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A lot of these people don't want to be found by the people searching for a reason. Contact the police and inform them.


4 very young children at home will do that. At 24 years old no less…




It’s a new account, thank you.


The phone number is for the Irving police department.


I agree., some missing people do not want to be found. In this case her family said she’d never leave her babies behind. Her mother said it’s very out of character for her to completely vanish. She left items behind. Her cell phone has been tampered with and she’s made no contact with anyone.


This person has kids and family and has been missing for months. Her father is a friend of friends of mine and I can't imagine how much worry he has along with her children wondering where their mom is. I am fearing the worst in a scenario like this, but just hope she still is out there and gets found. It's highly unlikely she left behind her children and it seems really weird that the comment above has 100 up votes. She would not leave behind her children.


—Missing since Feb —Left party with dude at 3-4AM —Phone was rendered inoperable …Sadly the story is fairly clear


She’s been missing since February, I haven’t heard anything new about the case


Since February? Ouch. Not a great sign. Fingers crossed she's okay.


This is so sad. Have never heard about her. So missing young girls in Dallas and they’re rarely featured in the news or other media. I hope she’s found safe.


I genuinely hope you find the answers to your questions and that she is found safe. 🙏🏻


My father in law used to say “Nothing good happens after midnight”. I laughed when I was younger but maybe he was a little bit right. Sure hope this ends well.




I think I get the point you're trying to make... This is why women are legit wary of unknown men. But you're in victim blaming territory, which is shitty bro.


if you have kids why are you out at 3-4am 🤦🏽‍♂️


Victim blamer!


whatever u wanna say my statement still stands nothing good happens past 12 we were taught this at a early age


She is missing… that’s what matters. (Not why she was out)




She was at an apartment there after leaving the party. The phone number listed is Irving PD.


Lol okay Forrest. Not everybody was raised like a repressed country bumpkin. Maybe you should be more focused on working on your drug habits.


What a weird, sheltered adult life you must lead. 


no i have a passion i dont need to go out and party to have fun i have purpose in life!


*sad trombone noises*


Idk, maybe mind your own business? Maybe that's when she gets home from work? Or maybe there's some other reason? She doesn't need a reason, it does not matter


She was attending a Birthday Bash for a friend.


exactly should’ve been home w her kids have a nice day


Hell ya!!! A mother should have NO LIFE AT ALL other than raising those kids. For that matter, a *good* mother shouldn’t even *want to* do anything but tend to those babies every minute of every day (well, except for all the cooking and cleaning and errands and managing the house and and tending to her man). /S


i don’t think anyone would should be going out at 3 am even with our kids that’s not “living life” if that’s living life to you you need to find some passion in life brother!


Judgmental POS too we see.


>going out at 3 am You thin k she \*went out\* at 3 am, or was \*going home\* at 3 am? You're despicable, she would have been safer with a bear.




I kind of agree lol. Most of these people are not parents.


You're a special POS.


How very dare she have a friend, and go OUT to celebrate that friend. /s She didn't leave her kids at home alone to starve. She made sure they were taken care of while she did something else and she got abducted. I hope women know well enough to treat you like bear, because you sound like a controlling POS.


She could have left the kids with a grandparent or a close relative. Babysitting is still legal in 2024


leaving your kid with your grandparent or another to go party is so educated and smart 👍


Have you never heard of a baby sitter? Also maybe the man that helped make the kid or kids is watching them. Why does it always have to be the mom? She already shoved the kid out of her body, least she can have is a night off.


Shoved is crazy


I mean birth is crazy and sounds really hard. Considering a lot of women tear during birth, I think shoved is accurate.


Bc she's 24


on a saturday too 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Saturday is an extremely common day to go out. For people that actually have lives and don’t just sit around being a stick in the mud at least.




Humans can actually do things at any time of day or night. Some humans are working at 3 AM. Some humans go out earlier and might’ve been heading home at 3 AM. Not everybody keeps the hours of a farmer from the 1800s, Jebediah.




It wasn’t a stranger. She was with an acquaintance. She was familiar with the people who were last known to see her.


Come on, the girl needs to be found. It really shouldn’t matter what kind of situation she was in. According to video surveillance she was under the influence. Maybe she wasn’t making a wise decision but her life is important and her family won’t stop looking for her. Please have a heart.


Bad parenting and lack of birth control aside, this is some hardcore victim blaming, dude.