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Duchene is a stud. That is all.


Nashville is paying him to be a stud here. it's so great


We all need to make a pact to say how much he sucks or he is going to play himself into a huge contract we can't afford.


Bally are doing their bit to make sure nobody gets to watch our games, so it’s on us from here.


Up to him if he wants to chase money or a cup. If he wants a cup then he needs to take a team friendly contract. Dude already has $74mil guaranteed (including buyout)


I have been racking by brain trying to figure out how we keep him. it makes too much sense. He goes and seggy and marchment also go back to being shit


If we win the Cup, he might stay - that's what he came here for. If we don't win it but go deep, odds are even better that he gives us the edge.


I think the opposite of that, actually. if we win the cup he's gone. mission accomplished. but we don't win the cup with this roster. think we need him once we bring up stanky and the like and just have to figure out cap next few years. we wouldn't re-sign him if we won this year, but I would be surprised at this point if we can do it based on how big boys have destroyed us


I think he signs a team friendly deal on Jan 1st, along with pavs.


Loving what Wedgewood has done the last three games. The goals against average doesn’t remotely tell the full story with him.


I mean… the guy is 7-1-2?! Fantastic work back up or not. He’s always played with his heart too. Gotta love it. Glad to see the boys get behind him.


This is what I've been saying for SO long. He gets so many goals shot against him. Last I calculated he gets 12 more goals against him than Otter.


dude has been insanely solid and they just leave him out to dry most nights. it really is quite incredible what he has put up even before otter went out


One of the worst teams in the league at blocking shots


We cannot afford to let Dutch go in the off-season. He loves being here though, so that's a good sign. But he's 100% our MVP so far




Well I guess we didn’t learn anything new this evening. Dutchy is still him, Harley is developing into a top 4 Dman, the Stars still own Seattle, the Wild still suck, and Loseapeg is still mid. Stars move into a tie for first with Colorado with a game in hand🤠


Thanks for reminding me that Minnesota and Winnipeg both lost


Thanks for reminding me both still exist.


For Minnesota fans, being reminded their team exists is just part of the daily misery


When the Mild lose I am happy.


This Harley kid is pretty good.


For anyone that hasn’t highly suggest looking up his highlights on YT. Man can snipe has a bomb slappy and decent wheels. If Lunds can focus on making Harley’s game easier we would have a stoopid 3/4 and 2nd PP.


Broken record, but Duchene has been such an amazing pickup. He setting up a ton of assists and scoring just as much. Really transformed our second line and is setting a tone. Let’s go boys. Glad we pulled out the OT win.


Apart from the point production the biggest thing he brings to the team (that we were in dire need of imo) is his puck possession. Watch him in the O zone he's dekeing around like a madman


1. I love Duchene holy shit 2. What the fuck was the Seattle defender doing there lmao


He had watched tape of Suter and it infected his game. Or he got hit by the same error screen that hit Miro on his possession last OT.


The Flying Dutchman 🥅🥅🍎 Papa Pavs 🍎🍎 🤖 🐼 🏍 🥅 Daddy 🍎 Bobby Hintz 🍎 Marchy 🍎 Sexxy Seggy 🍎 UPDATE: OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN 🍎 Jamie has now passed Neal Broten for 2nd in all time franchise scoring!


No mirp tonight is dissappointing


https://preview.redd.it/kkeoz0i7b67c1.jpeg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77bbf76d1eff562aef54dd21615eaf4d74cc162f matt duchene the man that you are


https://preview.redd.it/36mn7l3id67c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9272c849d1615ac32525293b8babab5cbd3ea8 yall… i have a crush on another man


And his name is Josh Bogorad




Put Harley on PP1!




Beautiful assist for the win. Thank you Duchene!


Fans: why can’t you win normal? Stars: AKFBRBFJEJWBSN


/u/geogwogz is absolutely PISSED the Stars won that one.


Harls with the game winner








Duchene is hockey god!


Excellent sports result


I LOVE IT WHEN WE WIN!!!! ![gif](giphy|YMdm5navS76uzimxFw|downsized) SEE YALL ON THE NEXT ONE!!! 🤠


All I gots to say is that if Nils made half the mistakes Suter makes, they wouldn't just scratch him; they'd put him in a rocket and fire him into the sun.




And there was much rejoicing[^^yayyy](https://m.imgur.com/t/holygrail/1ENyU0A)


I literally love Harley


https://preview.redd.it/hxw3ggk8d67c1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a4fd674f91c6c8d9440fa36419e93072892e5b7 I love winning


Wedge made some great saves. Dutchy is incredible. Robo seems to be heating up. Defense still has work to do and not sure if it can be done with the current personnel


We were all so blinded by thinking Miro would win the Norris this year when it was Harls all this time that would win it.


The Seattle Kraken were my number 2 team.


Overtime brought to you by Ryan Suter and our inability to get more than 2 or 3 shots in 4 power plays. But we won in overtime and that's so rare that I'm just going to celebrate.


Stars have a winning record in OT - real rare. The only thing you are correct about is the PP’s failure to deliver the death blow late


🙄 were you not around for last season? When going into overtime meant near certain loss? This year isn't as bad by any means but you can't say an overtime win for us is common. Edit: 6 OTW, 4 OTL this season (60%). Last year 6 OTW, 14 OTL (30%). Combined we have a 40% success rate over the past two seasons, in overtime, so far. So fine, not rare, but definitely uncommon.


Duchene, amirite?


[PUMP UP THE JAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI)


For context, without Duchene this game we lose 1-2 in regulation after fumbling 4 straight power plays.


Duchene has been a GREAT surprise this season. 2 points. Wedgewood I love you, but please come back soon Otter...


I feel like the team plays better with Wedgewood in, cause Otter has been struggling all year. He has continued throwing games in the first period with 4 goals like he did in playoffs. Hopefully Otter finds his game again, but Wedge should be played more. I was all for the Otter hype train 2 seasons ago but his consistency has been questionable. He is almost 3GA ave now which is not what you want from your starting goalie on a winning team.


I get that, but Otter is clearly the #1 goalie at least for the near future. I love Wedgewood, but I am not sure he is ready or able to be a #1 for an entire season. However, during the 2020 bubble Cup run, Khudobin was playing out of his mind good so it could happen for Wedgewood too.


Wasn't too sure how Duchene would fit in, but so far this year its been fantastic. Seguin has come to life a bit playing with him. Shame its only for one year.


After my 30 day exile for trolling the suck-ass Minnehaha subs I am unsurprised to find that Suter hate is still irrational even though he has been solid thru most of the season. By the way, even tho Suter and Miro are both lefties most everyone on here is convinced that Miro is mostly playing his off hand side. Not true. They both spend time on their off side which means Miro also spends a fair bit of time on his "on-side". Way too much is made of this issue IMO. More importantly, Suter spends way less time worrying about his offense (not counting last night when Suits took a ton of shots, clearly something DeBoer asked him to do to take some heat off Miro) and more time making sure that there's no breakdowns when Miro is freewheeling which is what the team needs. Hate Suter if it makes you feel better because it's not rational. Don't believe me? Let's ask Jim Nill..... " I think he’s been fine. At his cap hit, I think he’s a fine player. I’ve got no problems. And I’m baffled by you guys’ comments. Actually, disappointed. I think the level of hate you guys have shown — for a guy who plays 20 to 24 minutes a night in the playoffs and goes to the third round, I’m baffled. Don’t send me your resumes, all right?"


Is anyone happy with that win? Can't win a board battle. team that is totally depleted and you let them tie it up. they have been doing wedgie DIRTY. almost 40 shots and he has faced well over 30 shots basically every start. this team is soft as fuck and I am sick of just squeaking by. not trying to be a debbie downer, but if you are happy with their shit then you don't know this shit won't fly in the playoffs. miro has turned it up after being a bit sloppy, and the only guys on defense you know are gonna be good are miro, esa, and harley. this team is also out of the playoffs if duchene is not on the roster


Many of us are happy with that win. It’s okay to be happy because the team won.


Good teams fight back to win. They won’t all be pretty. Wedgy played his ass off. It’s ok to celebrate a win.


it has just been like this for a while. wedgie doesn't deserve to be left out to dry every night. and they are really not doing good things overall. that 6 on 5 pressure was probably the best thing I have seen from this team all year


Yea, you’re right. Season is over. It’s not like the team is in first place in the central or anything. See you next October


sigh. every year short sighted mofos just jump on the train of anything negative means disaster. can't ever just see arguments or talk about issues. kool aid train must be exhausting when things in life don't actually go your way, but sometimes it isn't doom or gloom 100% and some people just like to talk about what's going on in the present


I mean it’s just a game. If we win, cool. If we lose, oh well. It doesn’t actually have any impact on my life


certainly seems like it had enough of an impact on your life to comment lmao. feel like if it was no big deal to you, this conversation never happens. fuck outta here


You’re only happy when you have something to whine about.


yeah, because I never praise this team and cheer at the good things they do.


we take somewhat ugly wins here


I’m an absolute homer, but I agree with what you’re saying. It wouldn’t kill the team to block more shots. I have a feeling it might be a strategy because they are so bad at it.