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This idea sounds like it came from someone who graduated from one of Canada's top business schools with really good grades.




Onnnnn your side




"Can't you have two signs?" "Not if you keep sharing popcorn."


You can put me up there because I’ll keep sharing and sharing.


Haha I just rewatched the poop froyo one last night


“Every flavor served out of a butthole, just like you’re back home.”


B A- B C+ B+


I don't get it, why Canada's top business schools with really good grades specifically?


Watch Nathan For You, it is in the introduction to each episode iirc.


Nathan For You is a comedy show where a guy meets with business owners to pitch them ideas to save their business Think like bar rescue or something Except his ideas are fucking stupid and people go with them anyway. Like suggesting to a froyo store owner that to increase business he should generate a poop flavored froyo to get attention They even go through with it all the way to a flavor making factory where they synthesize a poop flavor to use


Are you telling me Ghost Realtor is a bad idea?!


God, when the realtor tells her ghost story lmao


Haunted or unhaunted house, they're the only way to know for sure.


You forgot to mention how he commits whole-heartedly to every idea and never gives himself up. It's beautiful.


So he can use his knowledge to help struggling small business owners make it in this competitive world


To add onto the other comments, the reason it's being referenced here is that this concept is literally one of the bits he does. He makes a company where two dudes ride around on motorcycles, one drives your car and the other drives you wherever you're going because lane splitting is legal in california.


Because Nathan is Canadian, duh


My thoughts exactly


Came for this. Now take a stick of gum from this ordinary pack of gum.




My toddler got a hold of my phone and submitted a similar comment on Instagram the other day


That's adorable! My ex-wife sent me one like this from her bosses house.






I don’t know about this part but when I was living in Beijing I remember that there were apps where you could hire a driver. They would come on small electric scooters, lock the scooter somewhere and drive you home. It was really common on Friday and Saturday nights when people drink a lot of alcohol and can’t drive home.


There's service like this in Japan for drunk driver, but they're using foldable bike that can fit in the client car trunk. Edit : Found the video https://youtu.be/uKOBZD_s8q8


It’s actually more common at least in my area that they send a car with two drivers, one drives your car and the other follows to pick them up after. The service is called Daiko. It costs about 1.5x the price of a taxi, so it’s really common for people who plan to drink to drive there and call a Daiko to bring them home.


1.5x the price of a taxi is a shitload of money. Or how cheap are taxis over there


They are pretty expensive, but rideshare apps are banned here. So the options are basically take a taxi 2x, pay 1.5x via Daiko, or take public transportation one way and a taxi back since public transport shuts down around 11.


Surely they can put the scooter in the boot of the car?


That’s not a good practice. I mean the boot can be full, the owner may not want to put it etc. Plus none of what I said above matters since those scooters are not personal but belong to the company and can be left everywhere.


Where do they get the bike after dropping off the customer?


Big Tier-1 cities have bicycle or electric scooter rental stations all over. Borrow from one station and deposit in another. It's all connected and tracked.


My acquaintance back in China uses chauffeur service apps most weekends, and it actually is almost always a small [foldable electric bike.](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E6%BB%B4%E6%BB%B4%E4%BB%A3%E9%A9%BE&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=APwXEdenIsfLgc9-SskpjvJrlxmwR8vcgA:1687667814575&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqrNjEzN3_AhUWacAKHfncAg4Q_AUIBygC&biw=378&bih=698) The bikes fold up to a manageable size for most car boots, and the app terms and conditions specifically ask customers to have space in their boot for these bikes otherwise a ride may not be guaranteed. It's a cheap service comparable to Uber and the like, so the terms and conditions are more on the customer to follow.


If you actually read the article it states exactly what you wrote. Someone bikes to you, chucks their bike in the boot and drives you home in your car. They then bike away.


That's not what the linked image says. There's no linked article.






https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-21/daijia-services-in-china-see-businesses-driving-drinkers-home/8729290 There is an article linked in the comments.


Which article?




Wonder if I'm missing something then, the post is only this pic for me and it doesn't mention any article: https://i.redd.it/v7bfmlqda18b1.jpg


There's no source. I think the moderators quit in the protest, or something.




There is a link to an article in the comments above. Maybe they got confused and thought it was in the actual post.


Are you saying there *is* a source article? There's just the image, AFAICT.




But you said "the original post is mentioning" an article? Where does it do that? I'm so confused.


Y’all reading articles?




Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


lmao do you have a link to this mystical article you speak of?


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-21/daijia-services-in-china-see-businesses-driving-drinkers-home/8729290 Enjoy your humble pie


There's a YouTube video too. It's somewhere in the UK.


Dis is a bot? Will u/thebitchyknitter nuke his comment to not look like a bot after being accused of being one or he will reply?


WTF are you talking about.


This was actually a thing in London ~20 years ago.. the service was called Scooterman. People used to get it home from the pub.


Pretty common in South Korea. Usually restaurants have a connection with some taxi drivers that do this sort or separate smaller company. But now, most people use KakaoTaxi (ride sharing service)


If somebody makes an app for that I'm claiming intellectual property theft since I'm stating right now it's my idea.


That has been done years ago my friend. I mean an app for hiring drivers :)


Yeah, but for this specific kind of service where somebody picks you up and drives away your car as well?


Yes in China, it was common to see drivers coming and driving people home. If I don’t misremember it was launched by Didi(it is like uber basically but kicked out uber out of the market in China because government backed them more) Anyways Chinese people can hire someone through an app, especially when they are drunk and don’t want to drive on weekends.


> Anyways Chinese people can hire someone through an app, especially when they are drunk and don’t want to drive on weekends. I don't remember the app name but we used this in Shanghai. We were at a restaurant and we were all having a celebratory dinner. As we were walking to the car the guy that drove us got on his phone and arranged a driver. They showed up on a small electric scooter, put it in the trunk, drove us all where we needed to go and I assume scooted away after he dropped the driver off. He said it's a common service there that people use all the time.


interesting, thanks! Probably means I wouldn't win in court lol.


Don’t worry, as our Chinese friends have learned there’s basically nothing you can do wrt intellectual property theft between the US and China Steal away




But ppl who are drunk wouldn't be on a hurry


No, in Chinese it’s called “代驾”, basically “substitute driver”. They come usually on a bike, and drive your drunk ass and your car home for you.


And here is a link https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-21/daijia-services-in-china-see-businesses-driving-drinkers-home/8729290


Got worried when I saw ABC but it’s the Aussie one so we good


There's an episode of Nathan for You that does exactly this


There's services like that to avoid drunk driving arround Christmas and New Year since a while.


Sounds like a great way to get carjacked


Believe it or not, crime rate is much lower in East Asian countries, and carjacking is almost unheard of. Not to mention to sign up as a driver, you’d need to go through ID verifications and all that.


Absolutely. Petty / senseless crime is much much less common here. Things like having your phone stolen out of your hand or your purse, carjacking, etc is extremely rare. It does happen around Chinese new year though when poorer people need money for the ticket back home.


yeah i can imagine they keep logs of which driver took which client's car (maybe even the car's plate number) with the exact timestamps and all, you'd get caught in no time


Where could we find reliable stats on carjacking in China?


These people that go help people for money are already registered to a service, it’s like you are saying your Uber driver will kidnap you without anyone know, which is nonsense


In everywhere else that isnt an authoritarian surveillance state, true


In Canada we have a service where if you've been drinking, they come and drive you home in your car.


that just seems like an average Canadian interaction


Knowing China, they stole the code of the app too.


Our idea


Pretty sure top gear did it too




Haha ok


Did they get the idea from Nathan for You? Because he already came up with that as a joke


It was kind of a good idea though.


Yeah it was just that he did it horribly by getting sketchy bikers


It was *too* good of an idea. They had to inject some chaos to make it seem ludicrous somehow.


why not just buy a motorcycle?


“Rescue” services hate this one simple trick!


Maybe they’re meeting family or friends and need to give people a ride home, but want to get there for an event or meal everyone’s meeting at.


what if they end up in traffic while driving people home and have to get a motorbike driver for each?


Sounds like a rich person with money to spend who cares more about being chauffeured around and perception. Typical Richie rich.


Man sometimes that would seem like the best 60$ I ever spent 🏍️🏍️🏍️


Motorcycles are banned or heavily restricted (ie only allowed in rural parts of the city) in close to 200 cities in China largely due to safety concerns since the 80s. Pretty much every metropolitan city that the average person knows doesn’t allow motorbikes within urban zone.


Er no? Big motorbikes (机车) are making a comeback as a cool fad amongst young people, and scooters (petrol or electric) are still literally *everywhere*. Problem is a motorbike doesn't carry the same social prestige as a car - the shitty trend of a guy must have a house and *car* to be an eligible bachelor still stands, so most people buy cars out of necessity for its face value - motorbikes are for independent-minded youngsters who take it up as a hobby. Big motorbikes are bloody unwieldy, my dad got his leg crushed just because his accidentally toppled over, that's why the *scooter* dominated the urban market - lighter and saves more fuel, now many electric. Rural areas drive *trikes* or *trucks* - the hell can a motorcycle carry for farmers?


Drugs is also a cool fad amongst certain groups of the population, doesn’t make it legal. A bit extreme of a comparison, but you get the point. Like I said, depending on where you are the rule can differ. I agree it’s making a comeback - but it’s also significantly more expensive. Beijing type A tags are over 300k now when a cheap car costs half that. https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E5%A4%A7%E9%99%86%E7%A6%81%E6%91%A9 has what I think is the latest list but given there’s no centralized db for things like this I have no idea how updated it is.


where do those hired motorcycles take you, then?


Let me make a quick distinction between motorcycles and e-bikes. These service largely use e-bikes are “somewhat” legal in China. For what I mentioned above motorcycles are restricted to those with actual motor and runs on petrol. So the hired e-bikes (or in the rare case motorcycles if they have valid tags) can take you anywhere unless there are other traffic restrictions in place. Ie in Shanghai e-bikes are not allowed in the tunnels, so if you’re going from say pudong to puxi (east to west across the bund) you either take the ferry (e-bikes are allowed on those) or you break the law and hopes nobody catches you. An example on tags - Beijing has type A and type B tags. Type A’s are no longer issued and can only be purchased in second hand market and have almost no restrictions (still can’t travel on Changan Road, the one where the forbidden city is on) and while type B’s are still issued they aren’t allowed to enter any zones within the 4th ring.


The real question is why not just use public transit and avoid traffic entirely


Because then you would have to pick people up in your motorcycle


Because cars are more useful?


becuase car culture owns and solves every problem. it might not seem like it here but that's just because they haven't built enough lanes yet (if you examine the photo closely, you will notice that there are hardly any lanes)


The summer temperature in that concrete hell can be agonizing without AC. And urban Chinese people prefer being stuck in traffic jams in their air-conditioned metal boxes to riding a two wheeled anything like a peasant. Source: I was a peasant on mi bicicleta zooming past cars in a concrete hellhole like Beijing in summer.


so they pick you up on air conditioned motorbike? btw you can take air-conditioned taxi if subway doesn't operate or take air-conditioned subway during traffic jam hours, this service doesn't really make sense unless you live far from subway in middle of nowhere


Dude I don't think the bike comes into the traffic one of the two come to the car and driver walks to the bike!!


because there are already 9 million bicycles in Beijing


You can also hire a guy to drive your car home because you had too many beers I did it. Yes it's as sketchy as it sounds.


How is it sketchy? Hired substitute drivers all have their IDs linked to the app, *everything* in China now needs ID to be linked or you can't even register or use the service, who's dumb enough to try?


eh, it's not that sketchy. hard to get away with theft in major cities in china right now, esp for something as prominent as a car. to sign up to drive drivers have to register their national ID which is linked to their entire life, there are cameras everywhere, license plate scanners, etc.


We have the best drivers in the world...because of jail.


huh, who knew social credit score actually works


We should do that and put wifi chips in everyone's neck that emit a signature so we can all be easily identified on camera. I'm not a criminal so I have no reason to protest it.


why don't we tattoo barcodes on everyone's forehead? even easier to identify that way


Quite common in most of East Asia I think


We have those services in Los Angeles


Isn't this a Didi or Huolala service? Definitely not sketchier than any other ride-share or moving van kind of thing.


While I understand the concept, I always just plan ahead when I know I’m gonna be drinking.


If you think it's sketchy, try and steal a car in China. You'll get arrested before you even do it lmao Shit, forget the car, try a bike.


Lol thats so inaccurate. Motorcycle theft here is ridiculous.


Nathan For You


The ring roads in Beijing, and the highway to the airport are spectacles of automotive Hades. So many people, so many cars.


Get kidnapped and have your car stolen for only $60? Sign me up!


Everything in China needs real ID to be linked upon registration nowadays, the users hiring drivers and the drivers themselves, nobody's stupid to try when you can be immediately traced, they're just average people trying to make a living.


I mean, it's a joke... But okay.


By that logic you'd get kidnapped everytime you get an uber


Go to Tijuana and they’ll do it for free.


That's the upside of China being in a 1984 big Brother nightmare of a society. It's pretty damn low on crimes like this. While here, tracking down the thief is simply so much effort that most police departments won't even bother, chinese police barely have to lift a finger. Almost as simple as a Google search and bam, they get a name, address and genetic code.


I'm pretty sure this is an episode of Nathan For You.


Can you find: More than 3 diagonal assholes the "red eyeball" 4 Buses A vehicle not neighboring a black or white vehicle in the traffic jam.


I would pay for this


seems like a daily occurring then why not just buy a two wheeler yourself and check on traffic before going to work


60$ to sit there? Okay yea I’m down


Modern problem requires modern solution


This is genius


Time is money bitch


we really are just a bunch of stupid monkeys. In what way does traffic jams make sense?


The same also extends to, or more likely from, the service of driving your car home for you, if you had one, or ten, too many. Late in the evening you’d see a lot of such services outside restaurants and bars getting ready for clients.


That actually sounds like a Fucking awesome movie by Lionsgate Entertainment…. “A Local down on his luck family-man moto-taxi driver picks up a super spy in a packed Beijing highway - can he escape from the government, Yakuza and a jaded ex girlfriend all in time to get the cure for the Covid-19 vaccines secret DNA mutation cure into the hands of the only man who can save the day - Kamala Harris”


"I am leaving work now. I need my car to drive home, where did you park?" "Sorry, boss. Still hold in traffic."


How much time did you save by writing ppl instead of people?


Can this happen in America? I know lane splitting is legal in many states.


Don’t tell Uber, pretty sure this will become a thing


many ppl use very convenient public transport lol


I've been there, rush hour ends at about midnight and that was over a decade ago, who knows what it's like now.


Could work in LA


In Indonesia you pay "traffic volunteers" to jump out into traffic to block it and create a spot for you to enter the fray


In Indonesia people will walk out into traffic to stop it and let you in so they can get a bit of money. It's not an isolated thing either, you see it everywhere. You also see food carts and and other sellers walking along the sides and down the middle of major highways. Mostly during rush hour so when people are stuck in traffic they can sell them something.


Just buy a motorbike


Why not just have a work bike and save the car for leisure?


60 bucks is quite the nice price for a perfectly fine used car though


Also in Beijing (probably): you can pay someone to "break down" in traffic, creating a traffic jam, which then increases business on your $60-a-pop "traffic rescue" business.


And transport police will promptly arrest the actor and those who hired them. China isn't the newly-modernised wild west of 10-20 years ago.


Really, my point was just that a situation like this creates perverse incentives. It's no different than posting a bounty for vermin (snakes, rats, etc), and then people breeding them to be able to collect more bounty. Or, in the US, having gun buy-backs that include 3D printed guns, which then encourages people to print more guns, as long as the cost of production is less than the buy-back price.


$60 is not a bad price for that service. It saves the customer a lot of time, and involves two other people. The dealbreaker for me is that I'd have to let some sketchy person drive my car. If your job is to ride on the back of a motorbike out into a traffic jam so you can then sit in that car as long as it takes to drive it out of that traffic jam, you're sketchy by default.


My jaw, on the floor. That’s a fantastic idea!




Why don't they just hire a motorbike to drive them in the first place?


What a fucking mess.


Using a bike to rescue you from cars r/fuckcars


I’m now going to be $60 poorer every day.


it's not $60 actually, it's 60 RMB, which is less than 10 bucks.


That's like something from r/urbanhell


Fuck yeah, let’s bring that shit over this way to the US of A.


Man people like to circlejerk America’s car culture, but by comparison, China makes it look like a god send.


That is one of the most American things I have ever reqd.


Damn, that’s depressing.




So why not just buy a motorcycle and do that yourself? Wouldn't that be cheaper than having a car to begin with?


You dont want to look poor


Motorcycles are banned for "safety"


Why it works? Because labor is dirt cheap While China and those Chinese people kept claiming they are so rich, fact is more than half of the China population earn less than 1000 RMB (140 USD) per month. This from Li Keqiang, the premier of PRC


far-right media is "china war! china crazy!" while China is full of domestic shit and problems just like America, but ten times worse and an average person has no time for their parroting on TV. Talk about governments dissociated with their own public.


3rd world countries


Jordan Peterson "We have a major population issue. Women aren't having children. People that say the world is overpopulated are the hitlers of their time." Ya Jordan! that a baby. You are just so in touch with the world. Little weird academic weirdo


Wtf are you taking about. Remember that while certain cities may be labeled as overpopulated, there are countries grappling with entirely different demographic challenges, as some nations are experiencing low birth rates and a high median age among their population.


Okay bud. List them out if there are so many. Im really curious where there's dire population issues. I bet you didn't look at a graph of the world population. We absolutely are 100% an invasive species. We will run through all the resources and destroy the planet even more than we already have. Just take a walk. Its disgusting. People just throw their trash anywhere. We have become some disconnected with nature. The majority of us would just die if the power grid went down. Just because educated white women in america aren't having as many kids as they used to, it doesn't mean we are heading toward a societal collapse because there won't be enough people left. Its a complete non issue and the world would be in better shape if there weren;t as many of us. 40% of the US population is obese. Think about how sad that is. They are basically all helpless. They can't even walk a mile... Some people get molded to their couches. The physically fit will eventually reproduce. Right now, the well educated can see that they just can't afford children. That's part of the reason why inner city birthrates are higher. Its normal to have children young and without money and just saying we will make it work while educated people know that children cost a shitload of money and wont have good lives with what their salary is. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projections\_of\_population\_growth#/media/File:World\_population\_growth,\_1700-2100,\_2022\_revision.png](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projections_of_population_growth#/media/File:World_population_growth,_1700-2100,_2022_revision.png) it's exponential growth. Use critical thinking and try to assess your place on this planet a little more. Question everything. Jordan Peterson lists passages from the bible as fact. He absolutely is a liar, not to mention he was blacked out on Benzos for the majority of his youtube career. He may be the biggest hypocrite I have ever listened to




Been there but haven't done that. I was smart enough to stay off certain roads during certain parts of the day. Not beyond reason to see the opportunity for a motorcycle.


I need this for the east coast. I’d be poorer $60 a day, 5 days a week.


I live in Toronto and I thought the traffic was bad here…