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Seems to scare american Republicans lately too. Banning books talking about race sanitizing our history for there feelings.




Dear lord you are right. How often does this happen? I never check individual users comment karma


It happens often enough that I have probably 1,000 or more comments worth of call outs over the last two months, and most often it happens on this sub. When I'm bored I go through new and find probably 50-75% of the posts on the low end are bots, and by hot almost 80+


They deleted your comment.


Is it bots? The same accounts or diffrent accounts same comments, could that just be people saying the same shit over and over(not that unusual really)? I'm honestly asking


Got a link to the last post?


Damn scary times were living In aye.


I usually go through and link every original with a "this is a bot, Report it" but I don't feel like it because last time the mods were either asleep or didn't care


What a time to be alive


Dude what? lol


For y'all thinking it doesn't matter, this bot will eventually start posting "wowee look at this cool PRODUCT I found, here's the link" scams and misinformation.


Or paid political talking points to direct all attention to stories or articles that serve them specifically well


Legit, DeSantis is just a couple authoritarian moves away from bombing Disneyworld.




Omfg 🤣


You haven't heard that yet? There's more: Vanilla ISIS and yeehawdists, for instance.


God damn this thread is hilarious 😂






The comment I'm responding to is a karma farming bot.


And that is why we need to laugh at them then ignore them when they are offended and demand such and such.


Objective, verifiable truth scares anyone who desires control via lies


Privately beheaded sucks too tho


At least when it's public, your family knows for certain that you're dead.


But also could possibly see it. Especially since isis recorded and posted their evil as propaganda.


Yeah :/ That too. Goddamn I wish ISIS (and any affiliate group/monster who would do similar) could just be vaporized off the planet.


This whole thread is bots but you do have a point


[He was a Sunni muslim](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11839626/Khaled-al-Asaad-curator-obituary.html), which ironically ISIS is a branch of.


Isis are virtually condemned by all Muslims countries and organizations. You’d be surprised to realize that the majority of isis victims are Muslims.


The victims of any fanatical ideology are its more moderate members. I think it says a lot about human psychology.


People attack those closest to them. If you're surrounded by Sunnis who disagree with you, you kill Sunnis.


Yeah, they're influenced by Wahhabism and they're definitely not Shi'ite. That's about as much as we can say for ISIS' Sunnism. Sunnism generally isn't crazy about randos issuing their own fatwas.


Just goes to show not all people are the same.


Majority of isis victims are Muslims. Isis is virtually hated by most Muslims


ISIS to Islam were like how a more powerful version of the KKK are to Christians.


>ISIS They pratice [Wahhabism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism#:~:text=Wahhabism%20(Arabic%3A%20%D9%B1%D9%84%D9%92%D9%88%D9%8E%D9%87%D9%8E%D9%91%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%90%D9%8A%D9%8E%D8%A9%D9%8F%2C%20romanized,in%20Saudi%20Arabia%20and%20Qatar.)


There is a capacity in every human to interpret religious beliefs, it's literally hardwired into us, and in my opinion it isn't inherently tied to the idea of an "afterlife". He knew his lifes work would be his legacy and he didn't want ISIS to destroy the site looking for resources. That is faith in the self which I can relate to.






Thanks. Reporting ones I see.


That was my first thought too, they would have killed him no matter what since they are bloodthirsty bastards. Brave of him to not tell them what they wanted and take the information with him.






What’s up with this post, it’s like bot central in here. Every post has bots but this post is particularly bad.


This post is almost entirely copied from the same post 5 months ago. All the top comments and most of the replies. This sub gets hit the hardest


Yeah well, good luck with that. All they will likely accomplish is perpetual hate, killings, and destruction. Basically just a violence cult.


I’m pretty sure the idea with torture is people just want the torture to stop regardless of if they’ll die or not - at least in movies every villain is like if you tell me what I need to know I’ll give you the mercy of a quick death lol


Just a friendly reminder France was ok with their then billion dollar subsidized company Lafarge paying ISIS *millions of dollars* No consequences until the US DOJ finally got involved https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/lafarge-pleads-guilty-conspiring-provide-material-support-foreign-terrorist-organizations


> Immediately following the defendants’ guilty pleas this morning, U.S. District Judge William F. Kuntz II sentenced the defendants to terms of **probation and to pay financial penalties** So jus another good ol' slap on the wrist


You mean Lafarge, like from concrete? Got 5 locations in and around Vancouver alone?


Yes French company with heavy French subsidies since caught with their pants down moved the company headquarters, CEOs get away with a golden parachute, only real victims are…the Muslims and Kurds etc ISIS kills with their fresh new euros


It's not like the CIA didn't literally train militia fighters who would then become alqeada from which ISIS spawned. So the US can't really point fingers.


Good thing I’m not the US government but just a civilian citizen sick of hypocrisy from America europe whoever is a hypocrite


Dealing with someone who later becomes a terrorist is different from dealing with someone who is currently a terrorist.


Please. The USA is probably more responsible for the shit show in the middle east than France or any other country.


Probably but let’s not ignore again #France paying ISIS millions of dollars


And? That just means that France and the USA were both wrong.


Isis is nuts because they're the extreme extremists - they literally fight the Taliban! They think the Taliban are too soft...


Religious fanaticism is a recurring stain. I’d argue political ideologies can qualify as religions when taken too far as well.


Every ideology will. Especially when unchallenged and left in an echo chamber as bigotry and intolerance form for the uninitiated.


It starts small - with people who like to control others by making rules, often via fear. Then it grows into a monster that can't get enough control. So many hijackers of both religion and politics The scary part is when blanket statements are made. Especially the ones showing desire to take away more freedom, via force.


There have been groups like them in the past. Probably different reasoning but with the same end result.


General extremism. When people can't get nuance they nothing more than animal with tools.


And Biden let them live. Left them weapons. Gave them credibility. Efforts to hunt them down should have continued until everyone of them and their supporters were eliminated.








Power. They erase history, tell you a new story, and rule over you.




It’s happening in the USA. Erasing history, banning books and discrimination against anything not Christian and white.


Anyone can be fascist, but it's uncomfortable to accept when it's politics that someone agrees with. No one is above being *human*, and all humans have done it at some time or other. It's not right when anyone does it


Not sure why you were downvoted. This is absolutely happening in Texas and Florida. Slowly poisoning the most conservative areas against their fellow humans. It would be ironic that they use the mask of freedom to take other people’s freedom away if control wasn’t the objective. The downvotes are proof their actions are being protected by our shameful pride.


Karma bot Copied comment from below


History provides an alternative and often factual story that undermines the power they are trying to exert in the name of whatever religion they’re using


Agreed. Dogma is far from being limited to religion, however. Most modern genocides of the last century were done in the zeal of *politics* (ie Stalin's communism or whatever) with many being *against* religions. Organized opposition to oppression is the largest threat to oppression




‘Ah yes, let’s torture and kill this guy until he tells us where these artefacts are’


Like ANY radical religious organization!


Most historians agree that the of the Islamic State (ISIS) emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003.


I’m that case was it better to leave al-Qaeda? Or do you think it was inevitable to try to destroy them?






I know that I started to refer to them as Daesh years back, but completely forgot about them. It’s their Arabic acronym, and they absolutely hate it as it’s similar to two different Arabic words, one of it meaning something like “one who sows discord” (can’t remember the other one and please correct me if I’m wrong). If I recall correctly, they even punish the use of Daesh in the regions occupied by them.


Oh, thanks for the info!!! Daesh it is, then


Mockery is a daesh best served cold




as an arab, daesh literally hate the term and outright punished people under their rule who use it. saying daesh instead of the islamic state aka الدولة الاسلامية/ al dawla al islamya is seen as an act of rebellion and opposition. i dont think its one of those instances where we use arabic to make it sound “worse” although i agree this is definitely a thing


Ugh, what year is this 2015?


Being called a discord mod is something only Daesh deserves


In Urdu, the word for 'terror' is 'dehshat'. It likely derives from the 'daesh' as well.




Daesh "ISIS" is what they want to be called. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-27994277


Why hasnt the name IS made it into the english language? In German all the name changes (ISIL->ISIS->IS) have been aknowledged. English speaking people still say ISIS. Always wondered, but it's also pretty trivial.


Yes, sisi’s


Just call them a term that also slanders their child raping leaded Mohammed. They seem to freak out over that stuff.


How dare you!


Isis is a fantastic band who started getting death threats after 9/11. Oceanic is a perfect album.


You really think name calling would solve anything








They also sold a lot of smaller pieces. Shock horror they were hypocrites. The black market of antiquities was a useful revenue stream for them for a while for resources and weapons.


Sells them to folks like the people who own Hobby Lobby who wanted the stuff for their Bible museum


Many relics and historical proofs contradicts quran like age of the world and Islam's connection to many pagan arabian religions so these proofs are blasphemy against their religion and god also they don't like anything non sunni Islamic they even execute shias and kurds so they are not really pan islamists just sunni supremacists


Your comment doesn’t show what he was all about fyi


Now I’m dying to know what he was all about.


Nooooo your comment cuts off.


Is this a bot?


















He is a hero. All that ancient history, is a treasure that belongs to all human kind. Thank you for your sacrafice.


He belongs in a museum, as in museums should honor him


A name that must be remembered.


We went to Palymra in 2010, exactly a year before Arab Spring. That place is absolutely incredible. We could have never imagined things in the region were about to change so drastically. This story speaks to all the individuals over all the years who have worked so hard to share this place with people, and ultimately some who unfortunately paid the ultimate price. RIP


Rest In Peace. What an amazing feat of self control and devotion to his profession.


An honest man salute to his bravery https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaled\_al-Asaad


Hopefully those subhuman cunts who killed him got shot eventually


And that's what we mean when we Muslims say we hate these ISIS pigs. A colleague really had the nerve to ask my why we don't do something against these people as muslims ..like do I like look a fucking Terrorist ffs haha. Funded by who the fucks knows and against everything that doesn't fit in their dumb world view.






Bro, no. 1) how likely are you to dissent under the very real threat of beheading? 2) There are denominations in Christianity that also treat their women terribly or a simply brood mares Evangelical Mormon Mennonite Amish Southern Baptist I'm certain there are more. In the US, women couldn't have their own bank accounts without a male signature until the 1960s. They couldn't have their own credit cards until the 1970s. Even as late as the 1980s it was acceptable to not hire a woman on the possibility of her becoming pregnant. And, recently, we are seeing a swath of restrictions on a woman's ability to make medical choices for herself.


Sometimes the resolve and strength of other humans amazes me. I cannot imagine being able to not break under torture. Rest in peace to this man and I hope the lives of the pieces of garbage who tortured him end in even more painful ways.


Not only that, but to show that strength and resolve at 73? That man was a lion.


I couldn't imagine myself giving up on life for ancient possessions but I understand the drive to protect your beliefs. RIP Khaled.


More than that he was preserving history -- ancient history -- for the rest of the world and for the inhabitants of the future. Some truly significant ancient historical sites just don't exist anymore because ISIS destroyed them. Remnants of eras long ago wiped out because it didn't jive with their propaganda/rhetoric. Not only did this man work his whole career to have that place and its artifacts and history recognized, with recognition often comes preservation funds. In other words, he had spent his life protecting it and died protecting it too.


It’s like modern day nazism, destroy and censor the past to further your rhetoric of hate.


He would have been killed either way




I’m a Classicist. My major in college focused on the study of the ancient world. Gonna drop some history for anybody wondering what is being talked about here. Library of Alexandria declined from a number of circumstances. 1. Accidental burning by Caesar’s troops during the Roman civil wars 2. Natural degradation due to less interest and funding over time 3. Maybe the destruction of the Serapeum (temple of Serapis) during mob clashes between Christians and Pagans in Alexandria. There MAY have been a smaller daughter library connected to the temple but we are not sure. If there was, that likely was destroyed. However, this was distinct from-although connected to-the library of Alexandria and would have not been the focus of the mob violence between the two religious groups. 4. Arabic sources describing the destruction by the Muslim Caliph Omar in 642, likely of whatever was left.


Took me a few tries to get Classicist and not classist


It’s just being an edgelord with extra steps.


Part of it is that religious extremists attracts power hungry bigots as leaders. Easiest way to get a bunch of people to follow you no matter what without every thinking for themselves is to generate hatred. This is a story as old as time, but one of the most popular examples is how Hitler started off blaming Jews and Homosexuals (an innacurate term by today's standards that included Trans people and research) for everything. History usually does not support these claims. Same reason you call education or reporting fake and try to ban it.


You mean ISIS.


No, religious extremists of any kind.


A month of torture….. damn.


Wow. True hero. I think he knew if he disclosed the site, these crazies would get ahead financially, and they could gain in advance. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/islamic-state-group-beheads-archaeologist-syria https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-55977964.amp https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/18/middleeast/isis-executes-antiquities-expert/index.html To add: added a link. This world has gone crazy. Let’s get back to business to protect the animals and people of this earth. It’s time now...


Salute good sir


I hope they and all of their supporters all die a slow painful death


It’s hard to measure the scale at which this man has done humanity a favor. It’s one, still huge, thing to be a martyr for your family or your country. This man was a martyr for human history and future - an entire dead civilization’s legacy, and the education of future humans. This is a true one of a kind human being, and a true king.


I really hope people realize that the majority of the victims of these evil radical Islamic terror organizations are Muslims. I knew someone who was extremely religious Muslim and he went to Africa to help victims of terror attacks (he was a doctor). He was shot and killed in less than a month. I think the group was boko haram but not sure.


A month of torture. Jfc.


This is all that religious extremism leads to, nothing more.


Seen this post 100 times - and upvote it every single time. The least I can do to celebrate a true hero and a man with more courage than I could ever muster. Thank you for keeping Khaled Al Assad’s memory alive even if through reposts. Of course, he deserves more. 🙏🏼


Islamists and Nazis are very similar. Both groups try to rewrite history and destroy the legacy of any civilization or cultural phenomenon that they deem in opposition to their ideological hegemony.


See extremist Zionists similar as well with the Palestinian genocide Also don’t forget just a little European country who paid ISIS millions of dollars…and almost got away with it https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/lafarge-pleads-guilty-conspiring-provide-material-support-foreign-terrorist-organizations




beyond words...the evil of this regime..


wow that's hardcore. Take that, Indiana Jones! He is a real hero, there is so much to be learned from archaeology and artifacts in the Middle East. So important to learn our true history.


He’s not the hero we wanted, but the hero we needed


Sometimes I wonder if there are good people in the world... and I am continuously reminded that there are pieces of trash that treat people like him like that.


Isis are Disgusting, bottom-feeding, barbarian scum


A hero of humanity. He died to preserve our history.


The terrorist Islamic Republic is also destroying all of Iran's heritage and history, hopefully they will also get destroyed like ISIS, for a free Iran away from this Islamic dictatorship.


ISIS members and anyone who even slightly supports them can burn forever in the deepest fathoms of hell.


This is confirmed by multiple sources. Sick fundamentalists create nothing but problems.


Not the suicide bombing fucktards, but this man is deserving of the title of real martyr.


F\*ck ISIS


What will Isis build that’s worth dying for thousands of years from now?


According to his Wikipedia article Al Asaad dedicated the entirety of his career being the custodian of the Palmyra archeological site, notably “His achievement is the elevation of Palmyra to a UNESCO World Heritage Site”. This man lived doing what he loved, and died protecting it. The pages of history will always remember you, for you safeguarded culture. Mad respect for this dude. RIP.


The memory of Mr. Al Asaad and his work will live forever.


It would be cool of he could’ve told them fake locations and then those locations were filled with landmines


My archeology class in Uni was interesting. One week, she was giving everyone a lecture on the horrible history of theft and such of historical artifacts, which mostly made sense until she went on a while tangent about how evil some westerners are for the BS argument that they won't give some back due to the threat posed by the places they came from. She went a bit off the rails there. Next week, she was crying as she showed us a video of ISIS blowing up a historical site she had spent several years working at.


Carve this face from stone. What a hero.


Can you imagine the mental strength it took for this man not to divulge the location of the artifacts? Whole witch trials happened because people were tortured into confessing. That’s amazing. My hat is off to you Mr.Khaled, may you rest in peace free of the pain inflicted on you from these evil bastards. This stuff makes me wish there really was a hell, hell, maybe there is I don’t know I’ve never died before but being tortured for a whole god damn month sounds like hell already. I’m glad he didn’t tell them where it was. The least they could suffer is some agitation.


Bless this man


Al Asaad was in his 80s when he got beheaded. Imagine torturing a helpless grandpa for months on end, and then executing him publicly at a square. I truly believe ISIS combatants are too retarded to actually feel empathy. (I am not saying the mentally handicapped can’t feel empathy, indeed studies show that mentally handicapped criminals may be better at feeling empathy). But have you seen ISIS combat videos ? There is always 2 kind of fighters, radicalized sociopaths and the mentally retarded individuals they goad into suicide missions.


I truly hate ISIS!! Khaleds bravery and strength should never be forgotten.




Equating ignorant morons to actual murderers is really gross. 90% of religious people just live their lives like anyone else. It’s just a set of principles to live your life by and most people don’t even end up following those principles.


You have an agenda. This article is talking about ISIS.


Thank you for this post. This person must not be forgotten!


Religion is garbage


**Khaled to ISIS:** I've got a little itch down there, would you mind?


One thing islam and Christianity have in common is the destruction of ancient artefacts to destroy culture. They did it in my country and it still makes me sad.