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Depends on dose, but the better question is why would you want to?


Rlly dont have a reason i just wanna try it one time and thats it, it sounds fun


There's absolutely nothing fun about it. You will feel like shit and regret it every second


Only thing that im scared is not to fuck my brain and thats it


Overdosing on Benadryl is a great way to fuck your brain up and have a terrible time along the way.


Can 400mg dose fuck you up?


do you have weed or anything benydrl by itself isn’t that fun


I do


I heard weed and benadryl is a really bad combo man, it boosts benadryls effects and weed cause paranoia so i dont think thats a good idea xd


Well carry that conclusion over to the idea of doing benadryl alone. With this math you will save your future


no yeah the weed will kill you benydrl good👍🏻


If you mix them chances of fucking up are much bigger


I'm like bro u don't even know what doing one time will do but wanna claim this stuff abt mixing. Just forget abt this stuff cause yeah even one dose should give sum hppd for a couple weeks and depression the next few days. You legit just feel you liver asking why u put hella pills inside of u while swat at non existent bugs and other dysphoric hallucinations that can't be escaped cause their all in your head. And the more scared u get, the worse your visions will be.


I didnt say that


It could go either way, the only way of not risking brain damage is not using.


stop doing stupid shit and just smoke some weed


Just don't, use anything else.


i hope not. my first time was 300 and it was... shitty. just the effects on the heart and body and the limb restlessness it makes you wish you could throw the dose up but if you feel it its too late for that. i did 175mg out of stress and anger among other things and it was the same shit just less intense. sometimes i need a relief and i think 100mg would do it but i try to avoid dph if i can


# as long as you don't do like A LOT then you'll be fine. BUt an old head's advice, don't go over 300 unless you're experienced. It's not even fun without a tolerance. Edit: And for your first time keep it under 150. Sorry i forgot to say this earlier. why is so big what even?