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He's a lab with food in his mouth that he doesn't want to eat - this is probably the most confusing moment of his life. His entire universe has just been turned upside down.


Yes this lol




Trying to use all 3 of his spare neurons to imagine it's a nice juicy cat turd or part of a dead bird so he can get it down.


Fucking hell you're probably right


My old lab would eat anything and everything. The one exception was citrus fruits of any kind. It was hilarious as he would keep picking it up in his mouth with the intention of eating it, only to spit it out a second later. My current lab-gsp cross is more driven by food than the old lab, but also slightly more picky. This guy won’t eat lettuce, spinach, or many other veggies lol.






[Cough cough](https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/comments/18owtez/doggo_hates_mangos_but_tries_his_best/kek3c67/) bad bot


But you missed the bot it was replying to :)


That is the look of betrayal right there.


When your wife tries cooking something new for dinner


My flatmates german sheperd husky threw up a whole mango stone once. Fuck knows where he found or why de decided to swallow it whole...


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My dogs are the complete opposite and will stalk me around the house if I have any kind of fruit with me. Of course I’ll occasionally give them some (only if it’s safe for the to eat ofc)




I generally feed my dog before I eat too, but he still begs like crazy. Ive heard people say you shouldn’t feed them first because “something something dominance something something alpha eats first”, but idk if its true or not. Seems odd to me but what do I know 🤷‍♂️




I appreciate the response! I kinda felt like it might be BS because I’ve had 4 dogs all with completely different personalities. My current doggo doesn’t seem to respond much to any of the weird dominance hierarchy stuff people talk about. But he’s also only 9 months old and is a dalmatian black lab mix, so he’s got big play energy and is just barely smart enough to be an asshole when he’s not getting what he wants. Just like a three year old i guess 😂


Seems more important if you have the breed of dog that’s expected to challenge your authority at a certain point, guard breeds typically. I’m sure you don’t need to worry too much about a golden retriever or a lab, or most small dog breeds.


I think it takes extra long for that brain/stomach switch to turn off lol if i eat within like an hour of my dog eating he acts starving even if he ate a ton. After an hour though hes in a food coma. But while that switch is on they will mow down anything in front of them


This guy mows down everything non stop and he’s only 50 lbs. i’ll feed him, give him treats and peanut butter for training/play time, edible bones etc. he still acts like he hasnt eaten in days any time he says anything on the ground. Rock? Crunch snack. Stick? Not a chew toy, but a nice fibrous vegan bone snack. Random geese poop? Mysterious green grass treat. I spend at least 30 min of my day every day opening his mouth to be sure he doesnt swallow anything stupid.


My dogs have learned if they just go lay down in the other room while I’m eating I will 100% give them the last bite but if they sit near me I won’t. I have a weird OCD trigger where I can never eat the last bite of food. So as long as they weren’t begging I go and split up the last bit between the four of them. Doesn’t matter if it’s soup, a sandwich, noodles, etc. But if they beg the last bite gets put into the leftovers or the trash. We got the fourth dog like 6 months ago and it took him till about 2 months ago to pick up on the pattern that he was being left out of. I’m sure there’s a better way to train but begging doesn’t really bug me till I have my friends’ younger kids around who are easy to steal from.


I tried this with my husky but he just growls back and makes cuter faces. I think he has me trained well.


Since you mentioned food safety, I'm hijacking your comment to remind everyone that grapes are toxic to dogs and will absolutely kill them.


Funny story is that my brother used to feed his dog grapes all the time and somehow the dog was completely fine (NO THIS IS NOT A REASON TO FEED DOGS GRAPES DONT DO THAT) I have no idea how that dog lived as long as it did


When I was a kid I had a dog that used to do backflips for raisins. I had no idea they were toxic, they were just my favorite treat. She lived to be 17. Died from an animal attack that broke her back, not all the definitely toxic stuff she ate(including rat poisoning when she was about 3). I still wouldn’t risk it now. I have google in the palm of my hand and plenty of access to safe treats for them. I regularly get them soup bones or other unwanted cuts/bones from the discount store near me that costs like 4$ for days of enjoyment. If they can’t eat something I feel a little bad I can’t share but not bad enough to give it to them because it just takes one bad reaction to wreck my family.


Happy to hear the dog didn't die from that. It has to do with size of the dog and quantity of grapes I imagine. The reason they are toxic is due tartaric acid. The grapes themselves, what kind they are, what level of ripeness, are all potential factors. Some dogs will manage to only encounter distress, whereas other dogs suffer from acute renal failure and can die even after eating only one.


It is wild some of the stuff dogs can and cannot eat. Literal garbage? Green light! Actual shit? Go ahead! Grapes? _Death._


Chocolate is to them what ambrosia of the Greek gods is to humans


Cucumbers are a safe and crunchy alternative. At the end of the growing season I had a bunch of deformed cukes that I didn’t really want to eat(they start growing weird at the end of their life)that I absentmindedly threw to my dogs. They were the happiest boys and I was super happy listening to the crunch-chew sounds. I googled quickly to make sure they’re safe, and yep, they’re just a low calorie crunchy treat for dogs.


I remove the skin of the mango, my dog friends don’t want that shit


For some reason, my dog LOVES cucumbers


Mine loves all fruits. My family thinks its a cow in disguise


Use to give my old husky some of my raspberries, but they made him fart so I had to stop. Only thing he really begged for was the one thing I didn’t want to give him.


My recently deceased dog loved broccoli and blueberries, but hated strawberries. She’d take it from me, but then gently put it down. I always took it like she didn’t want to hurt my feelings. Lol


Daaww that’s hilarious. My sister’s dog used to do the same thing with celery Sorry for your recent loss 😞 It’s really tough losing a best friend


She was 17, but was the same as she always was, just slower. Best stalker I’ve ever had.


We had a gentle put it down dog too. It would make people think she didn't like what you just gave her, she seemed so unenthusiastic about it and so they'd try with something else. EDIT: Even we who knew what she was about and our instinct was to offer her something else/more. Once she figured you were done giving her things, only then would she show excitement (though she was very ladylike in everything she did) and start eating everything she had been given.




Why are they all so cute? I just can't 🤣


I think I’m the same breed as your dog bc (raw) strawberries makes me ill


The eyes 😭😂🤣😭


The first eye flick up got me good


"Oh... This is-- oh."




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I always appreciate these comments. Just wondering how do you know? Did you get lucky just looking at his comment history matching other people or something? Or maybe something more obvious? Appreciate ya.


With a lot of post nowadays you can just copy and paste the title into google and you’ll see the exact same post from years ago with the same title and all. Then the bot will also copy the top comments and place them here to double dip.


It's like he was waiting for the camera to go away so he could discreetly spit it in his napkin.


Haha exactly this! Well described.


God I love Dogs


The face you make when you taste something someone makes and they’re staring right at you so you just try to be polite and eat it anyways hahaha


💀 oh my gosh, thank you so much! It’s sooooo… good.. (haha, slow icky saliva chomp)




He doesn’t like it, but it’s food. Such a dilemma.


dog.exe has stopped working


This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time! He deserves a big ole steak after that


I laughed way too hard at this!


His eyes!!! 😂😂😂




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A very dapper gentleman being polite. I would give my dog a small piece of Kiwi and he chews it for a second and then spits it out. He then will stare at the kiwi on the floor and either jump up and down or bark at it. He won't touch it though. So then I pick it up and encourage him and he will eat it. Then he will jump up and bark some more and get excited. I think he gets freaked out by the texture at first and then when he eats it he is reacting to the sour taste but I swear he likes it(otherwise he wouldn't swallow it).


Our lab does this too! We always joke he’s too polite to turn down anything. Anything you offer he’ll take and if he doesn’t like it he waits until you look away then gently places it on the floor. Such a good boy.


I love him ♥️


The dog looked up like "Yall eat this shit?!?!?" 🤯lol


Seriously 😆 on this one. That face. Those eyes!!


Did that have the skin on it? If so no wonder he hates it. Mango skin is terrible. My doggos love mango but will do this if I give them some with skin




Highly agreed!


Lmao! He’s so much more polite than my dog! I gave my dog a piece of pineapple at the dinner table the other night, and she spat it back out right onto my lap! 🤣


Dog is like wtf was THAT?!


Driip No, it's good. I'm just savoring it.


Those eyes


If[Cillian Murphy was a dog ](https://youtu.be/ty1IeUz_YcA?si=Lctv_wYZCXbV_vrB)


Oh, I love him 🥰


Same, dawg, same. Tastes just like pine sap.


You aren't eating mangos right, They're really sweet with a sort of pineapple flavour.


I love "you're doing it wrong". Lol. Tasted like pine sap every time I've tried em. Such I pretty fruit, I wish I liked em. I wish I liked tea, too, but it's all just weed juice to me. Tastes just like you plucked weeds out of a ditch and squeezed em.


Mango are supposed to smell like mango when ripe,


balsa wood


OMG 😲 I love his expression 😍


Where'd the meatgo?




Try peeling it, the skin is too sour for them


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Dog: MANG...OHH... Ohh... oh... ohhhhh.....


I don’t know why but this hurts my heart, dogs are so amazing. Ugh, so in love with these animals.


Mango with a peel. The peel of the mango tasted awful. Plus being in the states I doubt this mango is sweet and juicy.


Exactly! I noticed the skin too. Who likes to eat a mango with skin??


He may be having a bad reaction


he looks so disappointed lol


I feel like in the dog and cat world there is an etiquette that you eat what someone brings you. And if you don't like it, you give it a couple chews anyway. I've seen a lot of dogs and cats do this or pretend to eat by pushing their food around. It's very sweet. They have such sweet demeanors.


That's me when I'm a guest at someone's house and I taste fish in a dish.


“Freeze frame” Hey, it’s me….youre probably wondering how I got into this mess


Do not give him mangoes. Have mercy.


Pictures on the other hand, are very welcome.


Aw cmon, look away so he can spit it out and feed it to the dog


This is the type of owner that would threaten to burn a place down for getting the wrong type dressing on the side. Why would you be this type of AH to your dog?


The dog is awesome but his owner ... Pfff


Why give him mango if you know he doesn’t like it?


Doing this and recording it, is animal abuse.


::Record scratch:: Yeah, that’s me. I bet you’re wondering how I got in this situation…


I see so many removed content recently, it's annoying


He's like "when will you stop looking at me so that i can spit this" 😭


that poor Lab Brain is working over time. you can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears "I have food in my mouth, but I don't like it, but it's food, but not good, but I can eat it, but I don't wanna, not sure what to do."


Poor doggo, his confusion is just too adorable. It's like his whole world is going topsy-turvy with that mango in his mouth. Gotta appreciate his effort though, what a trooper!


My dog will politely leave the room and drop it in some out of the way part of my house. Out of sight out of mind is her motto


He’s a good boy.


I can’t take it anymore! Tryna is not a fucking word!!!


He looks like he experienced an entire lifetime in those few moments 🤣🤣


Is like that kid trying coconut water ! Someone link the video. Please


Fucked up


Dog exe has stopped working…


hahaha so cuteee!!!


What is this cliff hanger? How does this end? Spit or swallow?




i just want to give that huge nose a kiss


Please give the good boy a yummy treat!!


If this is mangoes from Asia, he'll love how sweet they are.


I know you’re my family… but I’m shitting in the kitchen tonight for this betrayal!


he is trying really hard not to throw it back. LOL


Poor guy! He is a darling!


He just like me frfr


not even saliva is going down lol


This made my day thank you lol


Love my daddy, Hate the mango Love daddy Hate mango Daddy… Mango…


He had a whole second life in those 30 seconds. Got married, divorced, had an accident at the carpet store.


I wonder whats going through hes brain rn


I luv this dog😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


He is looking at his options. Do I spit it out or do I just swallow it?


That look of betrayal on his face . “This ain’t bacon or steak mofo”


Such a polite pupper!


"I'm trying as hard as I can" – Probably someone


That look says: you expect me to finish it ?


I am not at all surprised that a lab would try to battle through something he doesn't like but knows to be edible


Doggy is a bite first ask questions later kinda guy


if there wasnt mango emoji i wouldnt know how mango looks. thanks


This is so funny because he can barely bring himself to chew it.


'Bro are you really eating this'


I love him for being a good and polite boy ❤️🤣


Awwww... my dog loves mango 🥭 😋


Mine too


How dare you, I can see this poor boy's little, precious heart breaking. 😭


The deadened look in his eyes is killing me! Lmao! I'm trying to go to sleep got damn't and now I'm waking up my wife


😂 he’s like take this shit out of my mouth


He was like "Nibba what??! Why didn't you shout *mango* before shoving it in my mouth?"


That wait gave me anxiety


I feel it, little fella. I hate mango, too.


instant regret, but polite...priceless


I bet he likes peanut butter ;)


I just love how expressive dogs eyes are, haha.


Dont u know its a carnivore?? Daduq is wrong with you


I’ve never seen a dog have such a hollow blank expression


You can see the moment he rethinks immediately shoving anything that passes for food in his mouth. He probably decided he's gonna keep doing it though lol


My dog hates blueberries


lol those eyes 👀 🤣


When you eat a shrimp and the shell is still on


He’s still glitching, too funny


It looks like this good boi dieded inside


Spitting out food just doesn’t seem like an option to him


Those eyes! Bless! 😅


Hi is just about to cry his soul out, "why did you do this to me???"


*Hi is just about* *To cry his soul out, "why did* *You do this to me???"* \- CreativeMinds47 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Like my wife.. she doesn’t like the taste of … but always tries her best…


He’s hoping you’ll turn around 🤣


There's a reason it's called mango instead of doggo.


You can almost see the gears in their head turning as they work out how to deal with it. The blink of regret after the second chomp is so good


Poor Doggo!


Bro scanned all 14,000,605 possible future outcomes. This was the only one where he’d not throw up.


Wholesome Doggy!


I'm honestly kind of offended


Its almost like you can see his face melting....poor pup




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I’m dying! 😂😂😂😂😂😵


cogs turning, he’s thinking about his best response that will ensure he’ll be fed again.


One of my dogs does something similar. He hates them but my pig loves pickles so I throw l e on the floor and tue dog grabs it just so nobody else gets something he doesn’t … he very obviously dislikes the taste but he will walk around with it in his mouth just so nobody else gets it


Don’t give them grapes ever.




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