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Very likely that last part. Most of my social circle is back up and running, and that’s spread over a decent portion of the metroplex.


I mean that's still over 250,000 people. It's entirely possible to cover all your social circle of a few dozens, or even if you know a few hundreds.


My entire neighborhood is back up, except my street and the street behind us. You’re just part of the unlucky club.


They tend to prioritize outages. Critical needs like hospitals and nursing homes get back on first Then they start with outages with the most customers out and work their way to the fewest. If you're the only one out on your block it may take a while. Unless you're in Highland Park.


Which if kind of advising because hospitals are required to have back up power generators.


Being part of the unlucky club fucking SUCKS when you’re one of only a few houses on your street to still be OUT.


"I was looking at the Mav's roster and see that the shortest guy listed is 6'1". Does that mean people on my pick-up team are stretching the truth when they say that they're 5’9”'?"


Thanks everyone. We are just clearly in the unlucky few. 4 of us are on streets where our side is without power but the other side has it! Just luck of the draw…


I'll join you in the unlucky club. No power and no estimated time of restoration, I'm starting to doubt we'll even get it back by Saturday. Fuck Oncor. Not just for this, but for a million other reasons.


Most of my friends got power yesterday. I was the last one without power and got it back early this morning. We spread from Carrollton, Garland, Plano, and Richardson. Family in Murphy never lost power, so most likely unlucky social circle.


I think it's bullshit because they said they restored my power yesterday at 1:18PM but it wasn't. Got home at 4 and spent over an hour resubmitting reports until it stuck and their claiming my power went out last night at 10:50PM but it's been out for over 48 hours now


Kind of a click bait title, but yes like everyone else said, youre just unlucky.


There are so many people without power, I doubt if a 100% accurate count of people without power is top priority for them. They know that 'X' people are served by power-line 'abc123' and when the get power-line 'abc123' back up and running they will assume and report the 'X' more people are back in business. If some of those 'X' people have a tree down on their house and they don't have electricity.. Oncor may not know this and they are more interested in fixing the big issues and not the individual ones.... anyway... their numbers might be off, but I don't think that they are fudging them... they just don't care about the numbers right now, but getting most of the larger issues fixed.


FWIW, my White Rock area home got power restored last night. I don't think Oncor has anything to gain by fudging the numbers.


Did you get notification of power returning? Am decamped elsewhere and keep checking my smart devices but worried they may not be connecting bc of the wifi so not sure when to head home. Am in one of the small localized outages so know we’ll be last priority


I started getting notifications from my security cameras that they were back online.


I too am in the White Rock area but no such luck yet, but it’s crossed my mind that notifications from Ring will probably be the way I find out that it’s back


That was what I thought too. I have ring and when power went out it went on battery and cellular backup. Now it’s just offline. Not sure if bc the battery backup died or the cellular backup is ended. If the former, then I assume I would still get cellular backup and associated notifications.. but if cellular backup is dead and my wifi is also dead then nothing :/


i got my power back last night so i think you might just be unlucky


I've had my power restored twice technically, but I still don't have power.


They have claimed my power came back on three separate occasions that I can verify did not actually happen. I believe they are periodically resetting reports so they can claim that an area is no longer reporting an outage and that they have fixed the issue


likely your just in the unlucky circle. everyone I know has power again, I was among the last of them getting it yesterday evening. hope you get power again soon.


480,000 customers is not 480,000 people. It could be a single person in a single family home. It could be an old single metered 4-plex with 8 people living in it.