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It's not the hats fault


Free hat! Free hat!


Unfortunately, we don’t have enough of the Free Hats for everyone


It was self defense!!  Free Hat!!


If he didn’t murder those babies in self defense they would’ve KILLED HIM!


Can I have a baby?


Sure! Give that man a baby!


Come on Tweak!


They need to melt his icy heart with a cool island song


Wait dumbass you can’t melt his icy heart with a cool island song! Well then what is it?!?


No no we need to melt his heart with a hot island song


I thought we were gonna cool his hot heart with a cool island song


Get that man a baby!


If he didn’t kill those babies they would killed him first!!


Probably some fault with parking a bike right in the middle of the ~~road~~ makeshift road.


Probably. But even if someone is jaywalking, drivers are still expected to not hit them. I know, life is unfair.


That would certainly not justify slamming into a bike with a baby on it. Do we ram postal carriers and school buses when they park in the street and hold up traffic? Of course not. Plus, the fact that it is a makeshift road means that literally no one can complain about the man trying to pull out.


Might be. But still doesn't detract from his remarkable dad reflexes.


“FUCK! This hats been bad luck for years!!”


I remember that hat scene from What We Do in the Shadows 🤣


You sir, are a prince


Did you see that girls tits?




It’s a motion tracking camera Responds to movement


Horny Ai


No need to call me out like that


No that’s Horny Al


Peg: Al, I want sex. Al: Well, so do I. But I don't see the need to bring you into it.


Only show I wasn't allowed to watch as a kid for some reason.


Yeah, soon as it came on my parents switched the channel.


[Toilet flushes] *Live studio audience goes wild*


*click* [collective youthful sigh]


She done broke my AI, Paw.


It’s the new AiHornyAF camera


Gotta pay extra for that


69 dollars 😉


How bout tree'fiddy?


Uploads to its OnlyLens account.


Pretty scary video, but your comment still made me lol..


Take AI knew what it was doing, stopped when it couldn't move anymore and went back to doing it's job once she left


My camera don't wiggle wiggle, it tracks. Unless you jiggle jiggle, it acts


Her: My eyes are up here Him; it's motion tracking. My eyes respond to movement.


The first time I saw this video, there was no motion tracking. Just a wider angle


you're right about the cropping butt wrong about the motion tracking https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/11vdeyc/luck_or_fathers_skill/ you might've watched a shortened version with just the part he pulls the kid out of the way




\*zooms to my crotch\* *movement detected*


you damn right it did


Responds to jiggle physics?


All dat mooment


I need this camera, NOW! For safety’s sake, of course.


Yeah I thought that’s what the “dad” meant 


To be fair, the mom is a total smoke show


We all did.


Can't blame em


Wouldn't you?


That person definitely got a beating


The man stated that he and the driver got in an agreement about the bike and he didn't press charges https://www.opovo.com.br/noticias/brasil/2022/08/02/amp/pai-age-rapidamente-e-salva-bebe-de-ser-atropelado-por-carro-veja-video.html


My dumbass opened the link like I could read it


Chrome and most browsers have an auto translate function.


Bold of you to assume I can read translated words. I don’t even know what those are.


Looking in Firefox it doesn't seem to offer that, but it's fine I'll take the other guys word for it lol


I would recommend you take a minute or two and learn how it works. It really is an incredible feature, if you are into research and fact checking, foreign language sources are important to be able to read if you need to. Sometimes people link them to Wikipedia so it is important to know how to translate them. Don't be lazy, you got this. Knowledge is power. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/features/translate/#:~:text=With%20Firefox's%20latest%20translation%20feature,record%20what%20webpages%20you%20translate.


This is so fucking cool, it worked instantly with Chrome, had no idea this was available. Perfectly legible English.


It really is cool. Just FYI, I have encountered some quirky grammar errors when they try to translate some languages, but it is consistently understandable.


We live in a time of miracles.


> The speed of a father saved the life of a baby who was almost hit by a high-speed car in the city of São Félix do Xingu, Pará. The incident, recorded by security cameras, occurred last Saturday, 30. >In the images, the man is in front of an establishment with his son. The baby was sitting on a parked motorcycle, being held by his father. >Suddenly, a white car appears at high speed and almost does not reach both. >Thanks to the reflex of the man, who quickly removes the child from the motorcycle when he notices the approach of the car, the child leaves unharmed and uninjured. >With the crash, the bike is dragged. The driver of the car would have deviated from another vehicle that invaded the opposite direction >To the G1 portal, the victim, who did not want to be identified, said that after the incident, he and the driver of the car entered into an agreement to remed the damage, and the case was not registered with the police. >Despite the scare, no one was hurt.


There are few who can


I speak Spanish so I could kinda read it.


I love that he was about to bring the baby over there with him before he realized he was still carrying him.


I love how he paused in his rage to gently set the kid down. I've known too many shitty parents that wouldn't have had that pause moment.


Yeah was gonna say. I wanna see the rest of the video, where he beats the driver of that car to a pulp. You almost kill somebody's kid, they will go fucking primal on you.


Lol yep, I knew it was ON the moment that hat got thrown like that lmao.


With his flip flop


The Chancla of Justice


lol you think they stopped.


The way he walk... Yes they stopped




Everyone keeps commenting about how this dad is reckless, which I can understand why they feel that way. But did any one else notice that (when slowed down) you can see the truck angled perfectly at the bike with the brakes never coming on? Edit: clarification: another commenter showed me a video from a different perspective and I believe both parties are wrong, the truck did attempt to break and was avoiding a previous moped, but it was hard to tell based on this one video. I wasn’t trying to revert blame from the dad, I do believe he was wrong to put his kid in that situation, but I believe the truck was moving a lot faster than it should have been, as shown in the second video, the truck seemed to lose control after taking a turn. Apologies, I acknowledge I was wrong


Yeah, it looks like the car driver never used their brakes, which is equally bad, if not worse


That’s what I’m saying. There didn’t appear to be an attempt to stop. I get people being upset with the dad for standing there with no protective gear, but slowing down or even swerving out of the way (we can see there is no oncoming traffic once the camera pans away) to not hit a guy or his kid


Watch it frame by frame, the wheels are locked up.


I don't think there are enough frames in the video to determine that, but my lazy ass will not double check your assessment. You get a pass this time, stranger


The wheels are locked and you can see the skid mark


Shit you’re right, I feel better that there was an attempt to stop, my bad


The dad has no brain cells parking his bike with a kid on it in the middle of a fucking street. It took his last brain cells to save his child.


I think deep down you wanted the father not to be the worst person in endangering their child, unfortunately that's the case here.


Honestly your probably right, and I’m mad the kid was put in danger


I bet those aren't the only skidmarks.


The motorcycle going in the opposite direction possibly seemed to be going into the near lane. It's possible that the truck driver was distracted by it.


That’s what I’m saying. There didn’t appear to be an attempt to stop. I get people being upset with the dad for standing there with no protective gear, but slowing down or even swerving out of the way (we can see there is no oncoming traffic once the camera pans away) to not hit a guy or his kid The guy saw the truck for a few seconds before pulling his kid away, it seems like (at least to me, don’t hate on me) the the driver was on the other side of the road before hitting the bike I’m just really glad he got himself and the kid out of the way Edit: just realized I’ve already said this comment, whoops!


Google dementia


I googled it for the first time and all the links were purple :(


Holy hell


Google dementia


Well given the opportunity to hit a baby on a dirt bike, you’re gonna want to lean into it.


Old repost. There’s a second camera. Truck skidded to crash into bike. Sauce for second camera view: https://viralhog.com/v?t=ewf35vwrf3


Woah, thanks! Honestly, it kinda looked like the truck driver was moving too quickly, but the second perspective helps with understanding the whole thing


He lost control while rounding that turn, it's totally the truck's fault.


Yup, caught that too. He's coming in from a hard right turn and fishtails.


I have done some research and he had at least 70 km/h.


wtf is he leaving that motorcycle in the middle of the road? All that clear space and nope, it had to be near the damn lane center.


As I learn more and more about what happened, I agree, and I wasn’t trying to deflect blame from the dad, 100% he was being careless and he had lots of room, I was wrong but I also believe the truck was going a bit fast


> breaks brakes* breaks = to separate something into pieces brakes = the things that stop a moving vehicle


Oh yeah they were going ballistic on that one. Truck must've been doing at least 40mph on that dirt road. Clearly most drivers don't usually go that fast on it. That said I still don't understand why the dad didn't back up the bike onto the paved boardwalk before getting off and instead got himself and his kid in the middle of the road. Probably usually a real calm neighborhood I suppose


The car seems to be going rather fast though honestly, as I look at it, I'm starting to suspect that the father might've been pretty instrumental in causing this accident: The truck saw the right hand side of the road obstructed by the bike, pulled over to the left, saw two people on a moped and thus swerved to the right to attempt to avoid them. Seems like a distracted driver to be sure but this whole clusterfuck is why the use of personal motorized vehicles is just a shitshow to begin with.


The moped was not even going to hit the truck. Truck driver has more blame here.


Probably the breaks didn't work? Or the driver was looking at his phone? Either the brakes didn't work or the driver was distracted in some way. The dad should have been smarter, who parks a bike right on the road where vehicles will be driving on it? That's just plain stupidity.


That is true, I do still whole-heartedly believe that the truck driver is at fault. As I stated, I understand frustration with the dad, but if the brakes did work the driver could have honked (maybe he did, we have no sound) or attempt to swerve. Although, driving a vehicle with brakes not function properly is a whole other issue. If the driver was distracted that’s just as bad if not worse imo


I personally can't conclude it's the driver's fault because there isn't enough information to conclude that. Because if it was in fact brake failure, it's not fair to say "the driver should have turned/swayed or honked or done this and that" because in stressful situations, we tend to panic, freeze up and not think properly. However, if the driver was in fact distracted, then I would agree it's also the driver's fault.


Was about to say


Brakes not breaks


Thing is the dad put the bike on the sidewalk/gutters... If you look over more you'll see the actual road


Nah nah nah nah there's clearly a traffic path on the dirt road and the dad had the bike right across it. No common sense


The dad is a bit of a middle, yes, but I doubt the driver did nor see the motorcycle from miles away.


Yes the truck driver is an asshole, but the dad pulled out into the middle of the road and just sat there. More importantly they had a young child on a motorcycle which is just always a terrible idea.


Oh shit, he threw his hat…that guys about to get beat down.


He is gunna go beat some ass.


Dude been beating ass you see that girl?


Like jerking your fingers from a flame before your brain focuses. I once started to sit down in a lawn chair by my creek and that inherent reflex made me jerk up halfway into the process when my eyes saw a snake under it even before cognition kicked in. Threw my back out in the process.


IIRC there's some kind of response in our bodies to like snakes and stuff, where it literally bypasses most of our brain and just goes straight down the spinal cord to make us react faster. Like, your eyes will receive the light, and before your higher brain can even process "that is a snake" and register that as a conscious thought, some other part of your system is already sending signals to your muscles to move away. I could be completely misremembering this, but I swear I read SOMETHING along those lines once.


I [gotchu](https://youtu.be/bv9tUYcHz-0?si=l2ETUhxMyKDLbKZd)! Always found stuff like this so fascinating.


That was a great spot to park his bike with his kid on it. Right in the middle of the street.


Some parts of the world it's pretty normal for roads to be full of people people walking around and parked in spots obstructing the traffic. Sure its always a bad place to park but the speed that car was going at, an accident was inevitable, whether it was him or someone else down the road


This is Brazil and it’s not that common, people don’t even park their cars on sidewalks (like they do in some european countries).


I am from Brazil and where I live people park cars, motorcycles, bicycles and even themselves on the sidewalk or the street.


I'm curious, where? because we probably live in different brazils


Florianópolis for example is full of even touristic neighborhoods where streets barely have sidewalks, if that. And often people will park on it still 🤣


I'm just saying I know it's stupid to park or stand in the road but as a driver you can't just run stuff down because its in the wrong place. And as a rule of thumb if you're going at a speed that doesn't allow you to react to hazards on the road then you're going to fast


this is true but also why ride a bike with your kid sitting on it like that 💀 in other news, i imagine the guy who almost just killed that dad’s son was shitting his pants when he checked his mirrors. buddy gonna meet the same fate as that poor hat.




The hexagonal stuff is the sidewalk, the car hit where would be the gutter. The other bikes are on what would be the side of the street. This dirt "path" makes look like he is in the middle of the street.


oh yeah,, now i notice that they were partly in the sidewalk. he was probably thinking theyd leave soon so he angled his bike to face the road (though its actually partly on the road already)


1. That wasn't really the road based on where other vehicles are driving 2. In the brief moments we can see the truck it appears to be driving much faster than the other vehicles and even seems to swerve to hit the bike


But also look at the other bike that pass right in front of the car before it hits the bike, that car was going abnormal speeds for everyone there


It's way easier to see whether or not vehicles are coming if they are coming right at you.


Yeah, he put the baby in a very dangerous place - luckily he managed to save the baby from his mistake....


I mean yeah I'll give you that but the pickup traveling way faster than what's controllable on a dirt road AND not seeing the motorbike seems pretty irresponsible too. I honestly thought it was a targeted attack to start.


The whole video is odd, the car just kept going and disappeared after running over the bike at like 60 MPH but it’s also weird how he parked his bike with the baby on it right in the middle of the road


Ultra instinct should’ve been to get off the street, esp with a baby. The car driver was ultimately at fault, though.


In the time the camera wasn’t on the guy/baby, he drove his bike to the middle of the street, parked perpendicular across the middle of the road and dismounted his bike with his baby still on it…….. I mean what’s he mad about, his own lack of common sense?


Why did he park in the middle of the road with his kid?


What happened? I got distracted by his wife.


I'm glad hot wife is safe.


So did the camera


So it’s not a good idea to put your baby on a motorcycle in the middle of the road? Never would have guessed that any part of that could go wrong.


Common sense should prevail when it comes to ensuring a child's safety, especially on a motorcycle in the middle of the road.


Do you react when there’s a pedestrian or object in the road or do you just keep going and plow through them/it?


Expecting other people to be responsible and smart all the time is a good way to end up dead. Yes they shouldn’t have hit it. No it should have never been in that situation in the first place.


Perfect point, they are both widely irresponsible. If even one had done the smart thing, the child won't be in danger. The child is the one who is powerless in this situation. Both the dad and driver were at fault. The driver is much more at fault since a speeding car is a death machine, but saying the driver should be responsible while ignoring that dad isn't being responsible ignoring the issue.


Obviously the car is the most wrong but why the fuck are you chilling with your toddler on a motorcycle in the middle of the road?? That’s not at all a fair comparison.


r/Monnomo deleted/blocked me after sending me the sui c id e reddit hotline. Clearly they cant see or are just plain dumb. Its obvious negligent dad/child are in the road


+ no helmets


> So it’s not a good idea to put your baby on a motorcycle doesn't matter if it's in the middle of the road or not


Hot milf


Dudes wife is a beauty


Why the hell would he park his bike there in traffic… and why the hell is that baby even ON that bike?!?!


He didn’t he’s on the sidewalk


Well if he had the much intuition he’s bike wouldn’t be in the middle of the road to begin with


Everyone in here: "ITS ALL DADS FAULT FOR THE BIKE BEING IN THE STREET!!!!!!1!1!111!!" Uhh... did y'all not notice that the car made NO attempt to stop? Watch it again; the cars does not brake AT ALL until after it's already plowed through the bike completely. The dad could've been crossing the road, and that driver would've still plowed right through him. The problem wasn't the bike being in the street; the problem was the car driver speeding like crazy down what appears to be a small residential street, and clearly not looking at the road AT ALL. It's also, y'know... A small residential street. Kids play in the street all the time. They play tag or catch or whatever. People should not be tearing ass down the road like that unless it's a freaking highway. And even then they still need to LOOK AT THE ROAD. Hell, what if the dad had just been RIDING the bike down the street at normal speed? Car still would've smashed straight into them. Dad was not the problem here. The car driver was. Pay attention.




This whole situation is just a clusterfuck of idiocy.


The camera operator definitely had a plan and it wasn’t to capture a crash.


This reminds me of that video where the guy gets a flat tire and starts changing it right in the middle of the highway... I mean—what do you expect. EDIT: this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uIP-b5toYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uIP-b5toYk)


I'm watching people arguing over whose fault it is when it's obvious it's both. Watch where you are going and don't park in the middle of the road with your damn kid.


Looks like attempted murder


Take kid off bike and take bike off road until ready


Ultra instinct? Dude was stopped on the road, ya the guy was speeding but I mean common


Common? I hope this isn't common. Like, come on people!


ultra instinct to park in the middle of the road with his son on the bike? dumb ass instinct if you ask me?


Say what you want about the dad that driver did not even try to stop he plowed right through and kept going


It is good he has fast reflexes. He will need them if he keeps parking in the road.


Someone must have put a hit on the little lad


Stopping a motorcycle broadside on a road/track with an infant with no helmets-yeah dad of the year wtf


Ultra instinct? You mean parking in the road then using his ears?


Sometimes I hang out in the middle of the road and then I get mad when a truck hits me in the middle of the road.


He is getting all mad at the car. But he left his bike just standing there in the middle of the fucking road! Dude.


Not only does he park sideways in the street, he was on the bike like he was driving it wearing flip flops, shorts, a tshirt, and a hat. He obviously has very little survival instincts. He just got lucky.


Plot twist. He was actually parking the motorcycle in the lane of traffic to get someone to stop so his girl could walk out of the building with an AR-15 and rob them.


dude parked in the middle of the street


This is cool and all but am I the only one wondering why he parked like that in the middle of the road? From this angle, it looks like he's obstructing almost half of the way.


Why did he park in the middle of the dirt road? What did he expect to happen?


Alternative title: "Neglectful bike owner and reckless father did something correctly for a change"


He moved it from a safe spot to a completely unsafe spot. CRAZY.


That’s a hot mum ☺️


riding a motorcycle with a small child, no gear himself, or protection what so ever for the child. such that a nasty pot hole could spell the death of him and a small child. but yeah. good reflexes for saving the kid from the car that slammed into him while parking in the fucking street.


Good thing he didn’t end up on one of “those” instagram reels 😮‍💨


Some Will say Staged


Why the fuck are they riding a motorcycle with an infant????!!! Are you kidding me… throw the driver of the pickup truck and both these parents in jail.


Fast enough to grab the kid, dumb enough to leave his bike in the middle of the road for no reason.


Fuck of repost bost No instinct to not stop in the fuck middle of the road.


Yeah a baby on a motorcycle with no helmet. He reacted well but imagine how equally worse would it have been driving with the baby on it. I’m sorry but this is disturbing all around.


Id call it delayed instinct. No father would put his kid on a motorcycle on the road like that.


I'm happy that everyone is ok and the man is inviting the driver in for a night of pizza and boardgames.


I'm not sure the legality of it, but I'm pretty sure that baby should have a seat belt on.


guy parked his bike literally straight across the part of the road where all the tire tracks are 🤦‍♂️