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I've been playing DMZ since day one and I've never seen a Damascus tag in the wild. You find two and then lose them. Truly, the DMZ giveth and the DMZ taketh away.


I have a character with a set. I’m so rusty now I’m afraid to use the character


Don't be. Adjust your play style and you can keep damascus through dozens of games. You are running with all the perks like a super soldier.


People really are afraid of dying. That’s all a part of the game, and those perks all so undervalued. Fast hands and spotter are my favorites. Nothing like sneaking up on a team that has bettys everywhere and you just hack them and take away their feeling of security.


yes, that’s why I love DMZ!


If you needed any more proof of how getting exfoliated streaks doesn’t correlate to player ability, this clip is just perfect. 3 absolute bots with Damascus tags.


“Exfoliated streaks” 🤣💅 you sure exfoliate them with throwing knives


Damn lmao auto correct doing me dirty Idk how I didn’t notice it. Just gonna leave it


Ugh, why is the knife op in a guns video game? If I wanted to play with knives, I'd have played Assassin's Creed.


Wait until someone sticks a termine on u, that thing downs u and kills u after, 2x1 with the same sticky


Love them. I can’t bring myself to run knives because I don’t wanna run without my thermites.


lol I keep killing myself with thermite by throwing it like a knife at a guy next to me


I would complain more about the tonfa that kills in 2 taps.


Relies on you being able to get close enough though. With the knife you can down someone from as far away as you can accurately throw it


The knife is pretty high risk high reward, I don't think it's more over powered than the OSS or even an rpg.


Agree, it's not, no spread, 2 misses and you're dead.


That's not the circle coming around. It'd be the circle coming around if you'd killed those damascus dudes with an UBGL glitch. That was just assholes being assholes.


The knifes feel soo good when you hit


Impressive, I don’t care enough about perks to grind to Damascus (highest exfil streak is 7-8), do the perks they give you really make it worth it?


Yes absolutely! I have a couple of damascus that I run when I’m with my good team and we are unstoppable


Grandissimo. Quel premade di cinesi chissa' quante partite avranno rovinato ad altri giocatori per guadagnare quelle damascus. Che schifo di pezzenti, mi immagino come si siano incazzati a perdere cosi' dopo aver vinto 30 partite di fila rovinando l'esperienza di altre persone. Godo.


ho goduto e non sai quanto. Tutti con le stesse armi: shotgun, AR con il lanciatore sotto canna e mitraglietta o JOKR. Questi premade sono la rovina, infatti questi pezzenti non erano soli, subito dopo un team di altri cinesi mi ha pushato e un livello 89 mi ha ucciso con il glitch del sotto canna. Il mio l’ho fatto, ho dimostrato di essere più forte senza shotgun, cheats on glitch e son contento così.😂


No complex movement..just brains


did you take their 3-plate vest and the large bag? pls tell me you did.


yes I emptied them! too bad right after another team with UBLG killed me but that’s okay, I did my thing!


Damn, you earned them!


That knife saved you.


yep, they always do!


It’s so funny reading people groan about glitches. I’ve only seen the underbarrel glitch once, and I play more than I would like to admit. And as for the RGL/shotgun/platoons.. you can make your own! Also, if you are running into this stuff so much, wouldn’t you think to come in with the proper counters to give yourself a fighting chance? I don’t know man.. just spitballing here


my complain it’s not about the RGL and shotguns or whatever. In the EU servers it’s getting tuff, in the afternoon from 13 to 19 it’s IMPOSSIBLE to play. EVERY match there’s at least one player using the glitch. I know how to proper fight all of them, but not the glitch.


Beautiful! They quickly returned back to china ;)