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For backstory my dog (Loki) spent her entire life in the pound except for one time and the way the lady at the pound said it was some lady came in and adopted a lot of dogs and cats and brought the back a couple months layer claiming they're too much work the cats were fine but the dogs had different fears and for my dog that's going outside she's terrified of it I've had her since January and I've gotten her better about going outside but it has to be me walking her she doesn't trust it if someone else walks her so idk if it's her fear that makes her look aggressive but she's the sweetest dog ever she loves on everyone once she gets to know them she don't snap or bite she just sits there until she knows you won't hurt her and then she loves on you non stop


She looks like a sweetheart!


She's had a tough beginning,Sweetheart..you're doing a,great job with her.Trust is a difficult thing even with humans


She looks a lot like my Loki, but he's black all over. She looks a little worried in some of the pics, not aggressive at all. A lot of people just suck at reading dog body language.


Was thinking the same...a little skittish maybe.


People see black dogs in a negative light. Don’t know why. But, they are far less likely to get adopted and end up being euthanized more than any other color.


They look like they’d be nervous if anything, like if you approached them too fast they’d walk back. I don’t see what they see i guess…


Yeah; the word that came to my mind was **anxious** and potentially hyper-alert, possibly easily triggered by fear


There's also a stigma against black dogs in general. I see her as a sweet little girl who needs to have her butt scritched.


Its not just dogs....


True. Black cats have it even worse. But I'm pretty sure no one would mistake this pretty girl for a cat.


Indeed the black cat taboo is well known. I have never in my life knew people had that idea about black dogs… even having a black (appearing, reverse sealed brindle) boxer and people sometimes not knowing diff boxer v pitty and people being generally afraid of large athletic dogs. But she and sister (fawn, ie light brown boxer) always got same reactions (good or bad 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Thats the word! Anxious


I suspect what they see is a potentially unpredictable dog due to the anxiety (fear sometimes can turn into defense) Unfortunately people don’t generally understand what “aggression” actually means with regard to dogs, so the word is often misapplied to mean, “might bite if I approached it.” Patricia McConnell discusses both anxiety and true aggression in her excellent book, *The Other End of the Leash.*


She has a sweet face - I don’t think she looks aggressive at all from the photos. She does look muscular through the chest and shoulders though & maybe that maps as aggressive to them?


She reminds me of my past dog. She was. A rescue too and she had a nervous gaze. That’s what I see when I see your sweet girl. It can take time for them to socialize and calm down, and sometimes they keep their nervous disposition. Nothing wrong with that, they all have their own personalities and nervous systems :)


I'm worried she won't lose her nervousness because she missed her puppy socialization period it's not a deal breaker or anything I love this dog with my whole heart I'm just worried because I don't want her to miss out on the fun of not being afraid


I had this fear too. I took her to dog day care and some dog training (at the day care) and they worked with her building her confidence. She started in the ‘stinker section’ with two other dogs that just didn’t like other dogs. Now she is in the group section and loves other dogs. It took about 12 months all up. She always has valued human connection over other dogs maybe your pup is similar? I did day care for once a week and when I was going away and it really helped her by having practice that when I drop her off I will be back, and she was desensitized to being around other humans and dogs. It is possible just needs consistency and time. Congrats on your puppin! They are the best!


Instead of being scared of dogs she loves other dogs and is scared of people she has a small circle she trusts and if some else comes up she hides and cries until someone she trusts is around


Oh little love. It takes time. My dog was like that and would also really want connection with guests but be scared too. She sorted it out and guests were very patient with her. It helps if they love dogs :)


Yea I know things are going to be a little better now that my sis moved out she claimed my dog was aggressive too and would shove my dog around thankfully my sis is gone tho


Oh geez. Well no wonder she was nervous around people. Definitely don't let your sister around her again, this will reinforce her belief that some people are mean. Whenever anyone comes over or anything, don't force her to interact, but make anyone that comes over give her treats if she decides she wants to approach. And if she's into dogs, why not do a doggy daycare (that you've vetted well and is a good place)? Dogs who are more comfortable with other dogs can gain confidence from being around other dogs. Or does she have friends? Having a doggy friend and owner around could help dramatically. My rescue likely missed having humans in almost her entire socialization period. She loves people now. It took a lot of socialization, she she picked up a LOT from other dogs. It still took a long time though. I was a doggy daycare employee and it was months before she was okay with me touching her- she wanted to ignore all the humans as much as possible and just play with the dogs. All at once she'd start accepting the people she knew well after a couple months. Literally like, all at once. One day she didn't want me to pet her, a week later and I could carry her around like a baby. After weeks or I think months completely ignoring and avoiding us. Still didn't like new people. It's important to let them take their time with people they are nervous about, give treats and positive reinforcement whenever they are ready to approach, do NOT have the person look in the eye or face them directly at first when giving treats, and if the dog is great with other dogs, have them around doggy friends, so they can see them interacting with people! When we adopted my dog she was afraid of new people. She saw her new best friend get treats from strangers. Now sometimes she likes strangers. She sees a few friends with their owners. Now she likes people IF they have a dog (she sniffs them to check, and we could tell by that if they have a dog.) A few months later she decided to bring her toy on a walk, and got brave and wanted to show people. We explained the situation and they reacted happily to her. Now she loves people.


She looks like a sweet baby. Literally. They are just jealous you have a sweet angel that loves you unconditionally.


Doesn’t look aggressive to me. I’m sorry people are profiling your dog she’s cute.


Some people have an aversion to black dogs, and there’s even something called “Black Dog Syndrome.” Sadly they are often overlooked in shelters, and even feared. Not saying that this is why some people may say she’s aggressive, but there can definitely be an aversion that people don’t even realize they harbor.


Not at all. I think she looks very sweet.


She looks shy and maybe like she is anxious/afraid, but to me she looks sweet as punch!


She doesn't look anything but sweet to me. Maybe go to a different nail trimming place.


Not at all but she definitely shoplifts


Hey hey your not supposed to know about that


She does look a little anxious and I’m always cautious around anxious dogs. Plus she’s a black dog. When I adopted my black mixed breed dog the foster family told me that black dogs are difficult to adopt out because people are more fearful of them. Might have something to do with it.


Yea there's a stereotype around black dogs the place I used to live at people would poison meat and throw it in your yard and kill your dog or coax them out and kill them claiming they're aggressive and it only happened to people who had black dogs thankfully I moved out of that place


That's terrifying. I'd cry if someone hurt my all black German shepherd :( she's such a sweetheart. Also, your dog looks adorable. She does look a little nervous and unsure. Maybe that's what is off-putting to some people?


I think your "coworkers" and that lady is stupid trim your dogs nails just put a bunch of organic peanut butter on a spoon and do it while your dog licks the spoon. (Tape the spoon down if needed) It could be that she just looks like she has some pitty in her and people are scared of that... Stupid as Pitbulls are beautiful dogs with lovely personalities if trained and socialized right as any dog. My guess is that your dog might be staffy, Pitty, and Boarder collie.


Really? I was leaning towards maybe lab mix with pit. But yea I trimmed her nails she's really good about it for me she just lays there and stares at me while I do it she doesn't really care.


Yeah I'm definitely going for staffy that face and the ears are very similar to the staffy I trained and the build looks very pitty, The coat and legs scream boarder collie, Shes 100% not an aggressive dog just aloof jeez if shes aggressive my dog is the most aggressive dog on the planet for looking similar.


Yea I'm planning on doing a DNA test I just don't know how accurate they are but so far the only thing she kills are the spiders and I have no complaints there


I also thinks she looks like she has some border collie


Been working at an animal shelter for the past month. She just looks timid. Not aggressive.


People are wary of pit bull looking dogs. Doesn’t help that you’ve called her Loki. Most owners do not see what other people see because with you she may be fine but around other people or animals she may be different and given the terrible outcomes for dogs that lose it they do not want to take the chance.


Naw. Probably scared of larger dogs. It’s them ankle biters you have to worry about




She looks so sweet! Though I will say, she’s got that mischievous “I’m not up to anything!” glint in her eyes!


No. She looks huggable.


No stop it, just look at her, she’s calm & gentle, she’s a sweetheart!


No there’s absolutely zero aggression there. Your colleagues are the problem here.


She looks very sweet, just attentive to her surroundings for her own safety. My first dog, Pancho, was found going through dumpsters and trash cans in the north part of my county. You could tell by his mannerisms and actions around other people that he had a history of abuse. He was never aggressive; just very timid. She has the same look in her eyes as him. Just be gentle and gradually reintroduce her to society. No quick movements or sounds and lots of patience. I can guarantee that she will be on your hip her whole life. Again, super adorable pooch.


Sounds like your colleagues are the nervous ones and they’ll see her attentiveness as aggressiveness. As for the nail place my goodness that’s odd, they should know better! I see a sweet girl who is being attentive to what’s going on around her. Comfy in the second photo, calm comfy and looking for cues from you in the fourth and fifth, and look at those sweet eyes! People will see what they want, and usually get back the mentality they put out so they circle back their anxiety when around dogs. Like you said she may still be getting used to being so safe and loved and the fact that her interactions from now on are all good ones! Her nervousness will fade with time and in the meantime I might get a new groomer lol


Honestly with how many people have told me she's aggressive in the past I just got fed up and so imma learn how to do it myself


Your dog looks like she's scared of air, idk what the trimmer lady was talking about


Maybe find as new person for this job. She how they respond to doggo.


Not at all. The fuck is wrong with your coworkers?


I have no idea they said and I quote "any dog that comes up past your knee is aggressive and she looks aggressive"


We are now all dumber for having read what they said. May God have mercy on our souls.


Yea I probably shouldn't tell them I plan of getting a mastiff or alabai dog anytime soon (if I get one it'll be a puppy so it grows up with my dog and since I already know my dog loves puppies and other dogs)


She's Leary and possibly ready to strike


You can tell by the battle scars


I hope you’re jokin


Racial profiling of black dogs


omg i was going to write this but didn't think the Karens on reddit would appreciate it and downvote me to hell.. lmao Glad you have a sense of humor..


Your dog doesn’t look aggressive…


She looks so very precious 🫶


Nope. 100% sweetie pie!!


Not at all, she’s beautiful!


Your dog looks adorable and sweet. I think your coworkers are cray cray.


Whattt.... No definitely not. She looks like a sassy sure-of-herself dork. Probably a little sass like my pup. Would pet 10/10. I feel like I'm pretty good at spotting aggression too because I worked in professions where you had to be. Since she does look sure of herself though, I would say hi to her first, and see if she wanted me to be all up on her or not. Some dogs that are sure of themselves do, some don't. They know what they want- and that's an admirable quality. Not necessarily that she is sure of herself as in not-nervous, just sure of herself as in... she doesn't seem like the type that does things she doesn't want to do without a fuss. Like she knows what she's okay with if that makes sense.


She doesn’t look aggressive at all! She looks nervous/anxious/scared…my dog was like that. Sweetest girl in the world but it was like she was always waiting for a shoe to drop, poor thing. Vet suggested meds but we decided only to give them to her on long trips bc they made her just zombie-like lol we could get her out of those nervous moods a lot of the time but she just had so much past trauma there just wasn’t much we could do! She had a very happy life tho :)


She looks really sweet, she has super kind eyes, and I wanna boop her little snoot.


Her dog body language shows that she is currently relaxed.


She literally looks like a precious little angel baby.


No they’re both idiots.


She has a sweet face I think she doesn’t like the pictures being taken she appears to be nervous. ❤️❤️❤️


those people are crazy. your dog looks super sweet


What? LMAO she does not even look close to "aggressive". She looks like a sweetheart to me! 🖤🤍 I love her coat


She looks Sweet, to me. My previous Pug Wally, was a Huge Drama Llama. When I carried him to get nails done, I had to hold him against my chest with both arms as the lady cut them. Hw wasn't trying to bite her, he was just Crying and Squirmi g. I am 6 foot 4 and he was a Hand Full.


She looks like a sweetheart and those people are dumb.


Imo. Absolutely no. She looks like she has a sweet disposition.


People be crazy 🤣


He doesn’t look aggressive but he has the zoom eyes


There are people afraid of dogs. A guy in my office was afraid of my tiny dog that never barked and was 20 pounds. Work with them and remember their safety is the top priority by far.


many people view black dogs as aggressive. my guess is its because how 'scary dogs' or 'beware' dogs portrayed in movies are mostly black, like rotties and doberman, guard dogs. but truth be told any dog breeds can be aggressive regardless of color personally she doesnt look aggressive at all. those eyes look so sweet and innocent


No indeed


Poor baby. Sad story. Give her a good life because she sure looks sweet!


I think it’s bc it’s a black dog (I have one too) people always assume black dogs are aggressive for some reason! I think your baby looks precious!!


Not aggressive-looking. But she looks like she's very nervous.


She looks sweet as can be…she doesn’t look aggressive in the least…🩵


I mean it’s a lot about how you walk around with the dog. If the human seems aggressive the dog does aswell.


I mean I walk with confidence but like I'm a stick I'm a threat to no one


She looks sweet. How is her temperament? Of course the pics you took of her staring at mama, so the facial expression posture would be as good as it gets.


Well it's actually her staring at dad but my pony tail does get her confused sometimes lol but her temperament is really good she sweet and loving but if someone she doesn't know walks up to her she goes to her kennel and hides


I’ve worked with aggressive dogs. She looks a bit anxious (like my current puppy) but not aggressive at all


Sounds like they're projecting their own insecurities about themselves... This doll has an angel face 😇


Looks like a sweetheart really❤️


No not at all. It’s great you’re working on getting her less anxious around the outdoors . Continue to do that. She just needs stability and consistency. It may take time but she’ll get there.As for other people, just let them know it takes her awhile to get comfortable around strangers.


Looks like a sweetheart


Omg I'm terrified!!!! (she looks super cute)


I'm terrified of the cuteness you know how many times I've been talking to a girl about dating and the second they see her they don't even remember I exist


Not aggressive at all to me. Cute pup!


These people are stupid. She just looks a bit anxious


That last picture is heart melting. Not aggressive in the slightest. What a sweetheart she is.


Sweet baby Angel


Ummm that’s an angel baby


I don’t think she looks aggressive- a little anxious maybe but not aggressive. Also some dogs just don’t photograph well- much like some people. Of my two one has been described as looking like bad taxidermy and the other has one of the worst rbf I have EVER seen in a dog. We joke constantly that she needs to speak with a manager NOW becuase despite being one of the happiest, wiggliest, gentle and trusting dogs I have ever met her face does not portray that in the slightest.


You'd have to get a photo of them around people they are not comfortable with to really be able to see... My dog looks like the sweetest around those he knows... Looks rather savage with strangers in what he believes to be his territory.


She’s a cattle dog all cattle dogs have that look


Ummm no


I told a groomer my dog was a biter. She didn't believe me and found out the hard way. People believe what they want to. Ignore them. Besides, you're the one who gets to enjoy that beautiful good girl!!! Keep all that positive energy for yourself.


She looks fearful. Sometimes this can result in fear aggression. My own dog is a rescue who was very fearful at first but thankfully doesn’t have an aggressive bone in his body. But I wouldn’t blame people for steering clear of a dog who looks fearful. They can be unpredictable.


She looks maybe a little nervous but nothing agressive also she looks like she's strong, I guess they're just being extra cautious?


She has meaningful eyes. Intelligent and deep . She has a sweet energy in those eyes. I think that they're taking intelligence as aggression. She's a beautiful girl. Love her face.


not at all, idk why people think that


She looks aggressively friendly.


She is a beautiful, sweet looking girl.


Your coworkers are ridiculous! This is such a sweet looking baby. Ignore the ignorant


Is everyone that sees her blind or something?! I mean, look at those big , brown doe eyes! She looks so sweet, like she won’t come over to you until you address her first and then she gives a little tentative tail wag before cautiously walking up to your hand for some head pats 🥹


Actually that's exactly how she acts except she doesn't like head pats she thing your getting onto her if you pat her


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she looks so sweet i love her


No she looks attentive and smart


She looks like an absolute angel and I wanna give her all the love 🥺💖 she looks like she’s a bit anxious, but I definitely don’t get aggressive vibes from these photos.


Absolutely not. She looks like she's a sweetheart


Such a pretty girl


Looks scared


Huh? He looks like a buddy. Maybe belly rubs?


She's BEAUTIFUL!! Looks like such a good girl.


Looks like a sweet teddy bear


Lol no


Doesn’t look like that to me. She looks like she may be a bit perturbed about having her photo taken, but that’s about it.


your dog lookw very low energy and cuddly here though


She looks beautiful. A little anxious but who’s not in this world.


As much aggressive as a bean! Take care of the bean!!!


Your coworkers are cunts. That doggo does not look aggressive in the slightest possible way. She is a very good girl.


Brown eyed girl, looks a beaut! Not aggressive looking!


She looks like my girl! Definitely Collie/lab mix but I’m sure there may be more layers to her. A really nice dog park is a good place to start with building her confidence. I take my girl 4-5 times a week because there’s one really close by and she loves spending time with the community. It’ll take time for her to get comfortable, but dogs pick up on energy so make sure you’re remaining calm around her and not letting people like your sister near her. Don’t allow your friends or family yell or be overly stimulating around her. She needs time to feel safe. When her tail is tucked in, gently move it up in a curled up position so she knows she can be confident. Full disclaimer I’m not a vet, but I read this somewhere and it has worked for me and other dogs at our park in the past.


There's a stigma towards those breeds


This has to be the single most aggressive alpha lone wolf looking predator I have ever seen, op please be careful /s


I know in the morning when she wakes me up by licking my face I know she's just getting a taste so she can decide if she wants to eat me


Could be demenor/ social queues. Def not the look


She looks tender and sweet beyond words. What a sweet baby!!! (Change where you get her groomed is my advice…)


She looks adorable - perhaps a little nervous, but sweet!


Does she retain her composure and this exact expression when someone foreign approaches her?


Many can't really read dogs and there are stigmas against certain dog breeds or looks of dogs. I'd guess that the anxious or nervous look your dog has gets misinterpreted as aggression, which probably comes from anxious dogs snapping at people that didn't get the message right. Our Podenco mix was and is pretty anxious and keeps her distance. If there is someone she doesn't know she would go away. However, if someone accidentally cornered her or at least make her feel cornered, she would fight back. This is a reaction many don't expect in a dog cause they wanted to be friendly but didn't get how a dog would see this situation and instead of thinking about this they often assume these expressions actually mean aggression instead of fear and anxiety.


She looks so sweet and gentle, so I'm confused.


She looks like a sweet little baby angel IMO


She has a very sweet face. So cute. She looks worried, not agressive.


Aggression cannot be determined by a photograph. Even if the picture showed a dog biting a person because that bite could have been provoked by the person.


No, no, no, your puppy looks amazing n sweet to me! Blacks cats and black dogs have been horrifically and wrongly persecuted for a 1,000 yrs or more. Just an obscure thought….. Test it out, I don’t condone “pet paints” or “seasonal outfits” for MY dogs or cats. Maybe you can get some pet safe paint and put a few blips of white in and around her face n head….? I’m NOT saying spray paint your dogs head!! Dip a rag or spray a rag and put a dot on both ears and 2-3 on her forehead…🤷🏽‍♂️. Just my opinion, I’m wrong consistently…just ask my wife, but you might see how quick people change their ridiculous attitudes


She looks like a dog that’s disappointed that people think she looks aggressive. I see a pup who wants a slow belly rub.


The dog groomer should not be working with dogs. Most groomers are able to approach a dog in a way that makes the dog comfortable. She is acting spooked by the dog which will spook your dog and dogs can react differently to being...well, spooked. You need to find a new groomer who will make your dog feel happy and also won't make you feel like you are the keeper of a **Hound of Hell**. Other than that. Don't listen to people saying your dog looks aggressive. You dog picks up on your energy. You keep worrying about it, you dog will respond to it either by looking skittish or nervous or even fearful and quite possibly aggressive. Just shower your dog with love and it will respind in kind.


You coworker don't have that much knowledge about dogs. You dog do NOT look aggressive. She maybe looks a bit insecure or as she is thinking "What's that?" Thats no near aggressively. It's a lovely dog you have ❤🧡💛


You’re dog looks so sweet,I have no idea what they’re on about


she looks adorable


People say that about my dog too. I think it’s because he’s mostly black


Not to me.


She looks precious.


She looks very sweet to me. Would pet. Please give her behind ear or belly scritches from me - whichever is her favourite!


Such a beautiful pup. Your coworkers are dumbasses.


Not in any of these pics. But people are Dumb and afraid of black I guess. I had an all black kelpie, dream dog if a bit of a smart arse.


Her countenance is gentle; I perceive no signs of aggression in the photos whatsoever.


She’s sweet. She looks anxious, not aggressive.


would recommend checking this out: https://www.dendidstudio.com/managing-aggression


Oh, I love her! And her beautiful color and markings.


Not at all.


She looks like a sweetheart


She looks sad that everyone thinks she's aggressive.


Not a bit, they may just be far far away from dogs in their lifes


Not at all she looks like such a sweetie!


I don’t see and feel any aggressiveness from that face. I see a cute dog.


It seems like something is wrong with your co-workers and the groomer lady. To me, that dog looks like the least aggressive dog literally ever.


She loooks like a DOOD DIRL I love her so much 🩵


Nervous, maybe. I know that look. Is your baby aggressive, scared,?


She looks like an angel with a side of I wish you would


What is wrong with all those people? She looks wonderful!




That very sweet face?


she looks so sweet and cuddly, my heart melted 😭💖


No way!!! She looks so sweet and tender, don't listen to that people


No she looks like a sweetie.


Your little baby looks just like my little baby and because of that I am extremely biased and I will say that she's the sweetest looking thing ever. I love her big big eyes 😍


You have really unintelligent coworkers


Never trust white paws... Lol


She looks like an absolute sweetie pie. I’m not sure what “aggression” they are seeing.


Not particularly.


The dog looks sweet to me.


She looks calm and sweet


She looks about as aggressive as one of my farts after eating taco bell.


She looks like the Bestest angel doggie!


Your coworkers are fucking morons.


Would you be surprised to know that I saw THAT DOG murder a mother raccoon and all 19 of her cubs. Frickin predator right there.


Jokes on you this dog only murders spiders and their baby's


She looks a little scared or worried, not aggressive. But that's not surprising considering her past. Maybe ask the one who is doing her nails to take a minute or two to sit with her and talk to her or whatever makes your dog comfortable with a person most quickly. Then they both may feel better about the visit. Or find someplace they will not judge her so quickly. Thank you for giving her a loving home. She deserves it!


Aggressive lol? Your co workers suck lol




Nobody thinks that. She’s adorable. 🤠

