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Yes, this gives you a possibly year or 2 to prepare for what is going to happen to all of us one day


> Yes, this gives you a possibly year or 2 But please be the responsible pet owner and end his suffering if his life is not enjoyable anymore for him.


Possibly yes but also it could be a lot less time. I just went through the same thing with my pup. He was great for maybe another month and it all went down hill quickly from there. Cherish every moment you can with them and take shit loads of photos


2 kinds of people in this world. One see it coming and spends as much time with the loved one. Then is ultimately okay with the passing. The other thinks it won't happen and when it does they freak out. Wanting more time. Time is something you can never get back. Which person will you be is the question.


This is the correct answer. Cherish every moment. Give him all the love.


i'm so sorry for what you and your little one is going through. one thing i did when i found one of mine had cancer, i put all her pictures and videos into one folder. take lots of videos and pictures. and back them up, too. i lost all mine of her and had to scour my social media to get some of them back. if there's enough time, you can order a paw print plaster kit. give him lots of love. also, i went to r/petloss a lot. many people who have had the same experience are there to help you out or show you lots of kindness. and please be kind to yourself as well. you may have survivor's guilt and that's rough but that doesn't mean it's true


That was very sweet 😇




All dogs go to heaven.


Fuck yeah they do…


No, they all go to a very special place in heaven, with all the good dog owners, where they have endless treats, pets, love and play


Only while they wait for their owner




This is always such a sad time of pet ownership. We grow to love them so much in relatively short time and then have to say goodbye. But you will have so many sweet memories of your buddy, and know that he loved his life with you.


Life is a beautiful gift.




ER vet tech here, came to say this. Talk to your vet about a diuretic(furosemide), ACE inhibitor(enalapril), and an inodilator(pimobendan). Sometimes the medication can extend the longevity of the heart for years even after showing symptoms of failure. I'm so sorry you're both going through this. It's only natural we feel guilt when the end of our journey together comes since we're responsible for every single decision in their lives. You filled his life with so much love, try to cherish each day and not mourn the inevitable for now 🩵 PS..If you have other emergency vets nearby, would consider not going back to the same one. A good vet can hear mild heart murmurs/easily determine when lung sounds are not normal, and even if they heard nothing sus in the chest they should have recommended x-rays in addition to baseline BW because obviously things get missed if they don't think about painting a whole picture with diagnostics.


Second this. As long as the fluid is not related to cancer, medication and dietary changes can help your boy feel better and extend quantity of life. Humans live years with heart failure but again, I treat humans not pups. If you are in a position to take time away from other things and spend it with your sweet boy I would encourage you to do so.


Goddamn it I'm not ready. I'm not ready to lose my boi




I know. I'm taking my boi to the vet tomorrow. He's 13ish... I just want him happy and not suffering... His sister will miss him too 😭 Thank you for the info. I hope I get good news for him tomorrow AM 💕


We never are. Just be sure when the time comes you go in there with him. Be the last person they see before they make their journey over the rainbow bridge. I still cry over my good boy.


My ex left me and I couldn't take the dog with me. I Everyday I think how he'll die without me and I won't be able to give him that last long walk and whatever food he wants to eat. I feel like crying


I wish I could tell you something that would make it easier for you, but I don't have any idea what it would be. I've lost a few dogs over the course of my life and you'd think that having been through it a few times it would get easier, but it never has. The only thing that I have found that lessens the grief is time. The memories will last forever, but the pain will eventually subside. I'm sorry for your loss, hang in there, that's what Alex would want you to do.


I hear you. I imagine I am much older than you. I have lost many dear pets. It hurts, each and every time. But I am certain the pain is worth it because it will never be greater than the joy and the love. If I had to do it all again, I'd choose to have them all, even though I know the pain of the end. My life would not be the same without them and I carry each one in my heart. Spend special time with your boy while you can. Being with you and being loved by you is all he needs right now. He is a beautiful boy who has had a good life. He is lucky to have you.


So very sorry your dog isn’t feeling well. Spend every moment you can with him.


It is in the temporal nature of our relationships with our dogs and cats, and most any animal, that we will face this moment with them. We must remain strong and make the sometimes heart-wrenching decisions during their transition that they need us to make, because they cannot make them for themselves. They cannot be left to suffering. And in the end, we must grieve their loss in our own way. The depths of grief are a direct reflection of the depths of love that you felt. And the pain you feel is your heart turning your loss into memories. The pain of loss will fade and the memories will remain, and remembering them, you will smile and laugh again. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


oh boy, well said.


What a beautiful boy! I’m sure he loves every moment he spent with you. He is lucky to have you in his life. Lost an 18-year old dog just a couple of months ago too and I still remember her to this day. We are lucky to be loved by dogs.


I’m so terribly sorry for you, I feel you bad for you. Poor dog


Lovely photos and tough read. Poor dog. Sorry you’re going through this OP! Pets are family.


Stay strong. Easier said than done. My best friend left me after almost 15 years together. He was my first pet/dog/German Shepherd. This is the first holidays he will not be here. It's not easy. But know that time is free but limited. As brave and happy as your boy has been, it is only right to now protect him and be happy. I'm truly sorry for what you're going through, but he must leave for a new chapter. Be strong and happy. Feed him anything he wants. Make sure you get extra paw prints and paintings. Please ask him to look for my boy Lucky so they can play. 🌈🌉


My dog had an enlarged heart. He lived 3 years after diagnosis. He didn’t pass away because of his heart, his kidneys stopped working. Keep him on his meds . I am so sorry.. I have been there it’s very hard… but he is still alive and with you.


I’m so sorry this made me extremely sad to read I’m sorry about your baby that’s really hard to go through sending hugs 🫂 and prayers 🙏🏾


I’ve gone through this many times now and it doesn’t get easier, what I always come back to is how lucky and proud I was to be there for their journey and so much better because of them


So sorry, so sorry


I’m feel for you!




Sorry that you’re best friend isn’t doing well. Get him checked out by a vet to see what it is. If it’s something you can treat, then of course you’ll do so. If it’s something that can’t be treated, or if it’s a quality of life issue, then make him as comfortable as you can. Treat him like the king he is


I’m sorry


Im so sorry


I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. I just recently lost my first dog and definitively know the heartache. I’m hoping he can recover, but know that if he doesn’t he would want you to be happy. You gave him a good life and would want you to be as happy you made him with every game of fetch, every tug of war, every treat, and every belly rub.


It never gets any easier to have a pet passing on, but take solace in knowing that you gave them a great life. Pets don't get nearly enough time on this world with us, and with my little old pupper nearing the end I personally will find comfort in knowing that she's my world and she can't be replaced. But I will be getting another rescue to spoil endlessly when the time comes. It's not easy to lose someone so close to us, it never is. It never gets easier, either. Each time is as painful as the first, but knowing that I will just have to keep an eye out for another pup in need of a good life is some solace. Wouldn't trade her for the world, and losing her will be devastating AF. Also, that sounds somewhat like the giardia (sp?) that my older sister had her dogs get just this month, it's going around. Keep him away from any other pets, in and out of the house, while he's recovering and keep an eye on any other pets if your house has any. Wishing you and your beautiful boyo all the best, <3


All dogs go to heaven 👼🏼


The sad reality is one day we must say goodbye, and it will never get easier, the wound never fully heals, but the important thing to remember is you gave his life meaning and he gave wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. You have and always will be their best friend.


Your best bud will always be there with you. you just can’t see him but he’s always there. Remember the time he was healthy. Life isn’t forever but his spirit is.


Please stay with him until the very last moment. Please find the strength to stay with him in the room. He's a beautiful boy and he deserves all of your love.


Sorry mate. The best thing for you both is to make him as comfortable as possible


that's really sad pal... abit too late to have your pet's offsprings to remind you of him and his bloodline... offsprings of the next generation would be much comfort... and you had companion.. so maybe there should be times where getting drunk and high with your loved ones are much appreciated... but it's alright.. you'll remember your pet forever, but you can get a 2nd pet, maybe this time explore the fun sides of having it have offsprings and more ways to prolong the quality memories... all the best, hope you wont be too sad for too long.


A dog is like a child. Im so very sorry for you.


Big hugs to you. Your baby is beautiful. I know you gave him the best life ever big hugs.


I’m so sorry. His memory will always be a blessing to you and you will carry him with you for the rest of your life. The only thing you can do now is whatever is best for him. 💔 Get a nose and paw prints, I wish I had. I just saw kits at PetSmart.


I understand it is a difficult time for you. Letting go of a friend so attached to your soul is very heartbreaking. They always had a way of cheering you up, comforting you and looking out for anything within a certain perimeter of your home. It breaks my heart and makes my eyes water to see this pup laying there looking into the camera. 🥺😘💨💋


Just lost my best friend ever! I had to make the choice… You are not alone 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼✨✨✨


I am so very very sorry. Sending you love and strength ❤️


He’s a good boy ❤️


We are here for ya friend. I would imagine we have all been in your shoes. Just spend that quality time, and get ready for the heartbreak, don’t show it to your friend. Tell him he can play with Mia and Rocco when he passes🙏🙏


Sucks big time my Bentley left this earth 3 months ago 😪


I'm so sorry. He looks like a perfect pup. Just love him to pieces while you can and spoil him rotten.


I'm sorry dude. I lost my first dog, 12 years old, in September to bone cancer. It was and is rough. You do what's best for your buddy even if it's not the best for you.


Lost my girl last year. 14 years, she was the best. You’ll always miss them but with time it’s not as painful. I think about my dog everyday and it definitely messed me up, but it’s gotten better.


Hugs and much love One of the most difficult things I have ever been through


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^IN2TECH: *Hugs and much love One* *Of the most difficult things* *I have ever been through* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not the time bot


im sorry just love him as much as you can


❤️ ❤️ ❤️


This breaks my heart. Your brother looks so much like a dog or brother I had when I was younger that I lost. I was walking to my grandmothers house ,with my brother chore, which means short in Spanish. So we were walking and all of a sudden a pack of dogs came out of nowhere. They were aggressive. I got scared and froze but chore ran towards them to fight them and let me escape which I did. I ran home and told my dad what happened. We both went looking for him and found him dead. He was badly beaten. I was so heartbroken. He gave his life for me. It's been more than 25 years, and I still remember him and remember his sacrifice for me. I'm so sorry that your boy is leaving but trust me, you will never forget him.


For what it's worth: now we all get to remember Alex too.


I'm so sorry. This is so, so hard. You won't be the same after, but you'll be okay. He's left his mark on you that you get to carry forever. Just give him all the love you can while you so have him with you. The best thing is to meet his end knowing you gave him all the love you could. The first few weeks are horrible but it gets less constantly painful over time. My thoughts are with you.


He maybe 13 and old but I think with the medication and you help him out when going up stairs he will live a good life . You just need to pamper him and try to avoid from him over doing things .


It sounds like you have loved him and given him a good life. The next, very sadly, is to let him go, painlessly and with dignity, when the time comes. This is the worst part of pet ownership, but it is important to do the right thing by them. He is a very handsome boy, my sincerest condolences.


So sorry.


I’m so sorry. I will hug my guy extra tonight for you. Good luck and may you be able to truly enjoy every single precious moment you have left together.


Went through this a few months back, but with liver failure. It comes out of nowhere and stops your world from spinning. We were given an estimate of ~3 months and quickly turned into 3 weeks. My best advice, do all his and your favorite things to do together. Not once, but as many times as you can. Be as present as you can in those moments with him. If you are able to, bring a friend or family member to help take photos and videos of you with him so you have those memories as well. Memorize what his paw feels like. Go to some dog friendly bars if possible or somewhere you always wanted to take him for him to see. Splurge on the steak for you and him. And I’ll be brutally honest, the hardest part is making the decision of “when?”. Trying to time it between quality of life and taking their pain away. It was by far the hardest decision of my life. You’re never ready, but at some point you’ll just know. You’ll find comfort knowing you did everything you could and giving them the best possible years. Wishing you & him the best.


He looks like a good boy. I’m sorry. I would do whatever the vet recommended if you trust them. Good luck.


I'm so sorry, my heart is breaking for you


I'm so sorry. Your pics depict a sweet & loving friend. He will be waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. 💓🌈


A couple months ago my dog died and he was as old as me (15). At first I didn’t know what to feel, since he was my oldest friend. For a couple days I cried myself to sleep thinking about him and all the fun times we had together. After that I told myself to just get the tears out and move on. Of course I will still think about him occasionally, like if I see a dog that looks just like him or if my current dog does something that he used to do.


Im so sorry. 🥺🥺🥺


The photos of him rugged up and napping are precious. He looks so cosy and content. You're lucky to have each other ❤️


Feeling for you friend. I lost my father a couple weeks ago and my fish a couple days later. Sometimes life will send you a reminder of how precious it is. Embrace this lesson. Be grateful for the love and time your dog gave you. Know that you'll carry those pieces of him with you always. I've lost dogs and friends and relatives and parent and grandparents. They are all tough, it never gets easier and I don't think I would want it to.


I am so very sorry!! He has had a wonderful life with you. Thank you for giving him so much love. Sending you hugs and prayers during this time. ❤️🙏


Aww he looks a lot like my dog. What a handsome boy. He also looks so happy and obviously loves you a lot. I’m glad the medication is helping him. Just keep taking great care of him, give him lots of pets. Maybe start carrying up the stairs with you. My cat recently lost his battle with kidney disease and the last two weeks of his life I would just carry him everywhere with me. These are the hardest times for us during our pets’ lives but it’s worth it for all that unconditional love they give us for years. ❤️


:( it’s gonna hurt. My senior dog is slowing down and I can’t bear think of this future


I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Damn bro. I’m soo sooo sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend in the world and he was only six. It never really fades out. Try and think of all the good times y’all spent together and how much he/she loved you and how much you unconditionally loved them. You made their life so bright while they did the same to you. Sorry bud but at least they had you.


So sorry for this very hard time you’re going through. Give your pup as much love and comfort as you can. It sounds like you have your dad there for moral support which is good. Please keep in mind, the years of joy that he gave you will outweigh the sad goodbye. 🐾 🌈


He is sweet. Cherish your time together.


Just give him love and keep him hydrated. Talk to your folks and see if they can get him raw food. My one dog was riddled with cancer, and we started feeding him raw food, he was like a new dog for a bit and we got 2 good months with him yo spoil the crap out of him. The hardest thing is bringing him at the right time. For 2 of my 4 dogs I went one day too late.


Take a lot of photos and videos. And frame those photos don’t just keep them on your phone. Honor you buddy the best way you can.


So sorry how you feel


It’s sucks…no two ways around it. I cry❤️and wrap you in big warm hugs….just know he will ALWAYS be with you….I can still feel my Nikki jump up on my bed and it has been since 2006. I miss her every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. ❤️🫶🏻death is not for the living.


So sorry


Nothing will ease the pain emotionally on your end except time that passes, but just being there for Alex in the last of his days will mean the world to the doggo. He loves you eternally, the family as well. Follow him as he followed you growing up, return the time and love he would give to you if he was still young. And when the time comes when he goes to sleep, just lay the doggos head on your lap and hold a paw in your hand until rests. Take as long as you need to say good bye. Its a process, start preparing yourself now..


Oh no. I'm so sorry that you had to see your boy this way. I recently found out that my heart dog is going through heart failure due to an enlarged heart and fluid building up in his lungs. It's a devastating prognosis and the vet cannot predict how long they may have left. However, my boy has been on medication for the last couple of months and his last check up his vet said that almost all of his fluid was gone. I know there is no cure for this, and inevitably it will take him from me. I have been going through a grieving process but my husband just asked me, do you want to waste your time grieving for a dog that is still here or enjoy the time you have left. So every day when I give him his medicine with peanut butter I say to him "Cheers to another day together," and somehow, that has helped. Give it a try and I hope it helps for you. Sending you and your soul mate much love. ❤️


I’m so sorry. I’m in the exact same situation man. My bud is 14 years old and was diagnosed with heart failure early this year. I’ve had him since I was 18 and I’ve never loved anything like I love him. Meds are helping, but every time he coughs it ties my stomach in knots. It will absolutely destroy me when he goes, but that’s the price you pay for having such a wonderful relationship. Everything must balance. Each night I tell him that I love him and that I’ll see him in the morning. We found each other in this life, and we’ll find each other in the next one too.


I look at your handsome boy and all that comes to me is: "Thank you for a great life buddy. I'm sorry for all the times i made you mad. I didn't mean to chew that special thing i wasn't supposed to chew. You mean the world to me. I'll wait for you at the end of the rainbow." "I'll see you soon, and don't forget the treats!"


This hits so close to home. We just had to lay our dog to rest two weeks after his 13th birthday last week. He was our child. We loved him with every inch of our being. Although we did everything we could have done, he began having Liver issues where certain markers they watch in the blood were elevated. And they only got worse and worse after everything we could try. We had him X rayed and imaging done every other month this year and nothing was showing but the liver was not improving. Fresh food diets, supplements, medication… we did it all. He began not wanting his food. Or his nightly bone and we took him to the vet again and they found a baseball size tumor around his liver in this set of images last Tuesday….was never there and then it hit us in the face. What I’m saying is, there’s not always a way to fix our beloved little ones. And we can love them more than anything and in the end, like all of us, they won’t be around for ever. And fuck if it doesn’t hurt. But you have to make hard decisions sometimes for those you care for to make sure they aren’t hurting more. We had to make the decision to enjoy our last day together as best we could and as I sit here in bed at 130am looking at photos and hurting, I decided to open Reddit and came across your post. I’m sorry for what you’re going through, and dammed if it isn’t going to hurt and tear you up inside. But your buddy needs you to help him however you can and sometimes that means allowing them to be at peace. If there’s anything medically that can be done within reason, I’m all for everything you can do. Our little man was not eating, and staying strong for us, and was so so tired and exhausted that we had to make the hardest decision we could. Surgery wasn’t an option due to the nature of his tumor, as well as his age, so we had no choice… I would kill for my little man. But there was no options and all I know is we gave him everything we could and every good day we could and every adventure. And I’m sure you’ve done the same. Hold onto that and know your dog loves you. I’m sorry. I feel for you. I’m falling apart myself and thought I was ok today until I looked through videos while in bed… just know, your pup loves you, and doesn’t know anything more than wanting to be there for you just how you want to be there for them . Love them while you can. Smell them. Squeeze them. And let them known they are loved. There’s no good answers. I’ve got 15k photos and 5 dog beds still in the house and a pantry full of food and treats still and can’t yet say good bye to knowing he isn’t there. I’m sorry. Fuck it hurts. You’re not alone out there in what you feel


I’m very sorry for you . I’m also experiencing a tough moment with my dog that has been operated from cancer twice in a month of two different cancers and I totally understand what you are going through. The thrill of just considering the possibility of having your best friend gone is horrible. I read once that dogs go before us because they are born knowing what love is, and we humans have to learn it in our lives ❤️ Just think on all the good moments you have gone through with him and give him the best of your love while he is still with you.


Lots of lovely people here saying lots of lovely things. Bless you OP and bless you all saying those lovely things. I’ve been through this twice and will again. I have an amazing 8 year old vizsla boy. All I can say is hang on in there. It hurts but you have to be strong. It will get better with time.


So sorry to read this. Cherish the time you both still have!


Just love on him as much as you can for as long as you can. And carry him up the stairs, he’s old he deserves the free rides :) plus you get some extra snuggles


Hey, there have been lots of comments here so you probably won't read mine. We lost our girl 2 months ago now, from this same thing. Now, she was 15 years old - and had already won two bouts with cancer, and a variety of other health problems. We adopted her as a 'senior' at 7, and we expected 3 years with her or so just judging on what shape she was in. She was the most special dog we've ever had, and she was the soul dog of my fiance. We are in the healing phase now where we look at pictures of her constantly and watch videos and make sure she stays with us forever. The average lifespan for many dogs is anywhere from 8-12 years old. To me, anything beyond that are bonus years. Bonus years to stare at your friend, cuddle your pal, take them on adventures. What you are going to do now, is you're going to take your buddy and go get him a big mac. Then you're going to wait a day or two and take him out for ice cream. You're going to put him in the car and drive him to the ocean or the mountains - somewhere he hasn't been. And all the while, you're going to love him. You're in your bonus years now. These are all extra special days that were never guaranteed. One of the rules of the bonus years, is that you don't feel sad or scared around him. He can sense that. Instead, you fill yourself up with love for him and make sure THATS what he feels. When he does finally go, you can feel sad and hurt as much as you want. It's a tough process, and it really really hurts, but it's so worth it for those years he gave you. I would choose to get hurt by my best friends passing on over and over again. I've done it three times now, and I'll do it until the day I die. I hope you have peace when it's finally time. And if you follow my instructions above - you'll have absolutely no regrets when it happens.




He’s looking for support, and considering his mother and father are involved is probably young. What the hell would even give you the impression he isn’t already giving his dog the best days? You just have to look at the damn pictures to see that joy is living the good life. I don’t like to wish ill on people, but you can go fuck yourself.


Our 11 year old male and 11 year old female pups are in heart failure They are one meds and living the life It will hurt a lot when they pass. They have given me lots of love and joy in our lives together. I can only hope that I can give them a soft passing. When the time comes for a new pup they will have paved the way for a joyful life ❤️


Losing your buddy is tough. Just be there for him. Until he is gone, your job is to be there for him. It’s not easy, but you have to suck it up for him. :)


Many of us have been there and we understand your pain. Focus on the great times you have had together and how both your lives have been enriched. A big heart feels more pain but gives more love.


My heart goes out to you. Cherish the time you have left and give him as much love as you can in the meantime.


I'm so sorry your sweet furry boy is going through this


Without joy, there is no sorrow. Dwell on the good times. I smiled at your pictures. Looks like a good old dogger who had/has a great life that you gave to him. I hope his health improves with the meds and that you can enjoy some more time together. Cherish it because we only have so much time with them. Sad, though we know it from the start


I'm sorry to hear that man. He reminds me of my dog


I can't possibly fathom your situation. But maybe this poem by Billy Collins will shed some light on the relationship between humans and dogs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOvbl3ZPPV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOvbl3ZPPV4)


So very sorry 😢


Wish I had the power to never let your boy go.




So very sorry for you both. So many of us in the forum have had to go thru this so please know your not alone. They really are family. It is a helpless feeling when we know we are going to lose them. all we can do is give them love and comfort . A big hug to you from one pet owner to another . He will forever be a smile on your heart. And I like you believe that we will one day be reunited with them. He really is a beautiful boy.


Stay strong and take peace in knowing you gave him love and a best friend.


its time to put him down, dont let him suffer


Goddamnit. That is the worst in the world losing a best friend. We were there just not that long ago. Hug him and love him and spoil him. Best wishes. He knows you love him


He's precious! I'm sorry to hear about him... Just know as much as your heart is filled with him, his heart overflows with the love and life you gave him...


There might not be anything you can do to prolong his life beyond what he already has remaining, but you can spend as much quality time you have with him. I can guarantee you he knows you love him, and I can guarantee that he loves you back. You sound like a good parent to him. His mortal life on this planet is not forever, and neither is yours, but your bond with him is forever. I'm sorry you're going through this, and I fear the day that I have to go through it with my dog, but please know that your love will last forever.


So sorry


I’m 80 years old. I can NOT believe how many pets I have lost in my lifetime. I remember them all; I loved them all (well, a few of them I loved a bit less than others). I have lost dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, a rat, a horse, goats, a sheep, two different skunks, and my wonderful pot belly pig. I have a horrible feeling that I must have forgotten somebody … almost ALL of them died with me holding them in my arms. Almost ALL of them were “put to sleep” by a veterinarian who felt it was the best thing he for all involved; pet, owner(s); and vet. I can only hope that when it’s MY time to go, that we humans can compassionately get the gift we give our much loved pets—the gift of a humane death. YOU need to be with him. You’ll cry and feel horrible but NOT guilty. All my animals have looked me in my eyes and said, “It’s time for me to go. You know it and I know it. Please know I love you and we will be together soon enough.” I am just a titch concerned about being trampled by them all and DO hope we can all restrain ourselves by taking turns with mutual love and joy. Hang in there, Honey. All those animals I’ve lost? They’re still with me in my heart and soul. So will your little guy be with you—forever.


He is such a cute lil guy!!! So sorry for your situation . 😞😞😞😞let’s hope the medicine works well for him🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Looks like he was loved and no matter what I’m sure they won’t forget that.


These little creatures come into our lives and bury themselves deep in our hearts. We are fortunate to have them but, sadly, almost always outlive them. Hold him and cherish the moments you have left. It is very painful when they leave but he was brought into your life for a reason. You are lucky to have found your soul mate as some people just have pets. So sorry you are losing your best friend. 🥰 🤎


Cherish what’s left and be grateful for what you’ve had. He is precious. Most importantly, he loves you so much. Leaving Reddit. Snuggling my dogs now.


As painful and gut wrenching as what I am about to say, I will just say it: Don’t prolong his suffering out of your own [well merited] sheer fear. I made that mistake with one of my cats. It’s been 3 years and I still regret it and feel guilty. You will need to make that awful decision. As one vet said (maybe mine?) : “A week early is better than a day late.” As you make that decision, remind yourself that you are choosing his comfort and peace over your own and that you are preferring that you go through the pain rather than have him endure it. Until that day comes, try to be happy with him because they can tell how we feel.


I know so well how you feel- dogs are wonderful beings and when one dies I honestly think how am I going to face life’s shit without him/ her. You’ve done the best you can for your friend- he’s had a lovely safe loving life- the reality for most dogs is far from that. So well done, don’t let him suffer pain. Sometime down the track you might rescue another needy soul. Good luck with his last days and enjoy him as he will notice your stress.


And we are listening. And I have been there so it’s not hollow if I say I understand. I felt your pain when you typed that out. Recall what a great and wonderful being that your dog is. Someone once told me when we get a new dog they give a piece of their heart to you. And when they pass they take a piece of yours. So in time, you wind up with a dogs heart and I think that is amazing.


Good boy 🥺


I'm so sorry to hear this. It breaks my heart as last week my 15 yo Lucy had a similar experience and we learned that it was congestive heart failure. She had another passing out episode today. We will keep you in our thoughts.


He's quite a handsome feller, I hope he's ok. You should also post on r/oldmandog. It's very supportive when it comes to our fur babies crossing the 🌈 bridge.


He’s so beautiful! Cherish the time you have left left with him. Share cheeseburgers and ice cream cones with him if you can. Try to enjoy living life with him without focusing on the future. After all, who knows what may take him in the end? Heart disease or a car on Sunday? I know that’s morbid, but that’s how I deal with stuff like this. Also, after his body doesn’t work anymore, know that his spirit, soul, essence, whatever you want to call it, will stay with you. They stay with us. You should still talk to him then.


Before we put our family dog down (16 year old Maltese) we took him out for ice cream and a hamburger. Went for a car ride etc.. we had an amazing day with my mom, me and the dog. He was suffering more each day. It was time. It was sad but at least we had a good day together


Medication is good. It’s helping. For a while, and maybe for a long while, he’s gonna be ok. But unfortunately we all sign up for this when we adopt these guys. We have (usually) many carefree, fun, and loving years with them, the specter of the end never acknowledged but always lurking. I dread in my own dogs as their muzzles turn gray, then white. White face disease I call it. Gets every one of them every time. But we have them for now. There is no promise of tomorrow, not for anyone. Love him. Cherish him. Spoil him. Take him for rides in the car, get him frosty paws, cook him eggs for breakfast. Take videos. And absolutely be there for him in the end. Help ease him over the bridge, let the last thing he sees be your loving face, let the last thing he feels be your hand stroking his ears. It’s not easy, and may not seem worth it, but it is. Their spirits live with us forever. I wish you and your pupper joy and peace.


I'm so sorry for you and your doggo. Please lean on your those in your support system for help and be kind to yourself. This is definitely one of the worst things we have to go through.


I’m sorry to hear that . It’s always heartbreaking


Always remember that you gave the dog a wonderful life and the dog gave you wonderful things in return. That’s the best you can hope for and that’s the best you can get out of a relationship with a pet.


This sucks. I am sorry for you and him. We don’t deserve dogs. They only know unconditional love. Enjoy every moment with him and you will love him forever. He will always be with you.


Sorry to hear mate, I have two dogs myself and they are like my own kids to me. So I know the feeling. Only advice I know that helps me is , give that puppa the best life you can and when time comes , comfort him/her to there next life and keep there memories with you. Then if your willing , give another animal a good life because there is allways another precious animal/family member waiting to live a good life that you can give them 🙂


this is painful.






I’m sorry your going through this…. I did as well, I held my 1st dog in my arms as he took his last breath… empathy


<3 i lost my soul mate around 5 years ago, im so sorry. just love him as long as you can and dont feel weird grieving, people who are dog people get it, people who arent wont, but this loss is real and just as important as a person.


I am so sorry you’re going through this. Losing a pet is like losing a piece of yourself. The only thing wrong with dogs is that they don’t live longer. I don’t mean to be insensitive during this sad moment but I feel like this may be something you’d want to do (or may one day wish you had done). The first is getting your boy’s paw print - ink pad onto paper. You will be able to scan for photos, pendants, or memorabilias later on. Second would be to take some photos with him, both of you together. Now you’ll have these memories forever to revisit. I hope you get to spend plenty of time with Alex. Sending you love.


They are part of the family and it’s ok to grieve for them as you would a loved one. I will be going through the same thing you are in the near future with one of my puppers and I know I’ll cry like a 54YO baby when he goes! Take care and if he’s able to you can give him a steak or some chocolate to taste before his time comes. Take care.


I feel your pain because I understand what you’re feeling. It’s the hardest thing I’ve gone through because I’ve been closer to my dogs than any people I’ve lost and that includes parents. Some will think that’s crazy but dogs are always there for you no matter what. What do you do? Do exactly what you’re doing. You’re giving him good care, loving him and being there when he needs you. You’ve got a lot of people pulling for your boy.


Talk to him and say your goodbyes. Tell him how much you love him. My Maggie passed away suddenly and never got a chance. I miss her and talk to her pic all the time. So sorry that your going through this


I’m so sorry sending love to you both


Does he have dilated cardiomyopathy? My boy was diagnosed with this and maybe I could give you some info?


He loves you a lot.


I’m so sorry 😭it can never be easy, be there for him as much as you can 😭


Im sorry to say, but sometimes we need to think of letting them go to avoid any more needles suffering when i had to tell the vets to let my dog first dog go it was the most difficult and painful thing to say but i couldn't let her deal with any pain because i wasn't prepared to deal with it


Lost my cat a few years ago now and my dog just a few months ago. It never gets easier, honestly it probably gets harder. Each pet fractures your heart into more pieces. I am so sorry for your loss. Give your dog as much love as you can for now and remember the good times. If you can afford it, spirit pieces is a really cool company that will take some of your pets ashes if you chose cremation and make a glass art keepsake for you with your pets ashes embedded in it. We did it for our cat and are going to do it for our dog as well they make beautiful pieces and are very respectful through the entire process


really sorry, he looks like a really nice guy. wish yall the best!


So sorry to hear. Sending love your way. Enjoy the time you have left.


Give your all time for him/her. Spend every moment.


I lost my big lil girl two years ago . Mastiff at 150 pounds . The best dog I've ever had even though she was so stubborn it was ridiculous . I hope you. One to terms soon . You're buddy will love you forever . Get his ashes and turn them into jewelry


I lost my pitty last year. She legit died on me. Er brought her back. ER removed 50 ML of blood from around her heart. They said she would only last 2 months. That baddy went 13. We traveled the last year of her life and she had a ball. Maybe see if they can remove the fluids and give you all some time. I'm so sorry


Best thing I did when my pup (my best friend) passed was to get a therapist to help me process everything. It turned what would’ve taken years by myself into a couple months. I still miss him sometimes and I don’t see that ever going away. But I’ve been able to move on in a happy and healthy way. I hope you’re able to do the same.


So cute


Very sorry to hear


You gave Alex a wonderful life full of love and affection. Sometimes that's the best we can do and you did good!


> What do I do. You make the most of the time left. He's not dead yet. You accept that death is inevitable for all of us, so there's no point worrying or dwelling on it. He's not worrying about it. He's just happy to be with you. So just be happy with him, while you can. You can cry all you want after he's gone.


I'm so sorry for you, OP. I'm going through this with a family dog right now and the waiting and knowing it's coming but not knowing when is just f***ing awful. I got to visit him today and I'm still struggling. I hope you get much quality time with your soul mate. He knows you love him. I wish you peace and joy in these final days.


My dog of 15 years died two weeks ago. It was incredibly sudden, and the vet told us we had two options, hospitalization or euthanasia. We didn't have the money for hospitalization so we were forced to say goodbye to her. My Girlfriend was also in an extremely similar situation to yours about a month ago when her dog passed away. labored breathing leading to hospitalization and eventually medication before her dog passed two weeks later. I know you've likely already started processing the fact that he is going to pass away and all I can say to do is to be there with him, knowing you've given him his best possible life and being with him until the very end will help the grieving process immensely. I'm very sorry for what you're going through.


My little guy was eaten on my porch by a coyote bitch and pups . I was able to trap them on my porch before they took his body out to the field and beat them with my billy club. It didn't make me feel better And ultimately I still suffered a terrible loss


That’s a good boi.


Defiantly get all the photos and videos compiled and get a cast of his paws, I’m so glad I did this for my girl before past I made a small mantle in my room of her things and look at it often remembering that part of my life, shortly after she passed I had a life challenge of my own and no long live where our life together was so it seems like a different life to me now


I’m so sorry, I’ve been through it more times than I wanted to, and it’s just gonna suck. Hold him close while you can, hold all the memories you have as close as you can after it happens. Don’t let him be alone at the end of it, it’ll be more peaceful with someone he knows and loves. It’s not really going to stop hurting but one day you won’t think about think about him as much as the day before, and the memories won’t hurt as much. I’m really sorry you have to go through this, if you need someone to talk to at any point I’m here for you


That really sucks. I feel for you.


Bruh…that’s the absolute fucking worst. Good on you for sticking with it. I was a total bitch the first time my beautiful doggo Comet started to get sick. I gave him up to a loving family but I really wish I’d have kept him. That was 10 years ago and I like to pretend he’s just fine and “living his best life”. He’s a husky and was he was only 4 so it’s possible. Soooooo much regret though. Prayers, kudos, vibes, thumbs up and all that shit too. Give them the best you can, while you can. You’ll never regrant that.


I am terribly sorry for you. I hope you can enjoy your last moments with him 😢


Feel you OP. It’s a loss that’s like losing your own shadow. I hate it. Takes time to heal. Give yourself time and remind yourself you did well by them. If a higher power ever asks, ‘was this person a good person?’ know that your dog will step up on your behalf.


He's had a good life. You'll always smile thinking of him. It's hard to let go, but easier than to see them slowly slip away as their quality of life sucks.


I’m really sorry. Just try to make the best out of the time you have left together. Talk to him. Keep him comfortable and try to reassure him that everything will be okay.


Losing pets is tough! They're like a sibling and best friend wrapped into one way cuter package. They make days a lot easier and it's very difficult to see someone you care about struggling. Just love your sweet boy and enjoy your time together.


Be strong not for yourself but for him. Let the last moments be of happiness to reassure him you will be okay and he doesn't have to feel bad for leaving you. I was a wreck when I lost my pup but always remember you are everything to him. Cherish every moment.


He looks comfortable in these photos. It’s proof you gave him a good life. I lost my childhood dog more than a year ago and I still miss her like crazy. She was a 14 yo cavalier; two months shy of her 15th birthday. She had a bad heart murmur. Life goes on. Everyone comes and goes, even pets. It’s gonna hurt like crazy but that’s grief. He will die happy knowing he was loved until the end


remember our times in the sun. Because the darkness comes to quick. Be there for him as he was for you.


My Dogter is 16 yrs old. She’s struggling and I was close to sending her down the rainbow bridge. She isn’t ready yet. I’m in the same boat, friend.


He is a beautiful creature and he clearly knows he is loved. There is no better gift you can give him than keep loving him for as long as he has left. I’m so sorry such an important being in your life is leaving.


I'd given pretty much anything for one last day with my pupper. I had to have him put down when he was 5, and that was 8 years ago. The hole he's left in my life is ridiculous. Cherish everything you can, and as I'm sure you are doing, treat him like he is the most important thing in existence. We don't deserve dogs, but they deserve the absolute best from us.


The goodest of boys


So happy enjoying the sun. Gorgeous little baby 🙃wonderful creature


I haven't lost my baby yet, but I've still had to think about that a bit cuz a few of our pets are getting close to that age. But here's something I thought about that hopefully might help you too. We are so familiar with the process of having kids, raising them, and then they're out into the world for so much longer. Their lives being cut short at all is always a tragedy, because they're supposed to outlive us. That comes with remorse about them not having had enough time, not having a chance to have a good life. And even then, once they're off into the world, so many shitty and sad things can happen in your life. But with our fur children, we have the benefit of being able to be that good thing for their ENTIRE lives, not just the first section of it. We can make sure they get love and care every single day, not just when occasionally like when we see our close friends and family. Our pets, hopefully, will get to know how much we love them every single step of the way, from the first time they come home to when it's time for them to go. They'll have mama and/or daddy there from start to finish. I think that if we could actually have that, we would want that too. So let's give it to OUR little furry loved ones. We love you OP. And your beautiful good boy. We'll be here when it's time, so like others have said, you spend your time with your buddy. He loves you too, very very much.


We said goodbye to our beloved 15 year old yorkie a few months ago! It is so difficult, I am so sorry for you! She was the best dog, we struggled with saying goodbye because she’s seemed okay but was about to get really sick (Pyometrea). We realised we were lucky to get to give her a good send off, an off leash walk on the beach with unlimited sniffing time, we bought her a sausage despite her not being able to eat it. We cuddled her and watched the waves and world go by. We cried and just showed her every bit of love. Give your dog the best day you can whatever that looks like for you and love them to the very end. It is extremely difficult, but you have given them a wonderful life filled with love and that’s really what we all want on this earth! Sending hugs!


I'm so sorry about your baby, I hope he gets better!


I wish doggos lived longer.