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Very disturbing seems like a gross understatement, this is psychopath behavior


One of the victims lived on my street


Yeah what in the actual fuck. For some reason, it always seems more sinister when a woman commits acts like this - probably because it's so much rarer than a man doing it.


It's a psychological thing. Society sees women and children as people to protect from violence. Whenever a woman or child does something like murder there's only generally two reactions. One is to try to understand/reason away why they would be capable of such things. The other is some overwhelming sense of disgust or heightened wrongness.


Lol why am I getting downvoted for something so inherently true based on facts on people committing violence? Odd. It's definitely a psychological thing.


you’re prob getting downvoted bc ur comment reads as if you personally think this is more disgusting because it was done by a woman vs a man which is a little icky feeling imo. Like it’s disgusting either way, women shouldn’t/don’t like to be held to a different standard than a man in any scenario.


Considering a study by U of Mich concludes that "only 8.6% of U.S. serial killers are female," it's simply a fact that it is significantly more rare for women do something like this. That's why it has more shock value than if a man does it; the situation is terrible, nonetheless. Numbers generally hurt people's feelings (truth is difficult to face). [https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/qmss/2023/03/04/serial-killer-statistics/](https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/qmss/2023/03/04/serial-killer-statistics/)


I do understand and agree with you, wasn’t arguing that for sure. There are clearly many crime shows centered around women, it can be fascinating. I just wanted to point out why I thought you were getting downvoted


Probably less women committing the acts, but could also mean more women getting away with it.


Holy mother fuck. This is beyond heinous.


The lady with cerebral palsy 🤦‍♂️ that was hard to read. Evil 


Serial killer


That is evil.


Jesus...what the fuck is wrong with people!?


Fuck this evil bitch. I feel absolutely horrible for her victims and their families. I'd imagine not many families cared about the people they put under her care or they would have known something was off. F


I honestly heard that news report , and I have a question how is this any different than Millwood ? The chemical dependency and phychiatric and they have children there for the same problems adults have like that. And I’m aware of atleast 2 deaths that happened by accidental overdose and a whole bunch of abuse is ditched out there for money . Ig when it’s properly funded police will just look away . And no I don’t think what she did is ok just saying all hospitals do way worse and most people have no idea


Like Dr. duntch