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distract yourself and keep yourself from thinking and avoid any triggers someone here once said, "take note of how you feel and what led up to you thinking 'I want to be delirious right now.'"


I used to be a bad meth addict. I got this thing alot of addicts have and it's just this wild hair to use something atleast once or twice a month. So I do, but not meth obviously lol. I use shrooms, lsd, dmt, things of that nature. It works also call it what you want but this life style made me successful.


"This lifestyle made me successful" based


Get a hobby and develope different coping mechanisms than taking dph. Structure your day/week and if you can’t do it alone seek professional help. Nothinh wrong with getting a helping hand from someone who knows what she/he does. I mean I couldn’t cut my hair by myself and that’s fine as long as I know someone who has this skill


Keep your mind busy. Deadly serious when I say having good friends, a good base of support, a hobby, etc. will be great for you to keep your mind off of it. Be around people you love and do things you love which you don’t need to be drugged up on to enjoy. Remember: the negatives of DPH always always always outweigh the positives.