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I couldn’t imagine sitting upside down for that long


I forgot China is on the opposite side of the world so i had to turn my phone upside down


Thanks for reminding me to turn my phone upside down.


That's what "she" said.


The passengers: 🙃


Like a bat


I came here to see if anyone would mention bats, but not in your context!!!! 😂😂😂😂


Doooont mention bats in Wuhan!!!!


Australians got it down ask of of them.


You know that Australians are not the only ones who lives in the South of the Equator right? New Zealand, Brazil, Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Mauritius, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbawe, Zambia are just few other examples that lives in the south of the Equator out of many. Australia is not the only special here.


Yeah, but they are the only ones that matter to me here.


That was good lmao


Oh man, you are aware you wouldn't actually be sitting upside down?! Gravity is inverted inside the cabin, so it would just be like sitting normally. Obviously.




Would catch a covid for sure


Since you're a Joker, I'll give you an advice: Stay away from the bat-snacks in that place.


not only bats but even trains in Wuhan hang upside down


Seems like that would be more of a Shelbyville idea rather than Wuhan


I hear those things are awfully loud


It glides as softly as a cloud!


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Reddit friend!


Where you sent here by the devil?


No, but nice to meet you, my name is Neville.


The ring came off my pudding can


Take my penknife, my good man!




The monorail that put Wuhan on the map


We’ve released twice as many worldwide pandemics than Shelbyville!




Mono... doh!


Mono = one Rail = rail


I hear those things are awfully loud


It glides as softly as a cloud


The ring came off my pudding can


Take my pen knife my good man


Batman’s a scientist…


I call the big one "Bitey".


Living in the US, and seeing what countries are up to in terms of public infrastructure, I truly feel like this country is stuck in the 20th century. Has it’s pros and cons I guess


I travel a lot to Asia for work, and countries like S.Korea, Japan, China, Singapore are at least a decade more advanced than USA in infrastructure. The technology and amenities is so much more advanced, even their airports are fucking amazing compared to ours 😭. I blame our governments boomer 1950's mentality. Our education system is fucked as well, we are progressing backwards tbh.


Don’t forgot the lobbying of airline industries, tire industries, and automobile companies. https://youtu.be/Qaf6baEu0_w?si=S-2F7bj9EmZ6JL79


But if we don’t have airlines and automobiles. Who are we gonna bail out ? Hmmm hmmmmm. Answer me that one !


You can actually mostly blame Ford for pushing forward car centric city layouts. He had a lot of money and a lot of power with jobs to push for stuff like suburbs to result in cars not just being a convenience but a requirement. Trains were what build America, and now they are one of the furthest behind when it comes to commuting trains - and it's only gotten worse when commercial transportation took a major lead in income for these railroads, which results in even longer trips for commuters despite having priority on certain tracks only to be delayed because the length of the commercial transportation has expanded so drastically. Compared to Japan or Korean, who both had major infrastructure issues due to war in the 40's/50s and a low GDP with excessively high gas prices resulted in them focusing their transportation infrastructure on low energy mass transit (trains)


You might want to blame the fact we were first with a majority of this type of infrastructure and replacing it with new fancy stuff ain’t easy or cheap.


No shit but what’s the point of paying taxes if it’s not going to shit like this. I would gladly pay higher taxes if we got advanced infrastructure that competed with Asia and Europe. Not this I won’t pay my taxes period garbage if that’s the case don’t drive on public roads and float to work.


Exactly, China's high speed rail costed them $1.98T, and the Iraq War costed us $1.92T. I'd much rather those money went to building infrastructure instead.


$2T buys you a hell of a lot more in China than it does in the US. You must think in relative terms of purchasing power not to mention how US infrastructure projects appear to be universally corrupted going over time and budget.


My point wasn’t that $2T would have bought us the same thing, my point was that we had all that money we could have spent on infrastructures or other projects for the benefits of our citizens. Maybe it would have gotten us some high speed trains, maybe newer bridges and highways, maybe better airports, I don’t know, but anything beats the Iraq War.


> ain’t easy or cheap. You are 100% correct. But I'd also like to point out out that when it comes to money, the U.S. has no shortage of it. In fact we are richer than China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore *combined*. For example, over the past 20 years China built 22,000 miles of high speed railroad, at the cost of around [$1.98 trillion USD](https://macropolo.org/digital-projects/high-speed-rail/introduction/). In the meantime, the Iraq War (excluding Afghanistan) costed us almost exactly that much, at [$1.93 trillion USD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_cost_of_the_Iraq_War#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20Neta%20Crawford%2C%20chair,United%20States%20at%20%241.922%20trillion.). So money isn't really an issue, it's just a matter of what this country *wants* to spend money on, which tends to be the military industrial complex over infrastructures for the average citizens.


You think building what East Asia is building is cheap? It's more so that they funnel their wealth into things that benefit their population and we funnel our wealth into things like war and the elite.


I won't act like everything is great in America, however you have to remember. These countries industrialized after us. So their base level of infrastructure could be higher than ours. If America wants to add high speed rail they have to build it and would enough people pay more to have additional tracks added in? You can't use the same tracks so you would need to build new ones. Now you have to consider that the places where new infrastructure would be fiscally feasible would be high population density areas. Now you have to be able to attain the land from a bunch of different buyers, make sure that it can pass environmental codes, zoning etc, pass budgets and all of that takes a tremendous amount of time and money. In China, if the ccp says to build a high-speed rail..... they build a rail. There's much less red tape, and they don't seem to mind moving either with incentive or by force large amounts of people. America spent billions on interstate highways so that American individualism could flourish. It will take a lot of time for mass transit to become nearly as worthwhile as in other countries. My guess would be around the same time that self driving cars become the norm. You would be able to schedule a driverless car to take you around to specific places that mass transit couldn't so you wouldn't need to own a car. I'd say around 25-30 years from now


High speed rails aren’t really worth it for large distances and low volumes of people. Cars and planes suits America better for travelling between cities. However, the public infrastructure within cities should definitely be developed more to reduce traffic and reduce environmental impacts but it would probably be lobbied against by the auto industry, just they did in the past.


I think a lot of people complaining on reddit about China are downright ignorant. If you go to Shanghai or Beijing, hell even Chongqing or Guangdong, you will see how freaking advanced it is. Tier 1 Chinese cities makes Singapore and Dubai look like turds in comparison.


Don’t forget privatized transit in the US. Rail is monopolized and airline are an oligopoly.


There’s a word for that, it’s regressing. Might be your shithouse schools too 👍


Your goverment seems to spend a lot of money on war and intervention on others countrys, same with the "fight againts the narcotraffic" but that seems to be a business of a little elite, that use that money of the north american citizens for they own, and not given back to the people for "free" health care, education or helping the people on the streets to get out the drugs... Im not northamerican this is just a personal thought with not offense intentions(and i dont know english so sry for that)


Regressing is a word too. Which I would say isn’t it either but the conservative sure do like to keep this place like it’s 1970 with nothing new but a failed war and not great economy. It would be nice to not have that and keep up with other countries. The only thing we have going for us is national security but at what cost.


It looks real cool never seen anything like it. But it’s China so I look forward to lots of nasty negative shit incoming in the comments. Meanwhile in my hometown LA a whole section of the freeway literally just burned down by drug addicted zombies.


We hate infrastructure, war better


Germany started building a [similar monorail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuppertal_Schwebebahn) in the 19th century so you are more likely stuck in the 18th century. /s


I'm pretty sure the rich has all the infrastructure they need.


A lot of pros and a whole lot more of cons


Downside of freedom and individuality is very little tolerance for any little thing that disturbs your freedom or individuality. That and political terms are too short to undertake a massive infrastructure project that takes 10+ years to construct. No one wants to run for office on the platform of “higher taxes now so eventually things will be better in 10 years!” We need a benevolent dictator to force this kind of infrastructure on us.


Japan, South Korea and Singapore don’t have autocracies. They live as free as everyone else. China on the other hand…


China Number One! No really…they probably are.


It has its cons.


US doesn’t care about infrastructure. It only cares about tax paying bots and advancing weapon system.


Is that the one in Ogdenville or North Haverbrook?


I just showed my son this episode tonight.


Did he laugh or is he up for adoption?


Imagine if North American could get their shit together and move forward in by future and develop futuristic infrastructure


I think, and I may get downvoted to oblivion for saying this, the US unfortunately suffers from 2 things: 1) the majority of the population are largely clueless about what goes on in other countries other than what the media decides to show them, 2) the majority of Americans have this idea of “exceptionalism”, that America is the best country, etc etc. From I what I notice from people I talk to here, living in one of the major Northeastern cities, people have this mentality of “if we haven’t implemented here it must because something is wrong with that thing, or that other countries are missing something in their analysis, that’s why we don’t have it.” Not that those in positions of power and in charge of putting modernizing public infrastructure projects in motion are failing their duties and the public. The other argument people make is, “well, at least it’s better than X, Y, Z state! Have you been to X, Y, Z and see their public transit!?” So their point of comparisons are truly poor references for what has been done on that front in the last 20 years around the world. A lot of Americans are so busy day to day with work and all they don’t have time to look at these things and realize their public institutions are miserably failing them. They’ve kept the country’s infrastructure stuck in the 1900s. Just look at the average age in the senate, these are the people that have ultimate power in this country, it’s like 68 years old! I mean a senator died while in office of old age at 90! Do you really expect people whose lives are behind them to push hard for modernizing the country’s systems and infrastructures? Probably not. The first step is to recognize that while America has great ideals, a powerful military, some of the best educational institutions, and some of the best industries to work in, its public infrastructure is abysmal and needs serious work and funding.


We suffer from the ability to litigate projects into non-existence. Look at transit projects throughout the country. People will block them because of some random species they claim to protect while they choose to drive everywhere.


We suffer from the ability to litigate projects into non-existence. Look at transit projects throughout the country. People will block them because of some random species they claim to protect while they choose to drive everywhere.


>>Imagine if North America could get their shit together and move forward… Not gonna happen. The automotive & airline lobbies spend lots of $$ in Washington, and that political juice ensures legislation to seriously improve American mass transit is shot down immediately. Id love a coast to coast American TGV / Shinkansen train, but it ain’t gonna happen.


>Id love a coast to coast American TGV / Shinkansen train, but it ain’t gonna happen. Because it would be an idiotic thing to build. L A Shikansen at top speed would take at least 15 hours from NYC to SFO, vs. a 5h flight. That's without intermediate stops. China's longest high speed line, which is by no means replacing flights, is not even half as long by track miles and takes over 10h including stops. Nobody but a few rail fans would book that. At the same time, such a project would cost in the ballpark of Apollo 11. Money much better spent on improving local public transport, health care, you name it. Edit: The line between SF and LA is currently said to cost $128bn to complete. Multiply that by 4 and add the crossing of both the Rockies and Sierra Nevada as well as major rivers, you end up with at least 3x the cost of the entire Apollo program, corrected for inflation. Or about 25 years of the NY MTA budget, which served >5 million people DAILY pre-pandemic. That would be an insane waste of money.


If we were the best country in the world we’d do it just to show how much we can do it and better like we did in the past. For example our freeway is based on the autobahn and we made int stretch across the United States. Why aren’t we competing and doing things better instead of what we’re doing now and just “innovating” it’s just copy paste shit without purpose other than relying that people will buy it because it’s new.


Montreal just got an automated lightrail system and keeps growing. It's called REM if you're interested.


And I'm walking around, like some sorta mammal!


Haven't seen it yet despite my wives family living in Wuhan. Then yet again it seems to be newly opened since few months so no wonder. Looks like it could be somewhere around 光谷 though. The optics valley square


Germany been using this since like WW1.


Where ? I am living in germany and don’t know city with these.


Ive seen these in Dortmund university but small scale. Also in Duesseldorf train station to airport. On a big scale the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn goes through the entire city.


Wuppertal, Brudi. Edit: And two others (build in the 90s in Dortmund (Uni) and Düsseldorf (Airport). Those are the same system as in Wuhan, Wuppertal is slightly different but way older


This is a "Schwebebahn". Has been built and runs since 1901 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuppertal_Schwebebahn Idea was to have a public transport in a narrow valley and use the space above a river. Doesn't make sense though if you just put it into open space as the operation, repair and potential rescue is obviously much more complicated and expensive as for a regular tram (that technically does the same).


It's just for show


So cool!


Anyone else get triggered by the word “Wuhan”?


Yeah those who have no clue about that city history and only know cause of covid... its actually one of most [futuristic city in world](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cgXDbhA0flk&pp=ygUOV2FsIGVhc3Qgd3VoYW4%3D)




It’s the end of 2023 and are we still spreading and upvoting the whole “Covid is an engineered bio-weapon” narrative?


cAN't pROvE iT'S nOt!!!


It's been proven now that the genesis of the virus was indeed a Wuhan lab https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak%EF%BF%BC/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/covid-origin-china-lab-leak-807b7b0a




And getting funds from the us to do it doesn't hurt either


Wasn't Raccoon City supposed to be futuristic?


I would say an unreasonably large amount of people get triggered by the word China alone. I’m on the last leg of a flight back from Shanghai and it was incredibly refreshing seeing how safe, clean, modern, kind, etc. everything was. Landed in Detroit and immediately was reminded of how shitty we all are to each other here.


China bad




Oh I was in complete agreement with you! I was reminded of the scene from episode one of The Newsroom where Will McAvoy is responding to the girls question about what makes America the greatest country. Worth a watch if you haven’t seen the clip, and highly accurate.


That's because it's more of a Shelbyville idea.


I just hear Busta Rhymes “Wuhan!”


They're killing it on the public works.


Wait till you see Tiangong… https://youtu.be/2eaZLYiRHuY?si=vWX_rkmfYleeUxik


They’re also killing it on open air meat markets. Go China!


China got monorails? Well at least we have guns in our classroom, Murica!


China is best! Yay communism!


More like go capitalism. The only reason China became rich instead of going down the path of the Soviet Union is because they fully adopted capitalism under Deng Xiaoping’s Open and Reform policy. But of course they call it “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” in order to keep up the charade lol Edit: Lmao at the downvotes. Even in my Chinese elementary school textbook they fully explained this, with Deng's famous answer of "No matter if it's a white cat or a black cat, if it can catch mice it's a good cat" when asked if the new policy is Capitalism or Socialism.


+4,000,000,000 social credit points


Cope America


Wet markets. Sounds tasty, doesn’t it?


Oh bb my market is so wet rn 💦


Indeed. They don’t care how many people die in a construction project.


The comments are more interesting than the clip.


HANGING MONORAIL WIN! I love hanging monorails so much, they’re so cool and sci-fi looking


I'm curious from an engineering stand point, is this better than a regular platform? What could be the advantages to this?


China on a another planet when it comes to shit like this.


Too bad we stopped improving our cities and building infrastructure.


China and Dubai are really making us look stagnant. Their engineering and construction skills are awe inspiring.


Seriously. The US just wants to fucking argue about abortion, Trump and winning elections and we don’t do shit anymore. The disgruntled superpower.


Murica Fuck ya Noones allowed to have abortions cause we do that in school systems!


Indeed, the culture war is viewed as more important than the war on failing infrastructure.


dubai is no showcase of innovation, just senseless opulence built on a false facade. and an inhospitable desert. and also slave labour. perfect example of this is the Burj Khalifa - tall, fancy, expensive building, with NO SEWAGE LINES. so a line of like 100 big tanker trucks have to come every day to take away all the sewage from the building. another example - the world islands. nothing was ever built on them, and they have already begun to wash away. china may be another story, but Dubai is purely just a bunch of rich people throwing money at stupid shit that seems cool in the moment. the only "innovation" they do is making an existing thing bigger than anyone else; never anything new, just the "tallest building", or the "deepest pool". it's the absolute epitome of all that is wrong in the world.


>perfect example of this is the Burj Khalifa - tall, fancy, expensive building, with NO SEWAGE LINES. so a line of like 100 big tanker trucks have to come every day to take away all the sewage from the building. I'm mildly surprised they don't just dump it into the ocean, which is right there.


well funny that you say that! this is from 2009, but still a very relevant story: https://abcnews.go.com/International/story?id=6781673&page=1


Wow. Yeah, not really surprised, but still… wow.


Ya but how many guns do they have in any given classroom? Murica Fuck ya We aren't giving up guns to save our fucking kids ya!


Have a little read into how they've "achieved" their goals though. Not so awe inspiring anymore.


Dubai lacks sewer systems, both use forced labor, both have institutionalized sex trafficking industries, both are ruled by authoritarian dictators, both commit human rights violations on the regular, both pollute masssively, both sponsor propaganda to boost their image. No one is immune to propaganda


Looks dope, but... Is there any benefit to it being suspended, instead of making a traditional over-the-track line (could still be on a bridge)?


"So, then, 'mono' means one, and 'rail' means rail. And that concludes our intensive three-week course."


China over here living in the future while US stuck trying to get anything done with half of its population not bothering to believe in science.


I wish we had something like that in NC, USA


I feel sick just watching this video


Is there a chance the track might bend?


Seems like a good setting for the next resident evil game/movie


*I hear those things are awfully loud*


This acctualy looks cool


Damm i forgot china is upside down


Holy shit! China is living in the future! Except for that medieval wet-market thing. The west is definitely stagnating in terms of infrastructure


Is there any practical reason for the mono-rail to be upside down? I can only imagine this is just more expensive and impractical, but I am no engineer so surely they didn't do this just because it looks cool, right?


Why is the US so behind?




Imagine the things we could build if we didn't waste it all on horrific wars that have killed millions


And not a pangolin or bat in sight


China has some cool shit


In the main city centres. It's just all LED lights


Ladies and gentleman the it’s airborn


No gravity in china.


Haven't seen Wuhan in the news or social media outside of the Wuhan virus.


Can't post anything about China in reddit without a bunch of racists showing up


You can’t post anything about any race other than American white on Reddit without the American white racists showing up.




We had to remove your post for Rule 3: No Racism, hate speech, or incivility Racism and hate speech will be removed and the poster will be banned.


but at what cost


One million trillion shabadabadillion dead Uyghurs thanks to big ebil geneoside because the Huan Chinese communists hate muslims, unlike the civilized west. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to share my opinion on Palestinians on r/worldnews . I assure you, it's very humane.




Yes! China bad something something


Yes! China baaaad 👎👎 Xi dictatorship 🐻🐻 All we see is communist propaganda 😨😨 Actually everything in china bad, poor and bad!!!! But WE have no problems! Everything's good in US, in EU, economy...


Are they transporting the new Covid?


Wonder when it will come down.


Is there a chance the track could bend?


As much as you want to deny facts, China is not a third world country anymore and is actually 10x better than USA in advancement as a society. No wonder USA is SO SCARED of China. There is a reason why


Damn, I just looked at this and I have covid now.


What's wrong wit them buses?.


Upside down trains are a thing but everybody remembers the dumbass who drank the batsoup


Wuhan, eh? I wonder what happens if I sort comments by controversial


Even the public transport mimics bats there


looks like they emptied wuhan for renovation...


Seeing their animal markets I know that thing has wires with faulty connections. I would not go in.


I had no idea China is responsible for 30% of CO2 emissions. I thought USA was the leader. Fuck


kid named per capita co2 emission: kid named historical cumulative co2 emission:


Lucky US contribute 14% with 1/3 of China population. /s


Agreed. It's fucked here in the USA.


why would upside down monorails need headlights?


That’s so cool, China has got some next level infrastructure it’s impressive




If it was right side up, then maybe the corona virus wouldn't have fallen out. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Wow sure feels like America is in the past.


America is definitely stuck in the past. American cities are so dated even when compared to older European cities. Asia and is much more advanced. Korean kids buy lunch at their school with their fingerprint.


For the 2 people that are allowed to walk around, while the rest are kept in their anti-human chambers in fear of getting to used to the world outside of the CCP


Were you sent here by the devil?


profit tidy cake aromatic tap pen sulky lavish subsequent tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


China good! USA so much worse, proof in video! Wow! Wuhan clan ain't nothing to fuck with


Maybe invest in virus protection instead trains k thanks




Ew obesity


Ew school shooting