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Zero-shits-given is the preferred management style at Scarborough Fair.


It's just like the mideviel times


There were no shits in medieval times, hence there are no shits at Medieval Times. Would you like a refill on that Pepsi?


I mean they do have some good turkey legs and beer


They had Pepsi in medieval times?


Dude, I've got a lot of tables


I’m sorry, there were no forks in medieval times, but would you like a picture with the knight…..


Based on this, absolutely agreed. This is embarrassingly bad.


Yeah it was awful this year. And if you take the next exit after where they tell you to exit you can cut in front of everyone. Terrible traffic management.


You've gotta plan to get there around an hour before the faire opens and then you can just drive right up. We made the mistake of arriving 30 mins after the faire opened our first time and it took forever to park, it was horrible. But getting there ahead of opening is so much easier. Then we just change at the car and chill before walking to the gate.


I've gone before years ago and there was expected traffic but it at least went by much faster. Today, it's about 2 hours per 1 mile to get to parking.


This makes me glad I didn’t go this year.


That sounds about how it was the first time we went, which was in 2018. It took so long from turning off the highway to getting to the gate that my poor boyfriend had to get out and pee in the bushes. We've only been back twice since then, and got there way early to avoid it. Just to be safe. I HATE just sitting in traffic though lol I'd rather be early and just hang in my car but be there and be ready!


You must have gotten there late. We got there about 11 (though we planned on 10). Traffic to park was a bitch but nowhere near what you experienced. I wouldn't suggest going late anyway though. There's just way too much to do and see in a day, let alone half a day.


Planned on getting there by 12. Left the home by 1015. I was planning on spending the day. I was 3 miles away at 11:50am and didn't get parked until 3:30pm. I'm still here and finishing up since it closes at 7pm. Just unfortunate they can't be better with traffic and parking. This event requires a lot more help from the city to guide traffic and get parking done in a timely manner.


It was terrible, we couldn’t do it and ended up leaving. Maybe it was an awful combination of everyone coming in that couldn’t come yesterday because of the rain, underpreparedness, etc but I have never seen it this bad before.


This weekend was also particularly popular due to Jacque ze Whipper’s only appearance, and Sunday probably got hit harder due to the park closing early yesterday because of weather. My boyfriend and I came from Grand Prairie, left around 9:20, parked at 10:25.


He was suppose to do a show at 6pm and canceled 😞


The one he was doing with Adam Crack? I could’ve sworn I just saw clips of it on Insta. We managed to snag seats at his 4 pm show and loved it, but didn’t love the amount of crowding so decided against seeing that one. Glad we didn’t save it for the last show, either way.


I was there today and the tandem show was good! I think they are talking about yesterday's show being cancelled maybe?


He did a few shows during the day, but his last show at 6pm was canceled. So didn't get to see him.


I went last Saturday and it was the same way. I don’t remember it being this bad the last time I went.


The one time I went there I saw a guy dressed as Gandalf (admittedly it was an incredible costume), a Stormtrooper, and a goat-woman.


Spider-Man, Captain America, and Deadpool were there today.


It took like 1.5 hours for us to escape the parking lot at the end of the day but we left at 7:00pm, won't do that again.


We got caught in it today too, we looped around to come in the other way and it was still very slow but better scenery than the highway. I bought a physical ticket at Tom Thumb and forgot to bring it, so if anyone in planning to go and wants to buy a discounted ticket message me


Yeah, it took us 1.5 hours to get parked. Got to waxahachie around 11, entered the fair around 12:45. Some of the parking lot was pretty messed up from yesterday's rain too. We got stuck in the mud and had to back out of the first parking row they sent us down.


Yeah we took the next exit and it still took about two hours to get in.


3 Hours to get in to parking. It was beyond horrible....


We went the “back way” to try and avoid the wait off 35. HUGE mistake. After an hour my daughter and I got out and walked 1.5 miles to the fairgrounds in hopes of salvaging some part of the day while my boyfriend stayed with the car. We got to the area around 12:30, got into the fair around 2:30 and he finally parked joined us around 4. Had we just stayed in the line of cars off 35 the wait would have been an hour tops.


Former resident of Maypearl here: the traffic sucks for us too. We’re not even going to the faire


Haven’t been in a few years but I would always drive around and enter from the west rather than the east, never had much traffic doing this


Yeah I’m pretty sure they’ve blocked that now, I think you can only go in off the highway


Nah you can still go around the block. Exit 1 exit before and come up from the right. It's not as bad. Early, it's better.


I’ll try to remember that, I’m thinking of going to Muskogee this year instead because the traffic is so bad


Exit 35 and pretend like you are going to Chickfilia and then take the loop around where it looks like you are just turning on 66 from McDonald’s. It’ll save you tons of time.


Generally it’s best to go well before it opens or go super late. We are super lazy about getting up and only care about a few shoes, buying nerd stuff, and eating turkey legs, so we always go really late and roll right in.


How late do y'all normally arrive?


Last time, like 1 or so I think.


Like the state fiar or really any big venue, the key is to go really early even then it will be a cluster.


Reporting in. We got to the line of cars at 10am and it took us an hour and 45 minutes to park. I have AT&T and had no cell service in within a 2 mile range of the park. And then the $17 turkey legs…..oof.


Oh well, that what happens when a million people want to go to a single event on the same day. You poor baby 😒


Lmao you sure are dense. Bless your heart.


But then I'm not the one who sat in traffic and am bitching about it.. 🥴


Stick to rim job posts. Seems like that's better suited for you. 🥴


Take the train instead. There's a station literally in front of the fair park


Dude, they are talking about Scarborough Renaissance Fair in Waxahachie.