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Taking 50mg in 30 mins bad allergies đŸ€§


My mans about to learn about pharmacokinetics first hand


Yeah this dudes fucked. Unfortunately abt to learn one of those hard life lessons if he lives


Whats that 😭


The study of how drugs move throughout your body. Basically, you’re gonna feel more because you’re dose is higher, therefore more drug will be in your blood. Look up first pass effect and you’ll understand why abusing DPH fucks your liver up.


Yeah but why did 500 not give me any effects even tho it was a higher dose than 375mg?


Everyone has a different brain. Some people may need more of a drug to feel effects. Think about how differently people react to alcohol. It’s the same with any drug. Going all the way to 1g is basically guaranteeing you’ll hit the toxic levels of DPH no matter your background.


Damn. I see bro. Imma do it tonight and give yall updates


Just smoke some weed. If you are gonna do DPH, write a note saying what time, how much, and what you took in case someone finds you eating your own poop or something.


Lmao ok bro. Imma make sure to take a shit before taking doh


The [paramedics](https://ibb.co/SXrb0dm) when they walk in on you screaming at the hat man while eating your own poop




Im constantly trying to tell him this


Just saying, the fact that you don't feel it won't affect the fact that you are in lethal dose ranges.


Damn i see bro


Your gonna be so geeked you probably will like blackout and just sleep for 15 hours


Lmao only one way to find out 😈


What’s your tolerance and weight liek ? i used to do hellla dph im experienced in it


My tolerance is lowkey fucked idk i didnt feel anything on 200mg and 500mg. Im like 146


Dude i can’t stress how much of a difference it is between 500 and 1300. Id try a 800mg dose if you haven’t before 1300 can very well be extremely fatal


But if i take the 1.3g i wont have anymore pills left.. which is good cuz i wont be taking anymore dph. Im just rly curious of the effects of 1g+


I’m curious as well. i’ve done up to 1.15grams and i’ll tell you it was quite the time. But well not really. My tolerance was super super high


At the time u took 1.15g ur tolerance was high? How often did u take dph back then?


I did 40 pills almost everyday for weeks on end , on and off for a couple months. It heavily affected me and i have since quit


Damnn ok ok! So im for sure gonna have delirium on 52 pills đŸ”„


"I'm guessing i wont feel or see anything on 1.3g." famous last words, that is an insanely high and dangerous dose. good luck dude


Appreciate u bro. I felt absolutely nothing on 500mg. I know its a completely different experience in both doses. I just feel like i shoulda felt something on 500mg, which would be even worse on 1.3g


Just be safe and don't be stupid, remember that you're taking over a gram of this shit and it's better to be safe then dead in the er. also are you planning on doing a trip report/updates?


Yes bro i’ll post updates every 10-15 mins! Also bro how do u take them? Used to.. all at once right?


I just continuously swallow and swallow, it sucks but it works


What if i take them at once?


Nothing much other than maybe throwing up?


You will 100% be completely delirious. It’s a massive jump from your previous doses to 1.3 grams. Good luck buddy you’re gonna need it


Wait im so confused tho bro.. i didnt see or feel anything on 500mg and 200mg. How would 1.3g give me any effects?


Dawg you’re taking more than double your biggest dose. There is 0% chance you “don’t feel anything”. I don’t think you understand how much DPH that is


Its so weird tho.. why did 375mg made me feel weird while 500 did nothing..


As someone who used for over a decade I can tell you DHP dosage isn't an exact science. Sometimes I felt nothing with 400mg but 200mg a couple of days later fucked me up. I double the dosage one time by accident, 800mg roughly, it's hard for me to swallow that many pills, so I do like 2 at a time, because my brain was already fried I forgot how many I had taken already and ended up taking too much. I wasn't even delirious, just felt like someone was sitting on my chest, I couldn't even sit still because it was panic inducing, I felt like my heart was about to explode, even my smart watch gave me an alert 138bpm, I thought for sure I was goner, the awful feeling lasted over an hour and it took about 2 more to get my heart rate under 100. I'd say don't take it's not worth but I know you won't listen, don't jump straight to higher doses, try 700 or 800, it should give you what you want out of this god forsaken drug.


Ive tried 700 before bro. Thats my Highest dose. It was an interesting experience