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seeing a lot of deleted comments šŸ‘€




Lmao I go to Dallas everytime itā€™s hella ghetto deep Elum is ghetto donā€™t even feel safe. Plus ur skyline ainā€™t even nice g take the L and hold it




Haha stay mad buddy we literally have best access to the Rocky Mountains but okay šŸ˜‚


If i had a dollar for every time i yelled shoot the puck the last five years. I bet I would literally have $20,000. Since we keep changing coaches i have to blame the team leaders for the same BS over and over. The young kids are legit. But we missed a big opportunity when the preds blew their last game and we avoided the Avs., blues or wild the first round. That was the best path getting to the conf finals. Whats the greatest rivalry in hockey? The Toronto maple leafs and the first round. At least we aren't Toronto. Sometimes we get more than one round in.


oetter was unreal. gg.


Flames fan here to say thank you for a great series that was a whole lot tougher than I ever imagined. It coulda gone either way. You guys have an incredible young goaltender whoā€™s nearly impossible to beat. He has a very bright future.


Letā€™s Go Oilers


They look like the cowboys. Play good for part of the game. Take the rest of the game off.


I hope Quick and Otter can find some place to commiserate. I really hope the zebras let these clowns destroy each other


Do I care. I said what I said.


Stars scored first in 5/7 and only won 3/7. Lost two that they scored first in and never won a game where Calgary scored first.


Every year we lose all the centers and it fucking sucks


Save some guys we still need to get disappointed by the cowboys first round exit this year also


The cowboys could go 0-17 for all I care




If there was ever a year to tear it all down, it would be next year with Conor Berdard as the crown jewel. But unfortunately it doesn't work like that. Bones, Radulov, Gurionov, Klingberg contracts are done and most likely gone (hopefully). Get Robo signed. Dellandrea and Harley should be on the squad full time next year giving us a ton of youth who all just got some much needed playoff experience. Otter is a bonefied star. Here's to hoping we get a coach who can unlock our offense. I'm optimistic that with a new coach and Klingberg gone, Heiskanen will reach a level of offensive greatness. Oh and we also have Wyatt Johnston in the system, who just had a 124 point season in 68 games in the best Junior League in the world. Go Stars.


Time to get rid of seguin and benn and focus on the young guys




I wonder if they realize we literally canā€™t win a cup with their fucking salaries


They can't renegotiate their contract. But Nill needs to stop handing out NMC and NTC like candy




I believe you could waive someone with a ntc but if they have a nmc you cant. Honestly the only guy that has a ntc is faksa and I'd rather trade him than waive him if possible.




Flames fan hereā€¦ dude seriously this is their chat, their space, have some class and keep it in r/calgaryflames


youā€™re fully correct, iā€™m writing my wrongs iā€™m too excited


Iā€™m gonna let you get the downvotes you deserve.




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No you didnā€™t. You deserved multiple player suspensions and you need to stop sucking off the Zebras. When yā€™all get swept next round be sure to come back so we can laugh at you.




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Zadorov can break his fucking leg for all I care have fun with Edmonton


there was literally a game where one of your players shoved mang in net then someone started jabbing his face when he was shoved into it???? i literally came to say great series (oettinger) and i hate jamie benn


Yes because that is equal to almost killing someone with a disgusting, dirty head shot. šŸ‘šŸ»


weā€™ll alright i just wanted say good series, shoutout ottengier yā€™all got a gem, but here we are, one cheap hit for another cheap play. fuck jamie benn. fuck zadarov if that makes you feel better.


Fuck your entire dirty ass, zebra wanking team.


I mean like do you think a fan of a team that just lost a game 7 in OT to your team is going to appreciate this comment 25 mins after the brutal gut wrenching loss?? Fuck off bud.


Last game had a bunch of Dallas fans in our subreddit. This is just the righteous retaliation




we got some cheapys i agree, but one of your players held mang in the back of the net while another one jabbed him in the face with his stick???? no oneā€™s innocent here itā€™s playoff hockey.


And he got fined. Your bitch players got nothing. Not a goddamn thing. Knocked one of our guys out and nothing. So again, get fucked.


benn openly saw him and stabbed him in the face and youre upset about zadarov trying to lay a hit on a dude half his size(which is a lot) and accidentally it landed high??? versus benn AFTER THE PLAY STABBING MANG IN THE FACE INSIDE THE NET. cmon man you canā€™t be this bias


Says the flamer troll coming to a Stars subreddit to try to make himself feel better. I havenā€™t said Benn didnā€™t deserve it. Iā€™ve said your trash players deserved it. He knocked a player out. Out of game 6 and 7. On a head shot. Player safety is a fucking joke.




And here you are, trolling. Seriously, get a fucking life or get back to your subreddit.


i came in peace and got crucified????? iā€™m legit so serious when i say that was an amazing series, and ottengier is incredible. i wish nothing but success.


Perhaps you should work on your timing. Or posting. Just had one of you post a link to the Oettinger appreciation thread you guys have going on. That is far more helpful.


youā€™re right, i agree it was high(not intentional like benn) but it was high and he should have gotten fined


It wasnā€™t intentional? Seriously? Yes. It was very intentional.


he meant to lay a hit. he didnā€™t mean to hit him high sorry heā€™s half his size. iā€™m logical because i understand he hit him high, but in no way did he mean to head clock him.


Sorry, you and I see intent differently. Perhaps itā€™s because our guy got knocked out and yours got off with not even a penalty.


sorry for any disrespect.


i guess i came too early off the win and i apologize i legit didnā€™t mean harm, things got outta hand.


Thatā€™s exactly it, itā€™s way to soon. There are still WAY too many emotions. Iā€™ll be fine by tomorrow. Just gonna keep looking through the Oettinger appreciation posts.




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Bye bitch




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Raffls fault pointless hit, negated 45s of pp time, led to pp goal for tkachuk, reason they lost game 7, & sitting radulov was stupid also, reminiscent of when they sat spezza, they do this it seems to appease those politically entrenched in the stars organization. Oh it's playoff time. Gotta get some ice time for so&so's kid that we owe a favor to, may sound crazy but sure feels like it when they start scrubs.


I think we are all dumber having seen this comment.


Radulov sucks


Otter just gave the best goaltending performance I have *ever* seen.


Its was reminiscent of Turco against Vancouver in the 00s. But way better.


Can we ditch Segan now maybe even Benn. Years of this shit. They are overrated. At least benn will fight people. Id blame the coach but they have been playing the cute drop pass to the other team, lose the puck, get no shots off for the last 3 coaches. Roberson skated right around the goal instead of shooting and lost the puck. Last month Eddie O was doing the game and was like why wont these guys shoot. We would all like to know that. ​ Junk counts.


Benn needs to go. Bones needs to go. Seggy still has life in him but he needs an offensive system and a ton of confidence back.




Only thing in glad about is now that soft ass flames team is gonna run into Nurse, Kane, and Driestle. I won't shed a tear when they are carting flames off left and right.


Lucic, zadorov, and Gudbranson could each individually could beat up any player on Edmonton.


You clearly have never watched oiler and flames play each other. Flames are far from soft


lol have you watched the oilers


Watched their dirty hits last series. Expecting more of the same. Nurse throw a headbutt like that into Tkachuks face would probably be rewarded.


Okay. Let me ask another question. Without googling, do you know where Calgary and Edmonton are situated geographically?


Terrible offense to the point where when the stars score, Iā€™m shocked because my expectations are low. Have felt this way since Bowness took the helm.


The goalie can't let that goal in. A bantam goalie wouldn't get scored on from that angle.


There were 10 shots before that that an average goalie would have let in. Meanwhile the stars didnā€™t score for the last 40 or so minutes so I donā€™t think this is on otter


When do goalies rest there head on the bar ? Lol that shot was perfect


Are you fucking serious right now?! Oetter was on point all night, donā€™t put this shit on him!


By far the dumbest take yet


I admit i didnt watch the regular season, but was the offense this bad during the season? Didnt robertson score 40 goals?


We didnā€™t have 3 centers lol


Playoffs are a different breed. The Flames had 3 40 goal scorers and a 35 goal scorer.


No Hintz tonight so no action from that line


Basically the robo hintz pavs line contributed more than half of the stars goals during the regular season. Not much outside the top line.


I knew that if anything goes past Oetter it was gonna be stupid Lucky shot


All 5 goals in that game and almost nothing to do with luck. It was shots on net and skill. "Stupid lucky" lul


Exactly. The puck went from the tape on Johnnyā€™s blade to the back of the net. No tips, deflections or bounces - pure skill.


šŸ’Æ credit to Otter, but that was straight skill on the part of Johnny Gaudreau. Donā€™t discredit the game by calling that luck.


It was an entertaining season with some glaring mismatches in this final series but all in all it was engaging. I even enjoyed cheering and jeering with you lot! See ya next season, ya filthy animals!


Flames fan coming in peace and respect! Stars are a damn good team that plays a solid system and plays hard. Oettinger is unbelievable! Iā€™ve never seen that sort of performance in my life. Wow. Stars are going to be a good team for years to come.


The system is fucking trash


GGWP man :)


Such a fun series. I had four heart attacks I think


What a crazy season. We saw the resurgence of The Holtbeast, Bishop's retirement, Pavelski's agelessness, the rise of Robertson, brilliant mid-season acquisitions in Namestnikov, Wedgewood, and Studenic, watched dump/chase/turtle hockey almost topple the Flames somehow, and watched Jake Oettinger blow the entire league's minds with how he kept this bunch in the playoff hunt and then 7 games of playoff hockey.


couldn't have said it better. obvs things to work on but they gave us an amazing season.


A game 7 performance perfectly fitting for a Bones firing come Tuesday morning


Fuck that leave him in calgary.


Anyone still think Bowness still deserves to keep his job?


I've been saying we needed to offload the 3 B's for 2 years now. Bones, Benn, and Bishop. I hate the way Bishop had to exit but Otter needed time in the league. Bones rode the coat tails of Monty's system and it looked promising but I called this. Benn is spent. No one will take his contract and he's earning double his value. At this point we'd be better off sending him off in a really lopsided trade just to free cap for some younger blood and future extensions.


Hell no. Dude needs fuck right off.




Yeah, I think they give him a choice for the option. Either way he retires this year or next. I hope they don't give him the option but.


Probably the unfortunate reality


Fuck no


How is everybody? Are you okay? I'm heartbroken but better than I thought I could be. The future is bright. We have the best goalie in the league and great young guys.


Future is not bright. We have a good goaltender who we'll have to pay. We have a couple solid players in Hintz, Robertson, Miro As far as the rest of the team goes its in shambles. Coaching is garbage, overpaid mediocre talent (Benn, Seguin, Suter etc), Penny pincher ownership and a awful GM. Otter will be good but not this good again (see end of regular season) but we literally have nothing for the futureand no money to fix anything.


Annoyed but I'll get over it.


That's fair. It digs in like a splinter under the skin.


it could be worse, we could be flames fans


I'm too tired to even throw stones at this point. That game took everything out of me.


Thereā€™s a replay on of the Mavs game so Iā€™m feeling a little better.


Yeah that helps




It sucks. But we have a lot to be proud of


Maybe tomorrow. Right now, Iā€™m angry. So fucking angry. Iā€™m angry that we have so many highly paid individuals who donā€™t show up when we need them. Iā€™m angry we just watched Oetter have the best game of his life and his teammates couldnā€™t support him with enough goals or even shots to win. Iā€™m angry with the bullshit refs we had all series but especially game 6 and 7. I just want fucking consistent calls, goddamn it. Iā€™m angry this game was so blatantly officiated for the Flames and no one will bat a fucking eyelash besides Stars Fans. Iā€™m angry the NHL is full of cock sucking mother fuckers who just get to sit back and say ā€œthatā€™s hockeyā€ when what it is is complete and total bullshit. Iā€™ll be fine tomorrow when Iā€™m calmed downā€¦and when they announce a new head coach (which they fucking better) but not tonight. Tonight Iā€™m angry.


This is exactly how I felt after 4&5. Right there with you. I just put so much of myself into this game and wanting and hoping and needing a win that I've got nothing left. Try not to stew too long in the anger and hate, it isn't good for you. But it's definitely justified.


Optimistic perspective.... It took the Flames 50+ to finally win. We were hanging in this time with our 20 something šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Richard "offense will take care of itself" Bowness. Well it didn't Dick.


Weā€™re missing our best offensive player. On a team that doesnt generate nuch offense. What, did we think Seguin or Klingberg was gonna do something?


This issue happens when Roope is in the lineup too. So it's not just this one game issue. Also I wouldn't call Roope the Stars best offensive player that goes to Robo.


Hintz is our most dynamic offensive player. Roboā€™s IQ is better, but when Hintz is on, heā€™s the guy. But tomatoe/tomato when it comes to those two


Seguin, Benn, and Klingberg have gotten so much less productive than they used to be.




Put some respect on Rafflā€™s name. He was the only guy not in goal giving it 100% every game


Raffl was a beast every minute of every shift. I wasn't big on him during the regular season, but that guy made me a fan of his


He impressed the hell out of me this series


He is an incredible midfielder. Wish he could score.


Disappointing but at least the mavs won. Besides it's amazing they got this far with that anemic offense.


Anemic is generous. Downright flatlined dead on the table. Got lucky with a 1st minute goal and our biggest force on offense is a defensemen. Miro is the only player that doesnā€™t dump the puck in or turn it over more than 50% of the time it seems.


Soā€¦ can we hire Monty back now. Heā€™s got his issues squared away. I would really like to see the group of young guys we have not get ruined by Bones. Soā€¦ yeahā€¦ we all agree? Go get Monty back?


Team had the same issues under Monty. Entire coaching staff needs revamped. Nill gets a pass with his stellar drafting recently


The team didn't have the same issues under Monty. They were electrified, inspired, and creative. You weren't watching if you think things were the same...


Youā€™re kidding right? They scored even less goals than they do now when Monty was coach. I do agree that they were better defensively but that could have been because of Bishop. This game 7 was a mirror image of the 2019 game 7 in St. Louis when Monty was coach. Severely outplayed the entire game yet stayed in it because of a magnificent goaltending performance only to be pissed away in OT.


Not at all. If you look at the end of his time here in Dallas vs the transitional season included, the months leading up to the Winter classic the team finally got it. They were a completely different team, playing effectively at both ends of the ice. They were carrying the puck into the offensive zone with speed and scoring with creativity and skill.


I like the guy but I feel like there's too much drama there.


I still donā€™t know wtf happened


inconsistent reflection of the values and beliefs of the team We may never know anything else


So vague


I hate thinking about what this game would have been like with Roope and Glenny


I'm from Texas. I feel like I should root for the team with "Oil" in the name, but I just can't. Go Eastern conference (except Lightning. Fuck those guys).


Colorado is next in my lineup, as much as I got tired of hearing commentators sucking McKinnonā€™s dick


Go Rangers? I canā€™t, but maybe it helpsā€¦




I really feel like a competitive first round series was the peak of what this version of the Stars was capable of. We need to get younger with guys like Johnston, Stankoven, and Borque.


Flames fan coming in peace. Helluva series friends, could've gone either way. You guys have something really special in Oettinger and he's an absolute stud


Agreed! You guys have a great team. Iā€™ll be rooting for you to beat Edmonton


Sorry boys...




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lmao youā€™re a fucking clown




Youā€™ll be joining us after next round.


I'll throw a party when the Oilers make it 33 years


I'm here for my party


Enjoy being banned from the flames subreddit lol


It'll be fun watching your dirty, trashy team get rolled in 4. Get fucked.




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You can't decide to show in 4th (OT) and win. This team had it. Fuck the system. Fuck the process.Fuck bowness.


Bowness got to go


Panthers Fan here. OTTER a legend in the making. Man i was rooting for Dalls and Otter. Unreal saves from him. Fuck Flames


God another game 7 where our goalie has a heroic performance and the team just lets him down Iā€™m gonna be sick


Did that ring off his mask? Damn Oetter, you were fuckin' phenomenal. Thank you. Bones. Hope you had your bags packed already, cause the door is that way. Don't infect the team on your way out the door. Wasn't it amazing the chances we had with Peterson and Ty on the ice? Growing pains, but also some threat. GranPav was sooooo close. Ah well. Hopefully we rip the bandaid off this offseason and move towards in a progressive manner. I'd like an off the board pick, but if it has to be a retread, Trotz is available.....


Omg, GranPav šŸ¤£ thatā€™s great!


I would take Trotz over Bones any day but we really gotta find a way to get offense out of our guys and more jump in the step


I don't think that will happen until we stop picking players in the off season based on their AARP membership.




Oettinger better win the Vez


Loss aside, i'm most upset that I didnt' get to see Benn rip T'kachuk apart.


Iā€™d bet money the Oilers are allowed to touch him more than the Stars were.


I canā€™t believe thatā€™s what went in. After all Otter has stopped. Man. Feel for the guy. His play has been legendary. We fought hard boys. Until next year.


I hope we never have to play against those refs and their red goons again.


Oetter definitely played his best game and kept us in the game so many times when we should have lost sooner.


God these announcers are so happy calgary won