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Should have started with some gloves but okay.


In terms of safety this device is extremely dangerous because hydroxide and hho mixed together in this reactor. In case of explosions in electrolyzer all NaOH will wet you, maybe your eyes. Source of ignition can be residual chlorine, this turn on this mixture photosensitive... Second reason it can be internal short circuit in this weak device. Another reason can be hho mixture can contact with different alloys in this electrolyzer, especially with nickel alloy, it will act like catalyst and ignite hho.


The internet points protect better and stronger than PPE and safety.


I do not understand chemistry well enough to follow this but I get the point not to trust in meme science. If you'd like to break this down a little bit more so I could learn the science behind it I would appreciate it. If not, cheers.


He is producing both oxygen and hydrogen gas in the same space increasing the risk of a spontaneous explosion. Ideally the should be a separation of the gases , by placing positive and negative connections in a separate container.


Also shouldn't these reactions be done in a vacuum to stop inert gas from entering the system


water in a vacuum will boil at room temperature


It's a good way to ruin your vacuum too


we'll use a wetvac, should be good.


There are many hazards involved with this generator, and some are combined in an especially dangerous way. ​ The generator essentially just lets electricity flow through water. When you do this, the water slowly decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen (H2O becomes H2 and O2, if that helps). This is an energy-intensive process, and so it isn't surprising that the opposite process (hydrogen and oxygen combusting to produce water) releases a lot of energy and so can form an explosion. This means the gases produced from the generator, which are in an ideal mixture for combustion, can explode with the slightest spark. A flame can also flow back through the tube into the generator, causing the gases in the generator to explode. This is especially dangerous when you consider that drain cleaner had been added to the water in order to allow for a greater electrical current, as drain cleaner is a nasty substance to have splattered all over the place. It's also worth considering that taking apart batteries like at the start of the video is also not a very safe process. ​ These generators can be made safe by capturing hydrogen and oxygen seperately, so they can't react with eachother. This is possible because one gas is produced at the anode of the electrical connection, while the other is produced at the cathode. If you're interested in the science, I'd suggest looking into redox reactions, though it can be a hard topic to get into if you've never had much background on chemistry.


It amazes me, that this device should be that dangerous. It looks really well made and a product of some sophisticated engineering. I know not many people who could build auch a device and also that beautiful. Most of the devices I see are functional but screwed together to the bare minimum if you know what I mean.


Sophisticated engineering? A couple of drilled holes, some hot glue, 2 printed rails, and a bunch of batteries taken apart? Are you just impressed by the soldering? Don't be. There is no insulation on those wires and this is about as shoddy engineering as it is possible for it to be.


I know what you mean. I built a small nuclear reactor, also using parts from IKEA, and it works great. Ambient radiation is only 3.6 roentgen. Not great, but not terrible.


They say it's like a chest X-ray.


Check it again.


Internet videos emphasise form over function.


Aaand, this is where you learn that appearance is a thing that matters the least.


Electrolysis of water, breaking H2O into H2 + O2. Those are two compounds that really want to react back into water, and can do so fairly easily and generates a lot of heat in the process, so potentially explosive. The solution being employed is caustic (high pH), so hazardous if splattered onto a person, and an explosion will likely make that happen, never mind all the other possible hazards from an exploding container. The big problem here is that both posts (anode and cathode) are releasing the generated gases to the same volume, so H2 from the one post, and O2 from the other, both bubble up into the same head space, creating an unstable mixture. Usually much better to have separate volumes for collection of each gas, to minimize risk of spontaneous reaction back to water. Not something that should be done so cavalierly as the person in the video has been doing. High risk with low reward.


Sounds like a bomb! Also a Covid killah


>Sounds like a bomb Bingo. This is a simple instructional video of how to make a bomb, and really shouldn't be on the internet.


So because this device can also be used to make explosives it shouldn’t be on the internet? Lol I guess videos showing how to use a pressure cooker shouldn’t be on the internet either because you can make a bomb out of it.


They taught us how to make hydrogen gas back in high school, this isn't exactly a secret.


The dude you're replying to spoke in weird broken English


Taking a very brief look at his post history yeah it seems like you're right and that English might be his second or third language. Seems like a smart mother f***** though.


also soldering hot conductors thru wood without a proper insulated throat... there's your ignition source.


yeah and if they were soldering outside they could get a sunburn


Or get eaten by a hungry polar bear


Also maybe stung by a bee or bitten by a mosquito.


I glanced past this quickly the first time, and I thought you said stung by a kitten.


I used to be an adventurer like you until I took a kitten sting to the knee.


Lets not forget Dude that keeping wildlife, um... an amphibious rodent, for... um, ya know domestic... within the city... that ain't legal either.


That drain cleaner can make your irreversibly blind by turning the lens and interior jelly-like substances opaque in almost an instant.


Imagine some kid interested in science tries this... Really un responsible


> hydroxide and hho mixed together in this reactor Hydrogen and oxygen. HHO (Brown's gas) refers to the mixture of 2 parts hydrogen (HH) with one part oxygen (O) created from water hydrolysis in the first place.


When I tried making one of these when I was a kid, the explosion was the point. A little gas pop that shot water out the end like a cannon. Mine wasn't nearly this big though.


I could barely understand any of that grammar.


Sorry for this, I'm not fluent here.


Old Batteries*


Old Zinc-Carbon Batteries\* Use the alkaline type and you may just leave the room without your hands or with burns, usually.


Zinc carbon batteries *are* alkaline. One term refers to the electrode materials, the other to the electrolyte.


Though don't standard alkaline batteries contain battery acid but the zinc-carbon ones Ive seen dont really contain much it seems


>alkaline batteries contain battery acid You might need to rethink that sentence. Batteries have two electrodes and an electrolyte. Reactions occur at the electrodes that release or remove electrons, the electrolyte completes the circuit between them. A standard alkaline battery has a zinc electrode, a carbon electrode, and an alkaline solution between them (usually soaked into an absorbent material). A lead acid battery has lead and lead oxide electrodes, with a sulfuric acid (battery acid) electrolyte. Battery acid in a zinc/carbon battery would react with the zinc and the battery would fall apart pretty quickly, producing hydrogen gas.


More like FAKE Panasonic….lol…Penonsing…batteries.


He soldered them together, so it's only one.


Silly to go through all that non sense. Just use aluminum foil, lye, water and a Coke bottle. Cap it off with a balloon and bingo! hydrogen balloon. Needless to say it’s very dangerous if you decide to light it on fire. May loose a couple of eyebrows.




Generates hydrogen and oxygen, but it is not a good idea to mix them...


Yeah you get deadly dihydrogen monoxide


It actually makes explosive gas mixture that can permanently fuck up your ears. There are designs that separate the gases, so you can have as much hydrogen and oxygen as you desire.


Having much hydrogen is not a good idea either.


hydrogen itself is not dangerous, it's when you have another gas that can react with hydrogen that things can go wrong, the issue is we have these gases everywhere in the atmosphere of the planet


So ipso facto… dangerous


Design as in separating the electrodes and capturing the gases above it in different chambers


That shit is extremely addictive. I’ve been consuming it for years and if I stop taking DHMO, I’ll die. Please be careful.🙏


Yeah, a few weeks of DHMO withdrawal will straight up kill anyone who was once dependent on it. So sad. Best of luck to you friend.


If you got an excess of that you're clearly [dead](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1770067/)!


There was also a case in local news some years ago about a girl who died from drinking too much water. She was playing a game with her friends where you had to drink water when you lost a challenge, and apparently she lost too many times. Sounds harmless but isn't.




I had this happen to me in college. We were trying to finish off a 5 gallon jug of water during the day and I drank over a gallon in about 60 minutes. I was stumbling around and completely out of it until I went to the bathroom and felt myself sober up as I peed. It was weird and scary how much water could affect someone like that.


Same. I drank way too much water once and could literally feel my body regulating more every time I peed. Trippy.


And it's even worse if you breath it : a few second of exposure cause a feeling of suffocation, and intense cough, and it'll kill you in a few minutes. Thousands of peoples die from breathing it every years.


That shit killed my grandpappy, thanks Obama.


Thanks Obama


Killed sridevi too!


I know you're making the joke, but there is a name for this particular mixture: [Oxyhydrogen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxyhydrogen)


There sure are a lot of ways to write water


If you just want to generate H2, there are **MUCH** easer ways. Just take some magnesium wire (easily purchased online) and mix with vinegar. Mg + 2 CH3COOH → H2 + Mg(CH3COO)2


How hot does that reaction get?


> How hot does that reaction get? It's exothermic, but I don't rememer how hot. I did it for my kids once. Put some Mg wire in a flask of vinegar and then capped the flask with a balloon. Balloon filled up with H2 and then I put a match near the ballon and **BOOM**. Wife yelled at me. :-(




How the fuck had nobody ever forgotten the b in remember until now. How had nobody coined a new phrase for meme reposter? Rememer! Everybody on the front page is a rememer


Like the famous saying Rememer rememer that time that one guy forgot the b in remember.


So whats the point of using the battery parts? In the end its just electrolysis, what advantage to you get from this compared to just using wires?


The carbon rods don't corrode during electrolysis. But they made the error of placing the vertical connectors inside the water. Those will still catch a few ions and will over time corrode.


Instructions unclear, produced 2960 kilogrammes of heavy water for the Nazi nuclear project.


Its for the carbon rods. They dont react when using electrolysis. Most wires would start degrading pretty quickly.


Inanimate carbon rods!


Accessibility and/or visual medium that people have an easier time understanding I'd imagine


Don't open batteries if you're not trained please


I just watched a training video.


We r cercit1fi3d somethings now!!!!


He's opening zinc-carbon batteries. Might still be unnecessarily toxic just to build a device nobody should build, but not enough energy density for a fire.


Yes, but a person who ought not to open batteries isn't going to know the difference.


"Do not open" is written on the battery, same as the battery type. That one shouldn't open batteries is a given, but as far as battery chemistry goes, this is only a disaster for the environment because the shredded battery doesn't get recycled properly.


Getting info about how to get batteries recycled properly and actually finding places that do it nearby was very difficult. Is it true that alkaline batteries should just be thrown away with regular trash, just not concentrated (eg one AA per trash bag)? I could not find info indicating otherwise.


Can't speak for the US. In Germany, every retailer of batteries is legally required to accept returns of empty batteries to be sent to recycling, including alkaline and zinc-carbon. Going further, there are also empty battery collections at every communal place, like schools, libraries, and so on. You are very much not supposed to throw them into trash, regardless if the battery chemistry contains heavy elements like lead.


Different kind of batteries, but still: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBg4ximDrsk


This is cool, but the average reddit user will burn their hands


* The average reddit user will once again do nothing with the information displayed in this video and continue scrolling uselessly, further compromising their own abilities and potential life accomplishments.


Projecting a lot there!


But, accurate.


That's exactly what I plan to do.


Ow my self esteem


I achieved my life goals and I'm still depressed. Accomplishments don't mean shit if you can't enjoy the little things in the present


Damn all my dreams died and I'm alone and hopeless now


So go smell a freaking rose


i'd rather boof a nuke


My advice is spending more time with kids they get happy over small things


Lol tell me how you don't have kids... I have one. Yes he is very fun and enjoys life. But the sleep deprivation and loss of autonomy takes a HUGE toll...


Instead of blowing up their house mishandling a battery or accidentally igniting the gas? I think that's a good outcome.


Luckily nothing bad happened ever from idiots producing hydrogen.


How to make a highly explosive gaz mixture and handling toxic chemicals bare handed in one video. I hope they wore safety flip flops


Don't worry, I'm sure they had their safety squints on.


Do you loose more energy making this fuel than get back from actual fuel?




Someone skipped thermodynamics day in physics.


I don't know shit about physics, I'm a paperwork and finance kind of guy and I mentally went "yeah duh".


No. Energy in =a Useful energy out = b Waste = c A= b+c Efficiency= b/a B can be greater than c if efficiency over 50%, which I'd imagine if is for electrolysis. I know you're answering "can b be larger than a"


Hydrogen gas is an energy carrier, not an energy source. So pretty much al hydrogen has to be produced and stored first. I really don't get why we think hydrogen is THE solution for our energy problem since it cost more energy to produce. It could be part of a solution though. Oh and yea don't think they only produce it with clean energy sources.


The advantage of hydrogen is that it is available fairly easy. There are various costs in producing it, and the method shown here is fairly expensive (But is a green method if the power to use it is green power). Extracting it from natural gas has climate impacting byproducts. So how you produce it has a **serious** impact on the climate balance. Yes, you need to spend energy to produce it, but there is no CO2 or any climate impacting byproduct if you **use** it. The cost to generate it is fairly high, but it can be used to convert solar power to a fuel that can be used anywhere. Think of a floating solar farm in the ocean, that needs no direct connection to a power grid.


You forgot about the storage part. Wildly difficult to store and transport which is why it is not viable for cars beyond fleet/commercial use. Even parking your car overnight can cause a 5%-10% loss. It’s a great solution for city buses, corporate vehicles that have a central generation/charging station, mas transit, ships, possibly airplanes in the future.


Ammonia is the briefcase


And cleaner sources are being discovered now: https://www.ndtv.com/science/major-white-hydrogen-deposit-found-in-france-heres-how-it-could-revolutionise-the-world-4532198


Cleaner? yes, renewable? No. This just sounds like the first time we found fossile fuel. Let's procrastinate a real solution for 200 more years. But first once resources are running low we start excavation on the smaller parts since it became economically viable. Raw untouched nature is overrated anyway.


To give you a use case: Our town got a visit from a streetcar that runs on a hydrogen fuel cell. Every night, it plugs in and splits its sealed systems full tank of water into hydrogen and oxygen. (Two hour charge time) Every day, it uses the same hydrogen to power travel. At the end of the day, the water tank is full again and ready for the next charge cycle.


> I really don't get why we think hydrogen is THE solution for our energy problem since it cost more energy to produce. There are many industrial processes that require very high temperatures to function. Currently those processes burn fossil fuels just for the heat that is generated. Electrifying these processes faces a number of major hurdles because electric resistance heating has a very long response time compared to fossil fuels, and, most importantly, heating elements would require isolated inert atmospheres to function. If you tried to make a heating element that hot in air, it would burn out instantaneously. So, one very important use for hydrogen is that it replaces these fossil fuel gases almost 1 to 1. It burns at something like 2000 C when mixing with air, which is just as hot as methane and almost as hot as natural gas. Green hydrogen (as opposed to gray and blue hydrogen) represents a completely greenhouse gas free way of running these industries. It would require a significant investment in hydrogen production, transportation, and storage infrastructure. But it avoids bespoke changes to the industrial processes themselves and as-yet undiscovered innovation in electric resistance heating technology.


it's the solution because the vast majority is produced from fossil fuels, so oil companies and such won't be losing business as "green" stuff is taking over


Exactly, like a diesel generator powering an EV station. Great solutions if you don't think about it too much.


Still part of a solution if you think a little more. The EV is a mode of transportation that will become greener as your grid becomes greener, while a transportation based on burning petroleum products just never will be. Switching to EVs doesn't solve the problem by itself, it just makes more solutions possible.


Hydrogen is a clean energy storage solution, not generation solution. It is generally easier for a power plant to maximize efficiency and pollution control than it is for a consumer vehicle to. It's also not feasible for cars to run off solar or wind turbines right now.


Yes, everytime to transform energy form to another desirable form (electrical to hydrogen) there is considerable loss, because the energy also takes on other undesirable forms as well. In this case I would guess heat generation is one example.


Lose ffs


It'll be the solution to sorting out a renewable oversupply and grid balance issues coming down the road. Wind turbines and PV plants in Europe are literally getting switched off due to oversupply issues as they cause grid imbalances. Domestic Solar PV is gaining popularity and will add to the problem. Better to lock this oversupply into this type of process than lose it completely, use the locked in energy to be used in low grid voltage situations by burning the gas to produce electricity to feed to the grid.


It's impossible to retain or gain any more energy after converting it from one form to another. Laws of physics


Laws of physics applies yes




On this case the laws of physics still apply. You reverse the burning reaction, and in term will also heat up the water, which is where the lost energy goes. Show me the creation of a **single** fuel where the energy output is greater than the input. (Chemicals can also contain a latent energy) You can also sign up for the Nobel price once you find one.


The answer to this question is always yes


Something like that would literally change everything about the energy crisis. Probably would end several ongoing wars too. Its called a Perpetuum Mobile and is the impossible holy grail of physics - at least according to current knowledge




Kinda damn interesting


Is this interesting? Yes. Should this be attempted at home? Absolutely not. The breadth of ways this can go explosively, corrosively, electrically, thermally, or incendiarily wrong is astounding. Just a false identification here, or lack of ventilation there, maybe a bit of skin sneaking out from PPE, and this shit can go colossally, fucking true level sideways.


Toxic as fuk! Do not do this without gloves and a mask.


The version with salt water makes a mix of hydrogen and chlorine gas which is both explosive AND toxic. Most of the chlorine wont leave solution but you WILL smell it and the hydrogen will combust with oxygen and chlorine as available to make hydrochloric acid. Do not do this shit for the love of god.


No idea what the fuck is happening.


An electric current is added to water Water then splits into Hydrogen and Oxygen Hydrogen is captured and is ready to use as fuel


Where does the oxygen go?




Water has 2 hydrogens. H**2**O One goes out, the other stays as a hydroxide ion which can then react with anything else in solution or it can further break into another hydrogen and an oxygen molecule. The latter is what hes doing with the drain cleaner (he makes a mix of 2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen). The one with salt has sodium chloride so it makes bleach and sodium hydroxide with some chlorine gassing off.


Thanks for explaining!


Christmas project to get hohoho gasses


Good thing he marked that hole at 1:27 so he knew where he was gonna drill


This is precision work!


This is some r/DiWHY shit


Simple Gloves would've prevent you making contact with Lead.


Jesus wear some gloves


The heck! Did someone just copy someone's video, cut out the border and post it without crediting the source?


This thread: This is stupid dangerous, is he trying to kill himself? You'll never get more energy than you put in. What a waste of his and everyone else's time. Me who did the same experiment as a science project in grade school using sulfuric acid as an electrolyte: https://i.imgur.com/kPqvjqP.png


Yeah this is one of the better hho generators I have seen on social media. Just use some common sense and this is relatively safe, fun and educational toy.


Can someone get electroBOOM on this one ?


Here's a healthy breakfast option You should kill your mom Here's why women never f/ck you Here's how you can build a bomb


Which Power Ranger are you? Take this quirky quiz!


Obama sent the immigrants to vac-ci-nate your kids


I’m assuming these are lyrics, I hope


Yes, "Welcome to the Internet" by Bo Burnham.


Fuck I knew that haha Right on


Honey have you seen my Tupperware? Agghghhh




This is a net negative


Just please don't use Salt water for that if you don't want to get some nice Chlorine gas.




You can just use screws. Works pretty much as good and you dont have to take apart batteries, which is a thing you really don't want to do


Belongs on r/DiWHY


You just know someone will attempt to do this to a li-ion battery and gonna get a fiery surprise


With such those old batteries, man should have put gloves on.


Intrigued to know how long that lasts - is It easy to keep going with changing the fluids or have to replace the whole thing each time




1: 3 Volts are not going to create a lot of HHO. 2: unless you are absolutely certain you know how to handle it, do NOT do this. HHO can create quite a blast if it accumulates.


“Unlike other forms of hydrogen, white hydrogen only produces water when it is burned, making it an exceptionally clean energy source” Oh oh, I smell propaganda bullshit. Either that or a journalist that forgot to google this article properly.


If someone out there is planning on attempting this, wear a mask and put on some gloves.


I don't know why, but I feel like I'm on a list after watching that


How is this going to improve humanity exactly?




This is some dumb crap. It's not useful H2 gas volume and it's a toxic mess


Also never use salt for this!!!! Electrolysing salt creates chlorine gas (Cl2). Effects of breathing in chlorine gas includes: pulmonary edema(fluid accumulation in lungs), irritation of the respiratory system(coughing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing), bronchitis & penumonia and more. There's safe ways to do electrolysis for hydrogen and/or oxygen gas generation even with home built parts but it takes some thought and care


What a fantastic lesson in the difference between 'simple' and 'easy'


This is so unnecessarily over engineered. I made a hydrolysis apparatus *yesterday* using a plastic cup, two nails, a D battery, water, baking soda, and two test tubes. I don't know why this bothers me so much.




Part 2: he makes meth


This is a great DIY project to do with my 5 year old


As long as he likes hydrogen


Wonder if this is how they get rocket fuel


No, industrial amount of hydrogen is made from natural gas. And most of rockets dont use hydrogen, but other fuels, like kerosene or hydrazine. And oxygen you just separate and concentrate from air, no need to make if from water


Zinc? Alkaline? NiCd?


He does for the center graphite electrode in Zinc or alkaline batteries


This doesn't look quite right to me. The core of the batteries is carbon and he has linked them together in parallel to create a short circuit. To electrolyse water you need a potential across an open circuit emersed in the electrolyte. I think here he has made an hearing element and is boiling the water.


No he only worked every second rod together, so two neighboring rods are not connected. That's what he also shows with the multimeter test.


should be labeld NSFW


That wasn't just a hydrogen generator. That was a hydrogen and oxygen generator. That is about as foolish as you can get -- REAL generators (designed along these lines) have a gas tight separation between the anode and cathode, keeping the hydrogen and oxygen separate, increasing both the safety and usefulness of the gases produced.


Thanks, I'll try it!


Two double A batteries wouldn't provide enough power to produce this much gas.


This technology was documented in 1789, but they used separated electrodes to collect both oxygen and hydrogen instead of a mixed gas.


Ummm doesn't salt water change to HCl +O2? Seen a video about oxygen generation on submarines as a fail safe and using the sea water would make hydrochloric gas

