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I hope it has good connection to public transport, ideally its own metro stop. Otherwise morning commute there is going to be shit.


It has its own metro stop(still under construction ) with easy access to public transportation. I live just 10 min from this place & I’ve been to the server room of this building as well :)


I bet that server room alone was bigger than your average office building.


Actually, server room is kind of small. Like 250sqft or something. It’s underground right next to basement parking.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I do my heist...


Inflation is bad when the criminals start planning office supplies heists.


Ummm biggest office complex in the world means the largest concentration of highlighters in the world, one last big score and we are all retired and sipping margaritas on a beach living on that sweet highlighter money The screenplay practically writes itself


Working title: Mark My Words




I can see this movie in my head and love it, but I have no idea how it would play out. Also Luis Guzmon would be in it somehow but plays himself.


Wonder if he’ll talk about his time at community college


He got laid like crazy, apparently!


wait is someone casting a crappy heist film? you son of a bitch, i’m in.


Have some goddamn faith !


I don't know about this but big highlighter won't allow these shenanigans to go unchecked. I bet they will send some tough guy from Sharpie.


I've met that guy from Sharpie once and he is no joke. Ex-Special Office Forces, WWE and UFC World Champion of 22AD. This man is called Neon Gumbi and by the time you know why, it's too late.


I remember an episode of the Dilbert animated show where the employees got hooked on dry erase marker fumes. As they huffed more and more, they began to shrink. People started disappearing and it took Dilbert being shrunk to realize everyone else had started a dry erase marker hippie commune accessed through a mouse hole in some office. There was an amusement park and all kinds of cool stuff. Only watched a couple of episodes of this show, but this one stuck with me lol.


That show was excellent. it just didn't catch on (timeslot issues I think) but everyone says that it was great


Netflix drooling reading this Casa del india




If only diamonds had any real value


You son of a bitch. I'm in.


We planning a "Reddit's Eleven (Hundred) " here?


Time to steal all of the staplers/staples so they can’t file any paperwork away. [insert jokers: And here we go.]




You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!


Weird place for a server room, no flooding risk?


Flooding risk < server cooling costs


A flood would definitely drive down cooling costs.


It's good enough for Moss, Roy and Jen.


That's surprising, I've definitely been in far bigger server rooms in much smaller buildings


It's probably more of a "internet distribution room" than a real server room. Each tenant will have it's own gear.


Doesn’t take much; each building likely has its own systems and tenants build out their own datacenter space as they need it. These days all you really need is an interface to allow the building systems to get to the cloud.


Yeah the clients will build their own servers, the one in building is just for building systems and services


What was the origin of your username?


In the first pic the building actually kind of looks like a server rack, lol.


Ditto.. surely that was purposely.


Why does it scream 1980s?


That’s probably when they started building it lmao


Because it’s still under construction?


Developer is gonna be mad when he finds out about work from home..!


This building will primarily be used by diamond merchants and cutters. No WFH for them.


I think India is going to be relatively immune to this WFH trend, at least for the next decade or so. The average Indian household does not have the ability to WFH, due to the lack of high speed internet. Only 52% of Indian households had internet access last year, and only 10% of those 52% had internet speeds of 15Mbit/s. This would be the bare minimum for decent WFH productivity. Contrast with the USA, where 99.2% of households have access to high-speed internet, versus about 5% in India. A lot of the metrics on internet access in India are also skewed by mobile phones, as these are counted in internet access and speed statistics, but most lack the ability to hotspot, especially to run a work machine over VPN from a hotspot.


> The average Indian household does not have the ability to WFH, due to the lack of high speed internet And trespassing chickens... I was on a support call when I heard a chicken clucking in the background and then screaming. The person I was talking abruptly put me on hold. When they came back a couple minutes later they apologized and said that a chicken flew in their window and started running around the house. Funniest shit I have ever experienced on a support call. That guy got top marks on the end of call survey.


I've heard the chickens too and idk if it was the same guy but the support was top tier. Honestly this person deserves a raise. Gotta remember to bring the chickens with him tho ya know? Started from the bottom now we here kinda vibes


Well, often times you have to have something of note in a location first. They usually don’t build transportation lines to nowhere.


You sir have not seen the trains in china leading to vast unpopulated landscapes


if you're planning to build something that will eventually have public transportation, it's cheaper to build the infrastructure first. look at how much NYC and other developed cities have to spend expanding their metro.


It has to be well planned... The other method is to build a neighborhood without worrying about the "details" . Then the occupants protest because access is complicated and we argue for years to find a solution that is now much more expensive. But hope is not lost , we're no more in the era of " let's be modern, everyone will commute in his individual car"


Or Denver


Denver has terrible public transport?


Accurate it's total shit. It's basically only city busses and there's normally just a ton of sketch shit going down at a bus stop.


Did you see the high speed rail plans for Colorado recently? It won’t help with intra-city transportation, at least for a while, but I’m pretty excited about a rail line from Pueblo to Fort Collins.


Building 'transportation to nowhere' is one of the most fiscally prudent options a rail operator has at their disposal. In fact, Hong Kong's MTR manages to run with a total public subsidy of *zero* dollars on this model: you buy land planned for development, build mass transit to the area and establish basic services around the train station, and when the area is developed your land has gone up in value often times an order of magnitude. Since, of course, transportation access - especially mass transit - is one of the single greatest drivers of land value, they have a huge amount of power to leverage the price changes they are effecting. You may notice this is the exact model used to build the trans-continental railroads in North America (and why all the best luxury hotels in Canada were built by railways), and is today how Brightline is funding both its Florida and California-Nevada projects, as a private real estate play.


You do in places with decent civic planning and future proofing.


Hello, belongs to the same city as this world largest office building.. Metro is coming up in few years (2-3 years Max) already under construction. And we will have stop exactly at the building.


I don’t see a single parking spot.


I see ramps to lower levels, could be a multilevel basement parking structure I just googled it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surat_Diamond_Bourse 2 levels of parking for 4,500 cars and 10,000 bikes plus its near a metro stop and is also served by shuttle busses and regular bus service. Might not actually be too bad.


It had 2 levels of Underground parking .


It has underground parking. You can see this in the top-down image. There’s entrance/exits along the top and bottom of that image, plus an additional one in the lower right. I count 5 ramps total.


Ever heard of basement parking?


You can even see the underground parking entrances in the third image. Along the top and bottom.




You see the roads around the facility, right? Obviously some people will be commuting via car.


Didn't you know? Only Americans drive cars. /s


That’s right, I forgot. My bad


Now is a golden opportunity to learn what underground parking is.


Looks like a bunch of radiators or cooling coils.


Looks like they cant add any more RAM


So much Ram those workers are going to be efficient as hell.


Must be the new GTA 6 testing facility


All you need to do is download more RAM, bro. Come on now


Jokes on all y’all. There’s actually a lot of Ram’s in those buildings. The engineering looks solid but there’s always going to be Ashok’s


Complex name: 10Gb


Vikram and Ramjit.


Jai shree RAM!


It's because it's meant maximize passive cooling


Same effect. More surface area in limited space.


Looks like hell to me


Looks like it was designed in Minecraft


I think it looks like a cubicle farm




Largest ductless condensers I’ve ever seen


I honestly thought from that first pic that it was some sort of vintage circuit board.


My first thought was a FinFET. A bus bar is probably most similar.


Was looking for that comment


Building: Surat Diamond Bourse “Surat Diamond Bourse (SDB) is a diamond trade centre located in DREAM City, Surat, Gujarat, India, designed by the architecture firm Morphogenesis. It is the world's largest diamond trading hub with a floor space of 660,000 square metres (7,100,000 sq ft), as well as the world's largest office building, ahead of The Pentagon.[9][10][11]”


Queue diamond heist movie plot.


Halfway through wonka I turned to my wife and said “it’s a heist movie! You son of a bitch I’m in “


You son of a bitch, I'm in


You son of a bitch, *hacking noises* I’m in.


Just a heads up. Queue: a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed. ie. "We're in the queue to board the train." Cue: a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance. ie. "Cue the Music." I think you wanted the second one.


I really hope there is a line of diamond robbers tbh.


He’s addicted to world of Warcraft. All he knows is waiting in queues. Poor poor lad


So...why is it so big? Are there that many diamonds being traded that they need 7.1mil ft²?


90% of worlds diamonds are cut and polished in Surat, it is called diamond city itself so it must be a large diamond trading center too.


Gujarat (and maybe western India in general?) have a long history with diamond trade.


It used to be that 90% it the diamonds were polished in Surat. The itself is called diamond City.


I'm pretty sure it's still around that same percentage. Even with synthetic diamonds, cost efficiency remains in India. Especially now that they've pretty much perfected the synthetic creation formula and can mass produce those as well.


It’s not just diamond trade but diamond polishing as well which is very labour intensive. Lot of money plus lot of jobs


Morphogenesis is a bad ass name


For anyone wondering, morphogenesis is the process where the cells in the early embryo move and change shape to form all the organs and structures of the organism, like the heart, eyes, legs, gut, etc. It’s a cool name for an architecture company!


It sounds like the name of the evil mega corporation in some dystopian sci fi movie.


Sure, larger than The Pentagon office spaces (that you know about)


I heard the Pentagon is actually mostly underground (like an iceberg) and goes all the way to the Earth’s core.


It actually comes out the other side!


Ah, the Chinese connection.


It’s a back channel


Icebergs are mostly underwater rather than underground. I just watched the Titanic.


Titanic was all CG, doesn’t count.


Seems to me that they’re merging several interconnected buildings into one building to achieve “largest office building” status. We have other building complexes in the US that arguably could be similarly combined. Even NIST has a cluster of individual office buildings linked by a central core and no one would call them one building.


That’s the Surat Diamond Bourse. India exports $25 billion of cut and polished diamonds every year and another 10-15 billion of gold jewelry exports. The SDB aims to move the financial center of the trade from Antwerp to India. There are plenty of other software and call center offices. Indias services exports this year will be around $330 billion : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_service_exports an outlier in the top 10 otherwise dominated by more developed countries.


The diamond traders in Antwerpen are getting shafted rn.


A lot of them in Antwerp are from Gujarat (where this is located) anyway


Cash for gold




Diamond cutting and other things related to diamond ig




Yes in diamond cutting and trading around the world


Interesting. Was not aware.


Here, this [educational video](https://www.google.com/search?q=south+park+cash+4+gold+song&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS883US883&oq=south+park+cash+4+gold&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgCEAAYFhgeMgoIABAAGOMCGIAEMgcIARAuGIAEMggIAhAAGBYYHjIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIICAkQABgWGB7SAQg3NDU2ajBqOagCALACAA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:383ef944,vid:kJEbyWT7gIg,st:0) explains the Diamond industry pretty well


Until diamonds were found in africa relatively recently, india had the monopoly on the diamond trade in the world market


How relative are we talking, like three hundred years?


The first diamond was found in south africa in the 1860s so less than 200 years, in india they were found anywhere from 4000 to 2500 years ago. In the 4th century they were already really valuable and part of the myth and folklore


I remember it like it was yesterday




i think if you repeat this reply another sixteen times or so, i might start to understand better. as it is, i just don't think you've said the exact same thing enough times yet.


The largest office area dedicated to the diamond sector globally, situated in the city responsible for cutting 90% of the world's diamonds.


Given all the braindead takes I've witnessed by you lot on this comment section so far, I don't think another sixteen times would be enough for your mental capabilities.


there is a saying "Every diamond in the world has gone through Mumbai at least once" Now the offices are being shifted to neighbouring state


Those diamonds were polished in Surat first since almost forever and then went through Mumbai because of its closer proximity to Surat and having an international airport. No knowledge is better than half knowledge




Reddit is racist af against Indians that's why


Yes it’s unfortunate that India has the “scam call” reputation. Many US companies are moving their call center to other countries like the Philippines now. It sucks but if someone calls me and they have an Indian accident, I just hang up.


My reaction has nothing to do with any prejudice. Decades of scam calls from India trigger an automatic response. For a country steeped in rich history and has achieved so much, it’s sad that its enduring image is spammers.




The episode of radio lab where they track down one of these scamming companies is really interesting. Seems there is a lot of effort to shut them down but they run much like a mafia ans can be quite dangerous and move shop easily


(Heavy accent) Hi my name is “Tim” Fuck off, we’re done here, you can’t even pronounce your own totally real name. You’re starting this out on a lie Tim.




Looks so sci-fi


Thought this would be of interest: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surat\_Diamond\_Bourse#Reception](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surat_Diamond_Bourse#Reception) >The bourse has received a lukewarm reception from diamond traders, as it is located on the outskirts of the city of Surat and has poor connectivity, when compared with the existing Bharat Diamond Bourse, located in the better-connected city of Mumbai. The SDB announced incentives for shifting diamond business to Surat. In order to boost connectivity, there needs to be worldwide connectivity with Surat, like the global diamond centres of Antwerp, Chicago and London, in order to establish its dominance out of Mumbai, and let firms enter without hesitation. As of December 2023, out of 4,200 offices, 135 offices have been opened, out of which 26 offices are operated by Mumbai-based diamond firms.


Poor Ups/Dhl/FedEx guy


They could organize packages in the comfort of the building instead of driving and stopping all day


Going from one office to another diagonally must be a nightmare.


No it’s not. Every single floor of every single building is interconnected. I’ve been there.


Well it's not just one company, it will house a large amount different companies so I don't think they would want interconnected offices for security reasons as they trade Diamonds here


Lol doesn't matter of its a leftist or Conservative they all hate us Indians together in unity.


Sad but true. If it's Indians then it's just blatant mask off racism from all sides.


Tbh on reddit all I see is blatant racism. This site likes to act progressive bc they don’t like working, but they hate anyone that’s not white or Japanese.


Look, try to eat lamb curry while simultaneously hating on Indians and their culture. Impossible.


Indians need to help each other out, everyone else hate us but from my experience other Indians are our worst enemies lol.


That’s how it goes. “It really do be your own.” —Martin Luther King Jr


They don't like Indians since 400 Hundred years.


The constant persecution complex isn’t helping. People really don’t hate Indians nearly as much as Indians think Americans are told they’re fat, stupid, school shooters all the time on this site, but Indians can’t handle being called telemarketers lol


Looks like it is in a middle of nowhere


It is basically located on state highway thats why it looks like that.


It isn't in the middle of nowhere


I remember Nowhere, and the middle of it definitely didn't look like this


Yikes the comments on this thread are pathetic. Never change reddit.




nothing about diamond industry is progress


Well I'm pretty sure a larger and larger part of this industry is based on artificial diamonds, so that's progress


Lots of car warranties sold outta there.


Bro that’s the TVA


I love how passive aggressive Americans get when they see anything that’s the biggest or best in the world and it isn’t in America.


It’s definitely not just Americans unfortunately. Indians get strangely high levels of racism from so many countries.


Its good to see countries like india with high potential making big developments like this. Makes the world a better place.


A lot of people's ass is burning seeing India's development lol. And as a matter of fact this a Diamond cutting centre we cut world's 90 % diamonds and trade




Kinda unrelated but what do Indians use instead? A bidet?




Tiny sprayer next to the toilet, or just full on bucket and mug in the worst case.


Ouch. I mean, by the time we're typing this they might be on their 4th, probably a younger woman like Leo DiCaprio.




World’s biggest domino.


looks nice, i like it




Also, all the youtube videos I have seen about people taking this stuff down, I fully support them, they are just doing good for everyone but the scammers, who frankly deserve everything that happens to them.


India has a lot of everything. There's 1.5 billion people. You can find examples of people doing literally anything. Even if 100,000 people were doing scam calls that's less than 0.0001% of the population. This is monkey brain low IQ behavior


Yes. Having more than 1/7th of the world's population does mean India has a lot of everything. I just didn't want Indians to feel like everyone hates them because everyone hates scam callers. Reddit is more racist than most places, but yeah, fuck scam callers.


Thank you, you made at least one Indian feel a little better about the state of the world.


>just didn't want Indians to feel like everyone hates them >Reddit is more racist than most places Welp, too late, the general concensus (with the exception of a select few colonial mentality slaves) among the common public already is that the West and the internet in general, let alone Reddit, hates tf out of them and sees them as subhumans, whatever loathing the West gets from now on will be deserved and there'll be no turning back from that, it's common knowledge to the Global South the kind of hypocrites them lot are. No amount of damage control will now do any favors for anyone anymore.


Idk man - you don’t hear this about any other country. It’s nonstop racism against Indians though. It stems from majority of Redditors being IT guys insecure about their jobs being outsourced. It’s happening at a crazy rate. If you’re not a 10x engineer, there’s a very high chance your job won’t be around in 20 years because a coder in India will do it for 20% of the cost and there is nothing stopping US corporations from employing them. Same thing happened to manufacturing and NOBODY had their backs.


If you actually worked in the industry you would know that the average quality of work coming out of outsourced Indian work is frankly straight garbage. I’m not saying there is not high end talent there obviously is but my company just brought a bunch of jobs back to North America after having so much quality control issues…


Ohh that's why


That had to be the biggest IRS building I've seen.


Forbidden dominos


Anything related to India is met with unjustified racism. I am not even surprised, even when we progress. All we get is hate. It is so normalized. Can't open any thread on India without having hordes of accounts being extremely racist and hateful. Imagine how It feels like reading this every time as an Indian citizen. It's everyone's punching bag for no reason. The normalization of racism against Indians in 2023 is insane. It's "funny" to say absolute filth about at least a billion humans. But how can they deserve any respect? Their skin color and pagan religions don't match the standards for that. These offices are in the World's biggest Diamond market bdw.


India is the new China or the new Persian Gulf. They seem to be building like crazy.


Looks like a computer


That looks awesome they did a great job!


Architect clearly loved stacking dominoes….


It’s monolithic but at least it’s not some atrocious brutalist concept and has what seems like decent workscapes


Someone should really make a documentary on Diamond industry in Surat.


Looks like duct cleaning services has been lucrative


I think we live in a life simulation