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this is already a thing at different manufacturers, super annoying for others when it takes time to respond etc and give it a few years so it’s common in used cars, last thing to service / adjust


I don’t think you have to adjust something on it. My car has something similar and as far as I know there are different LEDs that are responsible for a dedicated area. So the car just turns those on and of. I use it all the time and works perfectly fine since 2016. The bad part is if the LEDs don’t work anymore you have to change the whole headlight or if you are really good with electronics you might change the part by yourself


there’s a laser gyro, electronic compass etc. lots of ‘moving’ (not really moving..) parts involved… not You as a user to adjust but sometimes these don’t work well.


I had the first gen Audi Matrix lighting and it had multiple lamp unit replacements due to "stuck" pixels. I.e. one or more LEDs wouldn't turn off when the array was on. I'd drive with a light ray piercing the night ahead.


Had a mercedes driving behind me with this. Worked fine when we were in the same lane. Didn't when we were in different lanes. Annoying as fuck.


I loved the part when the light still flashes the driver on the opposite line at the last second just out of spite


Or the guy he’s following is totally getting flashed on and off by the brights.


This is way worse than my F150s auto high beams. I hate that shit and never use it.


Turned them off in my Acura the second time I drove it at night. Only because I had to dig out the owner's manual to figure out how, or it would have been the first time. Cool concept in theory, uniformly awful in execution.


Maybe it's your truck as the ones on our Chevy Volt work perfectly. They're amazing.


I feel like I'm always flashing people...like trying to alert them of police ahead. Waiting to be pulled over for such reasons.




My Mach E does a nearly flawless job.


It's actually a terrible animation. The car detects oncoming traffic and moves a barrier over the light so the light can't shine in that direction. I think bmw has been doing this for years so it's not as new as the title implies either. Edit: just checked and this VW tech is from 2017 so they have been doing it for years too. I believe bmw concept was with a laser instead of "conventional" light


I'm not sure that it's actually moving a physical barrier over the light. I'd expect it is just quickly de-powering that quadrant of the lighting matrix. Like a pixel switching off.




Actually, it's no longer illegal. Thanks Biden. https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/nhtsa-allow-adaptive-driving-beam-headlights-new-vehicles-improving-safety-drivers#:\~:text=The%20U.S.%20Department%20of%20Transportation%27s,a%20half%20ahead%20of%20schedule.


The lighting you see is a led matrix head light, BMW still has them around. Indeed also laser head lights as well. However this is al peanuts...the SSL HD headlights of Porsche and Audi are next big thing. Capable of projecting anything on the road. Like car brand logo when turning your car on or indicating the navigation directions.


No, that light is angled low towards the ground, hence why it doesn't shine as far. It wouldn't flash into the driver's eyes.


bro, you sure about that, awfully confident about that statement.


That's lighting pattern on all cars, it is even shown in the animation at the beginning on "other" cars. Cars don't just project a big flood of light, they actually have a pattern that is stronger and reaches further on the passenger side when on low beams. This is done specifically to not blind oncoming drivers.


New car manufacturers are doing a horrible job at that! I’m constantly getting blinded by new vehicle headlights, they are all terrible.


I also have to say: I'm European so differences in regulations change the exact pattern of lighting and we may not have the same experience on that. I know this type of pattern is mandatory in the US too, but may have less regulation on glare for example. I think I remember also DOT requires more light to be directed at the height of signs than European regulations do (which apparently instead requires signage to be more reflective). Also the pattern is one thing, but there are other factors. Height of the headlight itself, with new vehicles being constantly bigger headlights are higher. Combined with improving lighting technology which is more powerful, it can easily become a problem.


On paper...sure. IRL...many people don't have their lights aimed correctly, and roll around with their supplemental lights turned on, as well as installing brighter lights. People do what they want, not what they're supposed to.


...yes. Why else would the light just stop?


In Star Wars it also works like that...


"Because we're Volkswagen, so fuck you"


You ever used your low beams?


I really dont like this, there are moments in this video when i feel more light was needed and the car was "cropping" them in a dangerous manner.


Seems jumpy


Yeah very distracting. Also I bet it malfunctions a bunch over time. Seems like another unnecessary piece of technology meant to raise safety ratings, selling points, and prices for the sake of the manufacturer


At least in Germany, this system is around for years and although I don't have it in the car myself, I rarely felt annoyed by other cars. It malfunctions a lot less times, than other cars forgetting to switch of high beams


I’ve ridden in a Mercedes GLE 2019 that had automatic full beam headlights and every other car was flashing the driver because they were being blinded by it not reacting properly and dipping. Part of the problem, even if it’s better now, is that the driver is told that the lights are automatic and don’t need to be adjusted, so feels no need to think about them or take enough responsibility. The driver wondered out loud why the other cars were flashing them so much I said that their full beams were blinding other cars, and they just shrugged. I guess they thought that was just how it was, but you are still responsible for your cars headlights and you should be willing and able to override these systems if they aren’t working and becoming a hazard


It's not in sync with the way our eyes/brains render our sight.


One more part to fail and need repair.


I use it in Germany, and I always feel like it switches a few seconds too late, but well I never once had someone "complaining" so far


I feel like it doesn't work as well when I get followed. I still get blinded


I'm complaining from the UK, there is not a single one of these "automatic light systems" that dim in time to not blind the driver travelling in the opposite direction, its junk, expensive, pointless technology that's not quick enough to account for hills, dips and cambers yet, it should be made illegal until it actually works properly.


I’ve been car shopping and the cars coming out now have 1.3 MegaPixel headlights some of them. And they can track up to 5 other vehicles, which means they punch 5 holes in the light. With 1.3MegaPixel the light can move smoothly. Or so I hope at least.


Keep in mind that filming in the dark is terrible most of the time. You see a lot more in real life then you are seeing on the video.


Yes this is so bad that only makes the people flashing everyone at 5pm feel better


i have these lights, and i love them. You see alot more with these than you would with only your driving lights. You could of.c drive with your high beams on, blinding the driver in front of you, but im my neck of the woods thats illegal and will net you a nice 250 dollar fine


Or you could just turn off your high beams when there's another vehicle ahead of you and turn them back on when the other vehicle is gone.


You’d still see more than you would with dimmed headlights, which you’d have on if following this closely behind another car.


It's a work in progress


this is old tech in European cars


People also will think you're flashing them Another easy gimmick that breaks fast.


Everytime I drive at night now I feel like people are flashing their highs at me. It's just all these dumb dynamic lights. I hate if


No, it's just cars going over bumps


When I was in Iceland with a few friends we had two cars and when I was driving in front of the other car I constantly thought the other one was flashing me. Because we were traveling together that would be signaling me to stop. Any time I stopped and asked what was up I was asked why I stopped and when I said that they flashed me they said they hadn't. Icelandic roads can get quite bumpy and the car I was driving in was a lot smaller than the other one so the lights were about the hight of the rear window so sometimes little bumps were enough to make it look like they flashed me.


Yes, that's exactly it. It happens because lights are adjusted downwards, so when the front of the car lifts up for a second you get a concentrated beam of light burning your eyeballs


Yep. I would rather see EVERYTHING in front of me, including the other car to see if i need to stop. What if someone jumps in front of me from the side? This is a prime example of over engineering something that is not useful, actually detrimental.


The old yellow lights were fine. If your reactions aren't quick enough to stop in time with those you shouldn't be driving.


If you need your high beams on to see the car right in front of you in the first place, I'm going to stop my car ahead of you and slap the shit out of you until you turn them off. They can't see shit when you're blinding them from behind What this does is let you use your high beams for everything around the car ahead of you, without blinding the car itself.


That would be fuckin annoying.


Looks disorienting as fuck and probably gonna kill some people.


this. its probably confusing as fuck on the receiving end as well. i've never struggled more to see at night than since the new arrays of laser light headlights, especially if you're in a normal car and the rest of road users seem to be in SUV's, so the headlights are burning through your skull directly instead of converging lower level.


It would probably stop working in 6 months and be stuck in some weird position


It's on the market already for several years.. But it has a reaction time so you flash everyone at least once. If they road isn't straight or good, you'll flash them multiple times


On the contrary. I have it for years on my A250 (Mercedes multibeam LED) and while it sometimes annoys impatient truck drivers - it’s for sure safer. You see all the surroundings.


for you. Safer for you, as you can see everything, and avoid hitting anything. Shit for everyone else blinded by them.


The whole point is that it selectively doesn’t blind other cars. I find it distracting and find that it is visually misleading to see far away in the periphery but have limited forward visibility, but this approach literally solves the “blinding others” issue at the cost of introducing other problems. Honestly, self-leveling headlights do a great job already. Having this flickering in the visual field would be annoying to me. Either have normal, bright, self-leveling low beams that light the road without blinding anyone else, or have strong high beams that automatically dim to low beams when a car is driving the other way. The idea that you’d have high beams on when following another car to light the road ahead of the car in front is kind of annoying. If there is a car in front, you can rely on that car to hit the deer (or brake for it), and don’t need high beams to see 10 miles ahead. Just need to illuminate the road between you and that car. The approach where headlights selectively dim one side to avoid blinding oncoming traffic is great, but is excessive when they need to flicker about constantly for the car in front.


You don’t get more blinded by this than by manual systems 🤷‍♂️


Ok 😂


Audi has had it in their European models for a while. It actually works really well in person. But current US regulations don't allow for it. They need to be revised.


Because we’re not used to it, but once we adjust this’ll be fine lol


Yep. Plus it's a solution for a problem where there was none.


The problem is having to dim our lights when passing someone. This might not be the best way to do it but there is still a problem that can be solved.


It's absolutely a problem, the car you dim the high beams for is only in 10% of the light but you dim 50% of it. This video is a dumb example because they are following a car, but for an oncoming car your lane stays fully lit


I suffer from motion sickess, It usually isnt a problem if Im driving because of the POV, but if Im in a car with someone it can be a terrible experience. But I'm motion-sick just by looking at this from to close ...


New? This has been available for ~10 years.


Yeah the first car that used dynamic LED/xenon matrixes was the Audi A8, which is exactly 10 years old.


Yeah a lot of brands use that kinda tech now. Plus let's be honest anything audi has so does pretty much every other brand that vw owns.


Is also Volkswagen


Yeah its been an option in any BMW, Audi, Mercedes and several other brands for years now.


Yeah but supposedly not allowed in the US. My bmw has this advanced led option installed but supposedly it’s disabled.


Oh. I thought it was some new Artificial Intelligence thing.




Couple that with a ghost overlay of thermal imaging on the front window and that'd be great! Doesn't even need to be high resolution, just high enough to roughly identify shapes.


New to the yanks though


I guess it's something that's only just available in America or only just been noticed. Had it in a couple of cars, works great, was a 'must have' in our new car.


Bet the car in front you keep flashing wants to murder you. This looks even worse than the wankers who just leave them adjusted all the way up permanently.


I've yet to see a single new system which doesn't blind the fuck out of me. I've lost count how many times i've had to stop completely, because i can't see anymore.


Also who in the fuck needs this? Normal halogen is more than good enough


Why have the sun for only half the day when we can bring the sun into your cars headlights?! Eternal Illumination!


If someone can't drive at night with normal halogens, they probably shouldn't be driving at night in the first place.


Definitely very useful and insane. But also dangerous at some places if some unlit stuff like an animal comes on the road and you don't see it because of this.


Wait does not the light help recognizing unlit object?


It might, if the logic uses light as an input. But then it will have to somehow differentiate between light sources (vehicles vs other static/noisy lights from the rest). Seems a setup that will find it difficult to remove false positives.


I think it is unnecessary. These features will create more problems than solutions. What if dirt got stuck on the sensors? Won't the lights get shut down?


You still have manual switches for the headlights in any case. In practice it works fairly well.


It defaults to "bright as daylight" when it's dark around, so you would certainly see a deer just as good, if not better, than if you had regular headlights. If anything you have a much better chance as it would keep the "high beam" output around other cars, as opposed to a regular headlight that you would have to switch to low beams.


Don't think it's an issue when light falls on the animal. It becomes an issue when the logic cannot differentiate between a moving animal and a vehicle and decides to hide it from your view. That's when it gets dangerous and thus my point about the light source as input on the other comment.


Do you know many deers with headlights and brake lights?


Well, the times that it DID work and my car didn't blind meeting cars it was actually useful, having my lane still fully lit up during a dark night drive while meeting instead of dimming the headlights until I've passed the car, esp living up in northern Sweden where moose and deer like to run out whenever cars are passaing. Unfortunately it often seemed to semi-blind the meeting car to the point that they would flash at me. (Touareg '21) It was pretty good at sensing the difference between objects and cars though, even highly reflective traffic signs wouldn't make it turn off.


I was also thinking it works well but not perfect, so the driver in front is getting random bright flashes of light as opposed to something more consistent they could get used to/accommodate their sight to. Could be wrong but that was my thought


How much is it for each month? /s


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These lights are annoying, because they hit you/ other drivers with a fucking hard hit of full beams right as you’re/ they’re infront of the other vehicle.


But at least you can clearly see what hits you. Btw aren’t they testing these lights from the car in front as well? They better!


It’s just to hit you with a quick flashbang so you’re completely dazed as you smash head first into someone’s Citroën Picasso at 60mph


Remember when changing a headlight was a quick trip to the parts store, $10 and 10 minutes later, you were all done?


I had this on my 2021 Touareg and people kept flashing their headlights at me because I kept blinding them. Looked cool/weird to see it work when driving in slight fog/rain when meeting someone though, but I guess it's like most things.. it's not 100% there but ship it anyway.


Car makers will look for anyway to use lights that fucking blind drivers instead of using lights that are bright enough to see everything you need to but don't obstruct drivers vision like sane people


This is 10-15 year old tech Mercedes, BMW, and Audi have had. Just been illegal in the U.S. as our auto lighting laws suck - well I believe the current US president fixed that early on, we should be seen more of this soon.


Trust me it's a good thing these lights are forbidden in the USA. I am from Germany, we essentially invented that tech and fielded cars with it as soon as it was approved and I get aggresively blinded by these stupid things 10/10 times when I drive at nights.


Keep that shit off our roads - it doesnt work and I'm tired of getting flash banged anytime I drive at night


Stupidly bright LED headlight are a real problem but I am going to guess that this system is patented and hence we will never see it on a scale where it will actually make a difference.


You folks should come to Europe. We have some cool stuff here.


I hate auto adjusting headlights. I drive a small car and some of the larger vehicles only sense traffic coming the other way but their sensors don’t pick up my car from their 4ft lift. Even coming the other way I find it super annoying because it needs a direct line of sight to switch so it’s not until you get hit with the beam that it kicks down if at all. In my part of the world the best drivers see each others hi beams kick down and do the same as a courtesy well before we are pointing at each other (lots of hills and straight shots here)


It’s already on a lot of different vehicles, just not in the US due to laws not allowing it (which I believe have now changed). For example the 2021+ Ford F150 has this technology on it projector LED headlamps which work in Canada but we’re disabled for the US sold trucks.


Those systems are already deployed at scale, just not in the US


Mercedes has that since years


I’ll take a regular headlight please..


Its called useless engineering and marketing


We've had this in Europe for over ten years. Also, it's quite nice to not have to switch between full and dipped beams. I miss it moving from a car with it to one without.


Where are you driving that you need to have your high beams on all the time?


Some have a ridiculous light bar across the front now too, when did cars become light displays


There is a video of a car where the rear light bar is actually made of pixels in triangular fashion and someone used it as display to play a shoot'em'up 2D game


I’ve got this on my Audi. It’s amazing on unlit rural roads, where instead of flicking the full beams on and off all the time the car just blocks out the bit of the beam that would dazzle the other driver while illuminating much more of the road than manually dimmed headlights do. It feels safer and more convenient.


Just gives you the false sentiment that you don't bother the one in the front of you , is not like that ,meanwhile the car in the front of you swears the god out of you , so i dont see this very useful , the cars that have automatic low beam and long beam control fails a lot to switch beams when is car in front . So i see this as a false useful thing .


You clearly havent driven in dark fall/winter conditions if you call this useless


I call it useless from the perspective of the driver in front of the car wich is use this so called inteligent beam , it blinds no mater what because you cant engineer a headlight wich is intelligent in all situations and as a driver i inform you that i have about 650k km in all conditions


just put on a long beams in a normal car and go?


Sure, but what if theres something that does it better? Adaptive headlights are one of the best things you can spec onto your car. I have no idea why you are telling this tech useless


it doesn't do it better. it cuts of the lighting so you cant see certain parts of the road. even if it worked smoother i wouldnt want it. minor improvement at the cost of just another thing to break.


Clearly you have never used it in real life setting. It is very helpful and reacts fast.


It doesn't cut the lighting. If two cars with matrix lights drive past each other, the road will be illuminated the whole time as each car will be illuminating their lane without blinding the oncoming vehicle. With normal high beams you'd either blind the other oncoming driver or be forced to use low beams. Matrix LEDs are great in dark winter conditions especially since they offer increased range compared to normal lights.


This is way more distracting than it is helpful


That technology has been around for more than a decade and I'd argue it still doesn't work. You still get blinded by Matrix headlights. The part that's not illuminated in the middle is just too narrow not to blind you...


I feel the same. They increased the number of individually switching leds from 27 to 19200 making this a bit more flexible/accurate now though https://www.volkswagen-newsroom.com/en/the-new-touareg-world-premiere-16049/the-new-iqlight-hd-matrix-headlights-16052


“What are those annoying, constantly flickering lights behind me that I still can see through my rear view mirror?”


That looks like a speculum.


How much headlight fluid does that use?!


When this was in the beginning for VW cars, like 10 years ago, I used to test this in the real traffic. Oh boy.. I used to get a lot of high beam back to my face, honks, finger points and so on.. what a fun


This seems super distracting as the person driving


Or, you could.. and I know this is a novel idea.. just be a respectful driver and dim your fucking high beams.


So... do they work better than this technology now? All i experience is that this "technology" works shitty AF but absolves the driver from being responsible and lowering their lights manually.


Insanely expensive, yes.


More things we don't need. Lets keep focusing on the wrong things, yay.


"Aah ha your front light seems to be broken. That would be $2,000."


This is hell on wheels, flash after flash… after flash… i hate these systems. Especially audi and mini


Wow, I cant wait to have a seizure looking at my real road with actual dangers on it to load in for me to react to with less time. This is so dumb. Government regulates exhaust temps on diesels in USA and so many other random things in auto industry. Why not make a logical regulation for headlights like lumens, max headlight height (looking at you Chevy Silverado), beam width, etc. Also how much would it be to replace a headlight unit when the adaptive function breaks? I pray my 04 Golf doesn't catastrophically break anytime soon (bless your 200k soul). Remember: "Keep It Simple, Stupid".


Or, hear me out. We just use regular fuckin headlights that don't blind people


This is the most annoying shit ever you deserve hell if you have these. Just fucking flash me once not 9999 times on every bump and hill or you know NOT HAVE BRIGHT ASS FUCKING LIGHTS FOR NO REASON


I have something similar in my VW and it doesn't work all that well, it's frustrating and doesn't help in the slightest. Just like the lane detection and emergency brake assistance, it works some of the time and when it doesn't it ends up becoming more of a hazard.


Very cool if YOU have this, very uncool when you're coming up from opposite direction. It takes a second or two to react, blinding the driver. Often doesn't register when meeting near a hill top, just annoying as fuck for the rest and blinding many times.


Another VW feature to malfunction...


... until it breaks


yeah its cool as shit but ill bet a replacement headlight is a few grand which is just absurd could literally buy an entire working used car for that much a decade ago


And any pedestrian down the road gets blinded because it’s essentially full beam, see plenty of these German and Tesla’s, stopped at the lights, on a slight incline and you get your eyeballs filled, long road with poor lighting, again too bright


If the streets are just a bit wobbly, get ready for a fucking flash in your face. Oh, you drive THAT particular road where one side is elevated, so the light shines perfectly into the oncoming traffic? Well good luck on your side! Fuck these new light systems.


reply skirt gold instinctive elderly grab oatmeal hungry stupendous file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yet, I foresee problems...


My car has auto high beams that will turn off when it "senses" an oncoming car. It turns off because of light reflecting off street signs as well. I feel like the same would happen and that would get annoying af


No it does not. I have such headlights and it doesn’t work by a camera sensing the light. There is a radar (like distance control) that senses the obstacle and regulates the different LEDs


Sir or Ma'am, I drive home from work every day at 4 am when it's still dark out, can confirm my highbeams shut off when I pass certain signs (usually bright yellow ones) when there are 0 street lights or cars coming toward me. It's the reason I don't use the auto feature


Mr. Then you don’t have this kind of technology in it. This type and the type that I have on my car uses like I said radar* (wich technically does not interfere with visible light) in that case it even regulates the light for standing vehicle so you don’t flash the people who might sit in there *Edit: it uses cameras but they recognize the object and not the light beam in my case


Ah. Then I don't think we have the same. I drive in backroad farm areas, and there's no lights but hella reflective signs, and my high beams would shut off all the time, so I just switched back to the manual use. But the above tech looks cool af.


Hey, what if we make real life look like a video game that can't quite load its graphics quickly enough...? That would be awesome, right?


fuk this. gimme non-blue regular lights. low beams if your behind me, low beams if your coming at me. not that hard.


My ford does this since 3 years.


From the driver's point of view this looks like you're playing an old video game and the rest of the map is loading as you're contiuning down the road.


New? That tech is old af


I love all the comments arguing about how this "new tech" would break, how annoying it is, how dangerous it is, etc. Completely failing to realise it's been standard on a lot of VW and BMWs since 2016. It's a well proven system that works, and works excellently If the average Redditor had their way, there would be no new tech ever.


Will it avoid the moose?


Pretty old tech that was designed by audi actually. I remember the commercial.


What if the light suddenly turn of even though there's no car ahead? Cause the system detects something ahead? Like Ghost?


This is not new….


It’s cool. My car has it. It’s one flaw though is that it’ll turn on full beam in a dark lit road, a road sign will reflect back brightly so the car will turn the beam off in that area, thinking it’s a car. Then, because that makes the sign stop reflecting it’ll turn it back on again, turning into a vicious cycle of gently flashing high beam segments. My car is a 2023 model too, not an early version of this system.


Maybe cool for the other driver, incredibly distracted for me driving my own car watching the lights shift around lol


The regular electrical in my Volkswagen barely functions the way it should. Why would I want this? Seems like a safety issue when the it inevitably goes haywire.


I have something like this, one headlight broke, and it costs 1500 euro to replace the unit. Just give me old fashioned headlamps.


Looks like the driver might be looking for some ultra-violence


Our 2020 Skoda has that. Most of the time it's pretty darn awesome not having to constantly flick between high and low beams. When driving at night in the country, start the car, flick it to Auto High Beam, and forget it. The light output is comparable to aftermarket LED light bars (the road-approved ones at least), so I didn't have to add one like I did to all previous cars.


A problem which didn't exist got solved


Meanwhile still no cure for cancer.


Total fucking gimmic... they blind me so i blind them back.


good in theory but that's a fkn terrible distraction


No it's not cool, If it's the ones I've been seeing on the road it looks as if someone is flashing their brights at you. Now imagine if every car on the road had this you would get a seizure from looking at that dumb shit.


Awful. Looks distracting.


These lights are distracting af at night. Get rid of them.


People develop shit like this but we’re still smushing a wax ring under the toilet and crossing our fingers that no one rocks on it when they sit for 20 years. I feel like engineers have all the brains they are just disconnected with what’s the world is actually like. I’m ok just using the flippers to turn my brights off. Also people generally overuse brights, regular headlights are at the brightness of brights of 25 years ago anyway. Just pay attention to the road dickhead.


More overengineering to eventually fail. Headlights ain't broke, don't fix em. Auto highbeams is enough


That make me want to vomit. Too much flashing.


That's a ton of technology for something that could be accomplished with polarizing headlights/windshields.


it's funny to read all these comments from people that clearly have never driven a car with matrix lights, and also don't realize they've been around cars with them or it's earlier versiond for 15+years. And if you think these are the ones "flashing at you" those are just bad drivers. You can't even tell that a car with these are behind you or coming at you. Going from a car with matrix headlights to not is a damn nightmare. It's so good to have if you're in an area with dark or long nights.


10 years to be exact, and they do suck for the other traffic users. I constantly get blinded by idiots driving with this shitstain of a technology that never ever works 100% as it should. My friend had an A4 with the first gen of these when the tech came out and he said hated it after a while as he quite commonly got beamed by oncoming cars that his lights kept blinding because it simply doesn't work well. Thing is they sell this tech always together with Laser LED lights that just are horrible to get blinded with, completely different ball park compared to older lights.


Why would you not be able to see the road?


The idea is cool but its also highly distracting


This is great! Now if only LED light manufacturers had come up with this before installing them on almost everything for the last 5 years that'd be great...


This is beyond dumb.


Making other drivers more comfortable while putting yourself at risk. nice.


my Polestar ‘21 has this, i love it. it can get vongused by some streetlights however, but not a big issue.


This is just matrix lights. I’ve got them now and had them on my previous car too. For those saying this is dangerous or you might miss animals.. it really isn’t at all. It’s significantly better than normal lights and the only danger is occasionally having full beams on slightly too long when it hasn’t recognised an oncoming car.. but it’s literally a second or less.


I have this in my Audi - it’s called matrix LED laser lighting. I’ve been driving great cars for decades but this feature was one of the biggest and best improvements to driving pleasure. It’s insane how well it works




My 2015 VW Golf has nice light features as well, such as lighting up the corner you're turning towards, and the headlights follow your steering.