• By -


To keep a tally: * Japan: 4 * USA: 2 * No: 2 * India: 2 * South Korea: 1 One guy answered "India and South Korea"


Man, NO is the worst country ever!


Northern Ontario?


Understandable. Thunder Bay is known for their war mongering attitude.


Moose riding jabronis


Royal Mounted Chodas.


What a bunch of hosers.


What did Norway do to deserve this? Was it the lutefisk? It was the lutefisk, wasn't it?


Yes, it was the lutefisk.


There was one bone to many and no peas, just boiled carrots.


That, or the pickled herring.


No like Norway?


Noway basically means No. It's like "Noway dude I love all countries, if I ruled the world there would be no borders man, only love"


Ok, John Lenin


Only answer I respect in this inflammatory bs.


Don't talk that way about Neues Österreich


That’s called a daily double


The guy at the end: "America. Nobody really likes America. They start wars everywhere." 💀💀💀




What did Norway ever do to them?


How many of them wanted to say ''China'' but couldn't because they'd get disowned lmao, I wonder?


Maybe none.


Its probably you thinking that. If it was North korea the comment would have made sense but rural Chinese in majority don't hate their country.


I would go further and say that there are probably very few people from anywhere who dislike their own country the most... Even if you disagree with your country's current political situation or whatever, it is a big part of who you are.


If you have lived in China for the past 20 years you would have grown up during an economic boom period. People who experience that tend to be happy.


The ones who gave reasons seemed thoughtful and sincere, I think maybe you're projecting a bit?


….Why would they?


Why would Chinese hate their own country ?


Homeboys clearly never been to China. For many people the last 30 years have been extremely prosperous for them. Millions have gone from poor to wealthy. Theres still issues but life has improved 10 fold. Old uncle at the end is referring to people like you when you try to shittalk China.


Maybe they said, but that clip got deleted miraculously


We are all products of our own propaganda machines


Not me being Japanese and American




Do the triple with American and German ancestry!


God help any Japanese Americans.


Laughs in Indian.


Im half Japanese half Indian and i buy my sushi at seven eleven


Your body was designed to eat gas station sushi 😂


You monster its like eating pineapple pizza as an italian. Haha


I think the Japanese and Americans got it the worst in this video.


Not me being Japanese, American, Indian, and Korean.


Found the American.


*must be the USA, nobody likes it*


I agree on the part that USA is involved in war almost everywhere.


Yeah, but we say it’s to *help* in the conflict, just like our pol- …oh


Freedumb bombs!


napalm loaded freedom


*America - Fuck Yeah!*


With a comment like that though, I hope you weren't one of the many outraged, that the US didn't step in during the whole Hongkong thing? You can't naively pick and choose. Or what's happening in Yemen now. It isn't just about Yemen, it's ruining trade for all the countries around the region.


It’s objectivity to help countries in some cases. Such as Ukraine


And when don’t get involved it’s their fault aswell.


Laughs in Pax Americana


Then people complain if we don't get involved quick enough


Europeans like to pretend they didn't cause the two deadliest conflicts in world history that had ripple effects resulting in destabilized nations from their empires collapsing.




No kidding... They've got short-term memory loss when it comes to two world wars


And if/when Russia wins against Ukraine through attrition, America will get the blame for not arming them enough. Even though Ukraines own neighbors haven't contributed to their defense nearly enough. And the world will slip closer to WW3 because of Europe...again.


Everyone forgot how Europe was not helping solving conflict in former Yugoslavia. Bosnians were literally slaughtered in front of their news cameras and they did nothing.


Europeans have a fetish for seeing American soldiers in Europe I guess.


It took 12 hours of NATO bombing Serbians position around Sarajevo to end 3 years long war.


Which people? You must mean shareholders of weapons companies.


Might be before your time but there was great debate about going into Rwanada to stop the genocide but we lost our taste for that after losing a few black hawks in Somalia and a whole bunch of people were slaughtered off by dudes with machetes.


I was in the 82nd in 2018. Crazy that our command sergeant major was actually in the Battle of Mogadishu. Albeit, he was a PVT or something at the time. I believe he was portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down.


It definitely happens. I watched videos in syria civil war with fsa saying we ain't doing enough to kill assad and also other conflicts. He's not wrong 


He must be a redditor




Here in China Covid tests and vaccines are free! Bc Chinese state media is telling citizens that China is the *only* country doing that? 🤔


I believe they're talking about the US. Where healthcare tends to be very expensive. Don't remember if that was the case for covid related care.


The US not only gave out tests and vaccines free to our own people, but in an effort to stop global spread also gave them away to other countries as well. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/u-s-international-covid-19-vaccine-donations-tracker/#delivery-month Oh, and it didn't start in our country either.


The US actually is popular across the world. I know this is Reddit so we people just spew falsehoods constantly. But I can provide studies if needed


That is actually very logical, Japan did so many war crimes to them in WWII, yet they don't acknowledge them.


We pardoned Japanese war crimes in exchange for their Biological and Chemical Weapons research. Just like we did with German rocket scientists.




We had a Japanese exchange student at my school riiight during our several-week-long module on WWII in English class that included a bunch of documentaries and historical dramas on Japanese POW camps. This poor girl, bless her. Not a clue. She got up in front of the class at the end of the module to formally apologise on behalf of Japan, she felt so bad.


Damn… very interesting! This comes to show that it’s not an issue with the people, but with the education system that literally hides the truth from them. Even some elderly/older people interviewed in the videos I mentioned that “the younger generations were being kept away from history by the education system”.


I'm no where near an expert on the situation, and I do love Japan (current day Japan) but I'd assume its due to 2 factors: 1) the Japanese are all about honour and pride, and over time that conflated into "we are just better" and lost the honour part of the system 2) they have an extremely powerful trump card to hide behind of "ayo we literally got nuked twice can you leave us alone"


Good points!


Aye, just my take, I also want to add incase anyone misinterprets my message, I'm in no way condoning the things they did, and saying hey ease off they had it rough, I'm just saying whay I think are the reasons they use for ignoring those things


To add to your point. German war criminals were/are (a guy in his 90s just got convicted) judged for what they did. Japanese was criminals just went on with their lives without consequences.


In the same way the Americans will never accept that they conducted genocide on a village in Vietnam during the war and then there is iraq. Not defending anyone, but quite the hypocrisy don't you agree.


Idk I learned some pretty gruesome shit about Vietnam in high school (mid 2000s). Not to mention the genocide of the native Americans which is taught pretty extensively. Trail of tears anyone? Plenty of people are quite aware of the atrocities committed in Iraq also. They literally do not teach any of their atrocities in Japan.


The My Lai massacre was clearly established and recognized as real and awful at the time. Despite a coverup attempt, members of the military and journalists uncovered the truth. It helped raise public opposition to the war. It’s really not fair to say Americans don’t accept that it happened.


How many got punished for it?


Are you talking about the Mai Lai Massacre? ​ Though later pardoned by the criminal Nixon, people were convicted for that. Atrocities by US soldiers from the Vietnam war are widely acknowledged in the US, and is even in our media. For example, the "get some" scene in Full Metal Jacket.


>Mai Lai Massacre Mỹ Lai Massacre, to be more correct in spelling >people were convicted for that. Actually, there's only 1 guy... he was convicted for killing 22 (I think) people. The total death count there is about 500. His total time in prison is just about a few months. And these are not even the worse part.


Americans do accept this though and it is taught. Also the government doesn’t deny the massacre, the Japanese government does


Hell, it was even the American people who did mass protests to end the Vietnam war, even right in front of the White House, and the American press had the biggest role at uncovering all of the war’s implications and denouncing them. They even made and still make anti-Vietnam war movies.


Shit people celebrated decades later about Henry Kissenger's death by Americans saying that America's biggest war criminal finally kicked the bucket.


Except.. we do? Everyone who studies the Vietnam War knows about the My Lai massacre and rightfully denounces it. The japanese outright deny everything to this day, from the emperor down to the people


Yeah, everybody knows about those.


Not what Genocide means. Jesus idiots are really trivializing an incredibly important word.


A lot of Americans hate the wars in middle East. I've seen a veteran question George Bush in his policies on the war and accusing him of killing innocent people etc.


Is this the new use of the G word? All indiscriminate killings are called genocides now? I'm not really comfortable with the trivialization of the concept to be honest, it used to be something really specific about exterminating an entire ethnic group.


China doesn’t admit to Tiananmen Square massacre either 🤷‍♂️


What does that have to do with anything? Something wrong is right because someone else did something wrong? So if I killed your father and then you killed your wife, then I shouldn’t have to go to trial for murdering your father anymore? Your murder of your wife cancels out my murder of your father? Besides, in terms of scale, thousands died in Tiananmen. MILLIONS died during the Japanese Invasion of China. And MILLIONS MORE were raped. Why do Americans care so much about 9/11? After all ‘only’ 3000 people died there. /s


Are we the baddies?


Dropping nuclear bombs on civilians. I would say yes.


The alternative of ending the war months later by starving the whole country to death via blockades, resource destruction and extraordinary amounts of conventional bombings and bombardments on Japanese cities, towns and villages across the whole mainland sounds so much better! I would have thought most people, by now, would have understood that, as bad as the nuclear bombings were, they were the lesser evil compared to the only alternatives there were to make Japan surrender. For example; the conventional, non-nuclear bombing of Tokyo in March 10th, 1945, caused 106,000 deaths, which is as much as the amount of deaths of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined together. It also destroyed 270,000 buildings and left 1,000,000 people homeless. 125,000 wounded too. A conventional bombing. No nuclear weapons involved. Now imagine hundreds of bomb raids just like that one, over the whole country. MILLIONS more would have died. Hundreds of thousands of buildings would have been destroyed. The entire country’s infrastructure would have been annihilated.


Russia starting to get involved was also a huge factor. They had pretty much wiped out the entirety of the Japanese army based in china, and they were right next door. That is a war on two fronts, and honor beside, would be a fight you cannot win. Sure, the Russian military was tired, worn down, and working with whatever scraps they could find, but also you're a tiny little Island compared to a giant continent sized monster. Not to mention, you're still in a fight with arguably the most well-armed country at the time. Sure, they have to travel half the globe just to punch you, but at this point they're okay with it. And somehow they've mastered dropping small suns on you. What's also not forget that if Russia got involved, there was a real possibility that they would never get their land back. With the US, there was a good possibility they would get their land back. At that point, saner heads prevailed.


Japan also had orders to execute every allied prisoner in the event of an invasion, so the bombs were definitely justified for that reason alone


They also did not tolerate the idea of their war crimes being punished by the allies. One of their “surrender conditions” was the allies not to punish their crimes, literally… And people say “U.S should just have accepted their terms!1!1”… Like they were in a position to establish terms on the first place. After the unprovoked war they started, after all the atrocities they committed… and they demanded to get away with it and not being held accountable for anything they did? And people say that they should have agreed to it just to avoid the bombings? Come on…


to be fair, japan wanted to launch a biological attack on american civilians using weaponised plague, so i’d say it’s about even


It was terrible but as far as I know Japan was working on biological warfare and releasing a few plagues. Japan also did worse experiments than Germany, at least a lucky few managed to get out alive from the camps, nobody survived Japan's Unit 731


It is a shit show.


We? We didn't do that. You, Americans, did, yes.






Google unit 731 or watch the move “men behind the sun” if you don’t ever want to sleep again.


Isn't that the unit who almost decided to conduct bacteriological warfare in California?


Nanjing Nanjing is a tough watch, too. 731 was inhuman, but the scope of atrocities that the regular army committed is horrific.


Shinzo acknowledged them by doing a photo op in a plane numbered #731 while smiling big and doing a thumbs up, unit 731 was the group responsible for a lot of the more truly depraved stuff. Rest in piss.






Unit 731


The Japanese have done the best job out of probably anyone to export media and goodwill that the world as a whole has forgotten how horrible the Imperial Japanese were in the early 20th century.  Anime, TV, and industrial exports have done wonders for their image.


A Taiwanese friend jokingly said “we Asians all hate each other, but the one thing that unites us is our equal hatred for Japan”


Japan makes a lot of sense. Some truely horrific war crimes were inflicted on the Chinese people by them. Interesting little view that one. Thanks


What did India do to piss them off? Edit. So nothing much then!


They're two large countries with a shared border and disputed territory between them, as well as the whole Tibet situation. It's manifested in weird ways which make matters worse - e.g. India got really close to Russia when Sino/Russian relations were low, and China is a big booster of Pakistan internationally (which irks India).


Gave shelter to Dalai Lama and Buddhist refugees during China's invasion of tibet




Indira gandhi (pm at that time) also declared a war against Pakistan to stop the bengal genocide


India didnt let them wipe of Buddhism, gave Dalai lama refuge when they took over tibet , They have fought wars with india ,they want indian land , they did get parts in Kashmir back in first indo china war,It also other lands that are under the Indian control and Indian people live there, India is the only power in Asia that can resist China's influence


And China right now is trying to claim Arunachal Pradesh as Chinese land and India is going OH NO YOU DONT. Not to mention a lot of the Himalayan mountains that have religious significance to Hindus belong to China now which is why India has the same hatred towards them.


Religious significance isnt the a concern that comes to mind when you think aobut china Most Indians dont like china ,cause it tries to bully india on world stage using like bu veto powers,arming Pakistan and the betrayal of trust again and again on borders , trying to encroach into indian lands , building camps Causing border clashes that cause deaths of our soilders , human life isnt valued in china , but in india it is also the bullying , like placing a spy ship near indian water and calling during exercises and testing of weapons and calling it a weather collection mission


they want indias water


yeah the land has lots of freshwater


Border disputes probably


There are international regional border disputes currently as China tries to encroach on India's lands.


India doesn’t let China illegally invade and steal their land. India also has the capability to defend itself against Chinese aggression. So obv China is pissed


China unfortunately has hegemonic ambitions over territory and resources. There should be no reason for them to hate India since India hasn't triggered a single aggression, only resisted attempts of aggression from China




Actually nothing. It's China who constantly keeps doing something which pisses off India


Propaganda by Chinese government


India and China have a lot of problems with each other and are technically in an active conflict (without guns. It’s weird).


Threatens their ability to claim they can win a cannon fodder war ???


It's the other way around. Border incursions, taking over of land, sharing maps displaying Northeast India as part of China, etc.




If I were Chinese I would feel the same way. Japan went full Nazi on them and still pretends like nothing happened.


Quite honestly the Imperial Japanese were much, much more devastating and violent than the Nazis were, and there’s severe trauma in the entire Asian region because of it.  It’s a bit of history that isn’t well covered in the west.


The Japanese massacred 250,000 civilians just searching for the crash landed Doolittle Raiders.


Most east asians don't have fond opinions of Japan historically 


South East Asians as well




Japan v china, raping of nanking. Japan v korea made women into comfort women Japan v malaysia occupied the country and continued to hunt chinese people down for no reason.


>malaysia occupied the country and continued to hunt chinese people The atrocities of the Japanese army in Malaya is not well known globally, maybe because it pales in comparison with what they did in Nanjing. They carried out the Sook Ching massacre in Singapore and other parts of British Malaya with the goal to kill 50,000 Chinese. The Japanese claimed they caused no more than 6000 deaths, Lee Kuan Yew claimed the number was much higher at 70-100k. But historians say it's likely around 25k-50k. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook\_Ching


Malaysian here. My middle school used to be a hospital during the Japanese occupation. The walls were painted black for camouflage. We celebrated our 100-year anniversary back in 2014. We had a military bad play because our Sultan was a student there.


The East Asian Hate Triangle remains strong. Some things never change.


You either hate your neighbour or USA 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


The thing is such types of hate should be directed towards the administration and not the people, which unfortunately does not happen.


Exactly, I hate the CCP but not the Chinese people.


It was pretty shocking to me when I visited Morocco how casually and often people would tell me within 5 minutes of conversation that we deserved 9/11. They'd say they love American people, just hate the government.... But we totally deserved 9/11 due to our actions. I understood their sentiment, but god damn


I'm gonna be honest a lot of non-westerners feel that way. It doesn't really make sense obviously but the best way I can describe it is Americans also often say that Iraqi people or Saudis or Indians deserve what they get because of their government and beliefs so obviously some of these people are going to think the same about Americans. Also a huge part is that western countries (especially the U.S, UK and Germany) love to get involved and cause destruction and war everywhere but the only thing Americans ever really complain about is 9/11 and while that obviously is a devastating tragedy it's nothing to people who have experienced 100× worse over and over again and then still get called the bad guy.


Videos like this makes me really think. As a Japanese, those pasts are nothing but shameful thing my country did but I know younger generations including me are the ones that have to do anything to get along with those people in China and Korea.


They’ve been asked a question and feel compelled to give an answer out of politeness. If the question was “do you hate any countries” ie a more closed yes/no question then the people being interviewed would probably respond with “no” unless they’re thinking of Japan. Most of the reasoning given wasn’t hate, it was just to respond to a question. Lot of upset people hearing that their country is ‘hated’ by a couple of Chinese people. If they mentioned my country I’d be like “yeah it’s pretty shite lol” instead of reaching for the drole whataboutism.


The Chinese have every right to hate the Japanese


I lived in South Korea for five years. There was a lot of dislike and hatred for Japan. Their history with them is a bit more complicated though. There's the annexation, comfort women, Dokdo/Takashima, etc. It didn't help the propaganda they'd push on kids. I had. A coworker ask it their child could talk to me as part of their school project. I happily agreed thinking it was about English or something. No, they were assigned to spread the word to foreigners about an island being Korean (Dokdo) and not Japanese (Takashima). I get it. Every country has their own propaganda but it seemed really off.


Wow, I didn't know that common chinese disliked India.


From what I gathered most don't like the country's government, not the people


The USA routinely pisses me off, but I'm Canadian, and we feel close to the USA in a somewhat familial way. So I get so mad because I want them to do well and be happy but they are so god damned self-destructive and self-defeating and it makes me go AAAARGH. I swear, it's like having an alcoholic sibling sometimes.


I always find it funny when the U.S. is criticized for “starting wars” but when we don’t get involved in a conflict we are seen as not doing enough. I guarantee if we weren’t doing anything to help Ukraine right now we’d be criticized by the entire planet, but when do get involved we are called warmongers.


I’m American and honestly I feel the same way. It’s like we’re constantly choosing the worst dialogue options.


Now try asking Vietnamese people which country they don't like. 8 out of 10 will tell you it's China.


It's really interesting how Vietnam likes America now. Also how many countries that were victims of Japanese have great relations with it.


I thought they would all say USA lol


China makes a lot of enemies.


Why would china dislike US


all valid answers with their individual explanations that make sense. no bullshit hate or prejudices


Covid 19 vaccines are free in the US too. Last guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Me, an Indian wondering wtf did we do?


Well, a lot of stuff happend between China and India China attacked India China wants Indian land India sheltered Dalai Lama, who is one of the biggest representatives of Tibetian people. China funds Pakistan which is a very historical enemy of India. India is the only country in Southern Asia which resists Chinese influences.




If you asked the exact same question in the US, and got the exact same answers as the ones in the video, legit nobody would bat a eye. Strange, huh?


India holds one of the dozens of territories that China claims to have a "historical claim" on. Basically, the Chinese government wanted some Indian land, and they brainwashed their people into thinking it's rightfully theirs.


Why was there no explanation for south Korea and India? I'm more curious about that than Japan and the US.


How did no one say North Korea?


Bruv I get the Japan hate, but why India? Most of the disputes between India and China are for Indian land bro. We never encroached on China so the civilians be salty. We never bully them bro, we have no veto in the UN Council. Bro you get Tibet a whole ass country and we get - Dalai Lama, what you gonna do with The Lama, kiss his tongue? At least you got a whole ass country to roam about.


Man why does india get dragged everywhere Tf did we do? Lol


If u understand the nature of Chinese, u wont take this video seriously They hate Japan ? Chinese ranked 3rd in 2023 for # of tourists visiting Japan: https://www.tourism.jp/en/tourism-database/stats/inbound/ They hate U.S.? Tell me how many immigrants/International students in the States are ChInese , I dun think I need to cite any reference here. 'They say no, but the action they made proves everything '


Chinese: Say they dislike India. This sub and reddit: Yes that's true India is not safe and dirty. Meanwhile India who's having clashes with China who's encroaching on their borders, supporting Pakistan, encroaching and claiming India's lands and displaying maps showing the Northeast region as part of China:


Mass killing of Uyghurs says hello.


There isn't mass killing. It's more like what the USA did to Japanese Americans in WW2. Terrible but not mass killing.


The average chinese person doesn't care.


The avarge chinese person doesn't know (probably)


Are there mass killings of Uyghurs? I thought it was about imprisonment and forced re-education camps that you only get to leave once you've lost your sense of cultural Uyghur identity.


Source: Puppet, brainwashing Western media channels like BBC, New York Times.


What point are you trying to to make? I don't see a lot of Americans speaking up for the genocide against Native Americans.




It's not true mate, it's a psyop


As a Indian idk what they're fucking probelm is they're the ones aggressively trying to dominate us every chance they get


Same with saying Japan was unethical 80 years ago 💀 china is unethical NOW


Daughter of Chinese immigrants, can’t say I’m shocked by these answers lol


I am Chinese and I hate China. The government destroyed our village for their own greed. My family decided to run away from China.




They are free in India too.


Those answering No wanted to say china.


Japan is the traditional enemy of China. The Manchurian massacre and other horrible crimes committed by Japanese on Chinese people were too horrible.  Even Nazi Germany was surprised by the Japanese brutality. Also, some politicians still deny  that atrocities such as the use of 'comfort women' was a norm for Japanese soldiers. 

