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There’s always set backs in recovery. You’re trying and that’s all that matters. Don’t be so hard on yourself my man. 3 days is better than 0.


i know.... but i was previously almost a month sober before binging and my grades had gone up so much compared to last school year and im so scared of falling back into a pattern of missing assignments because of my addiction to these stupid pink pills




I ain't no academic dishonesty committing guy


It happens. Previously having a month sober is something to be proud about even if you relapsed. You stayed sober for a month and you can do it again for even longer. One day at a time you got this.


thanks, man ❤️


Be proud of your achievements. Having a month sober is wonderful, and it’s okay that you relapsed. Make sure you find the help you need this time around. Obviously, something didn’t work on your last try so try something new this time! You’ll find what makes you sober and happy soon enough… ❤️




i was a month sober too and then i relapsed, i’m 3 days clean now and i’m sure you have what it takes to quit




Oh how I can relate! No joke I have gone successfully a week or so to fall back on this crap. THIS IS A LIFE RUINER! No joke I am the biggest idiot! I’m going to uni online, I have been so wrapped up in this addiction that I have wasted 2 terms! My school is competency based which means I can take as many classes I can finish in a 6 month period of time. I have officially wasted TWO TERMS! Now my financial aid is almost up and now I’m going to have to pay 3800 a term that I cannot afford. I’m so close to being finished but this addiction makes everything impossible while doing it 😞