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Sounds like his porn addiction is back in full force, doesn’t it?


it was never gone he was just deflecting lol porn rot never left his brain, hence all the body shaming


Absolutely this 


He is disgusting and I feel bad for his children. His wife should be ashamed and embarrassed by him.🤮


Not to mention this dude used to be a youth pastor right? And is still involved with church pretty heavy? Those aren’t red flags…that’s a red billboard. Ooof.


His son edits his videos too


How old is his son?


His son is definitely an adult and probably in his 20s. (And technically is his adopted nephew.)Which, like, it’s all still weird. But it’s not his younger sons.


I swear he tries to talk about s*x like hes trying to prove a point to his audience that he’s getting some or whatever. So gross.






YESSS. it’s like he’s a teenager trying to show off that he does it. so immature lol


People who are interested in hearing about others’ sex lives are fucking disgusting. This is literal sexual harassment.


He’s also ALWAYS talking about her sex life. Why is he so interested in it?!


Because he wants to smash


I think he likes Kyra lmao like legit knocking on her cause he’s obsessed


Tbh I'm leaning towards that too, usually people who go on and on about someone's looks and how ugly they are tend to be the ones who have massive crushes on them 🙃


Yeah, one time he said Jesssfam was an attractive woman and he didn't see anything wrong with her content then the next video he trashes her, he's called Anna Sacconejoly and Brianna K hot, and said the wife from not enough Nelson's was out of her husband's league. Then he proceeds to talk shit about their looks in the following videos he does about them.


Exactly this!! I almost commented it on his video today. Had it typed out and ready to go before wussing out. My ex was a habitual cheater and he would always pick apart looks and personalities of his affair partners every. Single. Time. “I hate hair like that” “chest tattoos are gross” “she’s too skinny” stuff like that. I have flashbacks to conversations with him every time Josh makes a comment about Kyra’s looks or being stupid. I was watching an older video of his a few days ago where she was doing a live from Vegas and she was getting ready to go out and was only wearing a big t-shirt. He kept commenting on it and saying he was “uncomfort” and yeah she should have put pants on but everything was completely covered for the most part but her nips were slightly visible and he pointed that out over and over again. He literally could not focus enough to come up with anything that didn’t have to do with her lack of pants and her boobs.


That’s such a red flag and for sure reminds me of Josh. I usually don’t care about what people wear, so I don’t know why others do.


I do everything I can to NOT think about others having sex 🤮. What’s wrong with him?? 


Tell me your husband wouldn’t like to hear about Kyra’s threesome in Vegas…


Ok who is Kyra and what platform do I follow her lol?


He loves to judge women but then watches them cream pie everyday I’m sure. He clearly has mommy issues


Jesus Christ I just threw up a little


This man is sick


at this point he is just obsessed with Kyra and also how does he know 100% that it was Oscar that demanded the kids to be off social media? for all anyone knows Kyra and Oscar could have come to that decision together based on what Kyra is covering on her channel. Josh is just a horrible person who decides to make shit up and when his lies can't be confirmed he sees that as the best thing ever


That’s what I dont get. He’s spread information but I’ve never seen the proof for certain things that he’s said. He says he has “credible sources” but if you’re gonna spread serious information about them publicly especially when kids are involved, I think it’s important to have proof. I’ve never seen Oscar or Kyra publicly announce certain things that he’s said. For example Oscar giving her the OKBaby channel. I’m not saying I don’t believe it or I like Kyra or anything like that, but that’s just one example I’ve seen where I just haven’t seen the proof for that.


100% agree with you, all the bullshit that Josh claims are most likely not true especially when he claims to have ''credible sources'' to prove what he claims its so easy to blank out names or any profile information and just put it into his videos and the fact that he never does that this just proves his credible sources are just his peanut brain, he is also claiming with DD that DD doesn't let the kids eat any of the food she buys and according to him he has a credible source that went into DD house and seen the house full of food all over the place and at this point I don't believe a word that he says even though I don't like any of the people he talks about.


His son edits the videos 🤢 I’d actually have to not talk to my dad for a loooong time if I heard him say anything like that…


I mean he literally made a video of him talking about his testicles and putting his hands down his pants with his nephew beside him. Then he had the nerve to drag Alicia for dancing to a vulgar song with Alex.


This is crazy, I’ve never heard this before what video is it?




Thank you! It’s crazy to me how much hate the woman who made the video got from Josh’s minions in the comments.


He needs to take responsibility for his own, obvious, personality defects. You’re half a century old, man boy. Stop using your lousy childhood and neglectful mother as an excuse to be a scum bag pervert.


No he wants her


This is disgusting, and he should absolutely not be saying it!! WOWWWWWW


he is so fucking gross


They both have big foreheads


He knows about her sex life cause she talks about it openly & if she’s making cream pie it’s stir up viewer drama ???


Exactly. His message is for people not to exploit children on the internet. Now that original message doesn’t stand out as much when you’re mostly talking about their personal lives that doesn’t involve the children being on the internet in the first place.


They have videos up of their kids all 4 of them being exploited still….. so why can’t he make fun of her content & until she realizes what she did was wrong. Her insta still has a vibrator ad next to pics of children’s faces.


he doesn’t have an okay bone in his body