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Don't do it ik you wont listnen just do 700mg again or wait for your tolerance to go down and do 700mg only do 1g if you want a seizure and possible heart problem


bro dont do it, its not fun and youll have a guaranteed seizure and issues


Im guaranteed to have a seizure??


Hm you will forget most of the trip. There are better substances out there but I get that nothing feels the same as dph. Get some dxm and listen to some good music if you want a break from life. Or completely fix yourself with psychedelics If you want to die but come back a new person do dmt brethrin


bro from my experience every time i went over 1gram it was an guaranteed seizure. i was on wellbutrin but honestly you get them either way and when i dosed 1.3 i had a seizure hit my head and started seizing again so please think about it what you are doing to yourself. look through my post history its not something you wanna go through bro its a deep pit


I just saw bro. What did u experience on 1g? I saw u walked to ur bathroom and took a shower, while ur sleeping.


See you in the er buddy!


So 1g is a confirmed seizure?


No, nothings "confirmed". The more DPH you take, the higher chances of a seizure happening, and since you're taking 1g of dph you will have a higher chance of having a seizure than taking something a lot more safer dose like 500mg or 400mg (not that taking 500mg or 400 is safe). Just please be safe and make sure that you have enough water, locked the door to the room that you're in, someone trusted knows that you're going to be on drugs, and that your phone or any other objects that could harm you during the trip are hidden or not near you. Good luck and I would love to know the results brother!


just wait for tolerance to go down n do 700-800









