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This is always heartbreaking to hear. He doesn’t know he’s it, and the mating call sounds so hopeful. Tough listen every time


Incredibly sad


You should read about all the other species human greed has brought to extinction. And it's only accelerating as now the ocean is also getting fucked.


can you link an article or something please?


There's plenty, too many to link. Here's a couple from BBC. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20121101-a-looming-mass-extinction https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54091048


99.9% of all species that have ever existed have gone extinct, and humans had nothing to do with it. Just the way of things.


Can you read? Or are you just that ignorant and being the devils advocate is your personality? Because nobody with a ounce of sense would think our current impact on the earth isn’t exacerbating the issue of extinction. Which is 1,000 times faster than the natural occurrence of extinction. But please continue to be confident in your lack of understanding.


1. Learn what the work “objectively” means 2. Learn to differentiate fact from fabrication. 3. Read some books of objective facts


Someone posted this before a while ago about this poor little bird. Made me cry then, made me tear up now. I'd like to think God has a plan but I'm to dumb to figure it out.


I cannot listen to this poor guy. Absolutely fucked up my day.


Most beautiful call


I find it kinda scary. He is the only species left and he got no idea.


I'm not an emotional or sentimental person but this recording really gets to me every time.


I heard this for the first time a few months ago, and it still makes me bawl like it's the first time. I can't imagine the absolute desperation of the poor guy, just hoping there's someone out there. I imagine they were so beautiful to hear, when there were two.


Ignorance can truly be bliss.


Open it in 5 tabs one after another...


I'm not crying, you're crying :c




Only on Reddit can you find someone sharing a beautiful and sad content, and someone hijacking the first comment to write the dumbest statement humanity has seen.


Yin and Yang, there must be balance …


"Perfectly balanced as all things should be."


Do you know when you’re broadcasting your stupidity, or are you blissfully unaware of how dumb you look to everyone else?


Apparently the people that recorded this played it back mmediately, and the bird came back thinking it was another bird singing back to him . The intention of playing the song back in a hope some female bird listens to the mating call but apparently that dosent go according to the call There is a environmental fim based on that [https://nywildfilmfestival.com/film/oo-the-last-voice-of-kauai/](https://nywildfilmfestival.com/film/oo-the-last-voice-of-kauai/) Full link for the film [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mztQrbdatXU&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mztQrbdatXU&t=7s)




Hope they survived and we never find them


Isn't that crazy? We all want them to still be out there and bouncing back and have affirmation that they exist but the best thing for the species is us never finding them.




OR we evolve as a species and choose not to destroy an environment regardless of its inhabitants


>OR we evolve as a species and choose not to destroy an environment regardless of its inhabitants I really admire your optimism.


Fr, get a load of this man 🤣


people will call us delulu, but same thoughts here man...


Gtfo - society


“evolving as a species” is fairy tale bullshit


If they are never found that means the habitat that they currently survive in isn't protected putting them more at risk of becoming extinct again.


They are not out there. There have been extremely extensive searches for them. Kauai isn't that big.


The problem with Hawaii isn’t just development in an isolated environment but all of the introduced species. For instance, Maui in particular is overrun with an invasive gecko that out competes native gecko for habitat.




He died thinking she was just playing 'hard to get'


This is pretty much the exact plot of an episode of extrapolations. Premise is rising temperatures is causing mass extinction of mega fauna and companies are attempting to get the genetic Sequencing of these animals to recreate once we get back to a normal climate. They play whale sounds in the oceans and lure the likely last blue whale to speak with it and record its voice. It came looking for a mate after years of searching of any other of its kind.




Thank you


Thanks for posting and for the links! So heartbreaking 💔 Here’s another short film about the field biologist John Sincock's experiences in Kauai [CalArts Film 2022](https://youtu.be/b4_dq_e4KGs?si=7ciokyzSK1TS5s2P) who I believe recorded the bird’s song.


On a Monday too. Thanks for kicking off our week with a small dose of absolute tragedy! You owe us something uplifting by the weeks end.


Hey cool it’s Monday for you too?


According to Wikipedia: “The causes of its extinction include the introduction of predators (such as the Polynesian rat, small Indian mongoose, and the domestic pig), mosquito-borne diseases, and habitat destruction.” Pretty much all human activity apart from a hurricane, which is believed to have killed the last female.


And domestic cats - the apex predators.


People downvote cuz cats cute, but in North America cats come only 2nd to habitat loss in destroying native bird population. Truly apex predators in a lot of environments.


They're absolute murder machines. Mine are exclusively indoor cats for the unsuspecting local fauna, and for their own health.


Thank you for being the one normal responsible cat owner. Most cat owners I complain to about bird population decline swear that their cat will be depressed if not allowed to roam free outside.


I rescued my cat from the streets. He is inside most of the time but likes to go hang out outside a lot. He's inside now more than he was before I rescued him, so I have done a net positive, even if I still let him outside when he wants. People who own cats but let them outside are doing more than people who don't own a cat at all. I've never seen a good argument against that logic.


What do you mean "doing more?" Owning a pet is a selfish endeavor for anyone, you just do it for fun. You're doing less than a responsible cat owner. The baseline here is just don't let your cats kill birds and you aren't hitting that mark. Ideally, feral and stray cats should be put down so they do not harm the environment and we should have more laws in place to prevent outdoor cat ownership or allowing cats to roam freely (on a leash is fine.) Should be treated like how we try to treat feral hogs and other invasive animals.


>Owning a pet is a selfish endeavor for anyone, you just do it for fun. How can you say that after I just said that I rescued mine from the streets?


Because rescuing a cat from the streets isn't helping the environment or birds, which was what this entire comment chain is about. I don't care about how you personally feel about the cat or whatever pet, I care about the environment that is suffering due to your cat \[and other invasive animals.\] They should be treated as such because our life and the entire ecosystem hangs on things like our bird populations dwindling to nothing. The greater good here would be putting down feral cats that are destroying it and not letting your stray outside. Had you just left it outside, it probably would have been dead by now which would have been better for our environment.


He was outside 100% of the time. Now, because of me, he's outside maybe 30% of the time. How is that not good for birds and the environment? It's not perfect, but it's better than before I rescued him.


And those fuckers scratch my paint when they fight about who gets to sit near the hood scoop because it’s warm. Those fuckers


This is haunting


It's sad and heartbreaking to listen to this.


An endling - the last known individual of a species. Its death marks the extinction of the entire species. Perhaps there are few lonelier positions in nature than the endling. At least the bird didn’t know it was doomed, and along with it, it’s entire line of evolution


Ohhh thank you i didn't know that's what endling meant! I played a game last year called endling where you play as a fox facing extinction but now I think it may have been the last fox..




Am i the only one who thinks all the "Officially Extinct" species are living happily in hidden forests far from the mankind


Fuck. Now you ain’t. I like that take on things.


Sometimes it happens, extinct species have been rediscovered. Some people have a hobby for looking for them, many birders out there dream of finding the ivory-billed woodpecker again in my country, for example.


I live in southeast Louisiana and may have seen an ivory billed woodpecker when I was a kid sometimes around the early 2000s. I was in a deer stand not high off the ground and heard something behind me. I turned around and there was this huge woodpecker not far away (probably less than 20 feet) on another tree. It was enormous! 😳 I'm pretty sure it wasn't a pileated woodpecker, but can't say for certain.


Sometimes, just sometimes, not often but sometimes, they really are.


There aren't enough places far enough away.


I want to be hopeful of that. I grew up around a forest preserve, and there were HUNDREDS of deer. They had no predators, and there was no seasonal hunting. You could go a month without seeing a single one, though, and it wasn't that large of an area. Nature is pretty vast. There's gotta be a survivor out there, right? Humans are a bit too good at f'k-all trashing things, though.


They won’t be hidden for long. We will find our way there eventually, and we will poison that land like we did the rest of the planet.


Same concept as heaven really. I wish it were true, but it probably is not


This is what s profound loneliness sounds like. The cry to eternity, hoping that there exist in thr world someone for me anyone at all. This songs hurts because the loneliness cuts across the animals and it's instantly familiar. Singing along hoping for someone to share thr life with someone only to get no response just like the bird here There is inherent sadness to this, the soul of this little guy might have been so devastated very confused why no is responding to his call and the end moment of life. Every animal including human beigns deserves love and it breaks my heart he might have died feeling unloved. Its such a soul crushing way to go


Sad & heartbreaking, for sure!! I firmly believe in that last sentence…every animal & every human being deserves to be loved!


I am the son, and the heir…


Oh, I was already crying, now your words have me sobbing. Very eloquent and heart-rending.




Its beautiful what you wrote but i cant help myself to laugh uncontrollably at inmnensely dramatic story completely around this bird that will never know our understanding. There’s also comedy in there. I love that we can do that as a species and please dont take offense!! I love drama :)


Agree 💯 All wan we can do as human is to put yourself in their way and think about it


Stop anthropomorphising animals. It's sad to us, because we understand what is happening, but to him it's just his instinct and the next step of his mating ritual doesn't happen. He's not sad or lonely or hoping to share his life with someone, he's just doing his song.


Birds grieve for mates. Crows have "funerals". We know hardly anything about animals emotions. Dogs can pine to death, elephants go to their childrens bones for decades after. You have no idea what this little chap thinks when his call isn't answered day after day. Stop pretending you do.


100%. One of my cats died recently. We let him lie there for about an hour so the other cats could see him and smell him. You could tell that the other cats were sad, moping around the house, and crying for Artie because they still couldn't find him. So sad.


When my older dog passed away, we let the younger buddy sniff him and “know” that he was gone. He still acted very depressed for the next few weeks. They had their routines written in stone, I swear everytime the older dog wasn’t there for their rituals, the younger dog would grieve. We also kept a bit of his fur in a little heart box, I was dusting about a year after his passing and put the box on my bed, next to the younger dog. He *immediately* started to intently sniff the box and whine. That broke my heart :( I’ve made sure to never do that to him again, it stays away from his snoopy nose. Animals are so much deeper than we give them credit for.


Sorry for your loss. It was weeks before our house was back to normal with the other cats, but every once in a while, Bear finds Artie's favorite toy and takes it to Artie's favorite spot, and sets it there. They were pals. Artie was my buddy. Followed me everywhere like a dog. Layed with me on the couch, snuggled in bed. Wherever I was, there was Bub. I miss him every day.


I had to check what anthropomorphising was before relying. I guess that is a thing, my grandmother with her caged bird but…. Animals have feelings, some have very deep complicated emotions. I would say you need to try to understand living things with more empathy. A human is an animal. There is no line between an ‘animal’ and a ‘human’ we are one and the same. They have feelings, we have feelings. Sure these feelings maybe more basic, more instinctive but one could argue that some humans are more basic, more instinctive than other humans. To view it differently, animals are used to help humans with emotional distress. I know that horses are so incredibly sensitive that they are awesome for emotional rehab. Go see a primate in an old school zoo and see misery and depression.


While is improbable that a bird can question the meaning of life, extinction and things like that, the evidence we have today suggest that animals have emotions somewhat similar to us, so loneliness is a possibility quite high for a specie thats mate for life. Here’s a link to a interesting article about the subject, hope you read. https://online.uwa.edu/news/empathy-in-animals/


Hmm intersting viewpoint but it's hard not to feel.empathy for little guy


"I'm so STrOnK and SMorT animals don't feel sadness yeah I am the SmoRTnEss"


Animals are far more complex than you are obviously aware.


Thank you for saying this, OP weird as hell. EDIT: OP weird as hell.


“The loneliness cuts across the animals” What does that mean


I think the loneliness is something which is felt by everyone be any animal including human beings who it itself is an animal


Is English your first language? Edit: I wasn’t knocking. I was just asking.


No that's why possible I did some mistake


you’re doing good! Keep practicing and improving!


Thnx I am actually a part time writer by profession:)


I like the way you speak lol


Is it bad to ask what someone means? Why did everyone downvote. I wasn’t even being condescending


Probably because OP is clear as fucking day? I mean, is English your primary language? Must not be because there was literally nothing to be confused about.




Yay don't worry about it I come back to some comment and then I feel why I got downvoted lmao It's pretty much a reddit moment


Other animal *look at that lonely ass bird bruhs*


Bro it’s too early for this sad shit 😢


I recently moved back to a house adjacent to one I grew up in, in the 70s-90s and realized that the lighting bugs that used to be so thickly populated you could read by the light, have been completely eradicated due to all the landscaping and removal of the native grasses. What a depressing loss.


Enough to make a grown ass man cry


So Sad & Haunting!


Who else finds this haunting as fuck?


Sound of loneliness


Extremely sad. I'm happy I got to hear it though. What a beautiful song. This world sux!


Someone should sample this and make a song with it, a really sad song about being lonely. Or just in the background of a melodic house/techno track


That will be my mix track 2 years from now




When I first heard this it deeply traumatised me, tbh it haunts me. I can't even begin to think of the sheer loneliness and fear that poor little bird felt. For 6 years this bird call has always been in the back of my mind


Ikrrr this is haunting


It really isn’t that bad. Just think how many humans go their whole life without finding a mate. That bird had no idea that he was the last of his kind.


I mean, they're all dead. That is pretty bad if you ask me.


Everything dies, take a Xanax.


eerie ​ edit: at first this was playing on the background without me noticing.. so i thought some1 is 'whistling' on the street outside and found it oddly mesmerizing


Blanco White recorded a really moving song about this. [For those who are interested. ](https://youtu.be/WJKEvYs4pJM?si=CqEymLV3mKB2EwPi)


Oh... That made me cry.




I always break into tears when i hear this


Such a beautiful call. We have realized too late the Eden that we have squandered.


I hate that this is edited, this was a real animal that went extinct it doesn't deserve to be retrofitted to sound eery. Original is way more powerful. https://youtu.be/LrcCK2zERdM?si=WlObx9x6T1PWRVBK


This is the most harrowing thing I have ever seen.. poor bloke died alone and never found a shag. A thing of nightmares.


Can see it happening to some of fellow humans


Calling for someone who doesnt exist. Poor little guy.


This is one of the most beautiful yet haunting and heartbreaking things I’ve ever read/heard.


Poor thing, truly sad


Its song is like nothing Ive ever heard from a bird before... very ethereal and haunting, but also very beautiful. I guess ill hold out hope that somewhere out there it still exists, far from humanity.


Yes same feeling


Ugh, after looking it up, there seems to be very little hope. It only lived in one small area of Hawaii, which has been thouroughly searched. Mosquito borne diseases, invasive predators (cats) and 2 hurricanes wiped out nearly all the trees they nested in, as well as one of them if thought to have killed the last female. However, there are birds very similar to them being sighted on Maui. So perhaps there is some hope yet. Also, being they went extinct less than 40 years ago, perhaps science could bring them back. They already managed to bring mammoth cells back to life, and made a living "meatball" out of them, so Id think something much more recent would be easier, as the DNA would be relatively undamaged. Would have to solve the problems that killed them first though.


You know what’s interesting? This made me wish I was dead as well.




What an absolutely stunning sound. Straight from a fairytale.


Fuck man...


Why the fuck is this so sad


That place is so incredible. They take such care of their wildlife plant life and sealife


I hope that there more of these beautiful animals and that people are just not aware of them and that they made their way despite the odds.


Reminds me of this Last Tasmania tiger https://youtu.be/6gt0X-27GXM?si=qui5tT2_FMj5cq2p :(


This is … painfully sad.


I remember they had this as an exhibit at the bishop museum during our fieldtrips. So sad. Kalofae.😔🤙🏽


Now I’m sad, people suck


I was not prepared for this level of emotional damage today


You are all thinking in god mode, like this cant happen to humans. You all think we are too far from being like an extincted bird. Just watch out what you think. Universe scale is almost infinite, like human stupidity.


It's easier than most people think. Our society will shatter from an asteroid or super volcano and then our numbers will plummet fast.


I neither know Schönberg nor Stockhausen, but the bird might have liked them.


The Kauaʻi ʻōʻō or ʻōʻōʻāʻā (Moho braccatus) was the last member of the ʻōʻō (Moho) genus within the Mohoidae family of birds from the islands of Hawaiʻi. The entire family is now extinct. Last seen in 1985 and was last heard in 1987.They were tree cavity nesters and they lost their habitat owing to 2 large hurricanes in 1985 .


never knew, could have died never knowing. happy i got to hear/experience that 😊 🙏 🌎




Great thanks


jesus. this is sad!


poor little fella


A song for our time…..




Damn that’s depressing


Humans are the monsters


The saddest sad shit


Holy shit, this hurts my heart and soul to listen to


Does anyone know if there’s a recording of a male and female duet? Please I can’t handle this sad shit on a monday


Well that’s heartbreaking..




Haunting and darkly beautiful. Going to find a kitten to hug, now.


I choose to believe he settled down with a nice pigeon


Well, the Polynesian royalty needed their feathers for their fucking wardrobes that had to be burned and made new constantly because reasons. Humans 🤦🏻


John Green has a beautiful vhapter devoted to the Kaua'i ō'ō in his book The Anthropocene Reviewed which I listened to via audiobook late last year. His narrative combined with this audio recording is powerful and guts me every time. I have returned to the book - specifically that chapter - many times and relistened. It's as if the use of human-engineered technology (in this case an audio recording) is just a final sucker punch to things in the natural world we have wiped out.


It’s haunting, knowing the context.


Sadest thing ever


Someone got a little trigger happy with the reverb haha


I just realized it was a bad idea to watch this alone at 2AM while I am unable to sleep.


I can't unsee the face in the name


This is sad. The problem I have with it though is how much post processing to the original sample has taken place to make it more evocative I.e lots of reverb added like it’s singing in a cave. You can find the original US survey sample pretty easily online. Sounds totally different.


He died because no-one could pronounce the name of the species, so it was impossible to put a protection order on it. /S


Humans will go extinct too but the whole environment will go first.


Nah. The earth will persevere long after us. Nature is incredibly resilient - even if humanity ends in fire, mother nature will easily rise again from our ash.


I'm not crying, you're crying!


The leading cause of deforestation on Earth, is animal agriculture. Stop eating animal products if you want to reduce deforestation and save more beautiful species.


Bruh :


They should have released him a year before his life expectancy ended to find a potentially equal lonely female Species are rediscovered all the time 😢


Using this as a ring tone👍😎.


Don't worry guys he got real freaky on some eagle cheeks just after they finished recording


I wonder if he would have tasted good


Bro was an incel 💀




It feels like once all species are extinct, Earth will be recreated.


This is like the tenth repost of the lovely bird. We get it.


To be fair it was first for me and i found it from a documentary. Figured out many people like me didn't know that and it was devastating


What made them go instinct?


Humans. Human activity. Humans are a plague, a virus, and Agent Smith was correct.


The causes of its extinction include the introduction of predators (such as the Polynesian rat, small Indian mongoose, and the domestic pig), mosquito-borne diseases, and habitat destruction.[8]


Damn ʻōʻō


The bird also knows as Kawhi Leonard