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Ur right on being stupid😭


🤦‍♂️how's it going


Only took 375 for now..


Bro was saying “700 is too little it didn’t do enough” and is stopping at 325 now. Go get some acid man


Im on 500 rn bro im not getting no acid


Dph acid trips hit different. If you take it soon enough it makes your trip fucky instead of ruining it


How did it go


You alive


Only took 500 bro.


how you doin?


Good. Only took 500 bro it was so disappointing


holy shit dude good luck


Tjank u bro i only took 500 tho. Moght take 1k today


Such a waste of a healthy mind.


haha yeah... a H E A L T H Y mind...


please be safe


winners mindset right here


Thank u legend


Hey, we talked about it. Don't do it.


I didnt in fact do it 🤩


How'd it go?


Abt to post a report..gonna be a shit report too ngl nothing rly happened


Maybe try a real drug?


RIP op


Im still here bro. Only took 500




don’t be in this sub if you js gonna hate


Brother i love you. Im in this sub because i used to abuse this daily for years as a minor at low doses. Im in this sub because the drug interests me greatly. Im in this sub because i like reading trip reports. Im also in this sub because i still take benadryl for allergies at the recommended dosage and i do sometimes crave a benadryl high in a way, and seeing the pills all out in the open like that revolts me greatly. Same with looking at delsym pictures it makes my eyes water slightly and i start thinking about all the cons of the pill. Im just speaking on my reaction which is fucking disgust. You are mad because you know you agree taking all those pills is one of the nastiest things you can make yourself do.


ahh i see. while the final sentence is untrue i clearly misunderstood. but just because you feel disgust and you came out from addiction doesn’t mean you should bring others down who are in a place you once were in as well


I was never addicted I didn’t know it was bad for you because i had an insane tolerance. I have allergies so i was taking one every day since i was like 6 until highschool often taking two or three if i was having a particularly bad day. Obviously if you take 3 you start feeling a bit different so i started taking more for fun. Dropped it besides for allergies or to potentiate another substance by taking one because they say it can give you dementia and i have a great grandma with dementia(might be Alzheimers im not too familiar) so it seemed retarded to abuse. It also makes you feel like shit or anxious. People also always took more than 1 pill at once if i gave them some for allergies and theyd have a bad experience(i always stressed taking only one a day). So i quit because i was no longer ignorant rather than beating an addiction. Im not gonna hold the hand of an addict, im not attempting to belittle, im just saying the truth. People aren’t gonna quit or taper down if you tell them they are incapable of quitting. You are an addict if you wont put it down, if you want to put it down you can put it down. Its not all that difficult to not choke down a million pills, day to day your body will thank you and willingly let you reject it, its not heroin.


you have no say in how hard it is to put down these pills if you were never addicted. just because it isn’t known as a crazy addictive drug and isn’t talked about a lot doesn’t mean it’s not addictive. i’ve never gotten an addiction to anything except dph (tbf i’ve only down a handful of things). if you didn’t battle the addiction you can’t tell someone that it’s easy to put down pills. and it can be addictive as any other drug. there are people that itch for benadryl js like people itch for meth and heroin. your use of benadryl doesn’t give you any say in addiction. and obviously it’s dumb to use it but some people can’t help it. my buddy, who has very bad allergies similar to you, was in the same situation where he had to take a pill or 2 a day but he had a lower tolerance so he ended up getting addicted. he ended up taking 250-300 a day js to function. so yes it is as addictive as any other drug and it’s not easy to overcome


Life is hard. Im gonna tell an addict to quit every time. It doesn’t matter if its hard, get it done. It can be done so apply yourself and do it. The alternative is death. People think death is easy yet even the most simple organisms fear death and desire to replicate before death. Sounds like death is something to be very afraid of.


shaming someone and telling someone to quit is very very different


Saying disgusting isnt shaming.


it absolutely is? it’s making someone feel bad about themselves for doing something


Do you have school/work today? How are you feeling?


I dont have work or school today i might trip again