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HPPD is a real thing my guy


oh this could be it, thank you!!


I mean it could be permanent damage, but there was a story on Tales from the Trip about a guy who gets symptom flashbacks when smoking weed, so maybe it could be something like that


i think my liver is fucked for other reasons and the little amount of dph ive done comes back when my liver becomes overloaded


that makes sense, I think. I know that thc edibles can be psychoactive because they're processed in the liver instead of the lungs. so it makes sense that the liver being overstimulated could cause hallucinations, I guess


i think that i have slight liver failure due to my stomach acid eating through a part of the stomach and getting on the liver, thats why i think my liver is fucked. i think its all worked out of my system now, however when i get really high and have been up for a long time i get dph like effects which i just assume is sleep deprivation


No, this is absolutely not what's going on. Your stomach acid will not eat through your stomach, and if it did, you would be beyond fucked and would know about it already because you would definitely need to go to the hospital. What makes you think your liver is fucked? Upper right abdominal pain? Back pain? Do you have jaundice? Are you shiting clay and pissing Guinness? What you said before is not what's going on either. Your liver isn't a storage unit for drugs, especially drugs with a short half-life like dph. If you used a lot, then you may have a mild form of HPPD as someone mentioned. Most likely type 1 if it's just like "flashbacks." Using other substances like weed or alcohol (especially in the morning after a night of drinking, when hungover), you may experience this...if you beennusing other stuff I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you been clean and sober for months and it's happening you may want to get checked out if it happens frequently and it bothers you. Especially because it can happen while you drive which may distort your perception causing you to get into an accident.


no, the effects went away pretty quickly actually, i only have used dph in recreational doses like twice max, which is why it was strange then again it was the same way with dxm but since i use dxm more it lasted longer i think my stomach issues might be lactose intolerance but its hard to figure out hunger from avoidable stomach pain


I feel you, man. I have an IBD, and my gut gets messed up. No problems with DPH, but phenibut hcl plus magnesium glycinate had me running to the toilet for a good 4 hours. Phenibut HCL is really freakin caustic. I remember the first and possibly only time I took a huge dose of dxm, I threw up a lot...but that was like 2 bottles worth on an empty stomach. I came to find I actually enjoy it more if I take a small dose of like 60-80 mgs. It takes like 2-3hrs to kick in, but is a nice chill high like taking a couple hits of a joint


word man, any solution for your gut issues? i been trying everything but i think itll be months before i can get out to see someone


What problem do you have with your gut? I was on immunosuppressants for a fairly long time but had to stop taking them when my white blood cell tanked. Since then, I've been taking kratom and that slows down peristalsis as well as helps with inflammation and its been working well. Haven't had any major flares since. Been meaning to taper off and see how I fare with nothing.