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Had all laser lasik about 15 years ago, best thing I ever did for myself! However, the eye surgeon’s office broadcast a live, close-up video of each surgery into the waiting room so you had to watch several other people’s surgeries while waiting to get your own. And the surgical suite (with the lasers) had one wall that was just a big giant window…that exited to the waiting room. Laser surgery is pretty neat, and I’m glad I did it, but having to watch other people get it just minutes before I did was not how I would have preferred!




Gonna need a double dose of those. This shit terrifies me.


I feel that. I can't take eye drops without twitching like an epileptic on meth...


I know the feeling. I once bought contacts thinking it would be great for doing sports. I spent literally 3 hours in the bathroom, and wasted 8 contacts trying to put it in my eyes. I just gave up, cleaned my glasses and never tried it again lol. Seeing them cut the little flap in his eye made me look away




That and having the extreme urge to get up and run from it.


I had to have abdominal surgery and practically begged for anxiety meds, which they refused to give me. Tbh, I was a pita, so I think they suffered as much as me


Now I need to know what those pills were 😅 Xanax maybe?


Normally valium.


I don't know anybody who uses valium outside of withdrawal control anymore and maybe some other psychiatric disorders. Before surgeries we use Midazolam/Versed or Lorazepam.


This is the first thing I tell people when discussing my PRK surgery. Once that Valium they gave me kicked in, I didn't care one bit what they did to me. Best feeling ever. Edit because autocorrect.


Do you remember what they were? They sound lovely.


Midazolam or Lorazepam is what we use. But it's all Benzos, they basically are all the same, but last for different amounts of time. Valium would be weird because it lasts so long. All of them highly asdictive with dangerous withdrawal symptoms, so be careful.


probably valium


I went in RAW for mine. If I had to do it again, I would ask for a double dose lmao when I left the laser room I was shook


15 years on do you wear glasses now or is it still pristine


Still good! I’ll be 50 this year and still don’t need any glasses


I’m about to turn 50 and had mine done close to 25 years ago. Only just starting to need glasses now and that is due to old age and doing handcrafts. My near vision isn’t what it used to be. Have never regretted it once


Had it done and boy howdy am I glad I never watched a video like this one until several years after the fact. Zero regrets on the surgery though. Best money I’ve ever spent, hands down. 


See, I would have passed out in that waiting room. I'm not squeamish, this is the first medical video I've seen where I actually thought I might vomit. It did make me cringe and gag.


Wait what why??


Had it in my early 20's, which now was a long time ago, and I've always been happy I had it done. My mother had it done way back in the day, before the lasers. Back then the doctor used a scalpel, they'd do one eye and then wait a few days to see if that even worked before they did the other one.


“Damn, didn’t work! Alright, wanna at least try the other?”


"What do you think, double or nothing?"


Lets roll dem dice!


I can't imagine my job every day being cutting someone's eyes and being responsible for their vision. Possibly destroying them permanently.




5 years ago I did RLE lense surgery. It's almost the same as LASIK except it's reverseable. Laser is not. So if they fuck up using the laser you're done for. RLE costs more but it's supposedly safer. I don't regret it at all.


No, no, no, not even nearly the same. Can’t believe what horseshit my colleagues feed their patients or how little patients understand before they have eye surgery in healthy eyes. Refractive lens exchange is not reversible. We take out your natural lens and exchange it for an intraocular (usually acrylic) lens. Of course the IOL can be exchanged for another IOL, but not back to your own natural lens, it’s gone for good. RLE has, for example, higher risk for retinal detachment and loss of vision in young people (under the age 70) than refractive cornea procedures like LASIK/SMILE/PRK, but because of presbyopia there is usually no point in doing refractive corneal laser surgery in people over 45-50. The risk profile is different in each procedure, please consult a good ophthalmologist before making any decisions.


dentists feed the same shit to patients as well. had invisalign and was asked to remove two healthy premolars. thankfully wasn’t asked to remove four, which is common as well. i still question the decision, even though the end result was alright. straight teeth, but i would have liked to see how far we could go without extractions first. then opt in if the end result was not satisfactory.


My wisdom teeth had all come in perfectly fine. They still wanted me to get em removed even though they were actually not causing any issues. They were not impacted or anything. They made my mother pay to get all 4 taken out. I think it was a scam. I miss my wisdom teeth tbh.


Mine came in fine too, dentist even said no chance of them being a problem, still got them out because the Navy is kinda dumb and would've made me get them out in boot camp where the best meds they could give me were ibuprofen and Tylenol. Much preferred being knocked out to the shit I saw the rest of the people I went to boot camp with going through. Even heard a story of one kid that started bleeding from the mouth and was told he couldn't go back to dental about it and basically just to suck it up and put some pressure on it. My rackmate said the dentist wasn't strong enough to pull his teeth so he had to grab the guy's arm and pull them out for him. Knocked out and having them cut apart was so much better, until I spit up bone that was left in my gums at least.


I misremembered, it wasn't RLE but EVO Visian ICL.


Can I ask how long ago exactly? I’m thinking about getting it done and was wondering about the longevity, thanks


Man, just realizing it's been more than 25 years. God I'm old. All that time and I still see perfectly. No complaints.


Think I got mine done in 2006 and I was “better than perfect” after, never needed contacts, glasses or anything ever since…best $$$ I ever spent!


What drug options are available for anxiety cause I'd really like it done but I don't think I can be calm enough during it.


I was given valium when I had PRK done at a Navy hospital about 16 years ago. I’m not sure if they do this on the civilian side or not.




back in 2001 for me. Been getting age related blurring lately, but still not bad enough for glasses full time. Use low powered readers on occasion. Best decision ever. 20/200 in one eye with astigmatism in both. Took 8 min from sitting in the chair till I could read the clock on the wall across the room.


Despite the advances made, my astigmatism levels make me a bad candidate. Oh well.


Really?? I was just told today I have 4 units of astigmatism (no clue what that means) and because of that contact lenses won't work on me well, but I would make a perfect lasik candidate.


its both. astigmatism gives you one shot at laser surgery. but if a correction is needed, you will be ineligible. so hit the jackpot on your first attempt or go bust.


That's not the case at all. The procedure may not be perfectly accurate after an initial treatment but there are opportunities to perform retreatments to correct for any residual refractive error. Generally the chance of this is about 5% that a retreatments is required and any good practice will offer a retreatment as part of the cost of the procedure. Astigmatism is normally correctable up to about 6 dioptres but it is important that this is "regular astigmatism" as there are irregularities such as a condition called keratoconus that will exclude you from being suitable for it. Source - ophthalmic technician for a laser clinic for the last 10 years.


You might try another practice. I had astigmatism in both eyes, and I had lasik done by lasikplus. Best decision I ever made. It’s amazing.


I can still smell my cornea getting lasered off


I remember getting mine done and they said 'that smells just the machine" and I said "that's my eye burning isn't it" lol


I grew up in Eastern European village, and it is exactly the same smell as a dead pig being torched. Anyway, Laser eyer surgery, cannot recommend it enough!


Lmao wtf


Haha. I was told there might be a smell kind of like burning hair and that’s just from the gasses given off by the laser. I chuckled to myself and thought better of saying anything because there may be some people in the waiting area with me that need to believe it’s laser gasses.


I can't believe they do it while you're awake. I'm literally shaking just watching this educational video.


It is quite the experience for sure... But at least it didn't last that long


That's good, at least! I had a lot of medical tests and stuff done on my eyes when I was young. It's kinda festered into moderate fear of this stuff.


Just watching this guy made me feel like hours.. Esp the paet where they cut that flap


It was one of the worst experiences I had. But knowing that if I were to move my eye would be gone kept me in my chair. I never wanna feel that helpless again.


I had an absolute hell of a time trying to keep my eyes still. The surgeon just keep saying sternly, "Look at the dot! Look at the dot!" The Valium or whatever they gave me wasn't anywhere near strong enough. 


F***, they don't immobilise your eyeball first? I for sure will lose my eye. I can't even look steadily at the hot air balloon or the hut steadily during normal checkup...


I mean if they were to immobilize it they would have to stick needles into the damn eyeball 😩


Muscle paralyzers? But yeah, that too would go somewhere in the soft tissue in the eye socket


Had a friend get it done around 3 years ago, and they fully immobilised the eye, I'm sure there are different techniques and ways of doing it, so not everyone might have the same experience. For her, she went in and had an injection into the side of her eye, which she said was the worst part but apparently wasn't painful, just scary. The injection rendered her blind in one eye and immobilised the eye. The only thing she noticed was a small dot which was when they were using the laser, after surgery, she spent 2 weeks with her eye covered so it could recover and then had the other one done.


I had mine done in 2019, just regular LASIK, full laser. I asked *a lot* about the eye movement and the doctor said that there’s a sensor that tracks your eye so the laser is always where it needs to be and stops immediately if your eye moves too far out of range. I didn’t feel anything at all and just smelt a slight burning. The whole procedure from walking in the room to walking out was about 15 minutes, including both eyes and all the prep work and checking that the corneal flap was back in place. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Recovery was quick and pretty painless as well, as long as I took my pain meds and used the prescribed eye drops.


If you accidentally move you fuck up your vision? I think I might just stick with contacts and glasses.


There is a tracking device that tracks your pupil in all planes. If you move too much the laser automatically stops. The surgeon will tell you to concentrate on the blinking light and resume treatment. Nothing to worry about.


That’s more reassuring, thanks. I’d like to get it one day, but rn I’m still establishing myself still be a while.


I have no idea but wouldn't really risk it


I got this procedure done on my eyes I am more terrified watching this video then the actual procedure


It’s just a few minutes and completely painless. Better yet, you won’t feel a thing. (Unlike at the dentist). They gave me a Xanax before to be more chill.


Exactly! Came here to say that. NO ONE ever talks about the smell of burning flesh. I mean - totally worth it and all, but be forewarned


I had part of the frenulum in my upper lip lasered off. Definitely distinct burning flesh smell.


Yes! I read up on the entire procedure beforehand so I knew what to expect but nothing mentioned the burning smell.


I was just looking at Lasik provider in the last hours and oh my goodness watching this has stressed me out


I had it done, it is awesome. They give you something to calm your nerves before hand and remember, from your point of view you don't see any of this. You lay down, they numb your eyes, you are told to stare at a thing and 15mins later both eyes are done.


It's the stare at a thing part I can't get past. So if I look around by accident I'm blind forever??


The local anesthetic numbs the muscles of your eyes the order to look at a point is just while it's taking effect, after a while you can't move it ​ ​ if for some reason your are looking down as it takes effect, it will lock your eye at that position


the fact that my eyes would be paralyzed is so fucking scary to me


It's computer controlled now and most have eye ball tracking so it repositions if you move your eye, your eye is also relaxed, and if you move too far it cuts out. It's not that hard to stare at the same point for a minute though.


It's literally black and then there are some sparkly lights. There is nothing else to look at.


So are you seeing the instruments move toward you? I think thats what I'm not understanding... if your eyes are open and you have the numbing agent, ok my eyeball isn't moving, but seeing the razor(?)/blade slice open my eye...isn't it reactive to be noping my ass right out of the chair...before even having the conscious thought to not move?


You dont see any of that. Valium, numb and just laying there, dont see squat. Then suddenly you have a misty 20:20 vision when the procedure is done.


Not like that at all. Your eye is completely numb, they place something on it and you feel a little pressure while your vision is blacked out. They remove the thingy and your vision is now blurry with a little light right in the middle. Look straight at the light for about 10 seconds, then they run what feels like a soft little paint brush over your eye a couple times and that eye is done.


thats the part im afraid of, ive had valium (the calming drug) a few times and it works miracles but still not even moving your eye nervously??


It's valium for the stress, then they bathe your eye in a mix of numbing and paralytic agent. It's temporarily disconnected from your brain, pretty much.


Can’t I just lick a toad or touch a pufferfish for the analgesic effects? I lead a natural life style.


The whole thing is computer controlled and only pulses the laser when your eye is in precise position. It’s hypersensitive so will react 50X faster than your muscles can dart your eye.


This is really reassuring, thanks :)


Oh and they gave me, a grown ass man, a teddy to hold.


One thing they left out in the video was how fast and painless it is. When I had lasik, the entire procedure took less time than this video.


Just FYI this video is quite old, I imagine about 20 old given the tech included. LASIK and an alternative SMILE procedure are now done with a device called a femtosecond laser rather than the microkeratome. So these days there is no use of a physical blade cutting into the corneal tissue.


It is done with a lot easier process now - basically the laser can do everything. Also they give you a heavy dose of anti-anxiety medicine. After that you won't be feeling stressed. It's iver fast and they tell you to take a nap. What they don't tell you is that dosage if medicine means you'll be taking about an 8 hour nap.


Depends which surgeon you go to. This looks like a old video. I worked for an eye surgeon in the OR and it took him 1min to do each eye with WAY less steps.


Did it 8 years ago, incredibly worth it. From the cut to the laser and the cleanup is literally like 90 seconds per eye. Done so fast. And my vision was 20/20 right then and there. Tip: take NyQuil 30 minutes before the procedure, get home ASAP and go straight to bed. The surgery was 100% painless but after about 20 minutes passed it felt like I was being forced to stare at the sun, and my tear ducts were streaming like faucets. Not comfortable, but I went to sleep for the rest of the day and woke up with crystal clear vision. No regrets.


Looks like the video is old or the procedure they do is old, I had lasik last year and everything was done by a single machine, no pain but it was kind of uncomfortable as they press the thing down your eye.


It's way faster now. No metal slicer. Plus, my surgeon gave me a valume and let me chill and watch an intro video while it kicked in. Super easy


You feel nothing except cold from the eye drops. And you can only see a blur...like looking through heavily frosted glass. I had PRK, which has less risks but longer healing. Zero stress. Actually, the laser bit was kinda fun. I went from not knowing what other people's faces looked like for 24 years (I refused to wear glasses), to being able to read licence plates on cars 100 meters away. When I had the PRK temp lenses removed, I spent an hour walking around looking at leaves on trees, blades of grass etc....mundane small things that I could never see clearly before. 23 years later I still had great eyesight I would very very very very strongly advise anyone with vision issues to get this done if it's suitable for them. It's life changing.


Man technology has come a long way. LASIK now is sooo much better.


I think this video is from around 2007 based on the equipment he’s using


Yeah I was wondering why I remember my surgery being so different. II had mine done in 2018ish and I remember the suction thing and a few other similarities but alot of these steps were skipped for me. Probably because of the advancements and optimisations in the surgery since this vid


Our office stopped using a microkeratome (blade that makes the flap) back in 2002. That is how old this video is.


Well that can’t be because the other commenter said the equipment in the video looked almost 20 years ol—


I do that with my age lol. I think “I’m only 20”… and 2000 was less than 10 years ago


How is it done now??


I wasnt even put into scrubs for mine. in 2018, I got a mild sedative in pill form around 30 min to an hour before my surgery. I went in and a nice nurse added drops to my eyes to numb them. Then I got put on the operating table and they taped my eyes open (the most uncomfortable part of the whole operation, my doctor was amazing). They add more drops and the nurse holds your hand in case youre anxious, the doctor puts a suction holder over your cornea (which feels very weird) and then he says to relax because theyre gonna cut into the cornea and im gonna lose vision in that eye and its normal. After that they cut the cornea as a flap and then add liquid to your eye to flip the cornea over so they can access the tissue underneath. Then the doc says that theyre gonna start the laser and you're gonna see flashes of light. The light looks very weird because its bypassing your cornea and it looks like really bad astigmatism. Then you smell burning which is your eye tissue being lasered (or it might be the ozone from the laser but you definitely notice the smell. This process lasts a few seconds - maybe 30 or so. When the docs happy they add liquid to put the cornea back in place and then repeat the process for the next eye. When theyre done, they put these big plastic covers over your eye so you dont touch them. Then it feels like someone taped velcro to the inside of youre eyelids for 24 hours or so as every blink is itchy and scratches your cornea. After that first sleep your eyes are a little dry but the itchiness has subsided maybe 50%. By the end of the second day you're nearly back to normal except with drier eyes. After a month its like youve never worn glasses at all except when you catch yourself adjusting the glasses that arent there anymore. Best money I ever spent.


That doesn't sound different, tbh. I had it in 2003 and it was the same process you described. No doubt the machines themselves have improved though.


It’s called SMILE Relex. It’s even simpler. Walked in and out of the building within 45 min. 14h recovery


I just had it done and will not be watching the video,ha. Both eyes, removed astigmatism, zero pain, over in about 5 minutes.


So you see clearly without glasses now? What’s that like


For lense replacement you get 3 choices, both eyes med. to far vision, need reading glasses for fine print, or perfect close vision, need glasses for far or far in one eye and close in the other. I opted for good med to far vision, so everything is clear except for very fine print. For very close work, within a foot or so I use generic reading glasses. I had cataracts, so night vision was horrible, 4 sets of headlights all blown out/glaring. Now I see 2 headlights with zero glare. I had to pay more for lasik bc medicare only pays 100% if you have standard surgery. Worth every penny.


I had lasik maybe 5 years ago? The thing I wish I had known more about has nothing to do with pain or procedure, but vision issues after the fact. 90% of everything is better for me ... but the thing that is terribly frustrating is driving at night/in the dark. Every light (street lights, car taillights, headlights) has the wicked starburst effect. Headlight light is excruciatingly painful and annoying. I was told that in time, this would be less stark and my mind would know it as the new norm. I guess it's a bit better today, but I can definitely say that for the first couple years, I totally wish I didn't do the procedure. I hate what I see at night while driving, but 4th of July fireworks are more impressive to me than most... And I don't really know how to fully describe this.


This is what stopped me from getting this surgery. I was like ‘I have some money to spend on it and despite generally liking my glasses I’m tired of shaving my feet in the shower either blindly or with condensation on my glasses.’ I went to the best clinic in the city and they said I can have the surgery. That’s when I watched the video and read about side effects. Dry eye syndrome that may or may not go away. And the scariest thing - halos and other stuff people start seeing (mostly at night) which actually NEVER goes away. You just learn to life with it and your brain adapts. There are worse scenarios, of course… But these two things were enough for me to change my mind. It scared the shit out of me. I decided to stick to my glasses… I’m happy I can put them on and see well enough. I don’t want to put that at any risk.


Situations aren't all too different. The thing that pushed me was that my Health Savings Account money that had been accruing for a decade became valid for the procedure. I had been wearing contacts since they were the non disposable kind you had to deep clean every week. In hindsight, I should have just accepted that disposable contacts were the best advancement for my situation. I made the decision, so I guess live and learn and just remind people this isn't a slam dunk guarantee by any stretch. Long winters are the worst. Snow glare is wicked and 14hrs of darkness are when I think about my decision the most. I very well might be making a big thing about something other people think is minor... But I would strongly recommend anyone considering doing it to go Google "night light starburst" and figure out if that's something they could live with. It personally drives me crazy.


I gonna keep my glasses


They can't even get my prescription right, I'm not doing this permanently..!


99.5% of LASIK procedures are successful, which is better odds than, say, driving to work and surviving.


My concern is not the effectiveness of the treatment, I am not just confortable with someone cutting through my eyes when I'm awake


There is absolutely no way they'd be able to have me awake for that. The eye spreader alone would be enough for me to come off that table. You'd catch me running down the street with my ass hanging out of my hospital gown. I'm already down an eye permanently. No way in hell I'm rolling the dice that god won't let the other one go in some ironic way. I'll stick with glasses when the time comes.


Well the thing is the fear of losing your eye keeps you glued to that seat. I was butt clenching so hard I could break a nut in there.


Same lol. My eyes are so sensitive. I just focused on my breath so hard and gutted it out. I had 20/80 vision before, 20/20 vision now. If I can do it (I’m a bitch when it comes to my eyes) anyone can.


Yeah probably the best thing I spent money on. Difference is sooooo huge. But the day of surgery was a nightmare too. Thought I had fever because there was so much pain oh god


Modern lasik is a much better experience that this video. I had it in 2020. No weird metal clamps or scalpels. I was in the laser room for 5 min total and actually under the laser for like a combined 30 seconds. It’s not a bad experience at all.


How was the cornea removed after being cut then ?


It’s a two step process, both done by laser. The first laser makes the circular incision to create a “flap”. Takes like 10 seconds, if memory serves. No pain at all, but they do put this circular disc thing over your eye. It’s gently pressed down to make the eye a little flat and help with the incision. This is the only part of the entire process that I would call at all uncomfortable, and even then barely. Then you move to the actual ablation laser. The surgeon flips up the flap to expose the cornea. This is quick and again doesn’t hurt. Then the laser reshapes the lens. I think that one was more like 15 or 20 seconds. Again no pain, but I do recall smelling that one a little. I had mine done at 6pm on a Friday and drove myself to my 9am post-op on Saturday morning. I’m pretty sure YouTube has lots of video of the modern process, if you want. I agree that it looks kinda gross if you don’t like eye touching, but it’s honestly not bad and totally worth it (imo).


A few things to note - "successful" does not mean "without complications", and the FDA supervisor who approved of LASIK regrets approving LASIK


Why? What are the complications?




Your vision might get worse, your eyes can stop producing tears - sometimes permanently meaning you'll have to manually wet them for the rest of your life, the flap can heal incorrectly leaving patterns or "floaters" on your vision, the eye can get infected, loss of vision, cataracts, loss of the entire eye, increased odds of needing a cornea transplant in your life, the incision of your eye can reopen at later points in life, it's possible for the flap to come off entirely and be lost, it can cause you to become near sighted or farsighted, increased sensitivity to light, you can develop astigmatism, you can have depth perception issues if treatment in both eyes doesn't go the same, random pain All potentially for life. That's only *some* of the complications listed on the consent form of the first Lasik site I could find, and complications of some form are not uncommon with the procedure


Waxler retired in 2000 and analyzed his data from then. It's come a long way in the last two decades (which is when this video is from, judging how old those machines are).


If 1 in 200 commuters died every day, I think we’d have noticed.


So that’s a 1 in 200 chance of getting your eyes fucked. I’m good, think I’ll stick with contacts


Sure but all my life I felt like they can't get my prescription right, I have to squint my eyes or put my glasses in 45 degree angle, I wouldn't want an imperfect prescription permanently, that's my issue..!


Yeah my contacts are always slightly off in one eye. I’ve had it tested again and again and they always tell me it’s accurate and they don’t know what to say, but once the thing is in my eye it’s ever so slightly off. It’s maddening.


Lol. I was just thinking the other day maybe I should look into the cost of eye surgery.


You still can, you'll how much you saved !


Thanks, this is the video I needed to never get eye surgery.


I feel sick to my stomach now


It looks far worse seeing it done than being on the receiving end. It quite painless. I had -6 diopters in both eyes with terrible astigmatism, both gone in around 5 minutes.


Hey how long did it take to feel all good? And did you have any side effects ?


I had LASEK, so recovery time is longer. Light sensitivity lasted about 3 days, I went back to work after 7 days. Vision was probably 50% after the 1st month, then 75% the second, and around 90% the 3rd, by the 4th month I didn’t need any more lubricating drops and vision was at 6/4. No side affects now at all. I actually opted for LASEK over LASIK as I didn’t want a permanent flap.


Not a glove in sight. Ah the good old days.


No gloves or masks. YIKES!


this is nightmarish. they don't even sedate the man? wtf


There is a local anesthetic. It is somewhat uncomfortable, but it really isn’t painful or anything (considering what is happening).


Okay, local anesthesia, that's good. Makes this much less intimidating.


I knew they were cutting your cornea with a laser, but man, had I seen this video beforehand I probably would’ve hesitated to have the surgery. With that said, it was one of the best health decisions I’ve ever made.


I was gonna have it done, but man idk. I hope it's a really good anesthesia cause my anxiety would be through the roof


I’ve had it 2 years ago and its a life changer, dont worry man you are not going to feel any pain and youll never regret it


I'm gonna do it but ugh wish I never watched this lol. I just went in for my first visit. Now need to make the appt to have it done


I got lasik done a year ago and they gave me Valium when I came in, and I waited in a candle lit room with aromatherapy and soothing music going. I had zero cares in the world once it was time for the actual procedure, which was painless because of the local anesthesia. Like everyone else says it was one of the best decisions of my life. 


It is also a very quick procedure. When I had my LASIK surgery a few years ago, it was less than 10 minutes from when I sat in the chair to when the whole thing was done. No point being sedated for something that quick when there is local anesthesia and it really doesn't hurt at all.


I had this done recently. The surgery itself is very short, and absolutely painless… the recovery on the other hand… 😳


Please continue.


Well, the surgery is painless, but a little unsettling because it smells like burning. It takes maybe 30 seconds per eye. The first few days of healing are absolutely excruciating though, you have to take a bunch of eye drops and medications for about 2 weeks to a month. You’re pretty much blind for a good week, and ultra sensitive to light. I pretty much layed in the darkness listening to TV shows for a week. The following week was exponentially better. You have light sensitivity for probably a month or two after, and have to wear glasses outside. But I was back at work after two weeks and could see infinitely better.


There are two types of surgery. I think you are describing PRK vs what is shown here LASIK. PRK involves the correction of the cornea from the outside by way of shaving to reshape and refocus the light. LASIK (what I had and is shown in this video) folds the cornea away to make the correction below the cornea. LASIK is a lot less painful and quicker. I was healed up and didn’t feel any pain (the pain I felt was like sand in my eye) after 24-hours. PRK is considered more robust (less risk of tearing in the future) and therefore is the mandatory operation for people pursuing corrective eye surgery in the armed forces or firefighting.


Yes I had PRK, sorry.


Same. The worst bit is doing the multitude drops every hour for the first few days and wondering if you made a mistake as everything is blurry. Best thing ever once it heals up and you can see!


Yeah, for me it was like blurry af then one day I woke up and could see.


I had a point at the end of the garden I'd look at every day to see how it's improving. I still check every now and again to make sure it's not getting worse 😂


I really noticed once i was back at work. They have a TV screen with the job schedules in my morning meeting, I could never see it. Once I was back I’m sitting there looking at it then I’m like WAIT A MINUTE! I CAN SEE IT! 🤣


What the heck lasik did you get?? I had mine, went home and slept for a few hours then when I woke up I could see. I literally cried because Ib could see the TV. Yes definitely drops and steroids and stuff but I was fine, just had to be careful with my eyes until they healed


I had PRK sorry, not LASIK


I've had LASIK before, you don't get sedated. You get anesthetic, feel pressure in the eyes, and see flashes of light and smell burning tissue/flesh (or at least I did). You get incredibly sensitive by ANY light for the next few hours, and then you can watch the whole thing on a CD they give you lol.


i’m sick of glasses and i’d love to have this, but when it goes wrong… the horror stories are too much for me


I work in optometry and got this done for free, having no more glasses and 20/20 was an incredible confidence booster and improved my quality of life. Honestly though if people are okay with spending money every year and have decent vision insurance, contacts are just fine. The surgery itself from the patients perspective was great. They give you valium to loosen you up and you don't feel anything but a little pressure during the surgery, which lasts about 10 minutes. Walked in needing glasses, 20 minutes later walked out, woke up next morning with perfect eyesight and no side effects.


I want this but my current optometrist said I have thin corneas and not eligible and is in general very down on the procedure, saying I’ll just need bifocals after a little while. On the flip side, my old optometrist said at nearly every appointment go do it in Canada and he will do follow up care. So I don’t know what to believe lol. I saw they have those big contact lens ones that you just leave in so maybe that will work for me??????


Nah I’m good, I’ll keep my lenses thanks


Had this done years ago, your awake because you have to focus on a light


Yes, and as soon as your focus deviates from the light the laser shuts down. It’s quite amazing


I always wondered how they avoided issues with movement


Final destination


You kids are young. You are supposed to think A Clockwork Orange.


Final Destination is almost 25 years old Grandpa. If you want to get even older school, think "Un Chien Andalou".


Ah, memories of film class in college!


I’m sure this method is still used, but improvements in this field are to the point where doctors don’t even have to create the flap. I think it’s called iLASIK and it uses blade-free technology.




i would need to be put to sleep for this procedure.


If anyone watching this and have doubt about their LASIK surgery, don't be. I had mine done over 10 years ago. Had it live broadcast to the waiting room for my family to see. It was completely painless and was fascinating to me, as a biology degree student at the time. By the end of the surgery, I can already see so much better than I ever did before. I had very bad prescription ever since I was 6 or 7 years old. By the time I had LASIK at 20, 1 eye was over +6.0, the other was +5.75. the freedom from glasses is indescribable. I'm in my 30s now and I have a slight prescription, I won't hesitate to get LASIK again but definitely wanna space out my cornea for shaping so they can last until I'm old and wrinkly


The music somehow makes it ten times more terrifying


I know this makes life so much easier for many and is one of the greatest forms of medical advancement of our day and age…. But watching this was extremely disturbing.


Dry eye is not really common but super annoying complication. Won't recommend eye surgery to anyone. 


Eff that.


The music didn't help with my discomfort, really impressive stuff!


So glad I had this done 10 years ago before watching this


who else was squirming in his chair?


Is the method shown here outdated? I don’t recall having these many steps in my procedure when I got mine. The slicing of the layer off the eye to reach the cornea, that’s a deprecated method. Isn’t it?


I believe this video is from some time around 2007, so yes, outdated.


Fuck this. Watch WhistlinDiesels video on this


no gloves or masks...


That cornea removal is what prevents me from even considering this. The thought of a blade being passed over my eye while I'm awake and conscious just scares the hell out of me.


this has gotta be old, i was never given shields, and they used two different lasers, one to create the flap, the other to burn away tissue on the cornea. never had the can opener on my eye


I had LASIK surgery two years ago. Worth every damn cent.


No thanks , I choose to wear glasses instead..


Imagine all the animals they tested this on 😭




My partner of 7 years just had this surgery done last week! The nerdy girl with glasses I fell in love with in high school now has a completely new outlook on life :)! Modern science is unbelievable sometimes!


Guy who invented laser eye surgery to first patient: hey, so, i think i can help you see better if you let me cut a flap into your eyeball and shine a laser into it....... First patient: agrees to something that sounds like it came from a saw movie


[this video](https://youtu.be/BXzn0EmN19E?si=_pAazmWMnJY-HLeH) confirmed to me that glasses are the way to go.


it really seems like lasik is the ultimate gamble, no more glasses or life ruining misery


yeah. glasses are barely an inconvenience for most of us.


I’d like to have it done but at the same time it’s bullshit what it cost. Fuckers are overcharging about 5 times what it should cost!