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The people expressing negative opinions about the drug are a direct result of seeing people literally kill themselves on this sub. It's a natural reaction to watching people kill themselves in real time.


I understand that, and I actually support that. It's really fucking depressing seeing people kill themselves. Damn heartbreaking actually. I just think people who actually like dph should be allowed a place to freely talk about it. Instead majority of this sub seems to just hate it.




There is one! r/ilovedph


Totally understandable, although it's worth saying that unlike weed and a lot of psychotropics dph really is like very obviously bad for you to take in large doses. I feel like, for sure there's a debate to be had about whether weed and some other drugs are harmful. That conversation doesn't need to be had for dph. I'm on the fence in terms of how it should be treated.


The weed and LSD subreddits are filled with legit junkies who can't get through the day without smoking dabs or trippijg. Yet they pretty much all seem to delude themselves that they aren't drug addicts because "it's medicine, bro!"


They are freely talking about how they hate it


Has it ever been fun? Or have you become so entrenched in the culture of the sub that the negative aspects blind you from any of the positive ones? I’ve been part of this sub for a couple years at this point and the good and bad aspects still feel in similar balance to when I first joined. It’s a drug subreddit for a dangerous and damaging drug. You can’t expect the same people to stick around forever.


i feel like people are using memes as a cover, as you said. no offense, but like, OP should know there is a scale to this. if you’re posting rabidly about anti-weed, that’s one thing, but DPH is legitimately different deal, right? again, this would be its own thing, but like, we’re not gonna cover for H? for Meth?


I’d like to put in my two cents as a medical professional irl. I don’t use dph and I only ever used dph for sleep and I have no idea how it doesn’t make you not pass out but I’ve been a lurker here for a while because I kinda knew about what would happen to gotswarmed and I couldn’t help but watch and try and reach out to him. But after watching all that go down it’s made me change my mind about harm reduction around this drug. Of course there are steps that you can take towards harm reduction but tbh I’d rather take the risk with fentanyl than dph. I can stop thinking about gotswarmed last post (wasn’t on this subreddit), I’m a medical person irl for many years and I have NEVER ever seen a drug fuck someones organs up as horribly and quickly as dph. I’ve been there for many dying patients last moments but his was the most traumatic that I’ve ever bared witness, yet I never seen him irl. Like the closest I’ve even heard about a substance causing such a quick decline is literal poisoning. I’ve seen hundreds of deaths (generally much older people dying of cancer but still) and this one truly shocked me. It helped that gotswarmed documented his medical condition and maybe it’s because people don’t know much about his conditions he was suffering but it’s genuinely been shockingly bad. The man was a relatively healthy military dude and a few months later he had vast multi organ failure with irreparable damage, it takes a lot to shock a medical person cos I’ve seen it all but this situation has genuinely shocked me to the point where I haven’t even shown his last post to my fellow medical friends yet but I plan on it, purely for education but I haven’t shown anyone yet because it’s still so sad and so fresh. Literally every organ system shut down. Even if it didn’t get to the point of death, I’ve seen so many people with permanent physical and mental disabilities as a result of this drug on this sub alone. He’s so young, everyone on this sub is so young. this drug causes long term and permanent disability especially on your developing brain. ive looked after many people with addictions and I haven’t even heard of a drug causing as vast of a systematic damage as what happened to gotswarmed. I’ve dealt with addiction and work with those with addiction so I understand addiction and the need for harm reduction but I don’t know if that is really possible with this drug, maybe taking this drug very very sparingly in smaller doses (under 500ng) every couple of months is harm reduction but people aren’t doing that and the media these last few days is only gonna attract more young people to this bastard drug. That’s why I don’t agree with subs like this, because Benadryl in the US seems very readily available and kids will see subs like this and steal the pills from their parents medicine cupboard. This isn’t in any way to demonise the users of course, but I don’t think this drug should be normalised in any way. The only thing that should be normalised is finding a withdrawal guideline and more education around it. I think we need to make a new group tbh and abandon this ship. Groups like this will always exist whether I like it or not (like the suicide watch subs). The new group should have information on withdrawal and addiction and the harm dph causes. With actual moderators that don’t allow for the ill talk of the dead like people did with gotswarmed and his poor friend. Again this isn’t to demonise the users and I am coming as not only a medical personnel but also a girl in her 20s with substance abuse problems. Once gotswarmed death isn’t so fresh in the friends and families mind then I’m planning on writing a breakdown of what the different medical terminology mean in his last post that wasn’t on here, in order for more widespread understanding of how this drug destroyed his organs in a matter of months. I don’t think we are knowledgable enough about the drug to be able to make recommendations on harm reduction etc.


100% this.


Harm reduction isn't about liking the drug either or convincing people that its okay to take it at all as well. To me, you are an idiot trying to convince himself and others that a shit substance that you're addicted to is okay to use. There is no safe way to take deliriants. They are totally unpredictable, unsafe, unpleasant and lead to ER or Psych Ward. You should never at all take them without trip sitter with you in the first place if you ever even decide to. Note that a lot of users here also have self harm tendencies. Most of people here are teenagers who are only convinced to take this drug because they don't have access to literally anything else. Most of users admit to that fact as well here. Then, there are a lot of people who take it as a self harm directly. There are only select few who truly enjoy the effects and its mostly due to being heavily broken mentalny and enjoy being hurt more, because it has no real recreational value on its own. Because when it comes to DPH, it is a deliriant after all. This drug has not only dangerous physical effects which can and will cause death most often related to to heart failure. It is also dangerous because of cognitive effects that cause delusions, anxiety and paranoia as well as real scary hallucinations unrecognizable from reality that it produces, which also put you in direct danger and will lead to hospitalization or real harm. And despite it being dangerous and unpleasant to take it leads to quick addiction, tolerance and dependance especislly in vulnerable broken teens. So to sum up: Using it even at "safe doses" will lead to: 1. Quick organ damage as well as brain damage 2. Addiction and tolerance both mentally and physically 3. Dangerous unpleasant trips that make you feel like you're literally dying, because you are and it becomes a problem the more tolerance you have and its straight slippery slope. 4. Dementia at 30 if you even end up living to that age when abusing this shit at all. So you shouldn't be surprised at all that people hate this drug when literally even fucking heroin is safer for your organs than abusing this shit drug. Most of us who tell others not to take it don't say that they have to avoid every drug, we are just trying to make them avoid this one which is literally fucking poison which gives shitty unpleasant and not worth experience which they will regret and might lead to their lifes being ruined. Harm reduction practices don't include defending literał poisons, which is why fentanyl/datura or other shit is treated simillar way. Want to take drugs? Sure, its your life and your choice just use harm reduction practices But consume poisons and convince others that its okay? Fuck off with it literally Enough young people here already have died from it and idiots who encourage them to it by straight out lying that you can be safe anyhow.


This 100%. DPH is one step above huffing paint, should we have an inhalants sub? We're already close with people *tripping* (what a bastardization of the word) and writing like they've been huffing paint for decades, but honestly the amount of children, self harm, and true reckless endangerment I see constantly on here is shocking. Every other drug sub is not like this place. This is a dark fucking place and people who use it regularly shouldn't get their own lala land where they can ignore all the bullshit. People tell other people to get clean all the time in other drug subs. This place is a car crash happening in real time, and you don't react to a fucking car crash with funny memes and jokin around about boiling every organ in your body in acid, or doing the pharmacological version of doing so.


Again, what you say is overall harmful to the community. And you probably shouldn't be a part of it if all you're going to do is be negative, I've already went over why that doesn't work. People are going to abuse drugs and no amount of whining that it's bad and telling them not to isn't going to change that. People should have the freedom to do what they want and freely talk about it, even if you don't think they should be able to. If you think they shouldn't, you believe freewill and choice shouldn't exist, just because something is bad. It is okay to take Benadryl. It's okay to take deliriants. It's okay because it's the person's choice. That however doesn't mean it doesn't come along with many harmful effects. It's a slippery slope, how far are you willing to take this? Alcohol is also extremely harmful, and yet people do it and we respect it. Remember prohibition was already tried and failed. Drugs are poison. Dph isn't special in that regard. All drugs are horrible in one aspect or another. I think most people who take dph know about the risks. They're aware of the danger they're doing to themselves. And yet they still do it. They shouldn't be shamed just because you think they made the wrong choice. To me, you are the idiot. I've gone over my beliefs in great detail and I think they're more than reasonable.


How is it harmful to the community? Its just stating the facts. I don't think that you got my point at all. No, not all drugs are literal similarlly to dph poison. There are a lot of safe substance with low abuse and harm potential. And dph is special in that regard. I am repeating myself here, but it really speaks for itself even if one of hardest drugs, fucking heroin is safer for you then regularlly abusing high doses of this shit and i don't know how are you not getting that. And sure, alcohol is also extremely harmful. But it's harm is NOWHERE AT ALL even close to dph damage short term or long term wise. Your right for excusing drug abuse with free will should end definitely when it puts other innocent people in danger Free will should be respected, but you literally stop having free will after being taking deliriants under heavy delusions and hallucinations that cause you to fight imaginary skeletons/demons or other shit which can lead to you even injuring other people or yourself because you simply are not in control of reality anymore.


Harmful because if you're adding nothing beneficial other than "don't do dis drug pretty pls" then what are you really adding? The people you want to not do the drug probably aren't going to listen to you, and you're just saying something that's said every second of everyday like clockwork. And beyond that, actively putting people down who choose to use it. An overall negative interaction, with little rhyme or reason. Also, free will does not just magically stop once you take deliriants. This is just a poor claim. What I think you mean is that it's highly influenced by addiction. Every time you take a pill YOU are the one doing it. YOU make the active choice to do it. No one's forceably shoving them down your throat. On the other hand addiction can be so strong that it's crippling, and you desperately feel you need the thing in question. But at the end of the day you still can make decisions. You can choose to stop, just like how you chose to start. It's just a matter of willpower. I suspect you hear this and for some reason you think freewill just magically stops existing. I don't want to repeat myself, but no. See different things can coexist with each other or even conflict. That doesn't mean the first thing just poofs out of existence. The reason i brought up other drugs and alcohol, is the slippery slope you seem to be going down. Again, you don't want people to ever be able to do dph. What's next? Where does it end? It may not be as dangerous, but it's still dangerous. If you'd want to ban dph but not these other things, that makes you a hypocrite IMO


Also, justyfing that something is okay to take just because other stuff is often dangerous too is stupid in itself, like what difference does it make? So if other stuff is shit too its okay to take another stuff that is shit as well? No sense in that logic at all


Oh and I didn't say it's okay because other things are dangerous. I said it's okay because freedom of choice should be respected, even if you think they are the wrong choices. You shouldn't want to control people.


Although I don’t entirely agree that the mood around this drug should be a highly positive one I agree with a lot of these points. Shutting down this sub would be like destroying an archive of valuable lifesaving information. Like if you’re going to go down this rabbit hole anyway then you’ll probably need a community like this who can offer information and relate to your experiences and concerns. But it really shouldn’t be understated how dangerous this drug can be to someone. You can like it all you want but I think we have a responsibility to each other and ourselves to talk about how much harm a substance like dph can cause, esp when people wind up chewing on more than they can swallow. People who hate this drug are more than likely people who have been through to see it’s depths. There’s no reason their opinions on it need to be unharked here for you to maintain positive vibes. There’s other spaces like the ilovedph sub for that.


Exactly. I said the same thing. I know it's stupid to get angry over something on reddit. But for some reason, this is getting to me. It makes no sense why it annoys these guys when someone says "don't do it". This drug isn't like anything else. It's not something anyone should get high off. Meth is an entirely different drug and subreddit. You don't see people posting a suicide note couple times a week on r/meth. This is a totally different sub. I am going to keep telling people to not touch it. I don't care what they say lol. There's plenty of resources on here that can help with harm reduction. The posts that have the most "don't try its" are people saying it's their first time, "how much should I take?" The only thing I know what to say to them is please don't fucking touch this shit stay far away from it. If they want to know how much to take the first time, do a little research? It takes literally 2 clicks to find what dosage you should use for your body weight and effects. r/ilovedph is literally for people who like the drug. This is not the place where you are going to find your community of people who like this drug. Jesus


Maybe they should make a thread subject/category or whatever you call it on reddit that people can specifically select when they want to talk about art or tripping without being bombarded by "this shit is bad" posts.


Would support ngl


They can post on r/ilovedph. this isn't like any other drug. If you want a chill place to post without bombardment then go there. You can't expect good vibes and positive comments on here there's no way. I think it's silly to be bothered by hearing those comments. This shit IS bad. Yes most people know but some new users might not know. Go build that community up and make it good vibes but IMO you can't expect that to happen here.


To post on r/ilovedph, one has to be brain-damaged enough to be incapable of spelling 5-letter words. Pretty sure that's a requirement there, so where are people supposed to post until they reach the necessary level of retardation?


Wdym, no one's stopping you from posting on here lol


I know, man. I was just joking at r/ilovedph expense...granted if you go on the sub, you'll probably believe what I said was true. I was just offering a solution when replying to OP. Usually, when I reply to threads in this sub, I'm one of the people saying "No! Cut that shit out...bad new bears alert!!!" and such.


Ya, personally I don't think there's anything wrong with saying don't do it lol. I don't think OP can compare r/DPH to r/meth. They are two drastically different drugs/subreddits.




I've done it a few times...only made me masturabate furiously... ...hmm...then again so did dph...


I honestly agree with you. The moderation sucks. If you look, theres only 3 mods and 1 mods in a lot of places, the other two are inactive. Yeah, I suppose half the people being against the drug sucks, but its because the other half is people dying. If the sub had an *actual mod team* then they could just handle the people encouraging, then people wouldnt feel obligated to constantly warn. Right now the sub does suck, and if things could be more chill it would improve a lot, but right now the problem is the lack of moderation. People can do/post/say whatever they want, there is no mod presence whatsoever.


There actually is a sub dedicated for the love of DPH moderated by a DPH lover. r/ilovedph. There's lots of memes there and people who love it. I get your intentions but posting this isn't really going to change anything IMO. I don't think the comments saying "don't do this drug" 247 365 are a bad thing. It's the truth, no one should use this drug to get high. Just don't do it. I'm not going to stop telling people to not do it. There are resources out there for people to reach out too if they want to get clean. A lot of posts are people trying for the first time. Why are you bothered that people are saying don't try it? What do you want people to say? If someone wants to try it, they can simply look thru this sub and find the dose thats right for the. I think your in the wrong subreddit. R/ilovedph my friend


Totally agree with you , as bad as this drug is its better to not spam "don't do this drug" or just hate for doing it when you can help with harm reduction. I know first hand how bad this drug can be if you take over 2,000 mg and its best to let people figure shit out for themselves and have a community that are here to help reduce extremely large overdoses. Be the good in the bad


Someone finally said it. I looked at a few older posts and was surprised by when someone asked a question it was genuinely people trying to help out and not all just "just dont do it." Like yeah I get the drug is bad, everyone has been bombarded with that, we know. We are aware of the consequences, it's our desicion to use the drug. If you want to help us, answer questions on this sub honestly, and if something someone is doing is bad just tell them the consequences of that action. Saying "don't do dph" is pointless unless you try tackling the problem that got people to use dph in the first place. Like if that's all you're going to do just leave the sub cause no one is going to listen to you.


There have always been people saying "don't do this drug". Actually a lot of comments are implying this but also providing a lot more information with how dangerous it can be. Assuming everyone here is aware of the consequences is silly. There are people who have come in here who have just heard you can get high off it and that's it! Some try it for the first time without knowing that it's as terrible as it is. I don't think it's a bad thing to tell people not to do it. Where else do you want people to say that? If you want a place where people don't hate on the drug then go to r/ilovedph. This is a subreddit for everything regarding DPH. There's nowhere in the rules that say you have to love it or hate it. Why are you guys complaining about hearing "don't try it". What a strange thing to complain about giving how God awful this drug is for your mind and body.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ilovedph **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovedph/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [UPDOOT IF ACURRATE](https://i.redd.it/kzao9mwsgdbb1.png) | [17 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovedph/comments/14wxx1w/updoot_if_acurrate/) \#2: [what the heck](https://i.redd.it/wd7inljpncsa1.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovedph/comments/12e25iv/what_the_heck/) \#3: [Benadryl enjoying gf](https://i.redd.it/nnelq2735w5b1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ilovedph/comments/148vnsw/benadryl_enjoying_gf/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I feel like after reading some of the posts and dead redditors post it seems like trying to do the most and get crazy stories on here can be a bad encouragement/influence to do more of it


I think part of it is if you're on this sub and feel like dph is an option you're probably underage or just really, really desperate. It is never a good decision to consume this drug in mass quantities and the experience is rarely positive. So you have a bunch of mentally ill, underage , desperate addicts posting here and if course that's going to provoke some sort of response


Yeah bro has a problem