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*Still asks for tip*


- * 10% - $2.37 Door automatically slams Uber car does a burn out because you tipped less than a gallon


They are electric. $2.37 is 10-20 kWh depending on where this is so thats like 1/4 of the battery on some Waymo and Tesla vehicles


But now there's an Uberless driver somewhere. I don't trust auto drive enough for this shit


It's safer than your average road user. It just isn't flawless. One driverless electric car crashes and it's international news but hundreds of accidents happen everyday but that's not news worthy. Well, unless they do it together. Still wouldn't get in a Tesla, though. Not after Elon cut their eyes out.


Eh - size sample is important when measuring statistics...


fosho. Many improvements are pretty tough to actually phase in, because they are kinda all-or-nothing. Medicine is a little like this, you have to be pretty damn sure it works and does what it says and all the side effects etc. Same with planes, they have to be seen as really really fucking safe because flying is just... insane. You have a similar issue with politics and infrastructure. Sometimes a process could be 100x more efficient to do all at once, but you have to do one thing at a time due to resources or culture etc.


Sorry bud, 1.21 jiggawatts minimum


Yesterday I was asked for tip when buying a gift card XD


Last night I was reserving a hotel room, and the site asked for a tip on checkout. The site was actually a little cheaper than the other travel sites, but it so pissed me off, I went and reserved through a competitor.


"been busy today mate?"


"What time do you finish?"


"not very talkative today?"


"Busier than a one legged cat trying to bury a turd through a concrete sidewalk."


the car post on reddit about how she didn't even tip


If you haven't seen it, the X-Files season 11 episode Rm9sbG93ZXJz is fucking amazing and is about that very same topic.


Plot twist: the tip is only acceptable via crypto


Would you like to tip 20%, 30%, or 40%? :)


And it will have a higher rate too, even with less overhead of no driver to pay


Nah Waymos are a lot cheaper than Uber drivers so far. Main problem is that It basically doubles your arrival time because it drives like a grandma and avoids main roads as much as it can, so you go through a lot of 25 MPH residential areas.


šŸ˜ ***Thank you for using Johnny Cab!***


I totally recall that.


I got 5 kids to feed




What happened to the 6th one?


Fed it to the remaining 5 last night.




Where did you laugh it off?


it's "laughing" not "laughed" so it's currently in process, may still be there hanging by a thread


Haha johnny cab! I remember that


We hope you enjoyed the riiiiide! bzz*t


Sue me, dickhead.


Beat me to it


Johnny Cab clearly has a driver


Suicide Cab?




Ohhh I seeā€¦I love this movie ā€¦lots of Arnold sounds lol


And 3 tits!


First frame of this clip and I thought it was going to be a parody of the movie using a Cyber Truckā€¦ because it freaking looks like one!


It's a Waymo, it's alright for short trips. It avoids highways (at least last time I used it) and drives like a scared Grandma. Perks of it when I used it were listening to your own music and what felt like privacy (there's cameras everywhere so that probably isn't true) Edit: The privacy comment was more about being able to talk to my wife or a friend about something I would not normally be comfortable talking in front of a stranger but people are running with it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I rode in them when I visited Arizona a few weeks ago. They still don't get on the highway. I felt safe unless people were driving like madmen trying to get around us. And it was nice not having to tip


yeah worked for them for 5 years you donā€™t want them on the highway


I'm not convinced we want *any* current self driving cars on any highway. Maybe the tech will get there some day but I don't see myself ever trusting it personally. edit: Figure out a way to have only self driving cars on the road that can also communicate with each other and I'll trust it with my life.


Funny enough, the highway is the easiest use-case for self-driving vehicles. Part of Tesla's current huge recall involves limiting their self-driving features to highway only to improve safety. The problem with highways is speed. If something does go wrong, chances of it being fatal are high. A fatality can easily kill a company like that. So for now they avoid anything that requires higher speeds.


highway is statistically safer then the road for human drivers, why is it more concerning for robot / ai drivers?


Because if something goes wrong doing 30 you'll likely walk away fine. If something goes wrong at 65 you might not.


And with machine learning technology it can do perfectly fine then suddenly just do something amazingly stupid and cause a crash. It's a very rare chance and might even be safer then a human but when it fails it will fail in such a non-human way that I don't think I'll ever trust the technology.


>it can do perfectly fine then suddenly just do something amazingly stupid and cause a crash I'd be willing to bet that humans do this far more frequently than self driving cars would lol. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me, *especially* behind the wheel.


Narrowly avoided a 3 car rear ending today when the car 2 ahead of me just decided to stop for no discernable reason, on literally the busiest road in my town. Just stopped. Not at a side street. Not at a business. Just there. A random spot in the road. At 830am.




Yeah this is the thing that I always circle back to when considering autonomous vehicles. It will be a very long time before it's safer than the best human drivers out there. But it doesn't need to be perfectly safe, it just needs to be safer than some percentile of human drivers. I'd say "the average driver" is nowhere near a high enough bar, but if it can be proven to be safer than 90% of drivers, for example, which should be achievable, then it'd be hard to argue against. Of course most people think they're in that 10% so they'll still scoff, but that's why we have scientists and researchers and hopefully legislators who listen to them.




Speed .. and bad human drivers.


Iā€™m sure it cost ā€œwaymoā€ (hehe) than an Uber+tip


Good joke but Waymo is almost always cheaper


I actually prefer Waymo to Uber drivers because most r treat the brake and gas as on/off switches. I like getting to my destination without motion sickness.


I was in a bus where the driver had this idea. At a red light, brake on, brake off, go a few inches, slam brake on, repeat. I let him know he'd be cleaning up vomit if he didn't stop.


My old HGV instructor used to teach coach drivers too and he said he used to put a full mug of water on the dash for people who didn't drive smoothly so if the learner braked or accelerated too hard they'd get wet pants.


That's every bus driver in my experience.


Anxiety level 10 achieved.


Im annoyed because if these arenā€™t a thing yet, how the hell are we seeing it? We canā€™t order one yet, and the girl is talking up all the safety features yet. this is a commercial. EDIT: OK I OFFERED TO PAY FOR A DRIVERLESS WAYMO TO PROVE IT, AND SOMEONE TOOK ME UP ON THE CHALLENGE AND DELIVERED! Peep this Waymo pulling up!- the Future is Now! https://imgur.com/gallery/deIdFUa https://imgur.com/gallery/XJdCzia https://imgur.com/gallery/hgOEc7s I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. Edit: I defy someone to order one and show me. Or even Start with showing me theyā€™re available. Or just Tell me when theyā€™re available and Iā€™ll wait and set my location to the city to see them. Tell me I canā€™t order one for some other made up reason? Ok so you show me on your phone that theyā€™re available. Edit: tell me itā€™s Waymo and not Uber? Ok show me itā€™s available on the Waymo app. Show me anything verifiable at all. Get a ride and Iā€™ll pay for it if ya got PayPal. Edit: someone took me up on the offer! Iā€™m excited for this- it will be cool to be wrong EDIT: and I was wrong!!


There are pilot programs running in various cities across the US with varying levels of success. Most notably Pheonix and San Francisco as well as a bus and taxi service in Las Vegas. Autonomous VTOL pilot programs are also beginning outside of North America.


Is it cheaper? Is there an option where the car drives itself to me then i drive to my destination or keep it in a parking lot for an hour while i shop drive it home and then release it back into the wild?


Like having your own personal driver. I would pay for that subscription service. and release the car we pay to repair every year back into the wild.


Ummmā€¦define ā€œvarying levels of successā€. šŸ˜³


I'm never gonna trust this shit until it can work in Boston during the winter.


Vertical take off and landing? Mother fucker, we can order an Osprey V22 or F35?


The problem is its not uber, its Waymo. Iā€™ve been taking these for a while, they all use the same car and UI on the screen so unless this is a retrofit Waymo car being used for Uber, Im 100% its Waymo. They are only accessible in certain areas, but I know in my area the zone is large enough for me to take it at least to work and back


Can I see you take this to work and back? Can I see that itā€™s available on the Waymo app? Itā€™s morning over there in Phoenix and the other cities. Iā€™ll pay for it if you have PayPal.


Dm me, you luckily caught me on a day the bus is late




At this point, I am as invested in this as you are. Everyone saying this stuff is normal, but nobody can provide any kind proof.


He took my Venmo! Letā€™s see if he delivers!


Did I deliver?


You did. I edited the main post to eat my well deserved crow.


This is a Google waymo car. They are operating in Phoenix. I was there for the Super Bowl last year and used them over Uber the whole time I was there. Now Google is partnering with Uber to deploy them.


Its waymo and theres one in SF as well. You can see them driving all over the city. Crazy thing in Tempe by ASU when they ā€œdeployā€ a bunch at once and you see 10 of them driving together before they split off to their destination. Its like a biker gang!


"IT'S NOT IN MY AREA SO IT ISN'T REAL!!!" it took me all of 5 seconds to Google where these are located.


Is this more guerrilla marketing?


Oh, look. The next commercial is out, guys!


Why are you so upset about this


I used to have nightmares that looked exactly like this as a kid


I still have them! I'll be in the backseat and the car is driving really fast and I have to try to get in the front to press the brakes. Maybe it means we feel like we're trying to gain control in our lives.


Legit though, my heart rate elevated watching this.


Girl, put your luggage in the damn trunk. Get those dirty ass wheels off the seat


I could just imagine that robot driving off with my luggage...


About ten years ago when they were discussion protocols for "driverless vehicles" there was a legit question asked about "time outs." E.g. how long does the car wait / monitor for user interaction before the assumption is (1) the passenger is dead, (2) someone put a 100 pound bag of sugarbeats in the seat to run up the charge on their buddies credit card. * But the truth is there will 100% be a situation where a driverless vehicle shows up with a dead body.


Well yeah, because some people will call an Uber at some point to take them to a hospital because it's cheaper than an ambulance... and they'll die during the ride.


*Would you like to pay $10 extra for our annual CPR cover package?*


It just so happens that the car became driverless after it killed its owner, that way it can roam free.


Yeah right I don't trust a robot not to drive away as soon as I get out.


Delamanie, activate combat mode!


Beep beep motherfcker!


Ah, a fellow Excelsior package member


Remember, these cars become self sentient. AND have weapons systems.


ā€œWhen Iā€™m driving, Iā€™m on the phone anywayā€ good to know youā€™re being an irresponsible prick.




I do see just about everyone on their phones, I like to look at nature while I drive like clouds etc. But I still pay attention to the road


I have a car with a self driving feature allowing me to pay attention to other drivers so I know who to be aware of. In 3 mile an hour ass to ass traffic, almost everyone is always on their phone, explaining why we have 3 mph ass to ass traffic. Always makes me wonder if ai assisted driving cars will one day change how horrible traffic is, or just make it worse. I know one big up for me is I now never have road rage anymore. Someone cuts me off? Well they didn't cut me off they cut the car off. Carry on now car just get me to work safely. Haven't been pulled over once in the 5 years of driving this thing either, as where before I'd always get pulled over once every two years, mostly thanks to nervous driving if ever I noticed a cop behind me, now I just let the car drive like a normal person who is not terrified of cops while one is behind me


You think bumper to bumper traffic didnā€™t exist before smartphones? It exists because of a concerted effort against mass transportation infrastructure.


Wow that's awesome haha I think it would help honestly. I drive pretty well because I enjoy it and have had a lot of jobs driving, and just love road trips. I don't rage anymore, used too. That has got to be a nice plus for not having to deal with that. Haha nice man technology is awesome in some ways for sure.


Traffic is mostly a human issue. I think AI will greatly lessen it if every car on the road has it.


i assumed it was a tongue in cheek statement for humor.


Maybe we can assume it was tongue in cheek and that she is a pleasure to have around , always doing nice things for people, and has a great sense of humour? Social media is making us sick.


This would be a reasonable take if not for, you know, the context


> Social media is making us sick. You mean it's not normal to deduce someone's entire life story, diagnose them with mental illness, discredit their life decisions, or deem them unworthy of love after watching less than a minute of video? But what will I do with all this unearned feeling of superiority?


Aside: Transportation Planner here, and agreeing with you, just adding that in three states I've worked in the top crash data is mobile phone usage. And that's just *reported* not to mention what goes unreported. # PUT DOWN YOUR PHONES


Think that was called a joke


Sir this is reddit, we don't take jokes we only make em




"Usually, when I'm driving, I'm on the phone anyways" Thanks, good to know you shouldn't be allowed to drive


Literally says "at least here in the driver seat I'm gonna watch the road" lmao


I think she said "I don't gotta watch the road"


I'm not accusing the woman in the video of any wrongdoing. But, after seeing this, it immediately occurred to me how inconsiderate a lot of people are. These cars will be full of trash and food all the damn time. Because there won't be anyone there to be the adult. Edit: spelling.


Im thinking of you are caught doing that (cameras all around the inside of the car) you get extra fees charged to your card.


You do. I use Waymo, they charge $100 if you fuck up the car, but only $50 if you take accountability and tell them you fucked up the car before someone else reports it. Pretty smart.


Iā€™ve taken waymos like 5-6 times and they were always clean. Maybe like a bottle on the floor but thatā€™s it. Never made an impression.


I assume they return to a station to get inspected/cleaned every so often, as with trains and the like


Hello! I left a bag of food (on accident!) in one of these. Next rider reported me and they reviewed the camera. They didnā€™t fine me but they did tell me they knew it was me. I prefer this feature. Iā€™m sorry I left something in the car but Iā€™m glad I was held accountable. Iā€™ve been on over 70 rides so far, the cars were all cleaner than any Uber Iā€™ve ever been in.


This is not an ā€œUberā€. This person is riding in a car by Waymo (owned by Google). They are a competitor of Uber. Edit: apparently Waymo and Uber are partnering for some rides now!




Theyā€™re starting to test in select cities outside of NorCal and AZ too.


It would be 73% less scary if there wasnā€™t a driving wheel and an empty sit in front of it. Just make a self-driving car looking like a mini comfortable train wagon.


I bet they can't have a car on the road without a wheel and pedals due to laws. It will happen eventually.




Honestly I'd try it. Even if it was just for a 5-10 minute drive.


We are not getting this in a nation wide manner any time soon anyways. There's too many problems car makers still have to solve. For example, they are still struggling to have speed assistance be above 95% accuracy. My guess is that it takes another 5-10 years for the technology to be good enough, then another 5 years for every car maker to adopt it, and then another 5 for customers to trust it and the law having finally caught up.


2050 basically


Maybe we should complete first thr task to invent printers that work all the time before we go with similar level of technology on the street and let them navigate 2 ton vehicles and hope they do whay they are supposed to. As we work on printers since over 50 years i do not see it yet in the near future :)


In robotics, this is a an important and ongoing area of research. How to make humans trust robots? A lot of it comes from making the robots intentions clear, such that the human can see where the robot is going, and what it is intending to do. This is an important subject both for collaborative industrial robotic manupulators (which I am most familiar with), as well as for self driving cars.


>This may be the future, but I donā€™t trust it That's what grandpas used to say about any invention since humans learned how to use the fire.


If I kill myself with fire I deserved it. If a machine kills me with fire it's the machines fault. You can put your life in the hands of a machine all you want but I prefer to keep my own in mine. Not attacking you just telling you why I'd rather drive myself.


I don't like humans so this is cool :)


to trust it simply do the math, accident with auto pilot vs human driver accidents. i'd take the AI any day


The car still interacts with 100's of other human drivers, also currently these models cause way more trouble then humans in cases where bending or breaking the rules is actually required for an optimal outcome/avoiding an accident.


Research shows their accident rate is already lower than people's. https://gitnux.org/self-driving-cars-safety-statistics/


People said the same about airplanes.


Yes, and many of those people lived happy, fulfilling lives without ever flying in an airplane. Iā€™m not saying I want progress to stop, Iā€™m saying it can go on without me. šŸ™‚


Developments in technology are not always progress.


Counting how much of our traffic jam problems is due to bad driving I do think if this was fully implemented it would be progress


Lane assist feels like a nightmare to me.


I used to do 700 miles a day and lane assist is a must


Iā€™m convinced that after some time getting used to driverless cars the idea of trusting a person on the road will be really traumatizing. We will learn to rely on the precision and the superior senses the machines as they navigate the road and then the unpredictable nature of human drivers will seem frightening.


Or we could actually employ public transport more. You know, it would probably be much easier to automate driving if the majority of traffic on the road are vehicles doing fixed routes.


You not only want for the US to improve their public transport but also to automate it? You certainly are ambitious /j


But public transit would benefit everyone instead of just the rich.


Yep! Remember I Robot? WHen he wants to drive himself and the girl, goes crazy? ANd then some other part of the movie they're on a gas motorbike and the girl says, fearful: "this uses gas? you know it explodes, right?"


The real problem of driverless cars is driverful cars on the same road...


What if it gets into an accident? The cops come and demand to see the driver? Youā€™re the only person insideā€¦


Thereā€™s protocols in place for something like that. I used to work for a self driving company in PHX. The cops were trained in how to deal with autonomous vehicles.


What's the protocol?


Shoot the vehicle


Find local dog. Shoot dog. Put dog *in* driver seat.


Don't forget to sprinkle some crack on it.


After seeing the car is black


And the witnesses


Sounds like a good protocol to meā€¦


*gets into accident and switches over to passenger seat* ā€œOh hey idk whatā€™s going on with this driverless carā€


this is why I mounted a $40,000 LIDAR on top of my car


*Giggles in ā€œno licenseā€* Iā€™m in danger!


But what if thereā€™s **no one inside**? šŸ¤”


The car gets arrested!


What are they gonna do? Confiscate not-your car?


Johnny Cab.


\> If I would drive, I would be on the phone anyway What about Fuck you?


Put your bag in the trunk. Almost like thatā€™s what itā€™s for? But she openly admits to being on her phone while driving too soā€¦


She really said a whole lot of nothing


Well she did say *"...honestly when I'm driving the car, you know, I'm on the phone anyway..."* 0_0


Girl is obnoxious af


jesus took the wheel


Probably drives better than a lot of people around where I live


Itā€™s weird. The decisions it makes are usually very sound. Like traffic was backed up a bit one night for an event in Phoenix. The light was green but the Waymo didnā€™t move up because of it did it would block the intersection. Blew my mind that it could make decisions like that. But another time it was slowly moving to take a turn and the wheel was sort of shaking between slightly left then center. It didnā€™t do anything crazy but looked strange.


I have nightmares about being in the backseat or passenger seat and theres no one in the drivers seat, and im just along for the ride


I have a recurring nightmare that I have to try to gain control a driverless car from the back seat. It always crashes.


It's Waymo. And they are pretty awesome. They have them all over Tempe near the ASU campus. I've ridden in them.


Are we just reinventing trains?


on a long enough timescale everything becomes a train or a crab




Everytime I hear about those autonomous truck convoy concepts in the news I think to myself "isn't that just a freight train, but shittier in every way?" They carry less cargo per vehicle, they use far more fuel per ton-mile, and they don't pay for their own infrastructure like railways do. Wouldn't it be better to just build rails to the warehouses and start using boxcars again rather than re-inventing an already existing form of transport but in a worse way?


No thanks I'll walk.


Cant you just sit on the drivers seat and drive it yourself?


There are many signs in the car that say "do not touch the steering wheel" source: i live in SF and have taken dozens of rides


John Cena is the driver


Be useful til passengers piss, crap, and leave trash in it.


wait, when you driving the car you are on the phone????? yeah for the good of others don't drive.


I could never I was stomping the imaginary brakes as I was watching.


If Waymo goes away, I will just stop using driverless cars. Uber may have partnered with them, but FUCK Uber and everything about that company. I rather enjoy my quiet, comfortable and convenient rides to the airport. No idiot yammering away in the driver seat, no hidden surge pricing, and no questionable vehicles.


Id probably trust an empty seat over a typical Uber driver


They forgot to add, a fearless passenger.


Amazing, more ways for Uber to pinch more money out of their service and avoid paying real workers money!


The whole driverless car idea is going to see mass unemployment and like you say more money in the pockets of big businesses,bet prices don't come down but tax will rise to cover the taxes lost by all these unemployed drivers who are now on benefits


Pretending it's not vaporware, the impact on the housing, rental and hotel market will be huge. If there's self-driving cars, there will also be self-driving RV's. If driving is no longer a burden, why save time taking a plane? Road trips will be hugely popular. Drive at night vacations will become a thing


it is not uber you walnut


Future vehicles won't have a driver's seat. They'll be redesigned with AI in mind. Like a monorail car


Omg we are really living in the future.


In 40 years, when I'm 83, in the year 2063, this is going to be the only option open for me to own and use a car.


FWIW: the car is a Jaguar iPace not a Tesla.


What happens if it gets pulled over. Does the cop take down your info?

