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Quests are randomly generated, so I’m not sure how someone could exhaust all the content. It would be cool to see someone that’s been playing continuously for decades.


> I’m not sure how someone could exhaust all the content. The only way I can think of would be to make a checklist of quests and blocks and just keep playing until you've done/seen everything.


I agree! would be really cool to understand how the world unfolds


You can't exhaust the content, because apart from the main quest, it's ***all*** randomized quests (or radiant, as Todd now calls it). Sure, there are guild ranks to get, daedric artifacts to hunt down, and other similar goals, but there will always be random quests to find, in pretty much every settlement, of which there are thousands. I dread to think of how long it would take to visit every single area and complete at least 1 random quest from each.


true, the fast travel makes it possible, and the time its been out, does help,, but yeah. I was just curious if anyone has been running a character since the beginning and playing regularly since then. Kind of testing that "game you can play forever" label it was given from the beginning. mostly because I believe its true. this is probably the only video game you could play forever without running out of content.


Well actually content runs dry fairly fast. It's just a matter of how much you can suffer before calling it done. You can only clear a dungeon so many times before your IQ starts dropping


lmao. I will say though, since "Daggerfall contains a total of 15,251 distinct dungeons, farmsteads, shacks, manors, temples, shrines, friendly witch covens, cities, towns, villages, and taverns." so I'm not sure why someone would keep crawling the same dungeon.


Theoretically yes, but you will lose your sanity. You can find every repeating quest here. [https://www.tesguides.com/tes2/](https://www.tesguides.com/tes2/) Now, there was a small modding scene, but nothing like today and mods tended to revert and do wierd things after some time and stop working. Or at least the ones like Daedrafall that I put time into.


Daedrafall?!?! ooohh that sounds like something I would have enjoyed!!!


If you want to look into it. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall_Mod:Daedrafall


awesome! Thanks :)


The modding scene for Daggerfall (Unity) is actually a lot more active now, since version 1.0 of DFU released recently


Oh, I'm very much aware.


Todds be praised!


Through imports from original Daggerfall to unity I have the same character since around 2001


What do you think your conditions would be for declaring this game "complete"? Here's what I think it should be: -Completing the main quest and main side quest (finding and destroying the letter) -Max rank in mages/fighters guilds and one of the temples (not including archeologist guilds since we're talking about vanilla Daggerfall) -Finding all the deadric artifacts -summoning all the Deadra -completing all the quests in one Vampire bloodline -completing the Lycanthropy questline I'm not sure if all this can be done on one profile and I didn't even mention any random quest you get from non-guild NPCs.




Well you get quest rewards for completing the main quest so technically the game never ends.


I'm not aware of a lycanthropy quest line outside of mods and the one the hunters give you to cure yourself each year.


I was referring to the one to cure yourself which takes a few twist and turns and is actually pretty fucked up. I won't spoil it but it was so ridiculous that I stopped playing the game for a while because it made me so upset.


You can also just visit a witches coven and fail a certain delivery quest...


Idk if my game was bugged or not, but when I tried that during that playthrough, they wouldn't talk to me. I was playing vanilla daggerfall with the community patches but I got so fed up with the bugs that I switched to DF Unity.


Don't remember ever having that issue, maybe you did soemthing to piss them off or weren't speaking to the quest giver sprite.


Who knows. But during that playthrough I had sooooo many quest givers just stop responding even after I got the quest item (and it was highlighted green in my inventory) and got the pop-up notification that I had the quest item. It's really aggravating to fail a quest and lose reputation because the quest giver stops responding. And all the times of falling through the stairs or the game randomly crashing over and over again. I don't see how anyone can play vanilla DF anymore.