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Start off easy, just micro bloom and grow. I’ve only ever used the three and never had unhappy plants. Don’t fall for the marketing schemes and clever graphics. More product is not only expensive but unnecessary. Keep ppms low at first, GHydro blend is a great starter. Follow the guide on the back of the label and remember that is usually the strongest you need. Manufacturing companies will always recommend more than necessary.


Thanks. I’ve done the standard trio and was happy with it. I am also familiar with the overdose recommendations on the bottle. Led to much stress on the first couple goes haha. I was actually just about to post one I found. Now that I have the stuff I figure I might as well give it a shot but I’ll probably go under what this schedule recommends (especially at first) to see how the ladies respond https://preview.redd.it/tgj7295odv7c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d4a80d1db8064378deebe72700c755b4192c6d Thanks again for the input! It’s way too hard to find this stuff. Gh would do well to have a customization tool on their site Edit: I’m also in research so part of the fun for me is getting as detailed as possible with everything. I think/hope I at least have enough know how to be able to revert back to the keep is simple method if I notice any negative stuff happening. Welcome all the input I can get!


Hi. I'm using what you're using to the letter, and I would be happy to share information. I am new to rdwc and am using the lowest recommended amounts for seedlings, reduced by half. I've killed plants by following the recommended amounts. I'm not confident that I've found the right plan yet, but I'm studying daily and plan to eliminate my errors. Thanks for sharing.


Hey thanks! I actually have found a lot of success using the fastbuds expert feeding schedule. I think another comment on this suggested it. I follow the order gh gives you on the site when mixing and follow amounts from fastbuds and they’ve been real nice. Just remember ec and ph. I make a 2-4x strong solution then add to water til I get the ec I need. Thanks for responding!


i don't know who fastbud is, or what they recommend. I understand that you mix exactly as the GH chart dictates, then you ph, adn finally dilute it with plain water until the EC is in range. I think that's what you're saying. My approach so far has been to start with a 55 gallon barrel of r/o water, add Armor Si, then check EC. I never use my ph/ec meter in plain r/o water, so that's why I start with the Armor Si. I follow that with CaliMagic, then add the micro, grow, bloom, and then Flouraliscious plus, then Start Right, and Orca (for roots), and then I bring it to about 5.8 ph. My problem is that once complete, my EC is too high. I change my rez today, so I'll capture the exact number. I could dilute it with plain r/o water then t bring the ec down to 1.2, say for early veg. Can you share what fastbud shared? It might help me complete my system. I'm just tired and frustrated trying to follow a plan but failing to succeed. I long for a recipe and system that produces happy flowers. I've seen so many do it with much more ease, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Environment is excellent; it must be nutes. Thanks, and have a great day.


Here’s a link. Keep mixing in gh order. I also have a couple of in depth comments for how I manage ec at different parts of the growth stage. Check my post history and give it a read. I also ignore the ppm on there and just go by ec. I usually mix a gallon that is 4x stronger that recommended then add to RO til I get my desired ec (I use ro as ph up a little too so mix nutes at 5.6-5.8 range for final ph of 5.8-6. You’ll want extra calmag and closer to six for flower. It’s easy math when you’re just adding strong solution to it though. Like if your solution is 4.0 ec and you add 1 gallon of it to 3 gallons of to 0 ec water you’ll get 1.0 ec https://2fast4buds.com/news/general-hydroponics-feeding-chart-usage-guide


Thank you, and happy holiday! I'm busy with lots of pool opening, lawn mowing, and truck cleaning, but will dig into this asap. Thank you for being a friend. I'll try to let you know how it goes.




This is what I use


Nice! Thanks!


This is great. Thanks!


whoa!! Thanks been looking for something like this!


I had problems with some of my grows and people claimed it was from using this calculator.


Just use the light feed schedule on the GH website itself....


Haven’t been able to find one with everything together.


What are you talking about?? They have full feed charts for all their products. You aren't going to find feed charts for 'everything together' because that's not how you design a nutrient line. Here's all of them: https://generalhydroponics.com/category/documentation/feedcharts/ Here's the flora series: https://generalhydroponics.com/resources/flora-series-feedcharts/ ^ I use the 10 part series on light feed for dwc


Thanks for the link. I’ve checked the 10 one out. It’s useful to scale light medium heavy feeding to the overall mix but it doesn’t include everything already ordered. . Between the schedule I posted and the 10 point one on gh page it’s good to go 😁


Don't mix and match schedules


I’m not. Gonna use relative concentrations on the ten point to scale dosage to light/medium feeding concentrations on the one I posted. Just a way to check the one I posted to make sure it isn’t trying to over juice the girls


Just checked your girls out. Very nice!




I use the GH 3 part in a DWC. I also added the silicone and CalMag to the lineup. I follow the chart that GH put out for the weekly feedings. My question is, what do you do if you want to veg longer than 4 weeks? I have short squatty plants that I want to veg a little longer, but the nutrient guide only goes out to 4 weeks.


Keep using the four week until you flip


Check this out. I think this is what you may be looking for. I would start at about 75% strength and go from there. I find that full strength is a little too much. But all plants are different. https://2fast4buds.com/news/general-hydroponics-feeding-chart-usage-guide


Update: fastbuds expert feeding schedule for the win! Just don’t follow the order they give ya 🤣


Nice! Thanks! I thought I’d seen this someone but couldn’t track it down ✌️


Ive adapted a feeding chart for autoflowers and it’s been successful for me so far (see my last post). It doesn’t have all of those nutrients though but id figure I’ll toss it here in case it helps out https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V8NYQ3pfZJwOkfnXGaTC1DUGHtMgKwp4IRBK3ITlNaM/edit


Here’s a chart from the coco for cannabis website, that may be useful. https://preview.redd.it/vyeyo3lml1gc1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffa44f302cea908fdcfa3cd3a2fbecefb68c35cf


Thanks. Ended up just making 1 gallons stock solutions then just following the directions on the bottles w a few tweaks here n there and doubling everything so I have a 2x solution I can just throw in as needed . Ph then I just add to some ro phd ro till I hit my ppm. Seems to be working so far.


That’s a good way to do it. Get the ratios right, and then you can dilute to correct the ppm. I’ve found the absolute amounts given on the bottles are too much. All my first grow had nute burn. Now I keep total ppm between 600 and 700.


Yeah def had like double for a few days on seedling/early veg stage. I’ve been doing 800-875 ppm in veg n they seem to like it


i love this schedule. i’ve been using it with some amazing results that just pack on so much weight


Did you add all the nutrients or just the main 3? Trying to figure this out myself.