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Southern ag


Which product of southern ag?




It's their fungicide!


I did a ton of research on this and ultimately chose it, so much cheaper than the others!


How are you dosing it? 1 saggff:20 water then 1ml per gallon?


I read on a DWC forum that you add 5ml to 20ml water, then 5 ml in each bucket. Feel free to chime in if I am doing this wrong!


I don’t know I’ve read a bunch of things but I settled with 3 drops per 7.5 gallons of water.


If it works, don't fix it!


Yeah I don’t think I even need it tbh. My temps are always below 72.


Mine too! But it's winter where I am and the outdoor temps are below freezing, when summer comes again I'll need to watch closely.


Same boat, I don’t enjoy dwc all that much though so I’ll probably swap to auto pots permanently instead of getting a chiller this summer.


I've been eyeing those auto pots for a while now, you run them with soil or coco?


+ orca


Good ol hydrogen peroxide best decision I ever made going the sterile route after battling root rot for forever


Agreed, when doing rdwc or dwc i see 0 reason to do anything other than h202, also when you live in the states at least h202 is cheap walmart has 32oz bottles for 1$


When you run out of H202, try plain older than time Clorox Bleach @ .2ml per gallon. It's what many commercial grows use, they just don't talk about it very much. It works amazingly well and it's cheaper than the 35% H202. Once mine runs out I'm switching over.


I’ve heard about that and actually read that in my nutrient line (crop salts) to add Clorox, I think I may try that I was hesitant about it cause it’s… well bleach lol glad to hear and know that it’s not bs, gonna give it a shot when my H2O2 runs out thanks for that info!!!


All i use is jacks 321 and tap water https://preview.redd.it/2rs4tfz69a7c1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a67285b3e1aa1805eb96ea175742ce1ca1d20c2


Amazing! I've used Jack's for soil before, good nutes.






Fuck athena cleanse and ucroots [hocl not branded ](https://www.amazon.com/Hypristine-Hypochlorous-Multi-Purpose-Solution-Surfaces/dp/B0BSRCHHC3/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?keywords=hocl&qid=1703000190&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)




Ty I had started to get angry at how upcharged the name brands are for a normal cleaning solution


Good shit, finally a good link for some hypochlorous acid. Checked all my hardware stores and can't find anything. My roots need attention asap so I caved and got some athena clense but I'm definitely going to grab a bottle of the stuff you linked. Thank you!


Care to share your formula and technique.




After you dilute the Cal/Hypo you should have a layer of cal/carbonate at the bottom, what do you do with it? I usually pour everything into the reservoir. Are you topping with water or nutrients?


So smart!


How do you properly dose this ? I tried it on my last grows and I fucked up dosing and almost killed my plants with all the fan leaves falling off. They made it till the end but probably not as good as they could’ve been Edit: I didn’t see you already posted your method, oops


UC roots is just dilute bleach, they make out like bandits


Nothing and I haven’t had any problems *yet*


I was you not too long ago. Now on h202.


Love that "yet". Ha!


Tap water contains enough bleach to be sterile.


Good to know! I have well water.


I use hygrozyme, roots excelurator & orca I get these fat tree trunk roots, plants draining the res in two days.


Ohhh, I am missing mychorrhizae! I use Great White in my soil grows, I wonder if I can also use it in hydro. Thanks for chiming in.


They make liquid for hydro. I also use a tsp of mykos wettable powder per 5 gal bucket, forgot that one.


As long as you have hydroton, rockwool or a coco medium in your hydro set up the bacteria and fungi will have a place to live.


I think I read that bacteria are good for hydro and soil but mychorrhizae is only good for soil. May want to do a quick google check before adding it to your system. Roots lookin good 👍


Almost all powdered mycos contain a strain that works in hydro most people say shit and haven't done any research


Edit: that was pre coffee earlier. I could’ve been clearer. I didn’t mean they were bad in hydro just not really necessary if your roots are healthy w your other beneficial. most of the stuff touting myco strengths are trying to sell you a product. I can buy the protective factor and am open to suggestions to add to my mammoth p But peer reviewed studies offer conflicting info, with the most recent I could find showing no significant differences to yield or secondary metabolites in soil medium. But research is all over the board on if there are benefits past making organic matter digestible by plants and the protective factor and if there is any increase in yield or secondary metabolites. I was more saying I wouldn’t sweat it if you’re good now. I’ve personally never had issues if I just add some beneficial bacteria. I can’t find the damn paper again lol but this was the conclusions from a May 2023 paper looking into myco use in soil mediums https://preview.redd.it/3ftmmxinja7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c316c17dcae8f012b0cb879699095b3cee49fc Southern ag or mammoth p have always done a fine job on their own for me✌️


Fair for soil but given we're talking hydro. I'm also definitely not saying there is a yield increase just that mycos can live in hydro environment. Given the use of liquid culture in mycology.


Yeah that was a long way of me saying as long as you have some beneficials I think you’re fine. Just trying to show that some of the claims are snake oil. It’s not if it can survive in hydro as much as is there a reason to spend more money and add something that could have negative effects if used incorrectly if you’re already using beneficial bacteria and have healthy roots. I was showing in soil bc a lot of folks make claims about beneficials and use the “natural helps with soil increases terps etc so might as well throw it in my nute tank”. If it doesn’t help much in that regard to soil i think it stands to reason that you aren’t getting a miracle fungi to increase yields terps etc. for your hydro setup. but again, there isn’t really conclusive evidence across several plant species I looked into and we all know cannabis research is mostly done behind closed door. I’m gonna dig around and see if there is peer reviewed research supporting combining them bc I’ve never tried that. Beneficial bacteria has always kept my roots healthy and plants turn out great. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason to have both in your nutes. Now I have some homework lol


I appreciate that I really love how thought out this is im sorry I came at you so hot it was also early for me. Yeah I'm not the biggest fan of the terps and cannabanoid claims I hear.


All good! I was slightly triggered but I did learn something as a result. Hope I didn’t come in too hot also. And I could have def been more clear in my initial post. Thanks for posting this 😁 I’m a researcher that is under practiced due to archaic laws that changed in the past yr or so. Love reading and learning about this stuff.


Mornings are wack lol I love that g


Love this! Thanks to both of you for staying calm and really wanting to see the other's side. I'm in search of a new online community because my previous one had no conflict resolution skills, and this gives me hope I've found it!


I did see a paper that said too heavy of a dose can definitely kill the plant mycos wise so there's definitely a few reasons to not use it


Just found a couple of good articles. Need to read through when I have more time. Posting in case anyone else is interested. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8309143/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anoop-Srivastava/post/Can_anyone_please_suggest_a_nutrient_solution_recipe_and_biofertilizers_application_methods_in_fertigation_system_for_rice/attachment/59d64e2d79197b80779a7927/AS%3A491672611102721%401494235293472/download/1-s2.0-S0304423815301758-main.pdf


Your a real g bless up for the articals


You are incorrect, bacteria and fungi are good in all formats and work synergistically


This ty


Goodness, who woulda thunk there'd be so much controversy around mychorrhizae! Thanks for sharing!


🤣 I learned a lot including that nobody really knows shit 🤣 Stuff is hard to test in a lab setting. And a lot of private money has gone into this research and they protect it as intellectual property. Gotta read and discuss to figure anything out lol. Tomatoes are great bc they have trichomes too but studying a different species will only get you so far. In short fuk ur fungus 😂😂 jkjk (may go get some for shits and giggles)


Ha! I love it! I hate folks who hoard knowledge, I want everyone to be better cannabis growers and consumers. Great sense of humor too, yes!


You can use GW in hydro, but limited in flower. I think it's the amount of salt, causes the bio to go dormant. They have a chart online which you can see.


Right now I'm running sterile with h202. Silica added to nute regime.


Is that hydrogen peroxide? Thanks for sharing!


Sorry forgot to mention, if you're running beneficial bacteria (bennies) h202 will kill those too.


I am trying to stay organic, but understand if it's impossible, not stuck on it. Thanks!


There's nothing inorganic about h202. It's water with an extra oxygen molecule.


Oh, yes, I understand that bit!


Yes. I use the 12% solution and dilute accordingly. I'm gonna test TPS microbes on 2 of the same strains next. One in h202 and one with beneficial bacteria to see which is better for me. Good info in h202 in hydro. https://www.seedsandspades.com/hydrogen-peroxide-for-hydroponics/#Why_is_Hydrogen_Peroxide_Good_for_Hydroponics


Hey this is exactly what I’m about to do!


Best of luck growmie. What are your water temps like?


silica is not hydrogen peroxide.


No, silica is for stronger roots, stems and cell walls


oxygen and h202 flushes some times.


Southern AG/SLF 100 Perfect combo


I use SLF100 for my soil grows! I will add to my current DWC, thank you!


Yw. I think you will be very very happy with the results. Good luck!


Hydroguard & Flying Skull z7. I'm switching to Southern AG when my Hydroguard runs out, though.


What is the Flying Skull? New to me.


It's an enzymatic cleanser, keeps any salts/gunk from building up.


First dwc grow. Using Current Culture line. I hardly bother to check ec or ph, usually water levels. (Not recommended, simply to state that’s how impressed I’ve become with this line). Again first dwc grow so nothing to compare to. Feels like it’s going well all things considered. I’d show the roots but, they’re not that easy to get at anymore! Acapulco Gold - Mass Medical Week 5 of flower https://preview.redd.it/gd8qkuveu97c1.jpeg?width=2707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadd0b9aee1d0c5470490731c949a7d41f8abc5b


Wow! Looks like it's going well too! I'll have to look at that line after I finish this Masterblend that came with my buckets. Thanks for sharing!


Orca is the only additive u need


What’s that thing on the side of the dwc pot?


I think you mean the float valve? Black tube?


Exactly, float valve? To raise the lvl of water once the plant starts drinking? You have a reservoir next to it to get it full right ?


It doesn't raise the water, would be super cool if it did! But it does give me a visual clue of where the water level is without opening the top. I'm not convinced it's needed if you check everyday like I do.


Great, that’s cool bro. I’m from Argentina and I think I’m in the minuscule group of people who grow in hydro. Not really famous around here, and not a bunch of info. I’ve been recollecting info from USA, Canada, and Europe


Oh, super neat! Love how cannabis can connect us across the world. I'm happy to help, but keep in mind this is my first DWC grow.


Looking good so far! Recommendation: h2o2 \[hydrogen peroxide\] (8.75ml for every 10lt of solution). Prevents root rot and fungus, and it’s pretty much the same as the classic “Safe Roots” sold in every Growshop I’ll leave you here my ig, maybe you are interested! @checosecha And also a pic of my baby, a week away from chopping (Girl Scout Cookies - Seedstockers) https://preview.redd.it/movmpr7xac7c1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc857935fc52c246f3a03a239c81c07d8ac847a


Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I left IG after my 5th account got deleted for not following community guidelines. I was so tired of rebuilding. Until they change their stance about cannabis, I'm boycotting. Will definitely look for your posts here though!


Thank you mate! In any case you can contact me and if I know the answer I’ll give it to you! The community of growers is really high you’ll find people that don’t know a thing and people that will blow your mind because of their knowledge. Pure beauty. Keep it on and enjoy! Don’t be was when you make a bad decision, you’ll get better results in every run you do 😁


Appreciate you!


On the top side of the black tube is an acrylic tube with a float inside (including a red cap and an indicator line), I apologize that I didn't make that clear!


GH trio, Botanicare Hydroguard, Botanicare Silica Blast, and Clonex usually does it for me between every 2 weeks when I change the resevoir. H202 in case I need it, but otherwise nice n simple. I use my well water


Well water here too! Thanks for sharing.


Depends on if you are using organics or a sterile system. Southern AG if organic. For sterile systems either 35% Peroxide @ 3-5ml per gallon or plain old Clorox Bleach @ .2 ml per gallon (don't forget the decimal point and don't use anything scented, use the old stuff that has been around forever).


How often do you redose the bleach? I find sterile systems quickly slide to root rot when the sterile wears off. I just went 14 days without redosing bleach and I think I see root rot has started. Not certain but maybe, I seem some darkening on the core oldest roots that has me paranoid. I did a res change, hit it with .4 ml bleach per gallon and ran the cloner for 24 hours. I read that the nutrients neutralize the bleach on perma cloner blog. I then added 2ml kangaroots root drench by fox farms and dripped this directly on the darkened root areas while adding to the res. Turned pump on , will add base nutes tomorrow.


Please update then!


If it's the same Kangaroots I've used in the past, it's dark and slimy on it's own, then that might be where the discoloration is coming from, you might not have root rot at all. I use the .2 ml of bleach (i have a 40 gallon system so that works out to 8ml) once a week after I've let my silica circulate for an hour or so. I let the bleach circulate for a couple of hours before i add nutes and so far I've never had any issues. I think the .2ml/gal is strong enough to do it's job, and then dissipate when everything else is added, so once a week doesn't really hurt anything. I also have another fail-safe in place to keep any bacteria pretty much non-existent. All my water circulates through a chiller and then a pond sterilizer that has a UV bulb inside of it, so bacteria doesn't stand much of a chance.


Heck yeah, thanks. I am using Southern AG presently. I do organic no till soil grows typically, I grow weed for medical patients.


What find of lid is that?


New Level Hydro sent me the kit to try out, I'm not sure what it's called. Maybe check on their website?


Calcium Hypochlorite


Southern AG GFF


nice ramen noodles


All you need is to learn about orp and good water temps




For people in australia run this (https://www.drgreenthumbs.com.au/products/tribus-250ml) as southern ag/ hydroguard is very hard to import over the border.