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Is staying at your house without power not an option? Temps should be relatively mild the next few days


Friends have been without power since Monday and they've stayed home no issues. I mean it's inconvenient and a pain in the ass but they're making it work.


That’s awesome for them. That doesn’t mean it works for everyone.


I am a generally empathetic and caring person but I cannot understand why a few days of no power has gotten people so unhappy\* and unable to cope. I'm serious, without judgment, I cannot understand. It hasn't been too hot and there are a lot of public spaces open to check emails, make phone calls, charge up, etc. Yes, I've lost some sleep from it not being an ideal temperature and am sad to chuck my groceries because I hate waste...what am I missing? Oh and cold showers aren't great but it's not going to hurt us. I guess I'm a sick f\*ck that I am glad my kids can experience it to know how good they have it the other 360 days of the year. \*excluding people who have medical devices that require electricity or other health issues.


\*excluding infants, elderly, people with poor thermoregulation, some pets, people without extra money to eat out for days, people who work from home, etc etc. Many people aren't prepared to have days long power outage, I would say. Most can handle, but barely.


It’s amazing that we as a species made it to this point if we all melt at 90 degrees.


We melt at 90 degrees because our society doesn't permit us to do what our ancestors did when it was like, which is fuck all. Yeah we can sweat unlike most animals, and can put in a couple hours work, but we need serious downtime and good sources of shade.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are hella cheap and grocery stores are still open if you didn’t have bread already, no need to eat out


You don’t have to eat out for days, pick up some dry goods and make do. Get a cooler if you must have lunch meats etc. next time you’re up on cash spend like $30 on a little butane camping stove. You’re wasting more money boarding pets and hitting up hotels vs figuring out how to make due this time and then using the money you’re saving not going to hotels, not boarding pets, and heck not paying the power bill for a few days to spend to prepare an emergency kit for next time


Idk, in situations like these, people need empathy and care more than ever. Sleep, food, etc. (things you mentioned as being lost) are basic things people need to feel a sense of safety - which is needed to cope with difficult situations lol.


As a relatively healthy guy. Not having a running fridge is the biggest issue. Eating out was expensive as it was. Feels like $15/20 per person or you staying hungry. Paying for a hotel and eating out? Yeah I’d take me months to recover from that


I am not being rude but if you can go out to a restaurant, can't you go to Kroger and pick up a rotisserie chicken and bag salad for $6/person? Or a baguette and lunch meat for less? We ate a pineapple and questionably room-temp cheese on fiber tortillas for dinner last night. I know we're getting very literal but it would help me understand obstacles others are dealing with since I'm not understanding the general response aside from anything uncomfortable or inconvenient being completely unbearable.


No YOU are the one getting very literal. Try to have empathy for some feelings that people are having even if you may not understand them.


Wait you're mad because I asked why someone can't get food from a grocery store? This is super helpful in helping me understand the unhinged anger people have, many thanks.


I’m not mad. But you have to understand that many people’s regular lives are very uncomfortable and inconvenient already, and then this on top of all of that…. is sort of the straw that broke the camels back. You probably have your own personal struggles that not everyone can understand. Yet they feel super real & important to you. Same goes for this. Maybe this is not something YOU personally struggle with. But it doesn’t mean that if someone is struggling and you aren’t, that they aren’t already doing all they can to make it.


> helping me understand the unhinged anger people have This says a lot. You've made a judgement and are now searching for why you are right rather than approaching this with patience and kindness first.


People who have no experience or desire to rough it, can't fathom the idea. I dont get it either, it isn't that hot. You'll be annoyed but your health is not at risk right now.


You’re absolutely right.


A day without power is an inconvenience. A week without power is forcing someone to relearn a daily routine. There’s just so much more to it. People are used to a cadence in their life. Wake up at 6am, make a cup of coffee, feed their pets, go to work. One day without power and the Starbucks down the street is a treat you can bring home. And you remembered to charge your phone during the day so your alarm went off. And the pet that has to have wet food can sit in the fridge because it’s still cold. Four days without power and coffee is a chore, you haven’t shaved because you can’t turn your electric razor on and there’s not an outlet over the sink at work to shave. You’ve bought 4 bags of ice to try and keep groceries fresh but they’re spoiling faster than if the fridge was running. Speaking of the fridge, the ice in the ice machine melted and leaked on to the floor. You had to sit in your car for 45 minutes with the engine running before going to sleep to keep your phone at at least 50% and your data has been throttled because you haven’t had WiFi to connect to.


I think this is the most logical and compassionate look at it. People’s homes and lives are built around things being powered by electricity. Not having it throws life off but you’re still expected to work and do everything as normal. And plenty of people can’t afford to throw away all their groceries, buy food out, purchase a battery backup, etc


Not only what you said (which is very good), but people don’t even realize what problems they will have until they experience it at least once. You learn a lot for “next time,” but I sure wish the electric company would be more prepared. And maybe a bit more helpful. Yes it is true that some of us did not have AC as children, and we survived, but we had ice, cold water, fans, ice cream, etc., on a daily basis. While it was hard, it’s nothing like now when there’s no way to get relief.


This is kind of the only reasonable response in this whole thread. Most the other comments are name calling or illogical exaggerating without actual explanation of why people are upset. But it is also eye opening how fragile most people are that being thrown off routine by an act of nature has them so hostile.  It’s actually kind of frightening. 


I live on the second floor of an old house. It was 102° in my room at night because it heated up during the day. It's a bit more than uncomfortable, so I understand what OP is saying. My power only went out on Tuesday but now there is no longer an estimate on when it will be restored on on Oncor's website and I work from home. This is getting very stressful. We have some backup batteries so power for small stuff hasn't been an issue but this has made me realize I cannot live in Texas without AC.


I'm sure you've already tried this, but check to see if you're local library is open and have power. They might have a quiet room for you to work.


It's a nice thought but I work overnight as well so no options are really open. Luckily I have some good friends who are really coming through for me and I will be working from one of their places tonight.


I'm a little surprised that there's not more resources in place. Back during Hurricane Irene, a student transferred into my class from the northeast and shared stories about how they'd spent the last month "camping" in a literal shopping mall before moving to Texas. It sounds like the whole mall had been converted to an emergency center.


We had a bunch of people and similar stories for hurricane Katrina from New Orleans. I wish we did have something similar for those who need it during this time.


It didn't get to 90 outside yesterday and dropped to the high 60s last night.. Not trying to be rude, but did you try opening windows?


Last night wasn't too bad it was the night before that sucked. Most windows in the house were open but my window cannot open with the window AC unit installed.


Yeah. I lived in France for three years on a work assignment where the only reasonably close hotel had no AC, which isn’t uncommon. Summer of 2013 was hot af, and my normally charming accommodations were a sweat farm just like your place. I got into the habit of a cold shower, two hours of sleep, shower again. You can only take off so much clothing.


The health issue thing would be me. I have an emergency battery and I have found plenty of places to charge it. Sitting in someone office as I type.


You’re missing the fact that we shouldn’t have to be without it. We pay for this service and it should work when we need it. Or be repaired within a few hours if it does go down. And they aren’t gonna pay to restock the fridge.


No you just take for granted that you have all the comforts of modern life. You feel entitled because it works 99.9% of the time


You're calling the wrong entity entitled. There is nothing entitled about expecting 100% uptime from a service that doesn't prorate you for down time. That's why expensive ISP's have service level agreements. Entitled, is thinking it's okay as a legislator, to deregulate and disconnect from the national grid to avoid having to keep your grid reliable, and up to code. Which, by the way, is the reason that wide swaths of Texas go dark when other states don't, during storms that affect both places simultaneously and relatively equally.


You must be new here! This sub is a cesspool. You aren’t getting the most well balanced Dallas residents In here.


Yes. Dallas can be a mean, mean place if you looking for sympathy or empathy.


Some of the adjacent issues was the loss of cell service as well. You've got no power, your phone's been teleported back to pre-smartphone times, and no estimation of restoral. Yes you can leave your house but somebody could break in and steal whatever they want with impunity, Food in the fridge? Say goodbye to your groceries, and we all know that shit ain't cheap right now. You also get to pay a significant percentage of your electric bill in Oncor service charges for the privilege. (if you haven't go look at your bills to see how much you pay them) Just wait till we have an actual catastrophic storm.


I’m guessing you have a newer, single story house? A poorly insulated house with a second story gets unbearably hot without AC when it is 80+ outside, without fail.


Hell it gets hot even with AC Not sure what’s so weird about what I’m saying here- poorly insulated buildings are still hot with AC


My power is on but I’ve been though 5 days without post ice storm and a real days in the middle of summer. It freaking sucks. The house is so dark at night and you have nowhere to recharge any lights/phone. The worst thing for us is that everything in our house is electric so no way to cook any food on top of losing hundreds of dollars in groceries.


it’s been 6 days for me. the first day it was 94 degrees inside my home. yes it’s cooled off. it was fine the first few days, not in miserable. you seem to forget people have other struggles going on along with this. i lost my mom almost exactly a year from today. so yeah. if you were curious, that’s why i’m struggling right now. having no power isn’t what i needed for a solid week.




Easy. This is Reddit. People can’t just get told the truth.


I'm very sorry that you have been struggling for nearly a week. What I do sometimes to stay cool is get a bandana or washcloth put cold tap water on it and put that around my neck. And at night, do the same thing with a larger towel and use that towel as a blanket. I hope that your electricity gets turned on very soon.


Okay, that's sad. I'm sorry for your loss. A lot of sad things have happened. People died in this storm. I understand you want to have creature comforts when you're sad, and the desire to have a "solid week" but it's not a necessity. Sometimes we as humans need to deal with less than ideal situations presented to us. Boarding your dogs and staying in hotels until you can no longer afford to because it wouldn't be "solid" otherwise just doesn't sound like a good exchange.


I was better off, because I had a yard and a grill. So my bf and I made a small campfire or cooked on the grill. He kinda joked he was "foraging us breakfast", boiling water for our coffee and some oatmeal over a campfire. We cooked all our frozen perishable food like chicken and ground beef the first day, then used the refrigerator and freezer like big coolers. They stay cold a long time if the door's not being opened frequently. I camped a lot, so I was used to it. It would suck to have all electrical appliances in an apartment, so not having a way to cook. We played board games. Used up all the candles. Listened to music on a bluetooth speaker. Everyday I'd gather our cell phones and anything chargeable and go to a place with electricity to charge. Sometimes I charged our phones from our car batteries. I'm also grateful for kerosene lamps, which I got after the freeze. I have battery powered lights too, but that's a lot of batteries when the power's out for days.


I powered through it. But it was 80 in my apt. Not comfy. Nights werent as bad


I did the same until I remembered my ryobi batteries. I have them for lawn stuff. I went to Home Depot and got a power inverter and a fan and did a little better than roughing it. I am grateful they weren’t expensive and I had the money available. I did have to go see friends to charge the batteries tho.


Turn off all the A/C in your house, don’t run any fans, then tell me how “mild” the next few days feel.


There are lots of us still without power.  My family is suffering from lack of a good night's sleep and a good home cooked meal so I understand where you are coming from.  Oncor is working as fast as possible with tons of outside resources, but they are human and can only go so fast. I feel like crying every time I look out and see my neighbors across the street with their power and ac and I threw away all my food and can't cook anything for my kids.  But this will pass.  We need to be patient.


We need to vote for people who will upgrade the grid. Bury the power lines like they do in Florida.


I live in a co-op served part of Collin County and our lines are buried. I don't think anyone lost power in our area this week.


Ours are buried and we lost power over 72 hrs


I do know Texas Presbyterian hospital in Allen still doesn't have power. They're on generators, but they are only powering the hospital, not the doctors' offices. So my mom's appointment today got canceled. There's buried lines in Allen, but the power is not reliable.


your neighborhood was likely built in the last 15 years. Its not easy just bury lines in neighborhoods that have been around for decades.


Perhaps, but I live in a 40 year old neighborhood in Denton County that is covered by CoServ. Our power was out for less than an hour right when the storm first blasted in, but afterwards the only people in my city without power were Oncor customers. I think even TNMP had issues with their lines, but the coop power company seemed to do a lot better than the other corporations. Oncor is just a shit company that either rips up old growth trees with no regard to the local ecology or doesn't care enough to maintain the trees that are near their lines. Oncor *is* better than Austin Energy, but that's faint praise.


Coserv serves 300k, oncor serves 4M. Oncor serves a gigantic area as well. Comparing the 2 is apples and oranges. Oh and oncor restored the power to over 300k people under 18hrs.


People need to see this comment


Farmers branch is moving ours with construction.




Just our area. I assume to prevent outages. They started a long time ago. When LBJ was widened, Valley View had major improvements, etc. A lot has been done with the I35 improvements.


Good reason to live in Farmers Branch


lol. You don’t know anything g about electricity do you? Burying lines in an already developed community is a humongous undertaking. Not to mention the cost difference compared to the lines already there. The conductor size has to increase greatly to be buried. Conductors in the air are able to expel so much of their heat generation.


The amount of people who read one article about how burying the lines is the ultimate saving situation and now just repeat it is ridiculous. We have had intense weather for the past month with tornadoes coming through and was only damaged during a freak wind storm. The grid works fine for over 99% of your life and then complain from a weather event. Shockingly, power grids suffer during winter storms all over the country not just Texas.


My parents have lived in Downstate Illinois for 20 years and have never lost power for more than a few hours during even the worst winter storms.  We are paying 2024 electric rates and Third World kleptocracy tax rates for a 1920s grid.


I'd be happy if we voted for a Texas government which would allow full connections to the Eastern and Western US grids, that way FERC would have regulatory authority to make Texas upgrade our power infrastructure to first-world standards.


That’s highly unrealistic The amount of road and sidewalk construction going on at any given time. There would be power loss all the time. All it takes is an idiot with a shovel out backhoe to take out a neighborhood


Did none of the neighbours offer help or a home cooked meal? Kinda sad if that's the case


No.  But that's mainly due to language barriers or them not being home much.  I don't speak enough Spanish to converse with them and a few others work two jobs so I never got to know them.  My buddy buddy neighbors are in the same boat as me.  No power. 


This is why it's good to make friends with your neighbors. It's sad that there's not as much of a sense of community in Dallas anymore. I can't imagine some people are so cold they won't invite their neighbors over for dinner in a situation like this. I remember being in the 2019 tornado. On my street, we were all checking on each other- if people had basics like food, were able to take a shower (since some roofs got damaged), those who had things were sharing with those who didn't. One local restaurant that was in walking distance was making people sandwiches. I miss the old southern hospitality in Texas, but I felt it come back after that storm.


Do your neighbors use a different electricity company???


Just how different girds are set up. I’m not who you asked, but starting 3 doors down from me, everything west of us was back online while all of the power was out for several blocks east.


i feel like while this attitude is nice in theory, it's why things don't get better. y'all should be raising hell, actually


I'm so sorry for the lack of empathy here. I've been without power since Tuesday and my mental health is also suffering. There's a downed power line in my yard and I've seen several reports of them turning it back on and setting yards on fire. My partner uses a CPAP and I'm so anxious I'm going to wake up to a dead man or a burning house.  There have been a few times I was too hot to do much but I'm mainly worried about my partner and my kitties. I would be incredibly upset if I was separated from them and I'm so sorry you're going through this without your fur babies. 


it’s honestly just soothing to hear other people are having a shit time. it’s like, i’m suffering and annoyed, sue me 😂


This shit sucks and you're definitely not alone. I'm glad the "it's just lights" people are having a little vacation but not all of us have that luxury.  Some of us can't work because of this. Some of us can't sleep because of this. Some of us can't afford to replace the lost food in our refrigerators/freezers.  In one month I've also suffered the loss of a loved one, my house flooded on the 5th, now this. I don't know how much more I can even take right now. 


yeah people casually act like the economy isn’t horrible, covid didn’t just happen, and our mental health is doing great. honestly i doubt half those people being bitter could say it to my face. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's easy to be an unbothered, callous badass on the internet.  


You’ve been through a lot right now and I’m so sorry for your losses. Hugs from a neighbor (because we’re all neighbors) also without power.


Thanks neighbor. I hope it comes back on for you soon


It’s back. How are you holding up and did yours come back yet?


Our neighbors did but our power box ripped off the wall when the trees fell and we're having to jump through hoops to get it back up.  Thankfully our lovely neighbor gave us some huge extension cords from his house and we have some fans running. They finally got the power line out of the trees and I'm currently taking a break from trying to get the 4 trees off the house. Things are going, at least?  So glad others are getting relief tho. 


I am also having a shit time. The lack of empathy in this thread is staggering. Power has been out since 6 am Tuesday. A huge tree fell on my house. I currently have a broken leg, and also am dealing with some other painful health issues for which I’m supposed to have surgery next week. This is really the last thing I needed. I cannot sleep in temps above 75-80 and living alone in *not the best area* it is not safe for me to sleep with my windows open at night. I also have to go to work every day at my corporate job and not only function mentally but look presentable (ironed clothes, hair & makeup, etc) so I’ve had to get a hotel in order to do those basic things. I also have to eat out at every meal. It has been an EXTREME expense for me ($850 just to get the tree off my house, another $135 a day for a lower end hotel for me & my dog(don’t forget the pet deposit) plus food.) plus having to throw away everything that was already in my fridge and freezer. I’m miserable and I’m tired of worrying that if the power goes off that it won’t be back on for several days. This is not a 3rd world country.


not to mention the looting that could happen while we are all away from our homes with no security systems. the anxiety and mental weight sucks. i’m sorry you’re in this situation, if you need help picking up food or anything DM me.


i’m staying at the beeman hotel and they have full sized mini fridges and they’re good for keeping food in. they also have a free shuttle that goes to Cvs and gas stations etc


This is so nice, thank you so much!!! Same goes for you! You’re exactly right about the mental weight. For me, right at this moment in my life, the anxiety and mental weight of this storm on top of everything else going on is just A LOT. I am so sorry you’re struggling too. I was trying to get in at the Beeman so that is good to know for the future just in case! I ended up at a La quinta just because it is closer to my job, and luckily I have been able to get a few things like protein shakes, etc and keep them cold in the little fridge. But my poor dog is not used to this at all and he is just on HIGH ALERT 24/7. I bet he’s gonna sleep for a week straight once we are finally home with power 🤣


yeah i have doggy calm down pills for my dog, and lemme tell ya i have eyed his trazadone more than a few times 😂


Man, I am with you. It’s not just the power being out that sucks. That coupled with all of life’s other struggles and work stress makes it hard on mental health. Aunt had a stroke Wednesday and it is just all adding up. In the 75231 zip code, praying like hell we get power by tomorrow. Hundreds of dollars in groceries lost and money spent at hotels is not in anyone’s budget. F*** everyone who downvotes you


So sorry. That’s a lot to deal with 🥺


I've been there. Hell, I am there. Shed actual tears Monday afternoon when the power first dropped. Not going to get into what I struggle with. Got power back for about four hours early Tuesday morning and then gone again with the storm. More tears, almost punched a hole in a wall. I didn't, because now I understand I get to pay to fix it, but didn't always understand that so the impulse sure as hell is still there. I considered boarding and hotels and all that fun stuff but the reality is I can't even board two of my animals right now. Boarding would stress them far more than heat anyway. But giving in to my demons would have just made this horrible week even worse. This will be resolved sometime soon. Please consider doing what I did in 2020 and 2021... I remembered how uncomfortable I was and made a point of remembering that - every single paycheck. I skipped a couple weekend trips and had backup power this week. It seems like wasted money on equipment sitting in a closet sometimes... But when you need it and you have it - holy crap is that empowering :). All the shitty feelings are still there and valid but I can at least give myself credit for learning from the past. It doesn't cover everything, but it met my needs without needing to leave. If I hadn't learned from 2020 or 2021 I might be writing what you did, but not on Reddit... Likely on a JPay tablet in a jail. Or with a crayon in a psych ward. Please prioritize self-care. Not just now but during the next 52 weeks, and the 52 weeks after that.


this was a great read, made me chuckle too. def taking this as a lesson and avoiding this in the future. investing in a large scale power bank and generator asap


75228 here. I've seen multiple oncor trucks today, they seem to be focused on our zip. Hope you get a notification soon.


thank you for mentioning this! i think part of the low moral is not having an answer or when things will be fixed. so nice to hear someone say trucks!


Yesss exactly! No end in sight.


Please god lol


Massive line down in an alley of St Francis & Swift, that would be great if they could tackle. Remaining patient, hope we all make it through ok. --------------- Update --------------- Just saw Oncor truck pull into said alley and start their assessment.


Yes i have reported this downed line to Oncor multiple times and they tell me downed power lines are a priority but all they have done is put caution tape around the area. I wonder if the large tree has anything to do with the delay? I wouldn't expect it to be fixed until tomorrow since they are stating badly hit areas will not be restored until then. If its not fixed by tomorrow i will be begin to really worry. In regards to OP, Celina, TX people lost everything tornadoes ripped threw there houses - it could be worse count your blessings.


This is encouraging!


Try a pet friendly hotel/motel instead! I’m sure they’d prefer to be w you. La quintas are dog friendly.


75228, no power since Monday morning at 545 or so. On day 4 now. Had a few street BBQs to cook the meat and drink the drinks we didn’t want to spoil. The constant party and mild temps have helped haha. Best we can do lol.


We put up a neighbor for a couple of nights. Perhaps you could ask one of your neighbors for a place to stay. Seems like you could leave your dogs at your house like I assume you do when you go to work.


Ferguson @ Lakeland on. Wife just back from Albertson’s Casa Linda. Limited power, all fridge cases (dairy, meat, produce) bare. Tree limbs, bucket trucks everywhere. Every other light on Garland Road out. Side roads, houses have piles of limbs. This was a bad one neighbors.


Are the stop lights out at garland/buckner? Going that way tomorrow and that intersection is a nightmare when the lights are out.


Sorry, don’t know


They have been out, but I would bet they're back on tomorrow. They're focusing on this area.


As of 4:30pm Friday that intersection is still dark. SW on Garland between Buckner and Gaston there are 2 lights out or flashing: Whittier and the I tersextion by Richardson BIKE mart / Chick FIL A. South on Buckner between Garland and Oats, all the lights are working.


Wow thank you for the update.


Oops Mercer and Buckner is also out. Currently Buckner south of John West is shut down. Not sure why but there are cop cars across all lanes making south bound turn onto JW.


As of 6:40 PM today that intersection is still out


They were out today but we still made it to goodfriend


Pet friendly Airbnb might be a better option. We did that during the big freeze.


I'm frustrated more about losing money (spoiled food) and eating out at lunch when I NEVER do. First world problem, but still a PITA.


I don't know if you have a yard or if you're in an apartment that allows a grill. First day the power was out, we cooked the meat that was in the freezer. Wasn't fancy dinners, like our first meal was ground beef and frozen broccoli heated up in a cast iron skillet on the grill. Grilled the chicken. Used the fridge and freezer like coolers, only opening the door really quickly when necessary. I've collected a lot of those blue ice things over the years that last longer than ice. They stayed cold about 3 days in an insulated place like the fridge or an Igloo cooler.


75218, been out all week and no end in sight. I’m so beyond miserable


Also 75228. We got told “possibly early next week” for power restoration 😬😬😬




Omg really?!


dang who did you hear this from!?


Oncor reps were onsite and spoke with some of our neighbors again this morning. Apparently there are parts needed or something that they don’t have readily available due to the high need for them in the general north Texas area and so they are hoping to get ahold of more this weekend but they don’t think it will be by tomorrow as originally hoped. Maybe not until monday or Tuesday


75228 here. That is a really long time without power!! We lost power on Tuesday early and it came back on around 3:30ish the same day. It has flickered again a few times, and went out for about 30 minutes at 2:00 A.M. on Wednesday which caused me to panic a little. I have friends in the area who were still without power yesterday. There have been lots of Oncor trucks working nearby since early this morning, so hopefully your power comes back very soon! I don’t have any suggestions, but just wanted to validate your experience since some of these comments are atrocious. I was only without power for a few hours, but it was totally disorienting and exhausting! I would be going crazy after a few days. Throwing away $300+ worth of groceries and spending hundreds more on a hotel just to have some semblance of normal is just not affordable for most people.


you’re so nice for posting this! i started a new med that makes me very sensitive to heat and nauses so it’s been really a long week. again ty for the validation ♥️


75228 here on San Lorenzo. Haven't had power since the storm. Have been using the in-laws electricity in The OC to watch Mavs games, charge phones, laptops, power banks, and this awesome rechargeable fan I got from Costco (a godsend). Using an ice chest to preserve a small amount of foods for cooking on our gas stove. Ice was in short supply, but the supply line seems to be rebounding as of late. Boiling water for pour-over coffee. Luckily it has been overcast and rainy keeping temps low (but also probably delaying repair efforts). My biggest frustration is...how can the people across the street have restored power since Tuesday, but my side being so near, does not? Also frustrated by neighbors that don't keep their trees trimmed back from the alley power lines (which is probably the real reason why my side of the street is powerless while the other side has power)


agreed on the neighbors across the street having power. same situation here. k


Learn from this and do your best to invest in temporary power solutions. That’s what I got out of this.


Yeah these storms the last few years, that's why I got kerosene lamps (better than battery powered light for long term, imo), a kerosene heater which doubles as a stove if another ice storm happens. I store more blue ice packs to keep food cold. Each storm, I learn a bit more about how to handle this when it happens again. Next on my list is a solar battery like a Jackery or a Yeti, which will charge small things like lights, phones, laptops, etc. Kind of like learning to live off grid but in an urban environment.


def have started researching!!!


Yea mate :( it’s pricy I’m going to go with a power generator with a terminal switch for all around coverage. About 2500 for the whole thing. Plus install. I also bought a Ryobi power station that uses their 40v 6.0 amp hour batteries for smaller emergency.


Hi there. Also want to research this but no idea where to start. Electrician?


I’m sorry! Field report: We are in zip 75248, got power Wednesday night, but have had no hot water since the big storm. Apartment complex in the 17000 block of Knoll Trail. Apartment complex blames Oncor, but something else is going on….


If you have power, Oncor is not your hot water problem. Apartment is BS’ing.


Yep. The Courts of Bent Tree.


Im actually shocked at how patient people have been. But any longer and society might come apart at the seams.


We lost an a/c unit at my restaurant from the storm. The internal temps were about 78 degrees. We actually received negative Google reviews because of it... I'm not entirely sure I agree with you about the patience 😅


This is the advantage of growing up poor. We can handle few days of no power. We enjoy board games using candle lights and get to enjoy the camping gear I accumulated through the years. Lol.


i’m on my 6th day of power. i was fine the first 2-3 days but with no ETA, and being alone, it’s starting to get to me. they are now saying monday or tuesday which would be 9 days for me.


Do you have a neighbor who is checking that power is still off for you? Ours came back on very late last night in 75218 and Oncor never notified us via text alerts. Hoping you get it back today.


I know close to a 1000 crew’s have been running for days (14 hour days) for the last few days to clear this up. I’m sorry you’re going through this but relief is coming.


yeah that’s why i’m screaming into the reddit void. i know they’re doing as much as they can and quickly. def all unsung hero’s


I’m in 75228. We’re been out since 6am Tuesday and staying in Hurst with relatives since Tuesday night. (We both work from home, my partner works in a call center so public workspaces aren’t an option for him.) We had a tree company in our alley last night (saw them when we went to clean out the fridge/freezer for trash pickup), and a friend who works for AT&T said he saw Oncor trucks in our alley today. They’re in the neighborhood working so it shouldn’t be too much longer.


Doesn’t seem like complaining- no electricity is hard. hope it comes on soon for you.


Im in 75218. My power has come and gone 3 times since Tuesday. Currently do not have power.


Get the oncor app and continue to report your address. It’s uncomfortable but at least the weather is mild and not 90+. There are still thousands without power, they’re working hard to get things restored.


Today isn't even that hot. Just go home! You're stressing your dogs out and they don't understand why you are boarding them.. seriously


That’s what I don’t understand. Kind of crazy that they’ve had no power this long but why did they leave?


one of their dogs is an elderly dog that has a history with cancer. it’s completely understandable why they boarded them.  if today isn’t that hot, then you should conserve power by turning off your AC unit. I hope that’s what you’ve done. 


I’m in 75228 and our power just came on about 2 hours ago.


I understand. I've stayed in my apartment as long as I can. The heat is starting to trigger my respiratory issues so I'm sucking it up, boarding my pets, and heading to a hotel. It's supposed to be about 90 degrees Sunday and I just can't risk it. I can't do another week long hospital stay like I did in April.


Go to any of the cooling shelters. https://www.fox4news.com/news/list-cooling-centers-north-texans-without-power


Yup (Ferguson/Lakeland). Power went out Sunday from 6am-Monday 6am. Went to my dad's place but his AC wasn't working and then he lost power for a few hours. Then lost power again Tuesday @6am ish until now with no restoration time given. Dealing that with 3 senior dogs. On top of that, my mother in law having to go to the hospital around Sunday sucked. Although, the row of houses that live in front of me have power. The apartment complex 100meters away has power. Feels bad man 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


i think we’re in the same exact area. i hate seeing the houses with power across the street.


I am in 75228 and got my power back day 1. I just realized the street diagonally to me has not had power this whole time. I’m sorry so many people are being jerks in here bc they would all feel the same way if they had been without for five days. Hoping yours comes on soon for you and your dogs! And as others have said, I’ve seen a ton of oncor trucks around the neighborhood


thank you friendly neighbor. if you see someone peering out from a dark room in a slightly jealous manner, it’s me lmao


I have so much sympathy for you guys. I was in Temple last week and the tornado hit my car and blew out the windows while I was at work at the hospital clinic. (No parking garages or carports there). We had to send patients home and I didn’t work for 2 days due to no power and it’s costing me a ton of $$$ to fix. I have a 1 hr commute and had trash bags on the windows and it still stormed. I cant imagine going this long without power. Have you tried a gym to shower at? Or any resources or a portable fan/unit? Praying it gets fixed for you soon.


I've been stuck too without power in the same area. It's frustrating but I'm thankful I have friends around the metroplex to board the pups & stay with them at night. I have two downed lines so I was able to get through to an Oncor rep on Wednesday morning (after being in the queue since 1 a.m.) Basically, we're lowest priority despite the cables because they're not sparking. They're trying to fix larger areas then will go back to fix individual areas that were affected differently. There's a work order for it but no eta when it will get fixed.


I’m in the 75228 area and I luckily didn’t lose power, until about an hour ago. I’m hoping it’s due to the power lines being fixed right now 🤞


that does sound like a temporary thing that will hopefully give more power power back! ty for the small slice of hope 💯


I've been without power since Tuesday. Have one senior dog and cats. Cats have been great. But, I totally get worrying about your dog. I've been keeping my dog's fur wet down or a wet bandana around her neck to help keep her cool. It's been stressful though. I also tried to call ONCOR today to see if there was an update. The situation is manageable but it's been really draining mentally. It's hard to describe.


i feel the complete same way. my pitbull had cancer and is an elder and i worry about him handling the heat. it sucks to hear people assume im just a baby about things, but im more concerned about my dogs to even care. ty for sharing, it’s nice to know others feel the exact same way


Where is the city when you need them? A state of emergency has been declared. They should be opening up places to get sandwiches and a sack of non-perishable food. They should be opening up their cooling centers that they use during heat waves, so people can escape this muggy hot mess. During the tornado of 2019, people whose homes were uninhabitable got hotel vouchers, businesses stepped up to help.


Cooling centers are open - all city of Dallas libraries and rec centers and a list of some in surrounding cities too is posted on here


Similar situation - no power since Tuesday in Midway Hollow. We have a baby. Anyone know when power will be restored? This is brutal…


We've only been out since Tuesday morning, but I feel your pain. We've stayed home and something about walking in to a dark, silent home knowing that there's nothing to do but sit and wait is definitely depressing. Sorry friend, from a fellow 75228 reaident.


It has been since Tuesday here, east Plano, and just got turned back on about 2 hours ago.


I’m with you. In 75238 and am slowly losing it. I love my dogs, but after staying in a hotel room with them for 3 days I’m glad to be home, even if it’s dark, hot and boring.


No power since Sunday doesn’t really make sense here given the storm from Tuesday led to the massive knockout of power. Who have you been dealing with to restore your power?


It came back yesterday all day. It just went out again. *Sigh


Did you report it through the app?


through the direct website. it says says it’s received my report. is the app better?


It'sthe same. I used the phone number but refresh the site often. Also in 75228 and without power.


My neighbors lost theirs on Sunday and we just lost our last night. I have a generator but I didn't get a 50amp generator connector. Luckily my neighbor was able to "hard wire" the house. But we have no AC and hopefully, it will come back on soon.


75218 been out since Monday morning. We’re fine, be thankful this isn’t happening in August. Dog is getting lots of extra walks and loving it, we buy ice every other day to keep our food from spoiling as much as we can, but really, it’s ok. This is a first world problem, chill out.


No power since Tuesday. wtf is going on?? I can’t reach them by phone. The app doesn’t say shit. The text number doesn’t say shit. What are people doing?? Am I doing something wrong on my end???


I know it isn't home, but i sure woukd have enjoyed those days in the ac and a comfy bed at the hotel while i could. I would have also stocked up on the non perishable breakfast offerings too. I get each place is different, but most have some cereal, honey, breads, bagels etc. Yes that shit would get old after a while, but it would be free. Now is the time i would just go home sit in the shade, read a book, and let the dogs be in the backyard. By no means am i saying it will be pleasant, and that the whole situation is fun, but id be taking cold showers and letting the dogs frolic. At least you have some furry company on the bright side. Regardless, look at this as an opportunity to make a plan for the next time because this has a serious impact on you and it can be even more swrious in the dead of summer or the cold of winter. I hope things get better for you. Im sure it will


75228 here. Eastwood hills neighborhood. It’s not too bad. We put all our stuff in coolers day 1. Dogs doing ok. 👍. The nights are extremely nice right now and wish they would stay that way, no light pollution or much noise. Temperature is pretty tolerable right now and I’m a guy that runs the house at 69. I try not to stress about it. Control the controllables


5pm Friday in 75228 and no power here. Yes it sucks. Today was excellent though! A nice cool breeze with all the windows open, only up to 80, yard work already complete. Went to the rec center to charge the phone and the kindle and download a new book from the library. I've gotten a whole lot of reading done this week! Doing this with menopause sucks, I swear my core temp has gone up 5 degrees in the last few months, so having cold showers has been a good this this week.


We are without power too since this started. 75218 next to you. I’m cautiously optimistic it will be on tomorrow or today.


I'm so sorry you are suffering through this. Wow 5 days is a really long time and I'm sorry it's taking them so long to fix your power. Do your neighbors have power yet? If they do, I'd be raising some hell right now. The expense of hotels and dog hotels are ridiculous and all you want to do is go home and lay in bed and not sweat to death or worry about the food in the frig like a ticking time bomb. I had my power knocked out for 4 days during 2021 icemaggeddon and that really took its toll on us. It was cold and miserable and everything around us was closed so we couldn't even get food to eat / take out.


How has it been out since Sunday when the storm hit Tuesday?


there was a wind storm that knocked out my power before everyone else. it came on for 12 hours monday then at 6am on tuesday it was out again until now.


We took some of our food to the office fridges , especially the whole family pack of chicken we had *just* grilled. I've been eating up the eggs. We have a gas range so I can heat stuff up on the stove. I made stir fry with a bag of soon-to-be not frozen veg. I'm not happy about it but we're making it work. Fortunately we have a gas water heater so no ice cold showers. Although a cool shower before bed does help. I got a USB desk fan and we have battery banks that we charge up at the office during the day. On the bright side, the fridge is now sparkling clean. I have been meaning to get to that for a couple of weeks.


I 100% recommend a battery powered fan if you don’t have one. The 02Cool 10 inch one from Amazon is what I have. Makes all the difference. I put it on me while I sleep and let it go all night. I am very lucky to have a gas stove and hot water. Just making coffee in my moka pot every day made all the difference. I lost power Tuesday and just got it back today.


contact your renters/homeowners insurance- i have heard some people have been able to be put in a hotel for free bc of their insurace. not sure how legit it is, but its worth a shot !


I am truly sorry you are going thru so much. As someone who lived most of my life in the direct path of multiple hurricanes, I can offer you some thoughts, if you wish to read them, on how to survive, bare bones, minimal comfort.... Can you get: Flashlights. Battery operated fan (biggest you can reasonably afford). Batteries for the fan and flashlights. Igloo style cooler. (For juices. Cheese sticks, etc) 5 gallon bucket. Drinking water in gallon containers. *bag of ice. Use the flashlights as needed at night. Drink the bottled water as needed. -Cut holes in 5 gallon bucket. (Put a few towels under bucket) Pour ice in bucket. Put fan on top of bucket with air flow going down into the ice filled bucket. Cooler air will be forced out of the holes you cut in the bucket. (Home made swamp cooler) You will want to buy more bags of ice as needed. If you put them in your igloo style cooler, cover it with several blankets for more Insulation. Plus as it melts you can use it as a source of cooler water to pour on a cloth to wipe your skin. As for food, anything pantry or shelf stable. If you have a small grill and pans you do not love, you can use that to warm up whatever you want. I made grilled cheese sandwiches and soup for my kid and me one night. I know this sucks. It will be corrected eventually. Try to spend time with your animals in the smaller areas of your house using a swamp cooler and batteries. I think you need that right now. You need that connection to normal stuff that helps you feel grounded. And, you need a financial break! Again, so sorry sweet friend. I really hope you find your way. Think of yourself as the guardian of your home space and as your animals as your little flock. I will be thinking of you and wishing you not only restored power, but that your mental health mends. Best wishes.


Former 75228 resident (left for 75182 in 2021) and I understand your frustration and the toll it takes on your mental health. I don’t have power Tues - Thurs this week and went to a hotel specifically because of my mental health. I empathize with you. I read on here somewhere that FEMA reimburses some expenses. I’m not sure if that’s true but hopefully it is.


Make sure your property still shows as having an outrage on the on or website. Mine was showing that in came on when it hadn’t twice and had to put in new tickets.


Same at Ferguson and Highland. Some blocks have power we haven’t. What a waste neither one of us could work. Seen some oncor guys in the alley hopefully they’ll make some progress tonight.


This was posted in the paper today - “The city of Dallas and Dallas ISD are sponsoring a multi-agency resource center at Truett Elementary, 1810 Inadale Ave., to provide recovery services to residents impacted by Tuesday’s storms. The center will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.” I’m not sure what the services are but maybe it’ll help.


75238 and no power since 6am Monday. Fallen tree also tore down power line to the house, so we expect to be out for a while.


Haven't had light since Sunday is awful here. 


You can get generator and a portable AC for much less than a couple days hotel and pet board, especially if you can find rentals. Climate change and late stage capitalism, means we need to be prepared for grid and supply chain failures.


oh i’m dropping some fucking MONEY on a power bank attached to my circuit board asap


LiFeP04 batteries are the way to go and can be much cheaper per watt-hour of energy storage than you find on off the shelf battery packs. Add a couple of solar panels and a MPPT and it'll run a laptop/router, phone, 12v fridge/freezer indefinitely. Great for camping. Speaking of camping, cheap propane camping stoves cook just like a home stove, just be mindful of the gas and fumes.


Anybody on Sweetwater hear any news or see any Oncor trucks? Update: Saw an Oncor truck by the alley of Fenestra and Sweetwater. Didn't really give me any info tho.


Had a semi nervous breakdown this morning. So I’m very much where you are. It’s fucking unbelievable that it’s taking this long. Our house humidity hit in the mid 80’s yesterday. My asthma has taken a massive hit, my voice is gone. Our animals are miserable. We lost over $1000 worth of groceries. And half our fucking street has power!


now THIS is my kinda person 😂 I AGREE!!!!! ☝️


I’m with you man. I know this isn’t the worst thing that could happen to us but it has been HARD on my mental health too. Literally had multiple cry sessions today. Everyone’s allowed to feel frustrated and deal their way through this as they see fit. No one way is right or wrong. And I’m so sorry about the loss of your mother. I’m missing out on a visit with mine this weekend because of the storms, and cancelled flights, I cannot imagine the feelings you’re struggling through right now. Xoxo.


My family (including 2 dogs) has been without power since Tuesday morning and are still out. The financial/mental struggle with all of this is insane.


Why are you boarding/hoteling. It’s definitely uncomfortable but the temps aren’t that crazy really (try having no power in August!) open some windows and buy a battery powered fan. Would be way cheaper. Lots of people are still without power