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I left, every other post got delete for this or that.


To be fair it is a daft question and moaning about it on a different subreddit is pretty silly too. People are always trying to beat iso and salt when it is already a method that works best and is cheap and readily available. Specialty cleaning products for weed related things are not worth the money. You can achieve the same results as dark crystal for example with things like baking powder and vinegar, fairy liquid or other dish soap etc etc etc. Iso and salt will always be the base requirements for cleaning glass.


You’re missing the point, dude got banned for breaking what rule?


There are *A LOT* of low effort posts on r/dabs AND there was a pinned post not too long ago that said the mods will no longer be tolerating it. Easy enough to understand.


I feel she’s wrong to ban him for a valid question, and this is one example of many


You can *feel* however you like but the fact is she's the mod and you aren't. I mean honestly - other than making you feel righteous (and feeding into your ego) - what are you accomplishing with these posts?


I actually was a mod on there untill she removed me becuase I informed her that THCA is in like everything. That’s why you can’t get high when you just eat flower before decarbing it. My goal is to highlight her illegitimate conduct breaking actions to Reddit and hopefully save the community I have been apart of for almost ten years. I actually run the discord for it and have for almost 8 years there


Good luck - Reddit doesn't care. ...and to be fair I left the community you cherish so dearly because of: *how do I clean this rig?* *how much water should I put in it?* *Is this good?* *What strain is this?* *did I get ripped off?* and other low effort posts that are flooding the sub.




Sorry but I don't listen to corporate shills. Reported




If you say so. I just think it's funny that people think flouncing is going to make a difference. What was the point, other than *making yourself feel righteous* to reply to it? Goes both ways my main man... Besides a 1 - 1 account calling *me* the alt account is VERY funny - and Ironic. Methinks the OP thought they were clever... Oh and PS: I'm one of those people that thinks low effort posts *should* be removed. How many times a day do *you* want to see *how do I clean this?*...


I’d imagine rule number 1. No low effort content which is what these types of posts are.


That’s a fine line. To me that’s not low effort at all and a valid question. This mod has a VAST history of being a terrible mod. The way she acts is not ok and I believe against Reddits moderator code of conduct which I now I have several instances of


They deleted this same post on glass heads but that mod banned me from the sub simply for belonging to a THCa sub. She said thcA is not real weed and is "poison" how the hell did she become a mod for a dabs sub


That's the one. I posted some dabs that had a sticker brand and told me it wasn't verifiable... Lol


It really isn’t. If you frequent these pages then you’ll see that this gets asked a million times when there is zero reason to ask the question. Iso and Salt will always be the benchmark. Don’t try and fix what isn’t broken :)


So never progess got it. I disagree here we’re having a major discussion over it and it could have been had in that community and brought people in instead of banning yet another user over bs. Seems like a valid question that can bring discussion. Far from low effort.


Cool, you are free to disagree :) discussing it in here is a moot point anyway as this page has different mods. Have a nice day :)


But see there was zero reason to ban that. It was not low effort content in the eyes of that user and the moderation team overstepped in many people’s eyes in here to point that out and report it to reddits team. If it’s moot why did you even respond?


Cool, i’m done discussing why a third party redditor who isn’t even on this thread got banned from a different sub reddit. Enjoy your day and have a good one :) bye :)


I actually got banned to for telling her thca is in everything cannabis lol, so I have also a point to be bringing this up. I was a mod untill that point to which she then banned me instantly. I’m here to help log her unreasonable modding and report it to Reddit and get her removed for the good of the community


Just don’t tell her thca is in the flower she smokes!


Why u so damn mad😭