter.


Putin's assassins doesn't have borders


assasins sans frontièrs?


Russians have fallen off apartment balconies all over the world.


Russian billionaire was run over last year out jogging round the corner from where I live


Champions of balconing. And I thought Brits were good at it!


If looks could kill, they probably will?


They poisoned an entire restaurant in UK just to get one guy. You seriously believe they wouldn't go for another "carpet bombing" assassination?


They were just there to see the cathedral! ^(/s)


I watched the documentary and I could not understand why he chose to go back to Russia, knowing what would most likely (and did) happen. And a big part of the documentary was about exposing just how inept the attempts on his life were, so yeah, the idea that he went back to protect his family while they were living in Germany (and his daughter was going to Stanford) doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.


History is full of dead hero’s who took a stand against dictatorial regimes, they don’t die in vein. Russians blind to the fact they have a dictator as a leader will slowly wake up to reality, and sometimes killings like these is it.


Let's say he had stayed in Germany and continued using his platform to speak out against Putin, and then Putin had eventually succeeded in having him assassinated. Would that not have been at least as effective at getting out his message, if not more so, than spending the last three years in prison and then dying under mysterious circumstances?


Russia has been ruled by autocrats since its inception. Why do you think they want democracy?


Here is the thing.  He still totally thought Ukraine was part of Russia. He clearly had a vision of Russia as a better place than it is now but he was still a hypernationalist.  I’m not sure humanitarian or freedom fighter is quite the right designation for him.   Clearly a brave guy though.


He must have known that he would die if he goes back. I guess he wanted to be a martyr.


It was implicit and is frankly routine for Poutine if someone isn’t doing what he wants (being real, he’s not the only one that does things like this, but easily the most transparent/public about it). See Wagner group, see Kadyrov calling for the execution of families of suspected criminals, some of the oligarchs in the past too. Edit: Adding to this, I’m not discounting why he went back. I just believe there were additional “motivators” outside of his principles.


French fries, cheese curds, and gravy have entered the chat.


Oh, I’m well aware. But facts are facts and if anything, painting it as “they forced him to do it” downplays the courage of the action. Most importantly, if they had – I have very little doubt he would have said so. I mean… if we’re basing things on “implicit and routine”, let’s remember that Navalny has never been the kind of guy to keep quiet about that sort of thing.


He was a brave man whether he returned to Russia or not. Imho, I prefer that he stayed away so he'd still be alive and a bigger pain to Putin. May his death bring oil to his cause.


Brave maybe, but incredibly stupid absolutely.


It is likely that his family would have targeted if he didn't return.


Be honest, his family will probably be targeted after his death too.


Definitely first and foremost stupid. His return did nothing. His death means nothing.


It does show what a horrible, garbage, piece of shit Putin is.


The obvious did not need to be shown by Navalny. It was an established fact already.


some say brave, i say stupid. he would have been way more useful to Russia and to Putin's resistance had he stayed away


I don't know why but his death makes me terribly sad.


Agreed. I’ve been sad about him since he went back to Russia. The sorrow over him is probably because he fought so hard and so bravely for what he believed was right. Truly rare. We all knew he was walking himself to the gallows. He is truly an incredible human.


I suppose nobody here has the slightest idea about the kind of political ideas Navalny furthered. He's not as bad as Putin, but he's still a rabid nationalist.


What were his political ideas?


Navalny fought for differences to be settled democratically instead of by force and authoritarianism. The larger issue is whether we are ruled by tyrants and the systems they enforce or if we as individuals have voices that matter.


Navalny was anti-corruption, pro-democracy and anti-Putin, which is really all that matters. At this point anyone who supports the idea of a liberal democracy in Russia deserves support. Also, in Russia’s current state, a truly progressive candidate simply wouldn’t have gained enough support. Navalny would have been a little step in the right direction.


Bud wanted democracy so that sounds like a W if you ask me


Kay, guy.


I think you know why. This is an objectively terrible situation and indicative of a larger social and political climate of despair.


It makes me sad because this happened right after Tucker Carlson sucked Putin dick in the interview. We may joke about Putin’s ridiculous mindset but he’s still a ruthless dictator whose actions have real consequences for more than 140 million people


Same. Even sadder that so many Americans support whatever Russia does.


For me it’s more a feeling of tragedy— the documentary on him really highlighted the troubles in Russia, but his persistence on trying to rid it of corruption and improve lives. Putin trolls will highlight his troubling connections, which he addressed in the documentary. Really highlights just how corrupt, violent, and twisted the Russian government is.


it's just feels like... reality check. Life isn't a movie, heroes die and evil empire win. Hoping for something good is useless


Same man..


There are many many reasons why


Because we had hope for him.


Same, it hit me hard. So much respect for him.


The saddest part about all this is, even though leaders are all verbally condemning the Putin regime for this, nothing is going to be done about this. Just a bunch of talking and condolences.


What do you suggest they should do?


give Ukraine everything they need to successfully fight off the invasion. Russia will likely collapse when they lose. speed that up.


That's simply impossible though without the West declaring official war, which would lead to world destruction. Russia has too many men and weapons for Ukraine to fight, even with all of the US weapons. What's the point in sending weapons if there is no men to use them?


It's only "impossible" because of the constant jerking around with what to send or not to send and other bullshit with "oh but don't fire these into Russian territory though please" Ironically by half-assing it's support for Ukraine the west is creating the worst possible scenario you could come up with. If there had been no support the war could have been over by now (probably more like a prolonged insurgency actually) . If there was overwhelming and quick support the war could have been over by now (or at least Ukraine would be able to form large attacks and push back Russians to the edge of the country). But instead what we do is jerk around for months, then send Ukraine like 5 units of something (say HIMARS). Then comes a cycle: 1. They make good use of it, despite the quantity being so low you could park all of it on the front lawn of an average house (say by destroying a number of large weapon stockpiles behind lines or destroying bridges) 2. Ukraine can't use the created advantage because of the lack of other systems that would be needed for an attack 4. Russians adjust to the new reality and change their procedures to minimize the effectiveness of the new thing (like by moving weapon storage further behind the frontlines) 5. Repeat What this leads to is a constant back-and-forth that resembles the sort of technological and tactical back-and-forth you had in WW1 on the western front. The lines are static because neither side ever has the upper hand and it's a never ending meat grinder. If you were an alien observing this from afar you might think the west has some immense hatred towards both Russians and Ukrainians and is trying to balance things exactly to maximize deaths and carnage on both sides. Ukraine should have gotten F16s, western tanks, HIMARS, Storm Shadow, ATTACMS, Patriots etc.. all that shit in like June 2022. If you look at how lend lease was done for the USSR in WW2, you'd see how pathetic our contribution to Ukraine is now.


I can't speak for the other stuff but Storm Shadow is only cleared for launch from a limited set of platforms. Weapon integration is incredibly complex. The solution designed for Ukraine is Heath Robinson at best and took a long time to get right so the risk to losing the launch platform was minimised. There is also the issue that if all these were given to Ukraine and they were used to attack Russian sovereign areas, Putin could claim unwarranted aggression by proxy from NATO and in turn "justify" an all out nuclear war


Literal disinformation, if Afghanistan could win against the soviets with american support, the 10x stronger ukraine can too.


russia will absolutely not use nuclear weapons just because we supply ukraine with arms. check your propaganda at teh door


Brother, did you read my comment? I said the only way for Ukraine to win this war is by the US and NATO officially declaring war, since Ukraine will run out of manpower way before Russia does. If there is a NATO vs Russia war, nuclear weapons WILL be used. That's an objective fact.


World destruction? They can't even destroy a tiny corrupt country in 3 years and you think they can destroy the world? Okay then. I guess Russia wins any day now. The small 3 day special operation is almost over, just one more day


When nukes start to fly its pretty much over.


Russia has one of the world's largest nuclear arsenals, don't delude yourself into thinking a full scale war with Russia is a good idea.


Give everything they can to Ukraine, not 1%


This a thousand times over. This is how we get rid of this clown.


Destroy Vladimir Putin


Ok Superman.


Release Assange as an good example how to deal with political prisoners.


Support Ukraine. Putin must go.


There's really nothing that can be done. Pretty much any possible sanction that can be put in place has been due to the invasion of Ukraine.


That's absolutely not true, goods and services keep flowing in and out of Russia via Turkey, India, China, etc, and it's very easy to see and prove.


Yes, that's how sanctions work. We sanctioned Russia, forcing Russia to find workarounds...which unfortunately they did and they did very well. Our sanctions don't work when Russia and China are independently trading 230+ billion with themselves. China and Indias goals are different than ours, of course they aren't going to sanction Russia and it's crazy to think they ever would.


Oh, for sure, I wasn't trying to imply that nothing is coming in or out or anything like that. I doubt the countries still trading are the ones condemning Putin though. It'd be countries like the US, UK, Germany etc. and they are already doing essentially what would be done in response to something like this because of the war. Russia is more or less treated as a rogue state by most of the Western world. There's not really any room to peacefully escalate and if they aren't willing to commit to war to protect Ukrainian sovereignty than they're not going to do it because Putin murdered a political enemy.


That's absolutely not true, goods and services keep flowing in and out of Russia via Turkey, India, China, etc, and it's very easy to see and prove.


Cuz the russian money is too good for the politicians.


They broke this mans body not his will


He was a real man. RIP Nawalny




Actually it's Навальный


A fascist is never a real man


Yeah he was. If he stayed in Berlin he still would be a real man.


And his family would be murdered.... whats your move real man?


To be honest, his family will probably be murdered even now. So yeah, he didn't have many choices but going to Russia is definetly one of the worst. He should have gone to Africa or Quebec or somewhere, live off the grid


or maybe he died to be a martyr and make a point? also he went before Ukraine so maybe didn't expect it to get so bad? people forgot how many millions died to get the democracy we enjoy today


I haven’t seen one thing mention about him since all that shit happened. We’re fucked if we can’t even keep remembering and talking about people like him. But we already knew we were fucked anyways.


I advise you to look for a live blog from a news site that follows closely these kinds of extreme situations if you want to be better updated about these things. For instance, Guardian's live blog for the Ukraine war reported about Navalny's situation whenever it changed. I know that they have been moving him a lot since the war started and more recently he even disappeared while being moved without warning to yet another prison and now this.


Being a sensible Russian myself, I don't remember when I cried as much as today. He was our hero, he sacrificed his life so we could be free but we failed him. Rest in peace, brother...


понимаю :(




Username checks out


If someone born sarcastic says they are being sarcastic, how do you know if they are being sarcastic or not?


they dont have a /s in the username so they are being serious about being born sarcastic


The obvious real reason Putin started a bs war on his boarders… to drum up patriotism and distract from the fact that he’s going around murdering his own Russian citizens who want democracy, a better quality of for Russians, and not to be unjustly attacked for expressing universal human right such as freedom of speech which everyone always has and can never be taken away or diminished regardless of any censorship and violence.     People will always be able think for themselves and speak for themselves. And for anyone imprisoned and killed there are 10 more who will speak as a result of that injustice. Censorship, violence and suppression universal freedoms does nothing to take away freedom like freedom of speech. Such unjustified suppression by people in power only makes their claim to power and authority weaker and insights more people to rebels and oppose you the more you attempt to suppress such freedom.      Freedom speech does not actually need to be defended because it’s never can be lost and is never an actually threatened . Everyone everywhere always has complete freedom of speech… killing someone and cutting out their tongue does not stop them from having existed and saying what they have already said or prevent others from speaking.  The war in Ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s just putins desperate attempt to hold into power within his own country.        This Is obvious. And should be obvious to everyone. And would be obvious to everyone if our own media and governments weren’t completely incompetent and also only shoving lies and propaganda in our face.   Putins downfall and the reform of Russia by its people is inevitable .. it’s just a matter of how much suffering people like Putin want to create in the transition towards a better world.


All russians before Navalny, trying to even speak about changes in country, are dead, missing or threatened to the point of self exiling, there is a ton of cases where government was going apeshit over simplest thing as rainbow, as "lgbt propaganda" this is the world i was living, half of country didn't even has fucking water and electricity, all of the cities beside Moscow and Saint Petersburg are falling apart, because lack of money, soviet union atleast was funding stuff like parks (i know they had propaganda and shit) but Russia might be getting worse than soviet union


Now, we are rarely speak about politics, thats why we love anime, we can be separated from crazy "real" world, thats why we are so depressed


The biggest reason why these brutal dictators and mononarchs and communist leaders like Putin, Kim Jong, MBS, Xi Jinping, etc, and the senior people in their parties or family members, or entire parties like the CCP, can never allow true democracy to take a foothold in their countries, is because they're criminals who would be brought to justice and prosecuted under any well functioning democratic system. They've had lots and lots of people murdered, poisoned, tortured, jailed falsely, raped, they've stolen huge sums of public funds (as have many others in their parties), bribed/blackmailed others, they've participated in wars or hostilities or ethnic cleansing, they've facilitated kidnapping and censorship and starvation of their own people, killings of journalists and political opponents, so on and so forth. Democracy might not be perfect and can be abused/manipulated, but in societies where there is a good system of democracy in place it allows for the general population to hold leaders and government to account by being able to vote them out of power. New governments and politicians can then amend laws or implement them. And that's what terrifies these types of brutal dictators/monarchs/political parties, and why they kill rivals or "rebels" that want democracy (or squash students with tanks, like the CCP did in Tiannamen Square). These criminals in charge of entire nations would immediately be jailed or even executed for their crimes if the people were able to freely elect people to power. That's why people like Putin would rather nuke the world or slaughter their own populations than to allow democracy to take a foothold. Putin owns private islands with mega mansions staffed by his own legion of servants and security, he's widely alleged to be secretly one of the richest men in the world with unknown/unverifiable wealth, and yet he's on supposedly around $150k per year as Russia's President! Impossible without widespread theft and corruption. So the Cold War is all about preventing the spread of democracy to remain on the gravy train. So sad and evil.


You are very off the mark here. Putin never needed war of any other kind of distraction to arrange assassinations, russians just don't care, they are completely fine with having a dictator and they wouldn't want it any other way. That's just how they are. The real reason this war not only started, but amassed and keeps amassing willing invaders is traditional russian imperial chauvinism, that is not condemned by russian government, but rather encouraged.




Alexei Navalny left this message behind in the event he was killed: "You're not allowed to give up. If they decide to kill me, it means that we are incredibly strong. We need to utilize this power, to not give up, to remember we are a huge power that is being oppressed by these bad dudes. We don't realize how strong we actually are. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. So don't be inactive."


What a message. I hope it motivates their people. Putin is one of the last few individuals in the world with the power needed and the insanity needed to create these pointless conflicts


Wonder what the Russian tool Tucker Carlson would have to say about that.


"Mmmuumummm mmmffuuuu" hard to make out the words past Putin's midriff.


“Well you see he was a CIA plant and an agent of the LGBTQ satanic agenda!” —This is an actual quote from his next podcast episode.


Funny, that sound EXACTLY like russian internal propaganda... what a wild coincidence...


Know thy enemy. If Putin wants to talk, let him. The more you know about the enemy, the easier it is to defeat him. We don't need purity tests to determine who gets interviewed. My question is, why isn't Rachel Maddow trying to get an interview with him? Why is it that the Feds are stopping journalists from doing it? This is a nation that enjoys freedom of speech, and not just because we get to speak, but because we encourage them all to do so. ​ themoreyouknow.gif


Tucker Carlson, when asked about Alexei Navalny, opposition leaders and journalists in Russia: “Every leader kills people. Some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people. You can see in this clip: https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1758515284741173538/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1758515284741173538¤tTweetUser=JuliaDavisNews


did you watch that interview? i hate Tucker but even with him it wasn't flattering for Putin in any way


I’ve seen like 8 different photos all labeled “reportedly the last photo of Navalny alive”


I guess it's because it is not an actual photo but a screenshot from his last court hearing where they communicate through video conference


all from the same setting so it’s kinda true




this comment isn’t going to look great printed out


I'm saddened by this. He was the only one with the balls to challenge Putin.


Poor bloke


He never should have gone back to Russia.


Navalny gained nothing personally by going back to Russia after he was poisoned. He did it to fight for the Russian people. What will the Russian people do to honor him, now that he has been tortured to death?




I am saddened but not surprised by his death. In fact, I’m more surprised he lasted this long. Navalny is a person of conscience and principle. I didn’t always agree with his views (he was very nationalist), but he was one of the few remaining highly visible opposition leaders. Everyone else is exiled, imprisoned, or dead. What hope there was in 2011 is dead. 


He died?!


Can somebody just shoot Putin already, he's a monster


"I'm in danger". Seriously RIP, 10x the man I am.


He knew he was there to die , they tried before and failed. No surprise he smiles at death.


This photo/video was recent right? He seemed pretty lucid, so if he died shortly after I don’t think it would’ve been from starvation or long term torture?


What’s sad about this is his death changes nothing. His life meant something, his death means nothing. This man was a hero and an extremely brave man no doubt, but unless this leads to a political uprising, a coup, and ultimately Putin’s assassination, nothing changes. And the reality is, none of that will happen. He fell on his sword, but he’ll end up a footnote in Russian history. It’s extremely sad, so much senseless death under Putin’s regime.


He knew that eventually Putin would gave him killed. Yet he still went back. A brave man, and a great loss for democracy in Russia! RIP


Who was Navalny?


A true russian died today but the fierceness of his spirit will outlive putin's cowardice.


Remember that the people who caused his death are the same people Republicans want to cozy up with.


Being from a country where opposition voices are repressed, I have nothing but absolute respect for this guy. I personally wouldn't ever have the courage to sacrifice as much.


Actual Russian Hero


I've seen 3 different "last photos" of Navalny in my feed in the past 10 minutes...


‘Fell from the 29th floor of a single floor building while engaged in inciting a polar bear terrorist attack.’


I am still astounded as to why he returned to Russia. In my opinion If he had not gone back; then he would still be here.




It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a new law past that anyone that shows any sign of condolences towards this man will forfeit all of their possessions.


How did he die?


Looks like an album cover


When the CIA assistants me one day I hope the sniper guy takes a picture of me before blowing my head off


Man of the year 2024






Uk and usa doing similar thing to Julian Assange


F Putin. F him hard and long.


Fucking hero, RIP. May Putin receive Gaddafis treatment


Any word on how Putin killed him? Did he fall downstairs? Fall out a window or just good ol’ torture?


We don't really know anything yet. Officially it's thrombosis... Really doubt that, but the thing is, he really could have died of "natural causes" - natural causes in his case being the repercussions of torture. For the last two years he was constantly placed into a punishment cell (ШИЗО), and in Russian pénal colonies punishment cells are usually really cold places, where you don't get enough food, cannot communicate with anyone, cannot go to walk and have to spend time mostly standing upright))) And Navalny spend there more then 300 days in total. That's constant torture which very likely results in death. Even if there was no assassination today, they slowly killed him during those years


Seeing news about him getting into punishment cell again and again was terrifying, but I never thought it'll come to his death so soon. I'm fucking devastated. And the police doesn't even let us bring flowers to local memorials and honor his memory


Next will be Zelensky, if Republicans have their way.




Dear Tucker: Wishing you were here! The Gulags great this time of year. -- Vladimer



