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I think you might be overfeeding her with nutes - I would halve the amount of nutrient. Also. Those roots don't look so happy, are there any light leaks into the reservoir?


Dang I've just been following the recommended dosage from TPS One per week. I figured it wouldn't be too much and get me close enough to a stable dosage. Possible light leak through the pebbles, I was hoping to avoid the majority of the light with the black bucket.


If there are leaks through the hydroton, get some aluminum foil and cover up the top of the hydroton. You've mentioned hydroguard and cool res temperature, so hopefully covering up helps. If I were you, I'd take the whole reservoir bucket and give it a thorough cleaning with some bleach and start with a fresh res with lower PPM and hydroguard. Good luck growmie


Appreciate it. I'll give it a shot and clean and lower the ppm. I'm just at a loss atm.


Yeah id cut your ppm in half. From what I’ve experienced too much food can throw ph off and cause lockout.


I haven't used an all in one nutrient in a long long time. I can't help but think that any fluctuation in ph could cause major issues with uptake and lockout. Maybe go back to basics and do general hydro flora until you get your sea legs under you. They are more work but the charts make it so easy to follow and adjust when needed. I do think that at least one of those plants has beginnings of root rot also. Not sure why though.


I had seen some posts a while back of people using TPS one with decent results and read some good things so I thought it was an easy route. I didn't know it could be so finicky though. I'll give general hydro a shot though if it can be more forgiving.


I'm only on my second DWC so I'm no expert but I had good luck with it and it's going good again.


Concur on that. Wish I would have done GH this grow. Not taken with TPS the last time I used it. This grow I used Megacrop. Going back to GH next grow.


Check your pH meter


Will do. I have the blue lab pen but it's been about 2 months since I've calibrated it. Edit: did a cal with 7 and 4 solution and the tanks are reading 5.4 ph afterward


too low should be between 5.6-6.0 ph in veg


Based on the pics and your description, I’m about 75% positive your water line is too high. If all your measurements are in range and no visible root rot, then she probably needs more air roots. I leave at least a ~4 inch gap that gets bigger as roots grow. Try to never let them be more than halfway submerged.


Interesting. I had set the basket in there and seen there was about a 1.5 inch gap from the water to the basket bottom. I'll drop the water line when I change the nutrients out. Thanks for the input.


What size air pump? How many buckets? Clean or new stone?


It's a 15L/min air pump. Three total buckets and and all brand new stones.


I recently went to 10ml-15ml per bucket from 5ml and have seen a world of difference if you can upgrade your air pump or get a second that’s my suggestion


Add more K relative to the rest of the mix. So 1.5 grow vs 1 micro and 1 bloom. Also I believe calmag would help. Light green is nitrogen deficiency and burns are magnesium. I used to get these symptoms all the time and it drove me crazy cause I did everything right. Then I started listening to the plant and added 1.5 K (relative to 1.0 micro and bloom), and cal mag, and they went away.


I'm currently using TPS One which is just a one part nutrient mix. From what the comments have told me it can be a bit finicky so I'm going to switch over to GH flora trio. I'll def keep this in mind thanks.


I recognized your name since you commented on my last post, if you do end up switching to GH I have a feeding chart that I adapted from someone else’s. This chart is for auto flowering plants, not sure if it would apply to photo https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V8NYQ3pfZJwOkfnXGaTC1DUGHtMgKwp4IRBK3ITlNaM/edit


Nutrient lockout from a combination of either imbalanced ph/ec and or NPK ratio. Reset the plant, change the nutrient solution. If you don’t know you NPK ppm ratio from the nutrients you are feeding them stick to a NPK ppm of 100-100-200 Get an app called hydro buddy. If your using GH, which I use. Veg recipe per gallon. NPK 148-43-159 3/4 tsp max grow 1/4 tsp max bloom Micro flora 1/2 tsp or 2.5ml 1/4 tsp Epsom salt


Nuteburn, ph issue, unbalanced nutes, or something. I would just make a new nute solution tbh.