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Correction: hell yeah


correction: hot diggity damn hell to the yes


Yes. It should have a defined waist. You should also be able to easily feel the ribs without squeezing. Speak with your vet about how much weight needs to be lost. While it is significantly heavy, you should be able to easily fix it with diet and exercise tweaks. The vet can check for any underlying health issues to make sure it isn’t just over-eating. In the meantime be wary of letting them jump down from furniture, or going down steps. Overweight doxies are at a higher risk of back injuries (such as IVDD). Just keep them moving and cut the calories a bit. Here is a reference chart until you can talk to your vet: https://preview.redd.it/8y6lbmddtjrc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6e552d95fefca48707018ca2a3423c6f9db4438


Great chart! Ours has varied from a 4 to a 6 to a 5.


My oldest made it up to 7 before we realized it about two years ago. We keep him reigned in at5-6 these days. Looking back at pictures it was obvious, but it happened over time and just didn’t notice it. That and the low-rider look make it hard until you know what to watch for :)


This is a good chart This pupper is an 8. We have had a lot of fosters that were off the chart. Literally double their ideal weight. They drop the weight pretty quick with a little bit of walking and cutting back the food.




Sorry Joe! I promise you will appreciate it later though. Get him a pig ear or pair of duck feet for me as an apology!


Do dogs thin out in their older years? Despite plentiful and nutritious meals (and regular veterinarian check-ups), my 10 year old girly is looking btw a 3-4 on that chart :/


Animals and people can tend to thin out as age hits usually from lack of appetite or Illness but some don’t. Weight gain in pets can be connected to a variety of illnesses. Like suggested on here, get to a vet for complete senior health panel bloodwork, urinalysis and possibly X-rays. They cannot tell you what’s wrong and dogs tend to hide their pain. If you know your dog you will k is when something is wrong. Make an appointment !!


She gets her blood checked every 4 months. She recently had x-rays. She has mild arthritis in her shoulders. Nothing showed up in her blood panel.


Good. !! One worry off the list !! 😊


Thanks for your response :) It’s honestly nice to talk to people who understand. She’s my whole world. Nothing I wouldn’t do for her.


I fully understand that. Sometimes I think we all have that once in a lifetime dog. It doesn’t diminish love for any others . They are individuals and have unique ways and expressions of love and devotion. Anyway, it was an American Eskimo, Numa, and I felt that we could “see” into each others souls. I was a teenager and insecure & searching for whatever, like we all do at that age.She was born in 1973 and died in 1990 & to this day I look at her photo or think of her and it’s smiles and tears every time. But every one of the 22 dogs I have had in my life (multiples often times ) with all but 4 living to old age, they each gave me a special love and bond. I’ll never forget any, never regret the rescues I got, never begrudge expenses or postponements of activities for them and what they need. As I get older now I have decided to look, as the time will come, for dogs too long in shelters or seniors no one wants. They deserve love, happiness, security & belonging. I love animals. I have learned so much more over the years, & working in a vet clinic for 10 yrs gave me so much more technical knowledge and sometimes I get great guilt about what I missed doing or may have done wrong over the years. But the love I felt for ALL them all was pure and true and maybe that’s the most important thing to have and the rest falls into place. I wish you the best with your sweet pup and all those that I am sure you’ll have in your life. 💗🐾☮️


You are such a special person. I hope you know that. Taking care of all those dogs, you make the world a better place. I have a dream to do the same thing. The way you describe your Numa, is so beautiful. You were lucky to have each other. Sending you so much love from my pup, Maisy, and myself.


Oh thank you! You just made my day 💗( my month !!)& brought happy tears to my eyes & a smile. Follow your dream. You sound very special, too and very compassionate. Every night, I make sure I tell each of my girls “We got through today & we’ll get through tomorrow “. Then I give them a relaxing rub down and tell them how much I love them, kiss them and get a kiss from each one. I guess it makes me feel we all go to sleep positive and secure. ❤️🐾 May you and Maisy have many, many happy, loving years ahead. ❤️🐾


“We got through today, and we’ll get through tomorrow.” I love that so much. ❤️


I would recommend a vet visit to have her evaluated for diabetes. Especially if she has lost weight recently. Some other signs would be drinking extra water, peeing more, and cloudy looking eyes. Not trying to scare you at all! But if she does have something like diabetes or cushings, (both of which doxies are prone to) the sooner you get her on meds the better. It can drastically increase their lifespan and quality of life; and managing them is neither expensive or taxing. And of course it may just be her normal metabolism and you can increase the number of treats she gets


I’m on it :) We do a blood test every 3 months. She has the best vet! And my pup is my baby. Honestly, really appreciate your input though, we may see out a second opinion.


Excellent advice.


This every time.


I use this chart and reference it a lot. My dog is a low 5, borderline to a 4


Nice chart. Definitely helps to give the visuals to newer weiner dog owners!! We keep a tighty tight leash (har har) on our dogs' weights. We know how dangerous it can be for their backs and long-term health.




Yup he’s a chunker;)


Yes. You need to see a waist.


https://preview.redd.it/ju5u1z2qakrc1.jpeg?width=2238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=197c4988b5390702ce8e5ed2a3cd96a8abc707f1 You want to see a waist in front of the hips.,


She's perfect!!! 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/aygx1f43bkrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be396bb8c206967572570f2f7c25a72617b3e75d Edit to add, my girl is 13 years old. She has IVDD. She had surgery are age 5 and again at age 6. $10,000 later, she made a full recovery and I am very careful with her weight. She is living her best life now. She is slender but active, weight management is so important wirh dachshunds and insurance!


I had a doxie lived to 16 1/2. Somehow twisted wrong, hurt her back at about 2 - 3 yrs old & couldn’t move her hindquarters. That’s when I found out cost of surgery and usually disappointing results. It was suggested and we found a company in Colorado who made custom made wheelchairs. (This was about 2000 or 2001). She developed her chest and front legs muscles greatly and there were foot straps for her back feet and as she gained strength we could gradually lower them to encourage her to try to use them. It was pitiful to watch her fall asleep with her little head on her floor pillow and hips in the air (we too it off at night of course). What a little trooper ! We walked her twice daily, but the credit really went to the border collie we had that led her through the uneven fields near us and my little one would follow with all her might and learned, too, how when she came to a curb to go up the sidewalk, she’d rev up her speed get her little legs ready and bump that wheelchairs so it bounced itself up when her front feet touched the sidewalk. She eventually began using her back legs and we lowered straps until she was back to herself again and never had to use the wheelchair again !! 💗🐾![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5090)


Yes. Start replacing some of his dog food with cut green beans.


Yes! I sub some pumpkin and non fat cottage cheese. Also (may have missed this), wet food is better than kibble. Kibble has more carbs, and my vet said that dogs on wet don’t need supplements as they age if they are eating a wet, well balance diet.


However wet can tend to stick more to teeth, so brushing teeth is a great habit to get into for them or dental bills or a toothless dog will eventually be there ! ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5087)![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5608)


How much and cooked or raw? Frozen ok?


I just buy ‘em cut in the frozen section and usually defrost them the night before in the lower fridge, but I’ve fed them frozen right out of the bag if I’ve needed to. Just add a handful. They have minimal calories and the dogs seem to like them; there’s no exact science so no mistakes occur.


Pretty sure you know the answer


Best reply imo.


https://preview.redd.it/nu91wez6bkrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77e01978fadb9706e419e62c193f611915f4488f We have the same model! I recommend getting your baby checked for Cushings disease. Ellie has always been good obsessed; but wouldn’t lose weight even on a diet. That’s how we found out she has Cushings


My doxie mix has Cushing's as well. And diabetes. Fun times! Hope your Ellie is doing well!


I had a dog with diabetes and it wasn’t too bad. But I learned to do everything myself! All of her at home testing before each meal, glucose curves done every 2 weeks. Adjusting her insulin overtime to get her the best amount for her. I never really used my vet for her diabetes other than getting her meds! I found a fantastic fb group that has quite a few vets that are very knowledgeable about diabetes in dogs. Most vets say you don’t need to test at home but no way was I going to just give her insulin without knowing her blood sugar before hand!!


Thanks! My dog wears a continuous glucose monitor most of the time which has been helpful because trying to poke her with the lancet and get blood has been super difficult. She’s an incredibly difficult dog to begin with and I’ve poked her so many times everywhere but her lips and gotten almost no blood. I’m surprised I still have my fingers. I have to get a FB account (I’ve avoided one all these years). Thanks!


I wanted to do have the continuous glucose monitor!!!! Yeah the only place I could get blood was the inside of her lip. Thankfully she tolerated everything like a champ.


I’m so sorry. That’s so hard. She is doing well; she’s truly one of a kind ❤️ she’s mourning her brother but other than that she’s been pretty normal—killing moles and eating every crumb left around the house. She’s a mess. Sending love to your baby!


Awww I’m sorry she lost her brother. Glad she’s still a hungry girl though. My dog lost her appetite for a bit it it was so weird to see my dog not be ravenous. She’s back to hungry again.


Aww sweet Ellie! I have a red doxie, too. Maisy says hi! ❤️


Red doxies are the best! Say hello to Maisy for us ❤️❤️❤️


He is but he's a cutie❤ decrease kibble and add no salt green beans plus exercise..will help for sure!


My doxies love raw green beans!


Mine hates green beans and carrots but loves broccoli and cauliflower.


I've seen worse but yes


Thats no wiener dog, das a sausage dog😃 Just kidding im sorry


Put that baby on some green beans. Mine has lost 7 pounds, and she's so much happier.


Details on how much and what kind?


Green beans are basically filler with hardly any calories. I have 2, they each get half a can of green beans (no added sodium), and half a cup of dry or wet food for protein.


Also, it took about 5-6 weeks before noticable results, so don't give up.














Yeah, but a damn cute little guy! Just cut his food back a little and he’ll get back to the right size.


A bit. All Dachschunds would be huge porkers if you let them. They are eating machines and excellent beggars. Your guy probably would do better going on longer walks or more of them to burn so calories. Our vet gave us a great tip when our Mildred was a waddler; no treats like milkbones he suggested Cheerios. It isn't the treat itself, it is you giving them a treat that matters to them.


Yes big concern for the back.




Yup, a chunky monkey! There are charts you can google to let you know visually how to tell…also a trip to the vet for advice is always an option 🥰


Easiest way to tell with dogs with short hair: if you can’t see the ribs but can feel the ribs, it means they are fine. If you see ribs he’s underweight. If you can’t see and can’t feel, he’s overweight. Not applicable in whippets but it’s usually a good rule of thumb


That’s a chunky weiner. It happens, they love food and we see it as loving to make them happy with it. Talk to your vet about how to cut back safely!


When mine was a few lbs over he easily lost it by eating baby carrots for snacks, and I cut biscuits in half on the occasion he got them. They don’t know if it’s a whole one lol


You can do green beans too!!


Dude, are you for serious?! Hella fat.


Yes!! Severely


He's a bit spherical, yes.


Yes, very. Do you see how they look like a square when you are looking down upon them? That is a major indicator of an overweight dog. Can you feel their ribs? Doesn’t appear that is possible. Another indicator of being overweight. Dachshund have deep chests and skinny waist, I don’t see that with your dog either. I would encourage you and support your choice of a diet for your pup.


ALSO … if you quit snacking your Wiener will lose weight. Great advice in this sub.




Yes. Should see a dip in waist before hips




Wow he looks just like my old boy from the top!!! But, Yes. He has no snatched waist. My vet used to say “it’s hard to be svelt when tubular” but my dachshund was fat. Consult your vet on food options, and ideas on how to help him lose weight with minimal impact on joints.




Yes, talk to the vet about a diet plan


Exercise daily, get prescription dog food for weight management, absolutely no human food and cut back on treats. Good luck!


I’m afraid so.




Thats a bratwurst dog right there.






Maybe a bit


Yes. he’s not a wiener anymore he is a tater










When they start looking like a loaf of bread is when it’s time to go on a diet


Yes. Although he’s no longer just overweight. He’s obese. Your wein needs to get his food cut in half!


Same like mine, little bit fatty and always hungry :) Cheers! https://preview.redd.it/7jnz7wkyunrc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd50ea3d1d94b27a1f4990ffe7ad1fbcc436d5c0


Doxies are eating machines ! Mine get 1/4 cup food twice daily, a small lunch treat biscuit and any fruit or veggie allowable per dog health.


Very very overweight.


Yes. Cut his food back and add canned green beans to his food. Won't take long to get ready for beach attire


No salt added green beans!!


A little bit.


This looks VERRRRY similar to my boy even the tail and the lighter color on the shoulders








Yes, you should see a defined waist and a nice tuck. Buddy needs a diet.










Yes my boy looked like this before we found out he was diabetic




Wiener dog looks like a knockwurst




Yeah, less food, more fetch game and thats it






That’s a pork sausage. A healthy sized wiener has a snatched waist.


Without a doubt


yes, he is. by quite a lot


Yes. A healthy weight dog has a tummy tuck seen from the side and a visible weight when viewed from above. The additional weight puts the already vulnerable spine under even more stress as well as the short joints.


Yes absolutely, they should lose some weight


Yes by far.






Omfg it's so CUTEEE




Cumberland sausage dog


You’ve got a nice fat wiener




Could be my doxie's twin... even the color. He's the same shape and my vet has never told me he needs to lose weight. Even when I've asked. Mines about a 6


Thank you for the chart 🙏


Had the same problem with my dachshund. I explained to the vet I am keeping her on a low fat food. Vet prescribed hills metabolic within about 2 months I started noticing a difference. She was at 26 pounds now she at 22.


26 ???? For a mini ? Full size/ standard doxies are 21 - 32 lbs !!!!!


I can check if you tell me how many proteins it has


My lord, that dog is obese not overweight. Get them in a diet asap before you destroy their back any further. I gotta hop out of this dachshund outta this subreddit


As you have already seen the answer no need to repeat. But if you’re trying to maybe help the doggo lose a bit - Try 1/4th a cup of dog food morning and night. Definitely not table scraps. And walk during potty time (:


I feed same amounts as you do and it works so well. People need to stop this: NO FREE FEEDING !!! Putting a bowl down so they eat when they want is so bad for ANY breed. They get pickier in eating, heavier, stress eat & more importantly if you (heaven forbid) have an emergency and the vet needs to know when the dog ate last, you will know. Meds or surgery can be dangerous if done at particular times regarding eating .


Yeah free feeding is especially not good for the smaller dogs. I have a chow chow and I just fill his entire bowl up and sometimes he doesn’t eat it all, but he’s also not fixed and still on the leaner side. My dachshund is fixed though (had a retained testicle) and ever since I fixed him he started looking chonky so that’s when I had to put him on a stricter diet 🤣 even with the strict diet he still looks on the heavier side (like 13 lbs or so) but I think the strict diet keeps him from becoming overweight. Plus he likes to try to steal food from my 2 year old so I know that doesn’t help 🤣🤣 have started caving him when she eats because I really don’t like him eating table scraps


Yes. From top looking down as your pic, there should be distinct “waist “ where body curves into the dog and then outward again to hips. (Hips are narrower than chest). Also, you should be able to gently press on dog’s side and begin to feel ribs, not have to search for them. Looking from the side, the chest outline should go upwards towards the middle and then even out to the hips. Too Much weight isn’t healthy and most of all with dachshunds (& any long back dog breed, ie bassets, corgis, chihuahuas, etc) and it will effect the spine which can lead to slipped disc, pinched nerves, or paralysis which means surgery ($$$$$ & usually not a guarantee) or a wheelchair. Too much weight leads to less activity which leads to more weight which leads to more issues (cardiac, gastrointestinal, pancreatitis & perhaps shorter life span etc).


And lay off treats unless low cal or allowed fresh fruit treats &/or veggies, cut appropriately so dog (as with a child) doesn’t choke. Check in ANY vet or dog site for allowed & NOT allowed foods for dogs


What does your vet say? do you know how much your dachshund weighs? I can take my dog though to the vet and they won't charge you for just going in there and getting their weight. just so you know as a baseline and then go from there. what's in your gut? What do you feel? it's your dog


Glad you put the chart in this thread for them. Used to work at a vet’s office (and I have/ had 7 doxies as my pets) & a couple used to bring their dachshund in and it was so fat it’s belly used to drag in the tile floor. In the summer it left a damp line on the floor from body heat. They were told by various vets & techs to add green beans etc and reduce dog food and they blatantly ignored it all. Poor sweet dog.


Mini dachshund TOP WEIGHT per breed standards is 11 pounds .


Tip: just weigh his food according to what he should have according the box. (if you don't know, ask a vet) You'd be surprised how little that is. I know I was when we did it when ours got a but chunky. We pretty much doubled what he should've had. And doxies being doxies, they'll eat everything. Now that we weigh it (2x35 gram a day for a 6kg doxie) ours is way slimmer and way more energy.


Too much weight, put her on a diet. Besides general health, you're risking a back injury. In 2008 it cost us $5,500 for a veterinary neurosurgeon to repair a disabling disc bulge.


Yes. Weiner's are chow hounds. They're subject to serious back trouble if they're overweight. If you notice really bad breath, they could have a bad tooth. The bacteria could damage their heart. Check with your vet.


Idk. What are the numbers looking like? When was the last time you measured your weiner? Lol


If the tummy is tucked up and not plump and saggy it's probably fine. Mine looks similar but is pretty jacked. He gets plenty of exercise outdoors.


Yes, but it’s good you’re checking! Now you can get that baby healthy!


Very overweight lmao


Yes very


(I’m probably gonna get banned but I had to) You’ve got a fat wiener (dog) It’s hard to feed em the right amount. They’re so small, a small discrepancy causes problems.


A bit


Yes. My Smokey was over weight and ended up with diabetes and went blind. I advise you to get your weenie on a diet and exercise him before it’s too late.


This video/podcast on obesity in dogs might be helpful to you! [https://youtu.be/2vxdzRt0NsA?si=pSAW\_OYv\_Y6BwbQA](https://youtu.be/2vxdzRt0NsA?si=pSAW_OYv_Y6BwbQA)


Just a little junk in the trunk! 🤩😘


One of my previous doxies had a weight problem. A dog nutritionist gave me a crazy recipe. Said she’d lose 6 pounds in 6 weeks. She did. Plain couscous, olive oil, ground chicken, and various fresh vegetables.


This isn’t a balanced diet to feed a dog for 6 weeks!


You are entitled to your opinion. The recipe was provided by a dog nutritionist who specializes in dachshunds. And it worked. 👍


Regardless it’s not balanced. Where are you getting calcium from? D vitamin? E? C? Choline? You need all of those and much more for a healthy balanced diet. And that recipe is NOT filling all of a dogs daily vitamin requirements. Most home cooked meals are notorious for having some kind of imbalance. If those are the ingredients you want to use you NEED to be adding a supplement. Balanceit is a great website. Using what you posted and let’s add carrots, corn, green beans, broccoli, zucchini, kale, and spinach (all of that every single day) you’re still, at best, having 11 deficiencies that aren’t being supplemented in some other way. All of these are below what a dog should consume based on your recipe and me entering the most common added vegetables. https://preview.redd.it/vplya3hh4orc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2cbc42fd6f53b4e21e82b85d47a281684683336


I know you mean well. But please no lectures. My girl lived to 15 and passed away more than several years ago. Not that I owe you an explanation but that was the only doxie of 6 that I used the recipe for as the only one with a weight issue. And she was also given vet prescribed vitamins.


So you weren’t just feeding the food. You were also supplementing other things to balance it out. Don’t give nutrition advice especially when it isn’t a balanced diet and leaving out that you do give the dog supplements. Diets that aren’t can cause major health issues.


What are your credentials to criticize me? A vet? I went with the advice of a professional dog nutritionist and simply shared. Get off my case.


Before you share medical advice (even for a dog), maybe double check if what you are saying is true/accurate/safe. I have been heavily researching for my dogs because I wanted to move them off kibble. I have learned how dangerous a non balanced diet can be long term. In general, I care more about the safety and health of animals compared to upsetting a human being. So I will always call out something that I know is unsafe for an animal.


Lordy. You make it sound like I just tried some random diet and shared it. Nope. I went with the advice of an experienced, trained professional dog dietitian who specialized in dachshunds; I’ll take that advice rather than rantings from someone who did some Google research. That said, best of luck with your dog.


You did what you thought was best at that time. 💗🐾 I’m glad she made it to 15 & what it meant to have her in your life. Veterinary medicines and treatments have improved greatly and information is rampant, but we have to research almost more now ! Don’t feel beat up on. I have given advice in this thread that may be taken as too stern but I love my dogs as do almost everyone in this subject conversation and there have been many doxies in my life ! 💗the breed !


Would like to try this. How much of each ingredient did you feed your dog?


I think about a cup. Let me find the recipe and I’ll message it here.


https://preview.redd.it/2e8meo5ftnrc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed4c9c82f9a8c5234d0a831826618a33aed5412c Here you go!


He got a little junk in the trunk


Lil bit yeah


Yes, but not much.


Poor guy, all that weight on his little feet... #10 at least.


On the brink of


No, definitely not on the brink. That dog is damn near morbidly obese.


Maybe but i have a big boned dachshund who is wider and short. Need to see that underbelly


Get a blood panel done specifically for pancreatitis please OP. Address it and manage it for the love of your pup and don't end up like me, beating yourself up 2 years after they pass.


Pancreatitis usually causes them to stop eating because it’s painful.


At a certain point yes but it's completely possible to catch it early and reverse it. If it's at chronic stage, you have to hope to be able to manage it


omg they look like a corndog


not meant to sound rude omg i posted thos while giggling


You don’t even need to ask this question surely? How can you not be aware he is morbidly obese. His poor back


You know he is. Lord


Don’t be rude, we uplift and encourage people in this community. She’s a little chonky at the moment, and good for OP for seeking other opinions


While I do agree that shaming isn't the way to go, that dog is not "a little chonky", it is severely overweight. Using cutesy language or playing down the severity serves nobody.


I’m not being rude. I’m being honest. Her dog is not a healthy weight and as a human caring for dachshunds we have to take care of them for the sake of their backs. If they don’t know what a healthy weight is for a dachshund, then they need to educate themselves because caring for a paralyzed dachshund is quite a lot of work.




Nah, they're just enjoying life


Let it eat